Poetry competition CLOSED 14th October 2014 12:08pm
sektioN8ty (King Sammy)
View Profile Poems by sektioN8ty
RUNNER-UP: johnrot

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International Flavors

poet Anonymous

Poetry Contest

Incorporating English with other language(s) in a poem.
Please write a poem in bi or multi language blend but english must be present.

Topic:  International Flavors

You can think of the theme literally or figuratively it's up to you how you'd like to interpret the topic.  It can be about food, music, culture, experiences, influence, cultural blends...etc.

Poems only, in any style.
Title your work, title must be in english.
Please indicate below your poem the language(s) used.
No word count.
Old or New (no previously won entries)
No limit, enter as many times as you want.
No collab.
2 weeks duration (but may extend)

Dangerous Mind
France 5awards
Joined 12th Jan 2013
Forum Posts: 820

How many languages allowed?
And only new poems?
How many entries allowed?
Nice competition, Vee! Thank you in advance for it!

poet Anonymous

How many do you know Malin?
Go for it, just make sure english is included and it can be old or new, as long as it's not a previous winner.
As many entries as you want.
I will edit the rules section accordingly.

D_Poetic Engineer
Dangerous Mind
United States 40awards
Joined 11th Sep 2012
Forum Posts: 2483

The grammar and spelling check will not work on foreign languages, just a heads-up Vee. Suggest to make an exception.

poet Anonymous

Good point! Thank you Vic and I will omit that part from the rules.

poet Anonymous

You've Changed me (Me Cambiaste)

(With Spanish)

I don't know me since meeting you
but I needed something different
to get me through
and my arms were open along with my heart
without the need to close my eyes

la luna no es obscura
ni bajo como antes
y las estrellas chispan como nunca
no puedo piensar los pensamientos de aller
ahora que tengo mi razon
por manana

the days don't pass into nights
like they used to
without leaving something worthy
in their wake

and now it means something honest
when I speak the cliches
of brighter tomorrows
and living for today

la luna no es obscura
ni bajo como antes
y las estrellas chispan como nunca

no puedo piensar los pensamientos de aller
ahora que tengo mi razon
por manana

because the moon isn't dark or low
like before
and the stars sparkle like they never have
I can't think thoughts of yesterday
now that I have my reason for tomorrow

Tyrant of Words
United States 83awards
Joined 18th Jan 2013
Forum Posts: 325

Naked Moon

sing me your song, Moon.
your sad song, reserved for defeated
soldiers like me, defender of every
sorrow, every lost cause.

there will be no Chanson d’Amour on these
starless nights. I’m done hearing of love, in
French or any language. pleurer tes larmes
comme le vin
, make me drunk and forgetful.

goddess and singular liege of the skies, are
you too imperial, too pure to be loved? do I
come to you to learn how to prevail with that
same emptiness? am I that pitiful?

shine there, vain and omnipotent,
as if you know all my secrets…
how can you be so proud? you have not
even a robe to cover your nakedness.

{French, of course}

poet Anonymous

Miki, thank you so much for starting the comp with your wonderful poem.

John, most certainly it's french..the language of love, thank you for your entry.

Mandla Msibi
Thought Provoker
South Africa 5awards
Joined 29th June 2013
Forum Posts: 92


Impilo yimpi
yesinto sez'ngapakhati kwami
kondwa kunjalo

Im not one to talk about feelings
yet I feel a internation feeling
one that crosses borders
one that is universal to everyone

Is it happiness or sadness
what is the difference really
because both go to the heart

hearts of strangers
hearts of siblings
the heart of the situation

Impilo impi
ngapakhati kwami
My life is no tragedy
but my feelings will be with me for eternity


is worth living
but the emotions,
are they really worth keeping?

(Isizulu is the language)

Dangerous Mind
France 5awards
Joined 12th Jan 2013
Forum Posts: 820

Pantoum about the poem 'Il pleut dans mon cœur', by Paul Verlaine

It rains in my heart
Comme il pleut sur la ville
What is this dark pity
La langueur de mon coeur?

Comme il pleut sur la ville
Feel that tears well up
La langueur de mon coeur
Is a great pain of my body

Feel that tears well up
Mon coeur bat en chamade
Is a great pain of my body
Je sens ma vie se flétrir

Mon coeur bat en chamade
It rains always in my heart
Je sens ma vie se flétrir
What is this dark pity!

