Poetry competition CLOSED 11th October 2013 00:27am
diddi (StephenPaul Summerscales)
View Profile Poems by diddi
RUNNER-UP: lepperochan

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poet Anonymous

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Lost Thinker
Joined 11th Jan 2013
Forum Posts: 5

Flatland THERAPY
Thirty one birds sit on a line  
Two towers stand tall  
Now you see it, now you don't!  
I'm no rider on a white horse here  
Riding out from the clouds  
Or who knows where!  
Be realistic, nothing special here.  
Let go of the toxic strains tendrilling wild  
Never fucking said or implied anything, so stop expecting!  
Seems you need some medical stimulation, three choices:  
Electro, pills or therapy. Six more drops and all's ok.  
Oh, she's spitting mad.  
Got no more energy for wooing and cooing high-maintenance  
Prefer low-budget alternatives.  
She calls me the reincarnated king of whirlpools.  
Want to lie low. Spent ten years in bed  
After a drug-induced major nervous breakdown  
Felt so downhearted and alone, asked my pal  
Who knew EXACTLY what it meant, straight way!  
Sitting at a bar counter, having a hand-rolled ciggie  
And a quart of milk stout, I learn happiness is elusive.  
Never felt more alone....and cold. So disillusioning.  
And I don't wanna be bothered.  
I told a complete stranger without a face or identity my innermost secrets  
That's not very clever. But, it's no biggie.  
I don't seek your sympathy, but I reveal  
I feel culpable, because I'm almost cheating on my girl.  
My first conquest was Porra, a great lover  
But unbearably and madly jealous!  
A semi olive-skinned Spaniard, with morning spirit  
That's beauty - the kind that attracts me.  
Then, Olga was in her twilight, yet felt in the game of life  
A couple more weeks of recup and we see what rewards  
She had a heart attack, but not yet out of commission  
Thanks to the gods for the invention of the electric blanket!  
Will she understand if she catches me out?  
Don't fear your underhand exploits, psychologist placates  
Can't hide my unbearable lust for olive creatures  
With my IQ over 150, I am a wicked, discerning german connoisseur.  
A mad scientist in a lab, trying to fix my broken dreams
Silently muttering odd spatterings of poetry to himself  
Impregnated a young, nubile maid  
It's my near-best act, left me with a tiny tot.  
The unconditional love of a small child and the special bond  
and love you feel for them  
and the responsibility you have towards them,  
is very important.  
Finally. Tedious but strangely therapeutic task completed  
Now I stand back and admire the fruits of my labour.  
Got a ridiculously full day today, believe it  
Must get busy now, must FLY!  
Well said, but heart knowledge it should be  
Rather than head knowledge.

(thank you, Anushka. cool comp!)

Strange Creature
Joined 4th Oct 2013
Forum Posts: 1

Married men
How would you like me
To entertain you
I can be a sounding board
For your whispers
I know
You've been having fantasies
about the way I taste
Writing to me
About the unspeakable things
you want to do to me
Things you've never done before
With me or anyone else

Married men
I met you before
You met your other half
You met me when you were still
free and virile
Waking me up
in the middle of the night
To play
Now your sex is dead
Your love lasts
For her and
Your lust lingers
For me
And The Things we never did
The Things you can't do

In your dreams
I'm still as hot
as when we first met
As young
as when we last touched
As lubricated
as when we first fucked
If we ever got around
To fucking

In your dreams
I was loving what you did to me
I was moaning with pleasure
You were so good
I tasted better than you imagined
Better because
You still have not tasted me
My juices
Are a spring you've never visited

In your dreams
We were in places you've never been before
I was here.
In my bed
I haven't dreamt about you
In years
I haven't dreamt about a man
In months

I've larked
On starry rooftop nights
And mornings to myself
I've spilled over
Onto soaked sheets
Onto walks till sunrise
I've succumbed
To ravaged lips
Hot darkness
Passing secrets
And pillow talk

Married men
You talk of meeting in another country
Far enough so she doesn't know
You talk of how we'd find each other
The games we'd play
Where neither of us speak
Hide and seek
The places we'd visit
You want to fuck me
Again and again
Then take a break
And fuck me again

Married men
My nights are mine
My days are mine
There's really no reason
why I should still be on your mind

hear it: https://soundcloud.com/blossomingsilence/married-men

Darker Half
Dangerous Mind
Belize 30awards
Joined 5th Dec 2012
Forum Posts: 1483

You seriously, couldn't be serious


Don't make me laugh,
I want all of you,
not only half.

