Landmark verse

Poetry Contest Description
Write a poem on a landmark of your country,that you think your nation is proud of
My lover and I drove the CABOT TRAIL
A little piece of heaven on earth
A magnificent loop drive with spectacular scenery
Not for the faint of heart...the road can change precipitously
One wrong move can land you in the sea
A photographer's paradise, many places to stop and click
To recover from an S curve and change driving partners
The sheer height had us reeling as we looked down to the Atlantic
When we looked up - the blue sky never ended
We drove it in one day - but we were young and hardy
Every time we took a curve, our lives flashed fast
I have never had a similar high that would last and last and last
The winding roads, the fishing towns, the rocky cliffs, the rolling hills - all had sounds
A moose, a bird, motorcycles ahead, waves lapping against the rock -made us notice the scents
The clean clean air - hurt to breath it, piney and windy, sea air at its best
The best eight hours of my life...finished with the KELTIC LODGE surrounded by many flowers
I hoped to see Puffins...but they were nowhere to be found
I hope my lover would say he LOVED me...but he said no such thing
As we made love..... the winds shouted wildly
He does not love you, the wind did the wind know before I
I had gone so close to the edge, I almost fell, as I lost my balance
It was not on the Cabot Trail - it was my infatuation with this man
I lost my heart on the Cabot Trail...vowed never to lose it again
The Cabot Trail is a highway and scenic roadway in the Canadian province of Nova Scotia.
My lover and I drove the CABOT TRAIL
A little piece of heaven on earth
A magnificent loop drive with spectacular scenery
Not for the faint of heart...the road can change precipitously
One wrong move can land you in the sea
A photographer's paradise, many places to stop and click
To recover from an S curve and change driving partners
The sheer height had us reeling as we looked down to the Atlantic
When we looked up - the blue sky never ended
We drove it in one day - but we were young and hardy
Every time we took a curve, our lives flashed fast
I have never had a similar high that would last and last and last
The winding roads, the fishing towns, the rocky cliffs, the rolling hills - all had sounds
A moose, a bird, motorcycles ahead, waves lapping against the rock -made us notice the scents
The clean clean air - hurt to breath it, piney and windy, sea air at its best
The best eight hours of my life...finished with the KELTIC LODGE surrounded by many flowers
I hoped to see Puffins...but they were nowhere to be found
I hope my lover would say he LOVED me...but he said no such thing
As we made love..... the winds shouted wildly
He does not love you, the wind did the wind know before I
I had gone so close to the edge, I almost fell, as I lost my balance
It was not on the Cabot Trail - it was my infatuation with this man
I lost my heart on the Cabot Trail...vowed never to lose it again
The Cabot Trail is a highway and scenic roadway in the Canadian province of Nova Scotia.
Joined 12th Jan 2013
Forum Posts: 820
Dangerous Mind

Forum Posts: 820
TGV High Speed Train, Cupid's Arrow
Silver arrow speeds through the forest in the morning
When the frost freezes the grass in the large fields
Dash between the cities, carrying the sweet lovers
Far away by necessity, carrying the business workers
Noisy arrow must take care the watching passers-by
Who are often the passengers in this train of future
The cities have never been so close for the lovers
Their sweetheart waits at arrival of breathless train
Speedy arrow in soft landscape it crosses galloping
As a horse driven by it horseman stressed for time
While inside, lovers, asleep, wait to live intensely
The return to the arms of their impatient sweetheart
Arrow whose our romantic country is proud to have
Dreamt, designed, built, measured, dressed, paint...
And across Europe and is now found everywhere
To carry gently and quickly the distraught lovers
TGV High Speed Train, Cupid's Arrow
Silver arrow speeds through the forest in the morning
When the frost freezes the grass in the large fields
Dash between the cities, carrying the sweet lovers
Far away by necessity, carrying the business workers
Noisy arrow must take care the watching passers-by
Who are often the passengers in this train of future
The cities have never been so close for the lovers
Their sweetheart waits at arrival of breathless train
Speedy arrow in soft landscape it crosses galloping
As a horse driven by it horseman stressed for time
While inside, lovers, asleep, wait to live intensely
The return to the arms of their impatient sweetheart
Arrow whose our romantic country is proud to have
Dreamt, designed, built, measured, dressed, paint...
And across Europe and is now found everywhere
To carry gently and quickly the distraught lovers
Joined 12th Jan 2013
Forum Posts: 820
Dangerous Mind

Forum Posts: 820
I am very impressed by this honor! The first time for me. Thank you so much Vishal... And congratulation to Primrose and peacebeuntoyou, in my mind, we win together, your poems are very beautiful, really!