Poetry competition CLOSED 14th July 2012 5:58am
Petite_Renarde (Anouk)
View Profile Poems by Petite_Renarde

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Inner Demons

Twisted Dreamer
United States 1awards
Joined 10th Aug 2010
Forum Posts: 86

growling, laughing:

wailing winds
scales and wings
and fangs that sing
unendurable cacophany

relentlessly chewing
at scars and spiritual bruising
anything to remind me of
my lack of perfection

i cancel my subscription
to protection and call
upon the far worse
to seize the engine

a lethal injection
of damnation and corruption
from temptation to eruption
i am to blame.

condemned structure
house of possession
heaven for the hell-bound
i am to blame.

Thought Provoker
United States 15awards
Joined 9th Apr 2012
Forum Posts: 276

The Influence

The Devil is calling my name performing hypnosis
I'm in a trance consuming poison in large doses
The rebirth of a demon spawn I'm Satan's opus
Created by a mixture of elixirs without any notice
Sipping from the pimp cup of hell the unholy grail
Throws me off balance as I'm tipping the scale
The evil in my mind outweighs the good in my heart
It's borderline Satanic let the ceremony start
Chanting, cheering me on to drink more and more
A constant battle within, heaven and hell is at war
Revelation came early say hello to armageddon
I wear pain as a crown my reign is unpleasant
The Devil tricked me made me king of my sorrow
But I'll be sipping out the same cup tomorrow
Baptizing my lips with Satan's burning piss
Infected my mouth like herpes don't ask me for a kiss

Tyrant of Words
Joined 20th June 2012
Forum Posts: 518

Living for Another

No matter
how many
countless hours
of suppression
and study,
and exploration,
and self-denial,
in the end
there will be
no bringing back
the tiny sister
I've lived
on behalf of
since I was
4 years old.


Fire of Insight
United States 3awards
Joined 30th May 2012
Forum Posts: 481


He who makes a beast out of himself gets rid of the pain of being a man - Samuel Johnson
addicted to his gut-wrenching
she spends her days sitting
upon stacks of books she'll never read.
She will wash his feet in the blood
of her own pathetic
They feed
off of their own flesh,
revolting yet tantalizing.
With each tear of her once-whole
She regurgitates a thin piece of string,
a rope that is tied to the ravaged
pieces of her guilt,
run through by the thick lance
of impression.
Her feelings for him are stewed
in the cast-iron pot of manipulation
and when he's finished devouring her mentality
she is left to scrape the remnants of herself
from the bottom of that pot.
Her body is christened with bruises and blood,
brought on only by herself as she throws
herself to the feet of her captor,
gazing through a jagged drape that is her hair
at his dashing brutality and many pages of lust
that wash through her with a searing white pain
Self-immolating her every inch.
She is trapped in her own mindset;
shackled by the iron chains of intimidation
to thin skull walls,
screaming as they fuck
not quite rape but not consensual
and she wonders to herself,
if it were she that had unlocked the doors
and by doing so begged this intruder to visit
to torture,
at her teddy-bear soul?

Fire of Insight
Joined 29th June 2012
Forum Posts: 325

one of us says yes
and the other says no.
but what can i do when there is more than
two of them in my head.Like a restless chatter
ongoing, never ending, always repeating.
Die today or live for the next.
I can't decide it's too much to be caged
inside me ill implode. My soul is breaking
with every breath of this nightmare demon
waiting for the perfect moment to attack and strike me down.
it takes me to places that i never knew existed, places that
i didn't want to know existed.
I can feel it wearing me down, with every lash at my heart
its escaping but I have tied it with silver and iron rope
there is not much left i can do,
but fight it with my naked mind.

Lost Thinker
United States 8awards
Joined 12th July 2012
Forum Posts: 82

Raspberry Jam

Sitting in a dark corner
Soaking wet with tears
Every night I sit crying
Going through my fears.
Am I just a child?
Or a victim in your eyes?
All your words and promises
Were nothing more then lies.
After what you did
I thought I was to blame
But I can not escape you
As your whispering my name.
I can't help the way I feel
And this is just the way I am
Suddenly I pull the trigger
Making raspberry jam.

Lost Thinker
United States
Joined 18th Sep 2011
Forum Posts: 17

My poem submission for Inner Demon Competition.............Thank You.

My Inner Demon is tryin' to break free.
Only to take control over me.

My Inner Demon -Where can he be?
How can I fight something, I can't see?

