Poetry competition CLOSED 5th August 2014 11:26pm
View Profile Poems by LizB

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Morbid & True

Dangerous Mind
United States 14awards
Joined 25th Jan 2013
Forum Posts: 1260

___________________"Can't say who but......."

This smiling terd must be crushed and dissolved in Acid.
And then fed to the family that brought him into this World!

I know he hides secrets!  Trying to launder money through his
worthless and useless schemes.  If it wasn't for the fact of the
corrupt cops propping him up he would blow away like a sand storm!
Hit by a Nuclear Bomb gone up in fervent themes.

I guess this assholes a necessary evil to a World already full of fools.
Don't worry its nobody here...  Just somebody down the road I sadly

Thought Provoker
United Kingdom
Joined 30th June 2010
Forum Posts: 88

Profile of a twisted woman

Come hither you harlot, you poisonous bitch,
Come sit with me and feast your eyes upon this.
This thing you see glistening within my grasp,
Will surely frighten the soul from your gasp.

Once upon a time I was in the darkness you see,
And decided it was time for others to plea.
The people who hurt me or tormented my mind,
Didn’t understand me, they were so blind.

I took it upon myself to sort them out,
Tore out their hearts to leave them without.
Breathless and cold I branded them liars,
Cut at their flesh then set them on fire.

The moral of the story seems terribly unfair,
Do you see in my face that i no longer care?!
Do you see now that my mind is fucked up?!
Do you see from my scars that my life is fucked up?!

Anyway,that's the end of my story.


Thought Provoker
United Kingdom
Joined 30th June 2010
Forum Posts: 88

Sweet Phial

Writhing in agony
your lips become blue
you're breathing blood now
you'll be drowning soon

My opalescent phial
holds a delicate poison you see
in the depths of deaths slumber
it waits to feed

Coursing through your veins
and seeping into your lungs
I hold you to my heart so close
knowing you're my first

Choking out your final breath
I'm enjoying your violent death
in my shadow I see a sinister smile
my bat like wings torn from the fire

In hell you rest for all your lies
your tangible lust discovered by I
my sweet poison was your demise
by my hand it was your turn to die

Lost Thinker
Joined 16th July 2014
Forum Posts: 12

"Affection Seeker"

You start to run before they’ve even thrown the bone,
And resignedly kneel when they bring out the stick,
Your claws and fangs are neatly filed and trimmed,
Your shiny coat well combed over your aching skin.
Well aren’t you the perfect household pet?
Your conscience is darkened by many a dirty deed
But the slightest caress can clean up this mess
And for as little as a hug
You’d even confess
To a necrophilic pedophilic rape.
No need to conclude your masquerades
By taking a bow on their creaky stage
Why even if you wanted to
I wouldn’t assert
That you could ever stoop any lower.
I’d take a good look at your face
Wipe off that smile they made you wear
Maybe figure out your skull’s real structure
But sadly I’m all out of paint thinner.
I’d call you a whore
But whores only sell their own bodies,
While you could trade your mother’s spleen
For bits and crumbs to fill your need
For paper mâché love and care.
Your twisted blackened tongue reeks
Of the fermented shit
Of all the asses you’ve licked,
Laced with the fetor of the lies
They’ve shoved down your throat.
Don’t bother with the Listerine,
I think the stench seeped inches deep
And took care of what little was left
Of your poor, vacillating consciousness.
Oh even those cold iron bars
At the door of your cushioned white cell
Won’t hide the width of their smile
As they count their blessings
For having you as their bitch.
But you know what?
I’m pretty sure that
Their little pat on your back
Has made it all worth it.

Myasia B. Bursey
Strange Creature
United States
Joined 31st July 2014
Forum Posts: 4

How could you hurt me this way? You kiss me then leave our love to decay. Well guess what I hope you rot in hell, I'll smile with delight from your screams and rotten smell. Oh my Love how I cherished you once, and now I realize you are nothing but a dunce. I would say fuck you but I have no fucks to give.
I want to bring you behind my curtain of formaldehyde, I'd skin you but first start from the inside. Your heart, I will finally have. The incision my decision of poor taste. Your cavity I will finally erase and fill it with your intestines. Cause that's where your shit truly belongs, in the cavity where your so called heart lays.
(Yeah, I guess I am a real schizophrenic Psycho)
But don't brag about the other lovers you had, cause you know all it will do is make me mad.
I am not your pet, you are no vampire. You wanna-be Goth. Insanity is all I got.

Thought Provoker
United Kingdom
Joined 30th June 2010
Forum Posts: 88

May I ask, who won this competition? Also, congratulations to whoever won :)

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