Poetry competition CLOSED 28th July 2012 3:05am
Myheartdiesforyou (Mysa)
View Profile Poems by Myheartdiesforyou



Dangerous Mind
United States 14awards
Joined 6th Apr 2011
Forum Posts: 2026

Poetry Contest

See below
So there is an outbreak(Zombies, disease, werewolves, one eye purple people eaters, Cat people, etc.). Your mission is, should you choose to except it, write me a poem about what happens, what your chosen outbreak is(feel free to use anything, even one of my examples), how you would survive.

Post as many as you like
Leave a title

well T-t-t-t-tt-t-that's all folks.
Now write.

poet Anonymous


Buck and I, went to the fair
We always go to the Ferris wheel
This was always fun
Halfway through the ride
The power got undone
Thought it was local
Looked around, all was black

For a few moments we just sat there
Until we heard the scream
A pack of bats attacking people
Took out our guns, started firing away
Away from people, could hardly see

Bats in our hair, clinging to us
Seemed scary, just a flying mouse
Buck and I started to climb down
We could do this, because of our training
In climbing mountains, and then descending
Put our bandanas near our eyes
Tucked our heads into our chins
Could feel the bats clinging
Focused only on getting to the ground

The people were trying to use a generator
To get the Ferris wheel moving
Getting people off, sending everybody
To some shelter, good work done
Trying to calm down the crowds

Ran to the van, in the back
All was there, as before the attack
Although the power was down
The cell phone was still working
Logged in through that portal
Computer still had juice
Goggled crazy bats
They had gotten loose
From the secret lab
On the edge of town
Military using bats
To put down
Possible insurrections
Something went wrong

Peeked out the van window
The army was here
With bat hunting suits
They soon cleared up
The bat attacks
It did not end there

The bats were infected
With a killer disease
People were rounded up
Put in buses, resistance was futile
So we hid underneath blankets
The soldiers missed us

We never saw the people from the fair again
Nobody talked, fear had enveloped them
We denied knowing anything, about what happened
We went on with our lives
Were surprised we were still living

Much later we heard, of secret experiments
On humans they said, the bat attacks could now
Be made more virulent, Buck and I had been spared
Unknowingly, both in the army, got the shots
Against Bat Ebola strain 101

Buck and I are married
We live far from home
They finally caught on to us
So we had no choice
Leave the land, leave the country
Live as strangers in a new place
Where we have few neighbours
The sea is near us
Cold cold temperatures
Keep germs too cold to multiply
We write our books
Our science fiction
Only the term “fiction”
Does not apply.

Thought Provoker
United States 7awards
Joined 5th Oct 2011
Forum Posts: 206

ok no offense but i have no idea how to make a poem of this so im goin to make mine more of a story but in poem form

Thought Provoker
United States 7awards
Joined 5th Oct 2011
Forum Posts: 206

Breaking News: Outbreak!

We have a special report in just now that the zombie apocolypse has begun!
And now we go to our helicopter camrea with our field reporter, To you John!

Two Hours Earlier

I was pleasently suprised to find my friend at my door on that cloudy day,
I smiled and greeted him but he had this tired worn look on his face that mad me uneasy.
Before I could say anything he asked me,
"You wanna go to the fair? I hear they have hot dancers this year!"

I just stared at him agast,
Then I figured I might as well have one more fun night before school tomorrow.
I grabbed my jacket and ran out of the house.

Jason and I had a blast at the fair,
But I could still see that exausted look on his face.

So i finally decided to say something,
"I know your tired so lets hit the ferris wheel then I'll take you home."
He just shrugged and headed torwards the ferris wheel,
I followed him in silence.

We handed our tickets over and got on,
We were on our last round when the ferris wheel shuttered and stopped.
I looked down and saw people running around, screaming blood-curtaling screams,
I looked over to Jason questionongly.