You gotta be,
shitting me.
Do I look dumb
to you?
Do you think you're
soo fucking smart?

Here's the 'finger',
for your delusions.
Stick it up where the sun,
doesn't give radiation.

Your sick in your mind,
and probably have shit
for brains.
I'm not your slave,
you idiot.
Tie yourself with your
own chain.

Oh you forgot,
the location of the keys.
That's not my problem,
you see.

You aren't the first.
You aren't the last.
So do me a big favor,
and take your head out
your ass.

I confessed
that I truly felt.
You laughed,
and asked if I wouldn't mind...

You are just a complete idiot.
I'm more in disbelief,
than furious.
I would have never thought you'd
say some thing like that!!
You seriously, couldn't be serious...

Dangerous Mind
United States 14awards
Joined 31st May 2013
Forum Posts: 656

"Hall of Sorrows"

A dark hallway of broken dreams
The murals on the walls changing
Fading, moving, like a motion picture
Kaleidoscopic when I grow dizzy
Head spinning so fast I feel crazy

A hazy image of child pornography
Perhaps a manifestation of mind
Derived from tales I had been told  
Of being cleaned below like a puppy
As a baby, and I find it revolting

Random objects litter the floor
Things that were taken from me
A Shirley Temple movie collection
Stuffed animals here and there
Old relics from childhood everywhere

Noises come soaking through the walls
Like the tears that stained my pillows
When I cried myself to sleep at night
Feeling useless and afraid of him
When he blew up over a silly whim

Blood drips faintly from the ceiling
It's my own crimson, self inflicted
A past addiction in replay before me
A trigger-happy feeling creeps on
Desire to revisit the knife I'd overcome  

Broken glass in a smashed heap
Forming the shape of a red heart
From the times I shattered to pieces
I touch the memory and it comes alive
A vital, beating heart thumps a count of five

A stench like death itches my nose
Dead bodies of favored cats I lost
Some whole litters or scattered loners
A crazy cat lady's worst despair
To come to feed and a cat not be there

I trudge through the hall of sorrow
Trying to block out the reminiscing
I can't stop them from flooding me
Filling my mind with ache and pain
Opening old scars on a horrid memory lane

I become a ghost, floating and fading
Drifting slowly into nothingness
Consumed by the revival of heartache
Then I come upon the door out of here
Fumble at the knob nearly in tears

And I finally drift off to sleep

poet Anonymous


When the lights run out,
when all my nakedness
wraps itself in moon shine  
and I am dust in this town,
I remember the value of  
and the pin-prick walls
hallowed by June's sweet eve
pay homage to the ghosts
that dance, in memory
from one breath to the next-
if only to honour the air.  
I hear my heart beat blood
to the twilight parts
that shiver; in constant bend
towards brittle truths
I starve of myself
as I question
how I lay here most nights
and wait for the dance
to begin; and distance
is quashed into small seconds
if dreamed
if spared. 

poet Anonymous

All The Actors Want To Play Hamlet (Double Sonnet)

All the actor's want to play Hamlet.
Where upon a stage on which to perform
The dramatic masterpiece of all literature.
They all have not exactly seen their father's death,
They all have never spoken to ghosts,
Nor seen their lover, Ophelia, drown, dying in scarlet.
Yet this is a theater where thought becomes act.
They all have not matched skill and swordplay,
And die from poison, rapier to rapier.
When that grand stage curtain descends,
They all sing Hamlet's soliloquy.
From Shakespeare's gorgeous fur coat,
In the most famed theater the purple ink
Of Shakespeare, ever wrote.

Yet all the actors want to play Hamlet
Because it is this deep melancholy like
It is for all actors to suffer that they are
Willing to stand by an open grave
With death's skull in hand and then speak
Philosophy, sharp, beautiful words
This is the substance that calls and calls
To all actors blood because the acting
Is to the actor, not to the audience.
They all are acting when they speak
These golden lines, the devil charmer,
Dancer, coiner of sweet words, and they
Know it is acting to be famous and delirious,
Yet still, all the actors want to play Hamlet!

