Poetry competition CLOSED 10th September 2012 12:03pm
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Suicide notes

Thought Provoker
Canada 3awards
Joined 7th May 2012
Forum Posts: 455

Poetry Contest

If you commit suicide........
What would be the note you left behind for the world to remember you by?

poet Anonymous

Is the main purpose of a suicide note to have something "to remember you by"?

Fire of Insight
United States 14awards
Joined 5th July 2012
Forum Posts: 230

Etherial Suicide Note

Now that the deed is done, going where Hamlet doth fear to tread
I look down on my lifeless husk, lying still and pathetic

I am struck with remorse, dare I say chilling panic even
That I penned no words to capture, explain, authenticate what has just transpired

Not that I didn't try or simply forgot
Oh no, I agonized over a note, something profound and poetic to beautify this most righteous act of self, total unabashed narcissicism

Still the words would not come, how ironic
That I, the one who can wax poetic about anything would become quill tied and writer blocked just when it was most urgent

Looking about my empty room, in my neglected house, on my forgotten street
I see my laptop, still plugged in, anxiously waiting for me to tickle the keys, flowing composure

So, all out of body, I will try to set things right
Struggle to pen the words that eluded me in my final darkest moments

First, I would begin recounting the cruelty and betrayal that has been the resounding theme of my life
How love would whisper, promise, but never land on my shoulder like some butterfly of Eros

Next, I would recount my endless struggles with addiction to so many things
Nicotine, alcohol, and a morbid, marinating sadness that defied therapy and treatment

Add to the reasons the futility of life and all of its superficiality
With people rushing thru their finite, precious days, tweeting and texting, busy lives full of emptiness

But the crowning reason, the one that pushed me over the edge, pulled the trigger
Living in a world that forced me to deny myself, living authentically

You see the crushing weight of judging, shaming, urging, and pressure to be someone else's version of me was too much
Till my very soul collapsed, needing refuge and escape to somewhere safe and beautiful

Now looking this over, reviewing my etherial suicide note I suddenly feel satisfied, fully vindicated
For no simple parchment nor disapproving eyes are deserving of this most beautiful and genuine declaration

poet Anonymous


I will give you a choice
Of how to die
Cancer or Mental Illness
Bet you already know why

Cancer is serious
Mental illness was your choice
You were not positive
You must have done something wrong

Never mind the evidence
Of neurological SPECT studies
That the mind of depression
Is different from the norm

Cancer causes death
You fought it with such courage
You sorry soul – with mental illness
Had to resort to hanging

When that splendid fighter
Fought cancer to the end
A hundred people came to the funeral
Many many friends

When they found out you were bipolar
Oh how the friends did flee
Never mind the statistics
These folks are great in many ways

So if you have depression, anxiety or such
Do not share it with anyone, even now
You will be labeled crazy
There go your jobs, friends, and credibility

People who are mentally ill
Tend to kill themselves in remission
That is when they realized
The sad truth about their condition

No friends, no jobs, nobody listens
Even your guardian angel
Is out of commission
The final injustice comes – your family rejects you

So what shall it be: hanging or poisoning?
No guarantee that either will work
Only thing you can count on is the fact
There will be no-one at your funeral..after all that.

poet Anonymous


I leave behind my eyes  
 eyes that only saw fairy tales  
I leave behind my hair  
hair that hungered  
 for a lovers hands to run through it  
I leave behind my skin  
skin that yearned to be caressed  
I leave behind my smile  
of which was so bright  
 when I thought of better days  
I leave behind my hands  
hands that reached out  
 and were never taken  
But I cant leave behind my heart  
because the damage is far  
 more than can be repaired  
And I cant leave my strength  
because I have lost it all  
I cant do this anymore  

Tyrant of Words
Wales 62awards
Joined 21st Apr 2012
Forum Posts: 3006

Why My Goodbye

I fell apart from the inside out
none of you would know
my disguise fooled as I smiled

The darkness was swirling in my soul
as the blood slowly dripped from my heart

'And I smiled for all of you'

How could you know what was inside
when I locked each door so tightly
and you never saw my eyes... not truly

