Poetry competition CLOSED 4th October 2009 10:24am
View Profile Poems by fret


My Favorite Words... In Your Hand

Lost Thinker
Joined 26th Aug 2009
Forum Posts: 8

Poetry Contest

Use at least twelve of my favorite words in your poem of 10-16 lines.
Use at least twelve of my favorite words in your poem of 10-16 lines.

Here are some of my favorite words:

I'm excited to see what beautiful landscapes you create with the colors of my choice! (That is if anyone decides to participate ! So PLEASE, write me some beautiful poetry!)

Lost Thinker
New Zealand 1awards
Joined 27th Aug 2009
Forum Posts: 39

Hrm...   I know!  Vampire ascendancy theme!!!  Titled "Sire's sins repaid"

This carnival of fire,
between its licking flames entwined,
I dance with plastic soul to find
the will to scar my sire.

Sinuous, my fleeting frame
tear attention from the Game,
did you think that I was tame?
wilt before me, suffer shame.

Saccharine, the look of me,
candy eye and chocolate hair,
taste me once again, I swear
the mirror's light will pain to see.

Your machinations pass me by,
rotten, filthy minions die
to take me on? I'd see you try,
unsatisfied, I'd kill you, sigh.

Lost Thinker
Joined 26th Aug 2009
Forum Posts: 8

<3 Good job! :D

Lost Thinker
Joined 26th Aug 2009
Forum Posts: 8

YAY! I demand more!!! lol

Lost Thinker
New Zealand 1awards
Joined 27th Aug 2009
Forum Posts: 39

I am very, very tired - but I  figured I should post another one for fun's sake.  My brain works a little differently on lack of sleep, so I thought it would be interesting to have another stab at it.


Fleeting kiss, I feel you here,
sinuous love and flowing hair,
one tear among an endless stream,
entwined within a plastic dream.

A spark between us grew to fire,
innocence cast upon the pyre,
our love may burn, but never wilt,
I'm with you now, right to the hilt.

The eye, it punctures through the mask,
a mother's love, a mother's task.
And soon enough a soul will grow,
then when it's our age, it will know
a carnival of carnal deeds,
who reaps must once have been the seeds,
a cycle then, and not an end,
Love is eternal.  Title: Send.

poet Anonymous

Im afraid this has no connection to vampires, unless ofcoz u choose to call me so , mitulsa:-)

The scars,your leftovers
remind me still of the carnival that was you,
final glow of cinders after the fire.
funny how i can see all clear now.
now that Im no longer entwined
not your eye-candy
nor your sinuous moving doll!

I wilt perhaps, remembering
that kiss,and god, perhaps I tear up too.
but Im fine, better off, without
your plastic smile and saccharine filth
sans ur soul
for I sure dont want to end up
not really, a fine, breakable trophy
in your fancy living room shelf!

Lost Thinker
Joined 26th Aug 2009
Forum Posts: 8

Yay! Fret, I love your second poem even more!!! You should go sleep deprives more often (jk)
And I like
Priyadileep's poem too! I like the imagery of saccharine filth... I might steal it, Tee-hee!

Lost Thinker
Joined 11th Sep 2009
Forum Posts: 18

A carnival of saccharine
Entwined inside her kiss
A fleeting fire of candy
Oh, a moment such as this!

An eye into the soul
I shed a tear that wilts a flower
The scar runs deep, so deep
A single tear becomes a shower

A sinuous mask of plastic
Cold and stilted machinations
It’s a bit like a ‘Tool’ video
Those guys need a long vacation

Crack, smack, marijuana
Man, I’m feeling pretty rough
I wish this shit would wear off
So I’d stop seeing all this stuff

Lost Thinker
Joined 26th Aug 2009
Forum Posts: 8

lol... I`m not sure if you're trying to be funny but parts of your poem made me smile.... And what's wong with tool anyway!! I love that band and Maynard's offspring band, APC!

Lost Thinker
Joined 26th Aug 2009
Forum Posts: 8

Well... I think I'll choose a winner now....And the winner is:
The second poem

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