- O.Rex

Strange Creature
Joined 12th Aug 2013
Forum Posts: 6

not my best but at the time I think it is

I throwback Jager
Flesh I must have some but none for later
Passing party favors to all ya neighbors
A cannibal in the work of mystic wizardry
Whose reading this seriously feeling me
Where I rest is not home
Dark ball wax walls and a ceiling that's a dome
Is where I reside in
The sky is never ending whirlwinds
Hurdling over planets
So I'm pretty sure I can crush you in the palm of my hand bitch
Stamina that matches a tarantula
And if I ever get stepped on
I will turn into the almighty God
Make you crawl over the burning asphalt, shit
This is what you asked for
A demon in its final form
I could tell ya whose next to do the bombing
But to be honest
That's info the weak folk must not know
Trap you in a pine box no peep holes its sealed closed
Locked myself behind a cellar door
Waiting for hell and more got hell a bored
I have the will break the necks of
Anything that slithers like a snake that's a heads up
I would grab you and squeeze until your pores bleed
I never let up
Jedi mind
Plus I got a million lives have not wasted one
Ancient still not aged a bit and I been here since time begun
The verbal Ebola
My presence alone would hurt culture
With the inner beast to go blood like soft drinks
Perfectly obsolete
Speed agility and never really breath
Half being that can imitate a zombie
Gods inside me limitless
My brain picture the image less
Its not hard to tell we are different
My sixth sense is omniscient
The only living Magician to clone women
I'm No Gimmick
Manipulate the earth you're on in one sentence
Tampered with damn words til' I made the fourth dimension
Everyday I invent, the killer effect
No disrespect, I don't like mankind

Tyrant of Words
United States 29awards
Joined 14th Aug 2011
Forum Posts: 1541

"3 Seeds"

Young ones look up to us with learning eyes each day as they grow
Teach your children how to feel and everything that you know
About love and self-esteem and what you reap you sow
Parents who express no love raise their children down so low
Once planted in a heart, the seeds of hatred sprout then grow
Pride injects a high, like drugs, through veins where it can flow
To desire more, then crash from withdrawal addicts come to know
Three seeds of prejudice raise your spirit down so low
From the depths once descended exploring new levels to exceed
Is there nowhere inside their souls unconsumed by material need?
Hypocrites utter deception, telling half-truths designed to mislead
Said so many times even they believe in the lies that plant the seed
Corporate owners seem to have forgotten the slaves were freed
Robbing retirement funds to stuff their overwhelming greed
Keeping down the poor to maintain their status as the richest breed
Who refuse to admit the pecuniary progress they impede
Zealots point fingers and label "immoral", hearts that bleed
And proclaim God as a charter member of their creed
They hunger for power over fearful faithful they can lead
With a grip on their flock that strangles credence like a weed
Cowled cowards twisting scripture till they feel sanctified
Planting the tree grown for the cross, burned to become purified
But there's another fire eager to see how far down they can slide
Where the fallen one would rise to lead them to unholy deicide
Seduced by fear, bathed in greed and gorged the flesh with pride
Will they embrace all three until they've cast their souls aside?
Will God look back at the end of man and see the hate of genocide?
The first thing God did not create, the only thing that never died
The rainbow in their love filled lives kept them on the outside
Don't ask, don't tell the truth, there are rules to abide
Homophobia in fox holes is not morally justified
Love feels no conflicting virtues that ever could collide
Weak hearts are overcome when they feel a darkness drawing near
Listening to the movement beating war drums within each ear
Quiet those thoughts and open the mind to a silence all can hear
Look inside the heart for the courage to quell this secret fear
Eyes held closed to painful sights shed not a single tear
When they open up their eyes the truth becomes so clear
Mesmerized by powerphiles like headlights to a deer
In darkness till they will admit every human is their peer
Search within thick forests for three seeds that grew three shady trees
Knock on their wood to hear three names carried on the breeze
Hear the quiver of terror, glory and desire shaking the greener leaves
See spring saplings and perceive the grand design that hatred weaves
Time marches ever onward forming new circles in the wood
Branching out lines surrounding rings where only one once stood
Lines drawn in circles that separate where colors never could
While one more family tree draws cryptic bloodlines in the hood
The high and mighty tree grows taller with each passing year
The weight of its own branches make it hard to persevere
Until its hollow trunk caves in making way for freedoms true frontier
The first steps toward the promised land must begin right here

(JJ Johnson)

Dangerous Mind
United States 14awards
Joined 25th Jan 2013
Forum Posts: 1260

"Based on someone I still know" : incalculable measurement

Didn't know if he was a good man or a
bad man in the whole scheme of thing's.  
Never showing fear in the former life he led.
Dealing with his Mafia Associates in the most
professional of style.  Paying his way through
school.  While having the most diabolical of
surgically accurate minds.  Leaving no stone
upturned or to chance.  Not even flinching
when questioned by the police.  Making each
hit and disposal of those remains in the
highly calculative manner accustomed towards
his trade craft.

