Poetry competition CLOSED 1st December 2012 2:19am
View Profile Poems by Mysterio
RUNNER-UP: sadgurl

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The end

Lost Thinker
United States
Joined 20th Jan 2011
Forum Posts: 18

Poetry Contest

The end comes to us all weither soon or far it also comes in a way either big or small may it be in the darkest ways or the natural way noone can know but lay out they way in which you think you will end
Let it be long i will be looking for much detail so think before you type it will be about you only and not anyone else so think deeply about you and how you think of they way you meet the pale rider and leave this plane i look forward to reading your submissions and seeing how you think. GOOD LUCK

Thought Provoker
United States 2awards
Joined 16th Nov 2012
Forum Posts: 46

This is a waiting room for the heart's last lonely panic...

Regret, a tepid pool
of longings unfulfilled
long before this final residue
of autumn spilt
its delicate--

What else could I tell you now, if my life were not my faith...

Drifting away
from this small dark gathering
of sorrows
for another creature's pain
become unbearable.
As long as I may love you,
I would never
have led you here--

I cannot catch her this time, as we fall apart...

Even this misery
is bitter-sweet,
that the still darkness
seems calming...

For in you are all of the prayers that I have left...

Go! Say your goodbyes.
I have done all that I can
to never hurt you.
I would stay here
for a little while longer,
if I believed
that I could leave you

Do not rush to be by my side again...

You know that
you hog the bed anyways.
Your laughter is
one more smile for me
to take along,
alone with me.

I am not really expecting some grand reception on the other side...

For now is what
is left of forever--perhaps.
Everything may have been
a little
too much to expect.
Like a child,
I only want to know
that I have been good enough.
You have become
home to me,
no matter where
life had led
and left us.

Yeah, that's about as good as it ever really gets...

I am pretty sure
that I cannot fix this.
You could go and get me
some tools
from the shed
and I could
give it one last
going over before...

Probably not, but I suspect that I couldn't make anything worse...

Okay, so you've heard
that one before.
It isn't really fair,
you know that everything
breaks down eventually.
Just don't set me out
with the trash,
like some old tv set.

The warranty has expired, but I sincerely hope that you enjoyed our product

... And don't plant me
in some damn hole either.
Fucking buzzards
have made a cash-crop
out of planting the dead--
and you never get
anything to grow
that you can actually use...
Except for the start
of some bad zombie movies.

Just say good night, and turn off the lights...

Feed the dogs,
and tell the kids to be good.
You do not have to
tell me what I already know,
just as I knew
from the first time
that I met you
that you would be here.

Buy yourself a drink on the way home...

From me.
Don't get crazy though,
as any point that I may
have had in getting you drunk
is kind of going to end
like a cold shower.
This is not a happy ending,
but here we are...

Good night Baby-doll.

The White Rabbit
Twisted Dreamer
Malaysia 8awards
Joined 12th June 2012
Forum Posts: 64

Time For Bed

A kiss for the stars,
A lullaby for the moon,
For I'll be up there,
All too soon.

Send me to bed,
With a hole in my heart,
Why're you feeling guilty?
You've done your part.

You've been good to me,
Up to the very last,
Yes, I've counted,
But time's moving fast.

So turn off the lights,
And leave me to be,
Say goodnight,
Thats the last you'll see of me.

To die in my sleep,
Will be my ultimate wish,
I know, I've heard the comments,
I'm nothing but selfish.

But have you felt what i felt?
My pain and my sorrow?
Experience is something,
You simply can't borrow.

Don't act like you understand,
Cause I know you won't,
So, if your gonna judge me,
Then please, just don't.

Twisted Dreamer
United Kingdom 1awards
Joined 25th Nov 2012
Forum Posts: 92

ehh not about me:

- this is the end
my friend, the end

       not with a bang but with a whimper -

but there is a bang.
 cckklk ttchk  
chikka wow wow

splat ]

"why'de take is sock off?"