But... he didnt look like himself, he looked... hungry,
His normally smooth auburn hair had become patchy, light green, and greasy.
His smooth acne free skin began to look dirty and full of pockets,
And the smell that eminated from him was like a mix between a dog kenell, dried seweed, and a garbage can.


"My name is John Brown, and I'm here at the BraacusFair Ground where we have..."
John looked out the choppers door.
"What the hell?! Carter I am afraid to say that i think our info was accurate!"
"I am terrified to say that the zombie apocolypse has indeed begun!"

"Are you sure John? We have to be sure."
"We need the accurate information for our viewers"

"I'm sure Carter, I myself have seen three... no four people now been mobbed and fed on..."

"Its okay John the police on on their way currently..."
"Just make sure Elizabeth gets it all on film."


All of a sudden I heard gunfire,
I saw the mob charging towards what I then identified as a SWAT team.
The team open fired on the people,
I watched in alarm.

I heard moaning,
I looked over to Jason...
He was staring at me withh hungry eyes,
He lept at me and then I pieced it all together faster than i thought possible.

I allowed him to grab ahold of me,
But before he could bite me I jumped off the Ferris Wheel with him.
I tuned us in the air so we were going to hit the ground face first,
Obliterating our brains.

I released him and waited for death,
But all of a sudden i was wisked into the air but my jacket.
I looked down to see Jason hit the ground,
His body caved in on its self as it went *THUD*

I floated to the ground,
Unknowing what to do next.


Ten Years Later


The zombie apocolypse has been going on for a decade now,
I have been trained by the most elite warriors.
And now i am being sent out into the world with my wife and two friends,
Together we will finish our oath to human kind, we will rid the world of this inpurity.

Dangerous Mind
United States 14awards
Joined 6th Apr 2011
Forum Posts: 2026

Not enough entries = me not able to award a trophy. Kitty you won....even if it is only my congrats.

DU Webmistress
Mistress of the Underground

If you want to invite further entries I could extend the closing date.

Dangerous Mind
United States 14awards
Joined 6th Apr 2011
Forum Posts: 2026

Thanks and will you please extend it a week

Kitty I have to take back your congrats and your win for the moment, who knows you could win this anyway when it is over.

I'll take anything regarding an outbreak(plagues, zombies, wasps) Just put how it affects you and the ones you love in there.
Post as many as you like
Leave a title

Tyrant of Words
United States 5awards
Joined 27th Oct 2011
Forum Posts: 5152

The outbreak

A sweet summers evening turned into sheer terror
We got stuck on the Ferris Wheel, and you looked at me, with a worried expression
I pull myself out, and climb down
I tell you to wait, while I get help
My feet touch the ground, and I'm surrounded
They drool, coming nearer, smelling my warm blood
I concentrate, real slow, using my power, I turn a light ivory
Which stops my pulse
I stand still, and look at the ground
They lose interest and wobble away
I then make a run for it
My feet pounding against pavement
I amke it to the truck, and pull the shotgun frpm under the seat, and fasten the strap on my back, then I grab the pistol.
I start the engine, failed
The only way to get out is on foot
Zombies, whats next?
I slowly creep my way back to the ferris wheel, they can't smell me, but I know they'll smell you
I mess with the operation switches, and get the wheel to move again
You run to my side
"what is happening?" You ask
"Cryptobiological Outbreak" I answer

We face A Kojin, I mark on the end of the shotgun, and run with full speed, cracking it in the head
It dehydrates into powder
You take the pistol, as we blast our way through the mess
"How long will this last?" You question

"Until Sunrise"

A sucubus appears, your eyes are locked in her gaze
She hypnotizes you

"Hey Demon Bitch" I call
She glares and shrieks at me, I throw salt in her face, and watch as she melts in a puddle

The sun starts peeking up over the hills
We dash for the gates
Thankful this night is over