(French, of course)

poet Anonymous

Thank you very much Malin and Simon for your great entries :)

Tyrant of Words
United States 34awards
Joined 8th June 2013
Forum Posts: 1625

not sure if this meets any of the topics but this has some Greek and some Norwegian


I speak from the peaks
To the god of war, Ares
You charge onto a field of battle
You cannot hope to win
In a war the blood
Of your blood, for I am your kin

Ópla! Sto Étoimo!
Máchi! Sto thánato!

Violence rages in my veins
Clashing of weapons and thunder is all the same
As demigods form ranks in oblivion
The bolts of Zeus are on the loose
As the Earth Shaker strangles on the noose
Titans take to the world again

Upon the steps of Olympus
Ares did rut with lust
With a war maiden of Hel
Two Pantheons united
On a course set for war
Use the spears as a spit
And roast the bodies on the floor

Våpen! På klar!
Slåssing! Til døden!

I exist beyond Odin’s eye
For I was banished from Asgard in the darkest night
Like the beast, the father of wolves, Fenris
But he, Loki, holding the key
As the thunder gods struggle from their knees
Fimbulwinter comes at last

And in the halls of Valhalla
Behold the eye of Ra
Choking in the serpent’s grasp
Primordial gods fight
Set’s on a course for war
Piles of gathering dead
For this is the end of the world

Weapons! At ready!
Fighting! To the death!

At the end
I stand victorious
On piles of fallen foes
I was born
With the hot crimson blood
Of Ares in my veins


poet Anonymous

Absolutely Hades, the topic is open to one's interpretation, thank you very much for joining the comp.

Tyrant of Words
Joined 10th Oct 2012
Forum Posts: 3645

pretty colors

gringo que sabe demasiado

da fhios níos fearr

morir como lo hizo mi padre
how can i not be reppin the motherland  
beard red and white  
green eyed  
givin others black and blue  
between a big rock  
and a lil glass rose
dilated black
pinpointed pupils  
if it's outta my pants  
she's gettin in a grave
fallas de padre
cold pack  
favorite color is flat stale baby truth  
almost orange shades in bruises  
so it's pale ale and bring back a pint of dark again  
neo natal basement surgeons  
paid in small bills  
hope he ain't busy  
after lunch/life
mom where's john  
me llamo juan david diablo  
crimson rot get up not be a slob cotton mouth  
no flouride dental damn  
no love for nicotine stained neck bite  
yellowed soul  
attempting to bleach back to blanco  
crossroad corner  
freight crate container  
headed back to belfast  
wasted white meat

it's that irish momma might have messed with the dark side,her sista slept  with a mexican real american melting pot type of slang.....

Dangerous Mind
France 5awards
Joined 12th Jan 2013
Forum Posts: 820

Autumn slowness

With coldness and wind, sure, no problem, we are in Autumn
Et le poète Paul Verlaine qui parlait de la langueur monotone
But the weather is beautiful, cooler, the light turning to dark
Cu acești îndrăgostiti îmbrățișându-se, stand pe o banca in parc

Trees are magnificent with their large leaves, dry and colored
Qui tombent doucement en virevoletant sur le sol devenu raide
The two lovers don't watch this spectacle, living between commas
Fascinati unul de altul ei sau înecat unul in privirea celuilalt

Near there, two children play with the dead leaves on the ground
S'habillant de ces feuilles mortes dorées comme des capes blondes
Their great-grand parents are laughing, watching this lovely picture
Strigandu-si bunătatea si sfatul, amintindu-si propia tinerețe

Where is this famous monotonous slowness of Autumn
Où sont alors les sanglots longs des violons de l'automne
I love this season, remembering the music by Antonio Vivaldi
Doar am nevoie sa fiu cu dragostea mea, cu multi pupici


Translation of the French and Romanian verses :

With coldness and wind, sure, no problem, we are in Autumn
And the poet Paul Verlaine who talked about monotonous slowness
But the weather is beautiful, cooler, the light turning to dark
With these lovers, hugging strongly, sitting on a park bench

Trees are magnificent with their large leaves, dry and colored
Which fall down slowly by spining on the ground become stiff
The two lovers don't watch this spectacle, living between commas
Fascinated by each other, their eyes drowned in one of the other

Near there, two children play with the dead leaves on the ground
Dressing with these died leaves as golden blond cloak
Their great-grand parents are laughing, watching this lovely picture
Shouting them kindnesses and advice, remembering their own youth

Where is this famous monotonous slowness of Autumn
Where are then the long sobs of the violins of Autumn
I love this season, remembering the music by Antonio Vivaldi
I just need to be with my love to warm her with many kisses

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