My lungs were folding in restricting my breath
suffocation took a hold as it screamed in my head

'And still I smiled for you'

My mind started to split and take many directions
my emotions became so raw that they tore me apart
the pain killing me slowly as it ate away at my core

'And I smiled because I knew'

that death would be my freedom
it would be my release from my tormented self

And when you find me cold and lifeless

'I will be smiling for

Faith Elizabeth Brigham
Tyrant of Words
United States 12awards
Joined 29th Aug 2012
Forum Posts: 212


the day i die
and am laid to rest
i want it knowm
i gave life my best

i lived with words
died writing my verse
i loved this life
for better or worse

my last request
i ask if i may
on my tombstone
i want it to say:

here's faithmairee
who finally rests
no more poeing
for this poetess

Thought Provoker
Canada 3awards
Joined 7th May 2012
Forum Posts: 455

Cthonian said:Is the main purpose of a suicide note to have something "to remember you by"?

The purpose of the note can be whatever you want

Jamie Rhodes
Dangerous Mind
United Kingdom 8awards
Joined 20th Sep 2009
Forum Posts: 1426


Thought Provoker
United States 2awards
Joined 30th Aug 2012
Forum Posts: 86

After this day, and my last day
don't you dare think I'm weak
Winter calls me in a workd that's so so cold
the mundane
remain cruel and subjective
I want not sympathy you fools,
but understanding.

You all have failed. Family, friends, hace become my foes

This planet has no place for me.
It's been time for me to go.

Twisted Dreamer
Australia 1awards
Joined 26th July 2012
Forum Posts: 52

If your reading this i am dead,
Mum, dad and my dearest siblings..
this is what it had to be..
i lied in that bed ytoo many times,
crying, cutting and thinking of suicide..
i tried to get help,
it never worked..
those bitches at school drove me to this..
they called me names and pushed me to the ground..
they sent me message,
saying i should die..
so this night you found me..
hanging in my cupboard..
is because of them..
ill miss you dearly...
now you dont have to grieve for me..
im in a better place now..
where ill be happy and free..
i couldnt take this anymore..
so i took my life on that nite of January 3rd

Fire of Insight
United States 7awards
Joined 29th Aug 2009
Forum Posts: 416

If you please, look at me-
When you lay me down.
As the ground- rushes up,
To meet my sleeping fate.

Watch my eyes, do they dream?
Of heaven, or is it hell.
Did you know, what I see-
A life I could not lead.

I love you all-
I'll miss you so,
As I'm sure you'll miss me.
Sorry I was weak.
To weak to live my dreams,
and yours, and theirs-
To a Future I didn't know.

Dangerous Mind
United States 15awards
Joined 19th Jan 2012
Forum Posts: 2374

cheese- see whats on sale
forgot the coffee last time
get coffee!

Dangerous Mind
United States 3awards
Joined 22nd Aug 2010
Forum Posts: 1785

Faceless Names

I've been taken by the thunderstorm.
I've succumbed to the aftermath
of your actions.

I'll beg the Lord to spare you,

Strange Creature
Joined 4th Sep 2012
Forum Posts: 10


The greatest light, is consumed in the pitch darkness of my heart
It's inscrutable, this agonizing pain is slowly tearing me apart
my tuberosity is crumbing from the pressures on my plate
Broken and numb, trying to elevate to a higher floor
It's miserable because living is turning into a excruciating chore
Mentally I'm at the finish line I've lost everything to keep functioning for
This abyss is like a terminal door, for this is something I lore
My daughter I adore you, Tuesday I'm sorry I use to bore you
Brittany I can't continue like this I tried so hard for you
I'm facing a fiery doom, my world is approaching the apocalypse
Which I cannot escape, I'm bound to what misery that I create
Slowly I break and tonight I devastate my thoughts
I'm trembling because I'm asleep at the same time awake
I shake from this consuming nightmare, I'm losing my sight
Contemplate suicide trying to only do what feels right
I'm sorry baby, daddy couldn't take this life
I can't struggle anymore, I'll be with you until my end
and then, I will live on within
Goodbye angel, bye Brittany my true love and only friend
Goodbye world, I apologize for this sin

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