Poetry competition CLOSED 16th August 2014 2:39pm
rainbow_sunshine (Wendy)
View Profile Poems by rainbow_sunshine
RUNNERS-UP: Grace and Atakti

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"Light" or "Darkness"?

poet Anonymous

RalfTheNose said:http://1.bp.blogspot.com/-IQY7LROQORI/T5CoOrmYaYI/AAAAAAAAAlQ/brF6ouK0DKg/s1600/fire+fly.jpg

Firefly, Firefly
Come find me this night
Lighten my soul, as I drift toward dark
Your song, like a siren, I promise to hear

Firefly, Firefly
Bring me your light, I'll hearken your call
Give me your strength to break free from my chains
A kiss from your lips, will cut my last tie
Together we'll dance, frolic & FLY
No boundaries to stop us
No dream too surreal

Firefly, Firefly
I sense that you're near; smell your desire
Know that you want me; achingly so
Ethereal, ever closer; you hover above
Till suddenly in me, stealing me way
Then tearing my flesh, as you sink deeper still

Firefly, Firefly
What have you done?
My wounds are still open; I'm not ready to wake
Why must you go as the sun starts to break?

This dawn's a new day, yet I'm naked and cold
Never so dead, in the whole of my life
An addict, I long you
Wishing for night, whence you'll come again
Impatient I call you, well before dark
Firefly, Firefly
Come find me NOW
Don't care that you rip me; searing my soul
I need your caress, your fake sense of warmth
You've stolen way mine, yours all I have left

Ralf, this was written April 2012 on an adult site.
Can you verify ownership?

Twisted Dreamer
Joined 7th Aug 2014
Forum Posts: 72

It's an old blogger website of mine I haven't posted on in quite sometime.  It is also posted on my blogger account ramblingsfrommytyper.blogspot.com.  

I guess you could email the webhost, and I could reply to you.  Or...what verification would you like?

Ralf, by another name is Rafa or Rafael. I answer to all.  Just don't call me Rafi...that's reserved for ma' mister

poet Anonymous

You're good, Ralf. TY

Twisted Dreamer
Joined 7th Aug 2014
Forum Posts: 72

Yes, Holly, I am...deliciously so (Or, uhmmm...so says the mischievous Tom to the ass that bit 'im) YUMMY!!

The literate one
Lost Thinker
Australia 1awards
Joined 11th July 2014
Forum Posts: 78

Good entries everyone

Tyrant of Words
Joined 25th Aug 2011
Forum Posts: 17124

Thank you so much for the mention. Im honoured.:)awesome entry Wendy. Congratulations for winning and Atakti too.

The literate one
Lost Thinker
Australia 1awards
Joined 11th July 2014
Forum Posts: 78

Thank you everyone for your entries

Tyrant of Words
Joined 1st Aug 2012
Forum Posts: 3273

Many thanks for the nod. Congrats to the winner, and well done, Grace!

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