Poetry competition CLOSED 12th September 2013 5:46am
View Profile Poems by AlisVolatPropriis8


someone least expected

Dangerous Mind
Joined 12th July 2011
Forum Posts: 928

Poetry Contest

That someone who has caught your interest more than once on DU
I'm not looking for your DU crush but rather a person who has surprised you with their poetics on separate occasions. May It be quality, content, or the person they have presented behind the poetic demeanor; accidentally or purposely. Write a poem about them in any form you like.

*you get one new poem
*no collabs or prose
*make it anonymous

Thought Provoker
Joined 26th Jan 2012
Forum Posts: 107

For One Of DU's Truest Freaks

I imagine you,
as a rose amongst thorns
cursed by the tragedy of perfection.
Cynical, dry and pretentious.

I imagine you,
as someone who likes to inspire,
but seeks inspiration in secret.
Proud, lonely and detached.

I imagine you,
as someone allot like me,
designed for their own punishment.
Abstract, hypocritical and guarded.

I imagine you,
as a friend to me.
A true poets apprentice,
Blatant, truthful and soulful.

poet Anonymous


I gather his words
as I would dried flowers

tying them up in small bundles
in the eaves of this house,
filling my bare halls
with fragrance-


that shower down
as sweet confetti
upon my lips
that are seductively starved

of your name.

You are the silence
I adore in secret moments,
whose words steal breath
as they ask me to dance

through landscapes
hidden within subtle lines,
as I sing you my praise
and lay verse at your feet.

Thought Provoker
India 7awards
Joined 24th Oct 2011
Forum Posts: 322

Wishing stone

Pour those droplets again against my calm screen
unguided red orange hues of sun bleaching
our new morning's glorious face

i left you  broken in scars of star
melting space and void

queer in endless frozen hopes
coat me in walls of

she-ness and witty
political scarcasm

she radiates vanity through sin smell & smokes
clawing moon in canvas of blackened shadows,

soaking swollen white flames in hell's blood winter
for there was nothing to live without you.

Fire of Insight
United States 4awards
Joined 10th July 2013
Forum Posts: 203

The Road Home

Her poetry, yes that’s what it is
Whether she know it or not
Slowly getting to know her
Maybe it is a bit of a crush
But it’s more than that
Before I started to come to know her

It’s her words
The ones she writes
Reminding me of home
Love and life
Dreams I’d once had
Wishes I’d wished once upon a time
Setting into motion
The strength I’d forgotten
The who, I used to be
This is what her words do to me

They bring about
Memories I’d forgotten
Long to make some more
Have a bit of fun
And enjoy life once again
Getting to my core
That part I ran away from
Because I was too scared to stay
Afraid of what I’d become
Instead of embracing who
I could turn into

I love her words
Her smile, reminding me
Of friendships I’d once had
We’d hug and kiss
Make fun of one another
Share our secrets, dreams and loves
Share a bed (no, not that way)
As we stayed up talking about running away
Just for the hell of it
Not to forget those mistakes we made
The many apologies we’d had to utter

She inspires my heart
To write a bit better
Experiment and learn
Write out my secret fantasies
I never would let out
To embrace those words I’ve begun to pen
And enjoy story telling
Once again
Inspiring me to step out of my box
Paint it with the colors of the rainbows
And all the other colors too
Get back to dancing
Around my living room
No care about who sees
As I sound like a banshee singing to the words

She brings me home
With those words of hers
And though I know
It’s a long road now
She brings me back
To my soul
And I want to know more of her
Crush or not
I know that if we were face to face
A lifelong friendship
With the strongest of bonds
Is what we could make

poet Anonymous

<< post removed >>
poet Anonymous



When I first looked at your poetry
I thought is was drivel
It was as though
You had put
The alphabet
Into the blender
Posted the result
Which looked like a list
Of words, helter-skelter
Not very readable
So I shut it out

Now I realize
That a poet and lyricist
Are one and the same
Oral history
Preceded poetry
The two are in parallel lanes

So you may wonder who this is about
And maybe you will know it is you
You are a wonderful poet
I admire you!

Tyrant of Words
Joined 25th Aug 2011
Forum Posts: 17115

Turning Away

I turned away
I didn't look
I had nothing to say
I had nothing to see
Colours went grey
and it was no longer
anything important

But once upon a time
You mattered so much
You were the reason
I honed my pen
You were a promise
of a midnight sun
then you withered and died

Every time I see your name
I wish I could call it again
the same way I did then
its all gone now
Your shadow has faded
though silver thread flickers

Dangerous Mind
France 5awards
Joined 12th Jan 2013
Forum Posts: 820

Love your poems...http://lesdebrouillards.tv/wp-content/uploads/2011/03/Caro_poesie-300x300.jpg

Love your poems, nice and light
A free way to write poetry slight
No constraint of style, but poetry
With a music inside and mystery

Love the themes you like to write
Deep and whole, light and right
The rythme inside is wonderful
Contributes to a reading restful

Love the faithfulness of your life
Who appears in your poetry nice
Even if you like to exhibe to us
Some part of intimity precious

Love pictures you like to show
Through avatars, here and now
Which allow us to understand
How you are loved by husband

Love your comments for others
Allow us to feel your brothers
In my case, so helpful for first
Steps, to avoid surely the worst

Love your style, mine too stiff
Proof by this poem like plaintiff
Who doesn't demonstrated
My capacity of progressed

You are a model as you write
Please stay always so bright
If your poetry lights this site
Hope I contribute a little bit

poet Anonymous

Rightfully Respected Writer

There's a lack of ego behind his pen
he's more of a writer because of it
with a confrontational, observant
sideline style that narrates and builds
by taking away

always strays to passages that ask and explain
faithfully giving more, when read once again
truths divulged and manipulated
tactfully buried in the understatements
he's so real that his fiction is honest

a self that looms larger from inclusion's removal
an exposed nerve sentiment, raw to the reader
with sneak peaks and previews that allude to deeper meanings

devour the hints, savor the flavor
he's the master alchemist
transforming life stories to paper

masterfully introspective, never overtly revealing
the protagonist, in all his strength
confesses angst and weakness
which keeps him at his strongest

he's a devoted sinner with a warrior spirit
but, every God knows he tries
with all that's in him

Darker Half
Dangerous Mind
Belize 30awards
Joined 5th Dec 2012
Forum Posts: 1483

That Dark Poet

He speaks of the dark,
and endless,
words that make you shiver.
Sophisticate, and
utterly neatly put together.

The pieces he has
have scarred my mind.
I just love his sinister-like
and interesting rhymes.

Whether they be long,
or just a few words.
So catchy, rhyming,
they belong on
Halloween cards.

I've been blown away,
surprise at his
precise dark poetry.
I'm not the only one,
who laughs at the idea of

By now,
you might already know
who this poet may be.
But if you don't,
go read some dark writes,
and you'll see,
this poet's identity.

Dangerous Mind
United Kingdom 6awards
Joined 13th Feb 2011
Forum Posts: 2523

.. Deleted

Thought Provoker
India 7awards
Joined 24th Oct 2011
Forum Posts: 322

Wow,i enjoyed writing it..:),least expected though
congratulations to Miki and Kitty as well.

Darker Half
Dangerous Mind
Belize 30awards
Joined 5th Dec 2012
Forum Posts: 1483

Congrats Rakhi Rudra
Nice entry!!

and also congrats to Miki and Kitty too!!

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