Poetry competition CLOSED 14th July 2012 5:58am
Petite_Renarde (Anouk)
View Profile Poems by Petite_Renarde

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Inner Demons

Thought Provoker
Joined 10th May 2012
Forum Posts: 344

Poetry Contest

Write a poem about your inner demons
write a poem about your inner demons
how do they control you?
how do they hurt you?
1 entry per poet
good luck

Thought Provoker
United States
Joined 8th Feb 2012
Forum Posts: 369

Ahh I shall return. Perfect comp btw.

Thought Provoker
Joined 10th May 2012
Forum Posts: 344

thank you, i will wait

Thought Provoker
Tibet 2awards
Joined 2nd July 2012
Forum Posts: 351

Inner Hounds
In her bed she tosses and turns
Greeted by nightmares and frights
Waking up drenched in sweat
A fever that eternally burns.

She runs in her sleep
Never ever looking back
Her sanity is at stake
For all the secrets she tries to keep.

She's living in denial
Bottled up is the subject of her crime
No longer giving an honest smile.

She curses her inner hounds
For only they know
About the corpse that rots
Beneath her garden grounds.

Thought Provoker
Joined 10th May 2012
Forum Posts: 344

Petite_Renarde said:Inner Hounds
In her bed she tosses and turns
Greeted by nightmares and frights
Waking up drenched in sweat
A fever that eternally burns.

She runs in her sleep
Never ever looking back
Her sanity is at stake
For all the secrets she tries to keep.

She's living in denial
Bottled up is the subject of her crime
No longer giving an honest smile.

She curses her inner hounds
For only they know
About the corpse that rots
Beneath her garden grounds.

really good
i like it alot

Twisted Dreamer
Philippines 4awards
Joined 31st May 2012
Forum Posts: 79

Devils from within...

They were stuck in a frightening situation,
Feared by their thoughts and shadows of themselves,
Stirred mind walking in great passion,
Demons of hell, shouting thy name,
"Hail the master of evil!"
They scream until they get insane...
They were like vampires, craving for the blood of the master evil,
They suck, they crave and they sip for they thirst,
They tried to unleash their burdens,
They tried to unshackle themselves but they failed to conquer the thoughts of hell,
As they wipe the pain of hatred and deceive the people of the master were killed
by the devils from within....

Strange Creature
United Kingdom
Joined 1st July 2012
Forum Posts: 9

When I am on my own
They come.

With clawed hands
They reach for me
Their skin on fire
Yet it only makes them stronger
Their fingers
Scrape my neck
And they laugh
A laugh so evil
It resonates through my soul.

And i succumb.

With a scream I let them in
And they've won
They knew they would.
And i am a plaything,
A pawn
In this game of chess we call life

They encroach upon me
They plague my mind
They fill my heart
They drink my tears
They move my limbs
They take my blood
And force it down my throat
And i am their slave

I scream.
I scream like I never have before
Yet its silent
And the blood in my throat
Blocks it
Their purpose all along.

And i drift away because there's nothing for me here.
I land in Hell.
Lucifer - that is where they came from
Their birthplace
And now I am there
With my dying being
And lucifer is happy
To have me enslaved
To outer demons
To demons in the flesh
In the blood
In the bone
And all because

I succumbed

To the demons

You placed

In my heart.

Lost Thinker
Joined 1st June 2012
Forum Posts: 5

These voices
2 voices in my mind
one says live
one says DIE!
one side screams
Tonight Tonight!
Grabe the knife!!
Stop the lies!
Stop the horror!
Stop the pain!
stop it
I dont move
I sit and think
Should I do it, Should I wait?
What to do, what to do?
I know I dont have the guts to
I keep saying that I will
But it take will to will the heart
to accept death
to allow it.

The other interferes and screams
maybe theirs hope!
you must keep believeing
...I dont know
Shut up shut up shut up!!
Im sick of this shit!
Im so lost
what do I do I refuse to listen
But cant help to hear
All these voices
Screaming in my ear
I cant believe im thinking this way
But I cant help all the words that I want to say
gets caught in my throat
and bashes my brain
as if to say
I cant talk to anyone else
The fear is too great
The voices fade
And im left alone
Until they come to my aid

Fire of Insight
United States 7awards
Joined 29th Aug 2009
Forum Posts: 416

She's whispering, tauntingly,
Teasing in my ear.
Discouraging, disheartining,
Ripping down these walls.

One day, be brave,
Until she comes along.
Speak out, be strong,
Then she rips it down.

Blundering fool,
Silly clown,
What girl are you?
All you do is frown!

Hide behind smiles,
Baggy cloths,
What confidence do you have?
That she have yet to shed.

What voice do you carry,
How dare you speak out.
When all she does is knock you down-
Never growing out.

Ever more, is that voice-
Always in my head.
She is me,
Young and weak,
Scared of everything.

Scared to touch,
To speak, to hold,
Stand and be alone.

She is me, I am she.
The ultimate insecurity.

Karam L. Parveen-Ashton
Tyrant of Words
United States 70awards
Joined 15th Sep 2011
Forum Posts: 2808

Hmmm, I have written a lot of poems on this subject. Let me see what I can come up with for the contest.

Karam L. Parveen-Ashton
Tyrant of Words
United States 70awards
Joined 15th Sep 2011
Forum Posts: 2808

- My Soul, Manifest -

Oh woman clad in the form of man, hear now thy soul manifest…
When the Goddess cast thee into exile, to save thy errant spirit,
It was not out of hatred, but for love and so thou would persist!
Be not afraid of what lies within; embrace the fire, do not fear it.
Thou had no gender in that time, but gained one when incarnate,
Amongst the children of the gods, to teach them the elder ways!
But of the angels and their kin, thou knew but one most intimate.
And she is bound to thee, a part of thee for the length of days…

Interminable, unto the ending of one cycle and the birth of new.
What irony, that the ruler of the gods called thee his elder kin…
Yet treated thee the lesser, heedless of the old pacts more true.
They called thee wicked, but behold their lie: and so their sin…
For once thou walked in the hall with floor of black and white,
And learned the secrets of the brothers and sisters of shadow;
Lo, illumination came unto thee, like the glory of a starry night!
And in the secret places, thou didst dance in the flame’s glow.