Even giving advice to attorney's that worked
for the association he was a part of.  
Regarding their personal situations that were
seemingly overwhelming towards them at that time.
 A think tank, assassin, scholar, and depths
to which comprehension may be an uncertain an
incalculable measurement of any degree.    

Twisted Dreamer
United States 1awards
Joined 28th June 2013
Forum Posts: 190

What is Love?

The throbbing of my broken heart,
now shackled and locked away,
I can hear much louder,
through the night,
than words we never say.
As empty kisses turn to dust
and fall against my skin,
I pray that I might find
the strength to fall in love again.
Abandoned innocence,
stripped away,
dumped on the floor.
In the dirt, I bury hope
that love leaves unlocked doors.
I am embraced,
though never adored,
yet to be made whole.
My tears can wipe themselves away,
but I must save my soul.
Bare feet, run, lead me home, where I am Mother’s child,
And toward the pale rose sunset.If broken wings may carry dreams, and carry me to sleep,take me far away from love and tell me what it means.

Fire of Insight
United States 4awards
Joined 24th Sep 2013
Forum Posts: 298

summultima said:[quote-233153-Anuskha_sharma]You are allowed to post only one poem


I could count many previous comps stating the same theme...just to say, a recent comp. "Your Style" was there...but anyways, am not against this comp. as there are many posts already.

This is just for attention, so that repetitions of comp. could be avoided! What say?[/quote]

New ideas are continually written,
so continued opportunity can be graciously given.
...I remember in little league when everyone got trophies.
Some read "Participation" others must have read "Go beat up Stupid."

Fire of Insight
United States 4awards
Joined 24th Sep 2013
Forum Posts: 298

summultima said:[quote-233153-Anuskha_sharma]You are allowed to post only one poem


I could count many previous comps stating the same theme...just to say, a recent comp. "Your Style" was there...but anyways, am not against this comp. as there are many posts already.

This is just for attention, so that repetitions of comp. could be avoided! What say?[/quote]

New ideas are continually written,
so continued opportunity can be graciously given.
...I remember in little league when everyone got trophies.
Some read "Participation" others must have read "Go beat up Stupid."

Thought Provoker
United States 6awards
Joined 6th Dec 2012
Forum Posts: 143


Where do I reside?
Frozen in time
By the willows that shadow
Over my mind
Hear as I speak humble words
To angels above
To lift this burden
But the path I walk,
It's dark and it follows me
Yesterday never ended
So today is a false reality?
I cannot escape
I cannot run
I cannot think here
This is no fun
Horrors grip me
From all angles
I swat with my hands
Hoping to be released
by these angels
There is no haven here
I live here in fear
Where can one hide?
When he can't shed a tear
An abyss of the mind
An abyss of time
Forever in darkness
Way out of line
It takes over me
     It begins to take root
   It conquers my being
          And what's left my good
Transform and revolt
I now need to amend
For the darkness has taken me
Oh yet again
I hear no evil
I see nothing good
I know nothing's real here
I'm just misunderstood

Utmakalitho Petragammata
Fire of Insight
United States 5awards
Joined 2nd June 2011
Forum Posts: 655

No More Tragedies (The 42nd Sunset)

Waiting along this beaten road and I’m told
I must walk it if I’m to justify
My life, but I’d rather cross it
See what’s waiting like me on the otherside

Sometimes I find myself twisting without warning
Sometimes I find that I’m a slave to my heart
If I took the time to sober up this morning
I’d find a bigger piece of me is playing that part

But right now I’m addicted to six senses
And I don’t know if I can keep living like this
There’s no reason, no feeling, nothing that sticks
But I suppose there’s a reason they call it a slip

Bound, gagged, chained, oh my hands and feet and
Mind, bad things always come in threes
I’m taking my time to find serenity
So never again will myself I deceive

Voices of reason
Oh how you speak to me

Somewhere over bright horizons
Is a better life or so it seems
Now if I could only decide
To look or let this thing come find me

Sometimes I’m blind, I forget to open my eyes
Sometimes I’m guilty of the same fault in my mind
But always I hear music in the cries of the night
Save your light, the vibrating scene will be mine

At one time I was afraid of myself
And it seemed the picture was painting me
I kept one thing from that time, let me tell
I will not be slave to the things I’m inclined to see

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