Poetry competition CLOSED 23rd August 2012 3:59am
View Profile Poems by Firebyrd
RUNNER-UP: Myheartdiesforyou

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poet Anonymous

Running Turtle and Misty Rose - thank you for your submissions.

poet Anonymous

“Sister Acts” or “Coming Clean”

Deception conception started young,
it was deep and dirty and
not much fun to
see such twisted decadence
in fairytale times.
Unimaginable perverted
acts performed by
a neighborhood chum,
who I realize now was
a motherfucking bum,
real bona fide scum.
But, it wasn’t his mother he fucked.
Just ask his sister, if you can even find her.
Sorry Cathie, I didn’t mean to squeal or
be mean, it’s been killing me for years,
I had to come clean, my Dear friend.

poet Anonymous

Strider - thank you for your submission.

poet Anonymous

This competition is still open.  Submissions welcome.

Dangerous Mind
United States 18awards
Joined 29th Jan 2012
Forum Posts: 200

My Confession...

In.. the still of me
is a place....that lays in wait
always hungry...ready to taste
the distinct flavor of my misery...
dripping down from  inside the inner me
languidly lapping at the acidic core
of my mutilated memories...
Now I realize my thoughts have been my enemy
As I lay prostate upon the brittle ground of my
unforgiving heart....begging the Fury's to not
lay claim...or waste to my base emotions...
as spider like secrets spill from the open wounds
Caused by my own internal neglect whispering
My darkest deeds as they feed....and feed...
on my guilt
Reminding me of the lies....not told to others,
but to myself as now my flesh betrays my burdens
as a sour pit of regret boils in my entrails causing
ulcers,and anxiety to cause fissures and cracks in my
mental playing field...yet I can not call foul
as I have yet to make peace with my spiritual referee

As the demons from my past jeer at me from the sidelines
sending more pain into my wounded being ....
I ask for a reprieve .... perhaps just a moment to catch my breathe
As I am barraged with venomous arrows of deceit....  Alas
I realize for me there will be no reprieve...
As all my darkest sins now crowd me....I call them all by name
I feel defeated somehow made smaller by my past,as I mentally
forfeit my game.

Lost Thinker
United States 2awards
Joined 11th Aug 2012
Forum Posts: 44

i tried to kill myself once. i had a knife. i wanted to die. cut my wrists and stabbed my hand and leg. that's when my neighbor busted the door to the bathroom down because i was screaming. i had thought i was alone. but he had come home because he heard screaming and was worried. he called 911 and i was sent to a therapist and kept in sight of a professional for about a year. the neighbor was roughly my age so we dated until he moved back to England where he currently goes to a collage.  

poet Anonymous

Firebyrd and Bloody_Ashe - thank you for your submissions.

Andrea Pompa
Twisted Dreamer
United States
Joined 2nd Jan 2012
Forum Posts: 33

                       Heart for two
My heart torn in two; one half for you,
and the other for you.
Both so far apart, yet oh so dear to my heart.  

But wait thats a lie...

How can I mend a heart that's already in two?  
I must confess, but I lock it away.

Yes, I am in Love but the question is with who?
Now that is the secret I keep locked away,
you two have my heart now find the key
and set me free.

Its really short hope thats ok? 0_o

poet Anonymous

Latin - it is fine!

Thought Provoker
United States 15awards
Joined 9th Apr 2012
Forum Posts: 276

I Have Needs

Another day, another lie
I'm such a dishonest guy
Send a prayer to the sky
Then I let out a sigh
Exhaling all my guilt
I've internally built
My conscience is on a tilt
The beans will be spilled
You're a lousy lover
So I slept with another
Under your covers
Cuddled up with your brother
Now you need a drink
Because you didn't think
That your brother swings that way
Yes he's gay
What more can I say?
He was a very easy lay
He wanted to play
So I said okay
We did it once then we did it twice
You're real sweet but he's more like spice
I know my confession sounds cold as ice
But take my advice
Be more adventurous
Be more spontaneous
Don't be coventional
Be more sensual
Then maybe I won't have to turn to your younger sibling
I don't expect you to be understanding or forgiving
But I apologize for wasting both of our time
But wanting good sex shouldn't be considered a crime

Thought Provoker
United States 1awards
Joined 3rd Jan 2012
Forum Posts: 112

poet Anonymous

Superhomeboi and Cannaballester - thank you for submitting

poet Anonymous

Congratulations to all who submitted.
Firebyrd - spectacular poem
Honorable mentions
Strider and Love is meaningless
There was not ONE bad poem...they were all so good the choice was
difficult to make.
I salute you all and thank you for competing.

Gypsy Red
Tyrant of Words
United States 40awards
Joined 18th Aug 2011
Forum Posts: 905

wooo woo congrats guys, go ahead Fire!

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