Poetry competition CLOSED 22nd June 2013 9:35pm
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Fire of Insight
United States
Joined 30th Dec 2012
Forum Posts: 170

Poetry Contest

write me something about a pet
i dont care what kind of pet, just talk about a pet of yours

Cher Ami
Lost Thinker
United States
Joined 9th June 2013
Forum Posts: 6

I have a kitten.
She thinks that she is a bird,
And she chirps all day.

Lost Thinker
United States
Joined 3rd July 2012
Forum Posts: 32

He can dance and speak
Sometimes he likes to play dead
But he still eats poop

Dangerous Mind
United States 15awards
Joined 24th July 2011
Forum Posts: 1744

Ohhh goodness. i have a pit name looney. he is truly gone in the head. gone!
i bought him for my son and ended up with him. we were homeless together and no one will take you in
with a pit bull especially if it's nuts. fuck ceaser milon when he said dogs don't understand the words your saying.
i tell loonie, look fuckbag go sit down and keep your self busy! he will go and it down and find something to do. i wouldn't trade him for the world today. matter fact i need to go see what he is doing. silence can be deadly. that is usually when he brings me a cat to the door like he won a prize. wow cant believe i just typed all this about my dog.

Dangerous Mind
United States 15awards
Joined 24th July 2011
Forum Posts: 1744

Oh was this suppose to be a poem? ... lol. i'm so sorry..

Dangerous Mind
Joined 29th Aug 2009
Forum Posts: 2122


I always said I'd die
without your smelly paws.
But here I am. A year later and
still waiting.

Death Plane for Teddy
Tyrant of Words
Canada 32awards
Joined 4th Dec 2009
Forum Posts: 4409


              < peter >
     the lost dog
     (proud he'd made it on his own)
     imagined his ancestors
     small asian wolves
     hunting mastodons in packs
     bringing them down in a symphony of howls
     (in truth, they ate mice, but ...)
     under a dark oak
     he saw a chewed-up envelope
     peter flipped the envelope with his good paw
     and a note
     spilled out
     and he read
     (something he'd learned from his years on the road)
     of the second coming of christ
     and it said it was eminent
     and we should all prepare
     following his nose
     he walked away
     (the scent of fresh mouse was in the air)
     though he couldn't help wondering about the note
     since christ
     came every day
     usually by 8 am

                  - - -

poet Anonymous



The grey cat is sitting underneath our mailbox

There is a tornado watch, what is the cat watching?

We open the door, but the cat will not come in

Rushes across the road, to the house across the street

Ducks behind the bushes, gone in a moment

The grey cat is like a phantom

Very hard to see

When the tornado watch is over

She comes back to me

She is not my cat

But the neighbourhood cat

For the moment

Feeding her ice cream

She is my cat.....

Fire of Insight
United States
Joined 30th Dec 2012
Forum Posts: 170

nice writes ya'll

poet Anonymous

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poet Anonymous

Madame Lavender - that was the most beautiful tribute to a pet.....
brought tears to my eyes....x0x00x Kitty

poet Anonymous

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Fire of Insight
United States 10awards
Joined 29th May 2012
Forum Posts: 711

my pet rock

doesn't make a sound.

i don't have to feed him
or take him out.

he doesn't have a name
but i don't have to ever call him
from the neighbor's yard

he just sits on the window ledge
and remains still.

he isn't soft, covered in fur
or warm, filled with life

he is just cold to the touch
and unable to love.

Twisted Dreamer
Canada 3awards
Joined 14th May 2013
Forum Posts: 106

Three Little Cats

Two little cats
Twin brothers from Hell
Zipped all around
In the house they did dwell

The first’s name is Theo
All gray and dark yellow
He is standoffish yet sweet
He’s quite the little fellow

The second is Sam
His trait, he is fat
And spends most of his days
Sprawled out on his mat

The boys, they are loved
By their people family of four
But also by their mommy,
Mother Cupid, they adore

Cupid, well she’s ancient
Well past seventeen
But she has those boys
Under her paw like a queen

All three they will run,
Round the house like small devils
Until their insanity
Reaches new levels

Then they will tire
And lie down on my bed
Then purr with delight
As I scratch their sweet heads

My cats, they are crazy
But easily the best,
And I love them so much
As you may have guessed.

poet Anonymous

“Hard to Swallow”
(Memories of Ruby and Sammie)
These days,
I feel a bit low.
I’ve heard
the pitter-patter
of little nails
on my Venetian tile
when I look,
there’s nothing there.
I hear barking
outside my window
when I open the door,
there’s nothing there, either.
It’s another dog,
across the street.
Now, there’s an
abundance of lizards
on my stone-patio
the re-paint job
remains intact, too.
I never knew
it would be this
lost both of them
in the past year,
the pain still lingers,
hard for me to swallow.

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