"best not to tell the family though"
"that e took is sock off"

i'll ne-ver look in-to your eyes

Fire of Insight
Canada 2awards
Joined 18th Nov 2012
Forum Posts: 397


Constantly in pursuit of something to hold
Self proclaimed just is a tale to be told
Hatred for beings that think nothing of them
Is Whoring attention a sin to condemn?
How can you claim that I'm so self centred?
Waiting in line as your prayers go unanswered

your Good intention counts for nothing
If Shallow pride is what heads movement
Paranoid minds that hide the warmth of knowing
Breeding drones mindless from their own resentment
Nihilistic confusion as an end result
Nothingness sways as an eminent default

" The fool who wades in doubt will float like concrete"
-Circle Takes The Square

Twisted Dreamer
Australia 1awards
Joined 26th July 2012
Forum Posts: 52

it is the end.

this is it,
the end.
ive layed here too many times,
thinking about it.
its time to go.

ive tied the knot,
in the rope.
ive hung it,
from my fan

Just one more think,
the suicide note.
it has to be simple,
it has to be me.

this planet,
this life,
its just not for me.
no one,
understands me.
ive lived behind the mask,
for to long.

my heads through,
the loop.
im standing on the chair,
i step off,
im hangingthis is it,
the end of this miserable life

poet Anonymous


Enter now, this door
Towards the centered truth
Leave now, no more
Let be the root

Of the mother tree
She nurtures me
Spiraling spheres
Of illumination

My moonlight hearse
Awaits me as a flock of deer
Shall bring me here

As the forest leaves the twilight
The birds of creations song invites the night
Upon the high hill, waiting for my final flight

The last light lingers upon the water
Tidal pools of turquoise transformation
I am ready for my initiation

Upon the waves I see reflections of the present
I seek reflections of the past
Eternity encloses me, at last

Forever awake
I, wind of tree
As mother tree
Stands by me

Lost Thinker
United States 1awards
Joined 26th Nov 2012
Forum Posts: 13

In the end there is doom
Thing that eat others,
Things causing gloom.
A world with no caring mothers.

In the end no one escapes.
As the terrors of Hell
Begin to traipse.
No one will hear them yell.

Once the plague begins, people will die.
They will be slaughtered and killed
Monsters will laugh as children begin to cry.
Human blood with begin to be spilled.

Monsters will sharpen their claws.
Demons will ready for flight
Creatures that have no flaws.
They will attack at night

When His army arrives.
The End will already have began
First they will plant breeding hives.
He will have success for his plan.
Second, Demons will invade the street.
Only to cause fear.
Third, zombies will begin to eat.
Then people will know the end is near.

After the first wave of Demons is done,
People may try to survive.
But don’t it only makes the killing more fun.
Just surrender! None of you will thrive.

He will hunt you down,
Once he finds you, you’ll be filled with pain.
You’ll be too weak to even frown.
He’ll use many tools of bane.

After He’s done, he begin to cook you, ALIVE.
He’ll use oil to eat you like Fondue.
In the back, a band will play a Jive.
Then He’ll slowly dump you in a brew.

After you’ve been cooked, He’ll begin the Great Feast.
You’ll be ripped apart,
By each blood-thirsty beast.
Last their bake your brain into a giant Tart.

Can’t you see know that the end is bad.
So why would people want it to come so soon?
Don’t ask me For I am Him, the one who’ll make you sad.
You can’t stop my evil rune.

Eventually I will arrive in the Present Time,
By then I’ll be unstoppable.
Not even your biggest army will stop my wave of crime.
Nothing will overcome my greatest obstacle.

By then maybe you will learn,
Why I shouldn’t be reckoned with.
By then there’ll be many people you can mourn.
People call me fake, but it sounds like the truth is the only true MYTH.

poet Anonymous

“Ice Shelf Feelings”
I had a weird feeling about this one,
Jack had said it was the wrong time of the year, but
I loved to climb solo, was always so cautious.
The blizzard roared in from nowhere,
unexpected, it blanketed the mountainside
with white treachery, covered
the crevasse that gobbled me.

Hell, the incessant wind has covered my drop hole!
They’ll never find me now, that’s REAL swell!
Guess this is it, I’m gonna die here.
I can feel the blood flow slowing,
my toes are already frozen, they sting like ice.
My fingers are next, I can’t even put this into context.
Shit, I should have brought the sat phone,
those spinning payloads could have
connected me with my home,
shame on me, left it
in my rucksack.

