Poetry competition CLOSED 23rd July 2013 10:10pm
braggman (Steve Bragg)
View Profile Poems by braggman
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yellow things

Dangerous Mind
Joined 24th Mar 2013
Forum Posts: 3367

Poetry Contest

something yellow between the size of a tennis ball and a chair
with thought, care and imagination

naaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa just go for it

Tyrant of Words
United States 83awards
Joined 18th Jan 2013
Forum Posts: 325

    lemonade rain

cotton-candy clouds floating across,
almost obliterating the face of the sun
the faraway sun, drowsy, dim
airbrushes the sky an unknown pale tone

from the lemon sky
falls lemonade rain
you cup your hand,
sip the bitter     and the sweet

we stroll in lemonade rain
with happy hearts
    your heart     born weak     struggling
we understood your enemy: the ticking clock
but we pretended       and we loved

my daydream holds me one more moment
  one tearful moment
the rain, no longer lemonade, rouses me
I place 2 more yellow roses on your angel stone

a quick prayer
and I walk back
to the waiting cab (yellow)

Dangerous Mind
Joined 24th Mar 2013
Forum Posts: 3367

thank you for the poetry

it's so yellow

Tyrant of Words
Sierra Leone 109awards
Joined 16th Apr 2013
Forum Posts: 3304

Aureate Odyssey

I love that skirt
She corrects me and says its
because it makes me come calling with a song

I rush to her, again
Miss the repeated aurulent signs
I ignore them all when it comes to having her

Swerve across the tawny divide separating us  
Jaundiced rays seep through my fading consciousness

Translucent memories burn in effigy

Steve Bragg
Dangerous Mind
United States 14awards
Joined 27th Dec 2011
Forum Posts: 1850

new or old?

Dangerous Mind
Joined 24th Mar 2013
Forum Posts: 3367

any way you like and any colour you like so long as its yellow

thanks lsp

poet Anonymous

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poet Anonymous

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poet Anonymous

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poet Anonymous

"The Brightest-Yellow"

the song they sung,
it could have been of you.
Your precious skin
was so beautiful,
your bones were too.
You were the
mind and body,
so sweet.

I thought
the entire universe
was made
just for you,
millions of stars,
only for you.

you were
solid-ice and
not very nice.
My boldness waned,
it drove me insane
that you
would not
with me.
You see,
I became the
of blue.

And sadly,
how quickly
things change.
If you only knew,
I've turned
the color of chartreuse,
the brightest-yellow
on those
I once had
of you.

poet Anonymous



The yellow orange cat
With the yellow orange eyes
Sleeps in the sun
On the yellow paisley blanket
On the yellow corduroy couch
She chose us, not the other way around
For we were living
In a yellow submarine
Swallowing yellow pills
You know what I mean
We grew yellow flowers
Like those from Van Gogh
Their seeds were so nourishing
We ate them you know
Buttercup butterflies flew around our garden
Yellow cat watches them through slit eyes
Turns over to get in a better position
Looks out on the yellow sun sky
We painted the house yellow
It was on sale by the gallon
Somebody told us it was a lucky color
Which maybe true
For the neighborhood association
Has been after us to paint the house dark blue
We had a dog named blue who ran away
Found a golden retriever who was a stray
The dog and cat get along just fine
The cat lives on catnip and her nine lives
The dog lives on whatever
One of us brings home
We are mellow yellow
Even our cat is stoned!

Steve Bragg
Dangerous Mind
United States 14awards
Joined 27th Dec 2011
Forum Posts: 1850

I'm probably just being lazy but I have a back catalog of yellow poems from last year sitting about doing nothing.

Yellow Help

Yellow truck plays  
Turkey in the Straw.  
Stalled, car overheating  
by the bar,  
pills hidden in my pants  
bright sun, yellow truck  
plays Turkey in the Straw.  
Man pukes behind the bar.  
I read a paperback
killing time  
parked against the green-mossed  
whitewash fence  
beneath the pines and oak  
beside the bar  
in the torrid yellow Florida sun  
for help.  
Rustic housetops float  
triangles held
above the faded fence  
beneath the trees  
yellow pills hidden in my pants.  
Stalled beneath the pines  
time breaks down.  
Truck circles  
relentless counterpoint  
to the unwinding baroque  
of back streets.  
Bartender yells out the door  
at the man  
beneath the pines
hissing pines that break the yellow
beside the oak
that clamors in the wind  
brown houses  
topped like teepees  
yellow truck  
bright yellow sun  
Turkey in the Straw.  
help all of us  
the unworthy  
the uncounted  
the walking dead of history.

Steve Bragg
Dangerous Mind
United States 14awards
Joined 27th Dec 2011
Forum Posts: 1850

Can we do two? Let me know. If not I'll delete it.


I'm that guy.
You can hear my moans
"Oh, God, Oh God
My breath escapes
in a hard hissing sigh.
My arm is braced on the wall
My head thrown forward
supported on the forearm.
The other hand is down below.
Forgive me.
I'm so fucking drunk
and I really had to piss.

Guardian of Shadows
Yemen 67awards
Joined 1st Apr 2011
Forum Posts: 14621

seemed attainable
if even for a brief slip of mind
like all those games at the fairground
designed to empty your pockets
and have you smile while you lose everything

trade wars mean nothing to an empty pocket
unless lint is suddenly deemed currency

is it just me
or is it the chance that's a fine thing
taking it, like throwing a dart to hit the queen of hearts
and while it's gliding through the air
there's rush of blood
and enough thoughts bumbling through the mind
that they never all truly hit you
by the time it lands just outside the card

I won a yellow fish once
by watching the man twist around three cups on a table
and pointing out which one the penny was under when he'd stopped
but he didn't seem surprised at all that I'd spotted it
and I didn't care because I'd gotten a fish

Dangerous Mind
India 34awards
Joined 3rd Feb 2012
Forum Posts: 1408

patient nostrils would get that
incremental overloads always used to
rising pungently from melting core
those silent cornerstones
that eyes carried like saint
bursts in deafening explosion
rolling down passion unabridged
inner pulled tensed up lip warriors
impress hard crystal salt signatures
as dried porous tongue gets deep bored
and gigantic lumps block up inner roads

sacred third eye sets in again
in serpentine rising waves
intense fueled soul flames  
the yellow fighting fire

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