Poetry competition CLOSED 11th October 2013 12:04pm
View Profile Poems by Abracadabra
RUNNERS-UP: lanooz and RevolutionAL

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Dangerous Mind
India 34awards
Joined 3rd Feb 2012
Forum Posts: 1408

Poetry Contest

what it means to you?

It's more a spiritual and mental feeling for me..marriage of the minds, marriage of the ideas, marriage of the principles...
What does it mean to you? Is it a meaningless proposition, Is it more a ritualistic tradition..or like once my psychiatrist opined," Its more a merging of securities in terms of properties , a social alliance".  Whatever!

Tell it in your own words.
Succinct & poetic.(any form)
200 words limit.
One entry per Poet;

Looking forward to your posts..

Thought Provoker
Joined 17th Sep 2013
Forum Posts: 39

the last place

I awoke and you were there.
the morning sky an ephemeral slap in the face
with your kiss on my forehead  - you were gone.

I fell asleep and you were there.
the rise and fall of your chest
was the rise and fall of my ego
and when I awoke- you were there.

one hour past twilight and you were gone.
you all were gone.
the silence scraping my veins and memory clean of all hatred.
I wished you dead as sterile gated stairs led to your absence.

I've never loved you and now I do.
I wait in the tiniest of hallways for you to turn the corner
I will lock our door.
I always want you here with no more sending away.

It is not about the tiny footprints or washed walls -
in the last breath - my last breath into you
my life force in air and fluid transduced through an open lip kiss
will be cracked and dry in my own mouth in a matter of hours

only you have that place here
where you kiss my iced forehead as I'm prepared for decay.
We've had a life between these goings, now staying.

poet Anonymous



Even in this modern world
There are those of us who
Come from ethnic groups
Where one must marry

When I was in my college years
I studied very hard
However love eluded me
I graduated with many degrees

That impressed no-one in my crowd
I was the wallflower and very proud
For I wanted to be Madame Curie
Religious family would not let me

So I married a man who had Dr. before his name
Even better, he came from a family
That had influence and money
Turned out to be a nightmare, but that is another story.

105 words

Thought Provoker
Joined 28th June 2012
Forum Posts: 58

Inspired by Ecclesiastes 4:9-11

Two are better than one,
when it comes to
falling down and needing
a hand to help you up
Two is better than one
when you need help
with anything at all
and when it comes
to laying down if
you have two
who have promised
to be true
you will never be cold

Strange Creature
Joined 25th Mar 2013
Forum Posts: 5

Marriage is a verb,
Its essence is in you serving (and saving) the other
And the Other serving (and saving) you,
In the realm of;
Obedience and
If you manage the former you are better,
Because then you will achieve the latter.

Thought Provoker
United States 2awards
Joined 15th Sep 2012
Forum Posts: 46

I was an absent opinion when it came to decisions for my life.
My age, my job, it all was new.
My future turned into 20 years with you...

One day I took the test - it read "positive" in the pink.
You told your lovely parents and from there I could not think.
They decided for us.
They made sure what we would do.
They led us in their certainty to a place of such obscurity.

Each year was an engagement into competition for my place.
I kissed your mothers ass for what?
So she could still be fake.
I began to hate you,
so slowly , yet alive.
After years of being a mole,
I had to just decide..

If I was going to mend the pieces
of what was left for me to find,
I would have to give a reason
as to what was on my mind...

Your cheating
Your lying
Your absence
Your drugs
Should I tell them more?
I don't see a reason to do this anymore-

A marriage to me was a curse out of need-
a mistake I should have never allowed.
All illusions just ruined from the child hood dream.                                          
The years I abandon from talking about.