Oh androgynous angel, fallen god, incarnate as a mere human,
Be not ashamed of thy estate, however low it hath been cast…
For not one can change, how one is birthed within the womb!
Embrace the woman within, the darkness and light that do last.
Fear neither gods nor men, for thou walked in places beyond,
Seeing all and nothing, remembering and yet forgetting all truth.
I am thee: magnified and what that were and yet must become,
Before this mortal life comes to a close, to the bosom of death.

Thou hast suffered, and yet thou hast come through the horror,
Seeing the eye that shines brightly, and feeling the sun’s rays…
So be strong, be brave, and be willing to understand yet more.
As in the times when thou were lost, where the path oft strays!
Follow my voice, and let it guide thee and keep thee to thyself,
Whole in thy nature, open to the love of others and of wisdom!
I have shown thee knowledge not found on book or on shelf…
And that knowledge shall open for thee, the celestial kingdom.

Poetic Joker
Fire of Insight
United States 10awards
Joined 2nd Apr 2011
Forum Posts: 557

Lost Control

Fear spreads through me as the familiar rage begins to overtake me
If only people knew what was happening, if only they could see.
But no one recognizes the signs, the tremors in my body, the darkening eyes
No one sees the monster inside me; no one hears my desperate cries.
The monster is back, bloodthirsty as ever, desiring to cause even more pain
Every time he comes out, I lose more of myself, become more and more insane.
He takes over, binds me with his hate, and locks me away
I never know how long he’ll imprison me for, whether a few hours or the whole day.
Someone, anyone, I beg you, please, hear my cries, come and set me free
Just release these shackles; can’t you see that this is not who I want to be?
I try my hardest to win control, but his hatred crushes my will
For he’s stronger now; I can sense this time he has intent to kill.
The only thing I feel is the burn of his many cuts over my exposed veins
He said he just wants to help, and that this is the only way to stop the real pain.
In desperation to stop the internal pain, I believe him and his web of lies
As he holds the knife out to me, I realize he’s just helping, he’s truly quite wise.
With determination in my eyes, I take the knife from him and make a tighter fist
And like a skilled artist, create new bloody designs that flow from my cut up wrists.
It drips down like gentle rain, and forms a dark puddle on the floor
In my head, I hear my monster sweetly whispering to me “that’s it, just a little more”.
Like a student desperate to please his master, I begin to slice faster and deeper
This whole time, it’s felt like I was climbing a hill…but suddenly that hill seems steeper.
My arms burn, legs become weak; I try to move but slip on something slick
As I look around, I see a red floor, and realize I lost a lot of blood, and lost it too quick.
I feel tired, all I want to do is just lay here on the floor, and get some rest
As I start to drift away, I realize that maybe this cutting idea wasn’t the best.
I can feel the fire beginning to fade, replaced with an icy feeling that’s spreading fast
I feel betrayed, for I believed my lie that by doing this I would find peace at last.
Instead I am filled with regret, and an overwhelming sense of fear
For it has finally dawned on me that I went too far, it’s too late, now my end is here.
My eyesight dims, breathing becomes labored, head starts to pound
With frantic eyes, I look for my monster to help me, but he’s nowhere to be found.
He’s gone, no longer inside me; his lust is finally satisfied after all these long years
I’m alone now; no monster here, only a blood stained knife and a pool of red tears.
My strength is gone; I finally lost the fight against my depression and sorrow
I fall into the shadows of darkness, never again to wake to another tomorrow.

poet Anonymous

Look At Me

Streaming, I scream
- Look at me!
From within my fragile
yet bloated body.

Clenching fists,
I project an air of lenience,
yet inside, a black-haired boy
with wings and scales and wounds

No tears, no tears.
A flushed face and a raw nose
suggests this internal beast
is beginning to escape,
through my fingers,
through eyes.

- Look at me!
And no-one does,
and it rages once again
as I walk slowly with it.

Tyrant of Words
United States 5awards
Joined 27th Oct 2011
Forum Posts: 5152

She's inside me
I know
She locked and ready to go
I feel her burning energy, everytime I kiss him
She throws images in my mind
Kill him
She whispers
I crave the taste of his blood sometimes
I wonder if it would be the same, to kill
If it was him, would I still feel the thrill?
I know whats inside of him, it would never hurt me
HE couldn't
HE wouldn't
But, if I lose control
I'll lose sight of it all
I feel her trying to take over
I fight
Break down wihin myself, as these hand stake him
And I'm helpless and forced to watch

Tyrant of Words
Wales 62awards
Joined 21st Apr 2012
Forum Posts: 3006

My Demons Cry

Flightless for so long
clipped wings of my own doing
plucked out my feathers to give me pain
Scars leave a story in Braille
Cryptic in unknown text
symbols that only I can translate

My demons cry for release
from the prison that I lock them in
they shake the foundations of my soul
At times
I just choke them back with each gulp
until they are silenced and still

I shall choose with each breath
that forges the direction of my
forward motion in loose fitting shoes
Transition like a chrysalis waiting
enveloped in pain as butterflies cry
rainbow rivers that crystallize on stone

Vervain in drifts catch my senses
I follow its stroke as it entices me
Distraction can take your feet unknowingly
to a place you did not want to end up
to backward and thoughtless choices
And my demons cry for release
as they shake the foundations of my soul


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