My Inner Demon keeps telling me,
to pay with my soul -the Ultimate fee.

My Inner Demon has found the key.
To wreak his Havoc and pin it on me.

Strange Creature
Joined 13th July 2012
Forum Posts: 1

A came to a river once and drank.
The water Burns - I am become death.
To awaken then, from Eden, to find
My child dead in my arms,
To find destruction while I rested within God himself.
Do you understand what is it to hate God?
To know hopelessness?

The raven came again this morning.
He said to me, "Be safe. Die. The formation of your soul
is corrupted "

Maybe I should smile. Dig my fingers into the carcass
of some diseased creature. Become
Truly Tribal. Earn the Angel talons.

No. It's time to transform. The gun and grave are ready.

It'll be alright.
I heard her laugh as I slipped into death's mouth.

"I'm coming to you now."

Twisted Dreamer
United Kingdom 1awards
Joined 11th July 2012
Forum Posts: 48

I'm sick of the fucking sight of you

Seeing you each and every day just makes me feel sick
I hate the fucking sight of you, you stupid fucking prick
Why don't you do us all a favour and get yourself to fuck
Infact why don't you go play with traffic and get hit by bus or truck
You know how much i hate you, you,ve known for quite a while
And don't give me any of your bullshit, your depressed and you can't smile
Cos i know the truth behind your lies, each and every one
Cos i've known you long enough, you know where you belong
I'm sick of the fucking sight of you and you i'd love to slaughter
And the only thing that's stopping me is being the father of your daughter

poet Anonymous


My inner demon
Is a Vampire
Who emerges
Once in a while
Forces me yearn
For blood
Forces me to have a kill
My inner demon needs the thrill

Another blind date
From the paper
He is amazed
That I showed up
He is so ugly
He thinks
As he looks at me
That he has
Won the lottery

He looks pretty pathetic
I want it over with
Take him to the nearest alley
Where I apply
The fatal kiss
The look on his face
From ecstasy to dismay
Have make my day
My stomach is full
I am now on my way

Thought Provoker
United States 1awards
Joined 5th Sep 2011
Forum Posts: 52

my inner demon is a beast
i'll cut myself in half
so you'll see what i mean

Mr.Lefty has a dirty mind
Mr.Right think he's Mr.Clean

Lefty be ready to kill for a living
Righty would rather work instead

Lefty fuck two three bitches at a time
Righty pleasures his wife to give and receive proper head

Lefty say fuck you punk!. don't ask me for shit!.
Righty ready and willing to help you out.. just hit me back whenever you get it

one day.. Lefty choked out Righty

'punch ass foo lemme handle this bizz
we aint at home with the kids
this here Grownman business..
you fuckin round try'n to be nice
and this clown is talkin to us like we a bitch'
   *grabbed clown by the collar
   *pulled a gun
   *squeezed the trigga
   *not hit but clown still pissed his pretty jeans
   *guarantee next we meet you'll have my cheese

warning shot..

my inner demon is a beast...

8^/ Mr.Righty

Thought Provoker
Tibet 2awards
Joined 2nd July 2012
Forum Posts: 351

Merci beaucoup mon ami have a lovely day

Tyrant of Words
United States 15awards
Joined 11th Aug 2012
Forum Posts: 2675


Compulsiveness always consuming my every thought
Morphing my brain into an entity that is unknown; restlessness sets it
Darkness engages upon the imprudent unleashing its wrath
The insane nature of the beast within bleeds from my pores
killing any power to fight it off~I am helpless
And I am awake with fury and vengeful madness
Though I cannot move, only lay there in agony and scream out in anger
from this horrific creature that I have become
When the sun rises I will be distorted, a hideous monster
roaring in pity for no one to hear
I am plague by this curse of the damned, only the evil
can survive such ugliness and sorrow
Surrounded by tempting incantations of what will be
if things remain unaltered
Cast your spell on me so this demon will wither away to another darker place
And the sun will shine on my eyes and they will forever close
Causing me fall into your warm and protective embrace

Twisted Dreamer
United Kingdom 1awards
Joined 9th Aug 2012
Forum Posts: 97

Right now
Some demons would be good company
They'd stop me having to listen
To myself

You know
How to recognise every chance
So every day is a
Near death experience

You know
How to feel better by hearing
Your heart beat as your wrist bleeds
You are in
Perfect health

Why in fuck do you want to
Kill yourself?

And in the face of every possible
Pain free method
Why can't you manage it

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