They probably won’t find me
until the Spring thaw, they
will  speculate that I was hypoxic,
had a fall and couldn’t crawl out.
Some will have their doubts.
I really miss my family,
they were super,a great bunch.
I wonder if they'll miss me.
Sadly for us, I’ll never know.

One thing is for sure,
a nice hot bath would be nice,
this ice shelf does not compare.
Brrrrr…it’s freezing here, my feet are bricks.
What’s that, a white light up there?!

Twisted Dreamer
United Kingdom 1awards
Joined 11th July 2012
Forum Posts: 48

                                 I Give Up

I've had enough, enough of this
i'd like to be granted one last wish
that my kids will always have a smile
not like me, i've not smiled for a while
but the decision is reached, this is the end
not living this life without one single friend
I catch myself constantly wondering how you are,
sitting alone with my mind set so far,
reminiscing about your smile, your voice and touch.
Damn this life! I’m missing you too much.

Lost Thinker
United States
Joined 28th Nov 2012
Forum Posts: 10

the end has come,
the end is near,
the end will never interfere
with our love
unless you want to  

D_Poetic Engineer
Dangerous Mind
United States 40awards
Joined 11th Sep 2012
Forum Posts: 2483

My Solemn Request

You keep on saying how much you love me
ever since the day we first kissed--
May your kisses be like the waves
that never cease kissing our chosen shore…
where the breeze gently caresses our souls,
and the birds sing in harmony
with our heartbeats
while casting their melodic spell,
as we quietly watch the sunset
and happily lay down to rest.

I gave up everything just to be with you,
yet you still doubted my love;
for you thought I never came back.
Our childhood glances and innocent kisses
revealed more than what I could say,
so what more could you ask for?
I have only one life to give
filled with love - my forever love!

For what it is worth
you can take me anywhere…
You can kiss me within the fire
which I set through the pouring rain;
or you can simply take me home
and a complete bliss¾we shall share.

You can take my loving heart
and hold it close to yours…
Listen carefully as it faintly whispers,
“My Adelaide, you’re my greatest love of all.
Scatter my remains into the sea
where we used to swim and play.”
That my Adelaide, is my solemn request;
let the whole world know if ever I go first…

Marcus cooke
Dangerous Mind
United Kingdom 10awards
Joined 6th Sep 2012
Forum Posts: 88

"If Death Be My Maiden"

The souls of the dead  
she wears like a robe  
they sweep the path in her wake  
the hour before dawn is her time  
dusk is always to late  
she calls me to her table  
and the bones we eat there  
are my own.  

Death is my maiden these days  
we sit on a park bench  
i speak of precious things  
she takes my fancy  
i breathe in her air  
it smells of insence  
i touch her thigh  
cold to the touch  
do i dare?  
she will be the end of me
she will be my end.

Death is my desire  
she steals my interest  
but its impossible to talk to her  
she cant hear a darn word i say.  
"I'm deaf" she says.

Train Wreck
Lost Thinker
Australia 2awards
Joined 28th Nov 2012
Forum Posts: 24

Blade to the wrist
Pills, next to the amber liquid
Hate inside of me
Starting the first slice on my already marred skin
Continuing the jaggered lines of my artwork

Swallowing one capsual after the other
Downing the amber liquid
Fire coursing down my throat
Waiting for the Reaper to come

Veins now filled with my death
Coursing through the shell of my body
Hoping to find the serenty i've been searching for

Closing my eyes
Taking one last breath

I have finally found my end

Tyrant of Words
Wales 62awards
Joined 21st Apr 2012
Forum Posts: 3005


It came to me unexpectedly
    dark and cold
my lips were kissed
 and there was no escaping

Death hooked me and dragged me along

Pounding in my head at first
       pain killers failed me
as the hammer hit harder

Next my body was rejecting my insides
bent over heaving on breath
   nothing left to give as I choked
a heap on the floor
sweating and shivering

     I followed death to my bed
he sat with me through fevered days and nights
stroking my head with his cold hand
    it felt good and soothing
I was becoming attached to him

  The sandman sat on the other side of me
as I slept floating along the edge of the world
my eyes opened less and less as weakness took a hold

Until my body started to tingle
as death sunk his hand into my chest
         freezing my heart
It stopped and I ceased to be
 I floated away and left my shell behind

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