Twisted Dreamer
United States 14awards
Joined 21st July 2012
Forum Posts: 240


How can that word be uttered in a room
filled with hate and betrayal when it was
I who said I would never do it unless I was
one hundred percent sure of the results
and as of right now I can't say we're ready
for anything but failure and maybe a little
happiness in the beginning like every other
relationship before it goes stale and the
word marriage really begins to have a

No more relying on sex to cover up the lack
of communication, those days have passed,
now you really need that tongue to say what
you really mean but what you really mean
can no longer be disguised by her now average
body laying next to you wanting to talk about
the life you chose together but all you want to
do is get away for a second to go outside and

Days, weeks, months and of course years pass
and she stays glued to your hip, she renames
you dear for your friends to know the name
tattood on her shoulder is taken forevermore,
and you call foul but it's denied for she owns the
rights to your everyday extracurricular activities
and what do you do, instead of growing up and
realizing that forever is to be taken seriously, you
take her for granted and before you know it
papers are sent to your door requiring a signature.

Tyrant of Words
Kiribati 21awards
Joined 13th Nov 2009
Forum Posts: 3559


Angels know everything
so as sure as gravity
the little plastic fellow
who pooped on our wedding cake
must have realised
how things would pan out

All these years
she'd coddled him faithfully
cocooned in white muslin
safe in her bottom drawer
just waiting
for his date with the bin
until landfill
the final resting place
after the divorce

So if you ever see a gull
with a halo
at least you'll know
there's no use dreaming
about love eternal
or that lie
of for better or for worse

Dangerous Mind
India 34awards
Joined 3rd Feb 2012
Forum Posts: 1408

Differing POVs & emotions let out! thank you for wonderful entries
peacebeuntoyou (your unique way of story  telling verses, like that always with pics to add),
catlady (that concept of two was short n well-put!),
trouble8me ( free verses, v.emotive!)
lanooz, wow! would like to read you more ..I like your uninhibited flowing style & the formatting!
And, Abra! wow, nice to see you here my fav poet..in your usual style..that punch of last stanza, loved it!

KEEP up the coming ppl!  your intense outburst or sarcasm or any stark POV on the title...
make me feel your verses:|

Dangerous Mind
India 34awards
Joined 3rd Feb 2012
Forum Posts: 1408

Manzole, your poetic statement entry is well-received.
thanxx for being here:|

Dangerous Mind
India 34awards
Joined 3rd Feb 2012
Forum Posts: 1408

WhatIUsedToBe, a rounded-write,painfilled,heartfelt n the wait inspite of all ...nice try!
thanxx for the post.

poet Anonymous

Dearly beloved

I sat and pondered many years
wondering if you'd take the time to notice
the woman in your bed who catered your needs
cooking, cleaning, bearing couple of kids
pretending the little blonde didn't exist
along with your secret phone for sex-texting
while choking on tears with my sad smile
dissimulating everything as perfectly nice  

You gallivanted all over town
making new friends, all day you disappeared
telling me you're working, too busy to call in
while the kids and I formed our little bond
you missed many golden moments
while they were growing up
watching parents at basketball games
cheering the kids with a peck and a kiss
longingly I wished I was with my man
to lean on his shoulder and feel my best friend  

Years later the love has turned bitter
wasted years on ungrateful people
our home empty, furniture all gone
the house is up for sale, no one's around
children moved on, so have I
you sit in a hollow house
with our ghosts of yesterday
waiting to die as a lonely man
I wonder who will be there
to hold your hand
when you take your last breath
and ask for forgiveness  

(199 words)

Lost Thinker
United States 1awards
Joined 25th Aug 2013
Forum Posts: 23


Two hearts become one
Two lives intertwined forever
Happiness and joys
Pain and heartache
A choice to love
Passionate and deep
Forever together
Side by side to face life
hand in hand
Over mountains
Thoughts valleys
Into forests of confusion
Or pain
Trust and forgiveness
Only together is there strength
Success is made together
Through perseverance
And love
Mingled with precious memories
Our lifetime blessed

Twisted Dreamer
United States
Joined 16th Sep 2013
Forum Posts: 57

Look at the video to get a feeling for my words.
My poem can be seen in the video


Utmakalitho Petragammata
Fire of Insight
United States 5awards
Joined 2nd June 2011
Forum Posts: 655

Marriage is the coinciding of two kindred souls
Whether they be face to face or never to be known
It is the resonance of love that sometimes can be seen
Not on that wicked finger, no, energy is that ring

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