Dangerous Mind
United States 14awards
Joined 6th Apr 2011
Forum Posts: 2026

Well everyone we are back in action

Fire of Insight
United States 3awards
Joined 30th May 2012
Forum Posts: 481


The outing was all fun and games
loud music, a spot of cotton candy
rides that brought me to the fringes
of a non-drug induced high
and others that brought me back to
reality with a sickening lurch

He suggested we ride the Ferris wheel
as he tugged my hand and led me over
I agreed enthusiastically and we were loaded on
A pink plastic seat covered by a film of popcorn crumbs
sticky soda spills and sweat

The backs of my legs recoil at the filth
but I sit anyway, and my guy wraps his arm
'round my shoulders

we rise

the smell of cigarettes and frying grease and sugar
sitting heavily around us
loud amusement park voices screaming from nearby roller coasters
strange music pounding from speakers
diamond city lights
like twinkling angel dust

we near the top and my stomach gathers into a clump
I look down at the colored shirts of unknown civilians
who are screaming and eating and laughing
and under their feet is the hot asphalt of my potential decline

So I look up
and the deep blue blanket sky
and I find an absence of the stars that normally
wink and blink down at the earth
Outshined by the artificial lights of the park

He takes my hand and pulls me towards him
and a feeling of discomfort settles in
damn you, fear of heights
"We're almost there."

I can't bear to look down again
as we grasp hands with the top of the wheel
so again I look up into the sky,
the empty vast sheet of downsun

and as I watch
it's as if someone flipped a switch
because all the stars turn on

I can see them now
glistening like dewdrops on a black twig
and then a scream

I turn my attentions from the sky
and come to realize
That the stars have not been flicked on
it is the streaming lights
from the fair, from the city,
they're off

I can't see anything but the stars
and I asked my sweetheart if he knows what's happened
he doesn't know, no one knows,
and murmurs of discontent mull over the dull dish of the night
We've stopped moving
and people have begun to protest, shouting for help
until one noise overcomes the shouts and cries
the jostle of a seat
the squeak of a rubber sole off the of the plastic
and a mere second later the sickening crunch
I don't understand until I hear a scream

A woman's voice and she yells
she yells "Help him, somebody help him"
and another scream
and another
and another
and then...

And I know it,
I know it's happened again and I think I understand
"They're jumping, they're jumping" I whisper
as another sound of a human body folding onto the pavement
proves me right

and he hugs me
he hugs me
but then his touch is gone
and I hear the muffle of his t-shirt
as he fumbles with his seatbelt

I say his name, I say his name
I ask him what but I can't finish
as I feel the weight change of him standing
and I can see his tanned hands grasping the edge
of that wretched pink seat
oh that pink seat
and he's gone
he's over
and I hear his death too.

Now we're screaming,
we're all screaming

and more bodies are falling
and that's not all
as someone shines a flashlight
and I'm briefed with the image
of an eight-year-old girl
hanging lifeless by her neck
from the pin-the-donkey stand

and more
more suicides
more suicides

I think I'm screaming
I'm screaming why
over and over and over and over and over and over

but the self-murder doesn't end
and I hear screams that are ended by the sounds
of gurgling blood
soup boiling in the pot

and somewhere in my ribcage
I feel a tightening
a tightening
it grasps it grasps it grasps
and something twists 'round my ankles
but I don't know what
my hands cover my ears

it's a something that fills my veins
pushing the blood out of my pores
and filling them with something so much
deeper, so much more sinister

hopeless, anger, I feel it
I feel it
I feel it pounding through me

I shout let me go
so many times
but I know what I really want to let me go
it's just life





and then I've had it

my hands unbuckle the thick leather seatbelt from around my waist
I rise and place my two dead hands over the edge
my red flip-flop finding the edge to raise me up and over

and I look at the stars
those precious diamond stars
one last time

before I fall.

Sorry it's so long, Levi!

Tyrant of Words
Joined 25th Aug 2011
Forum Posts: 17163


Go back to the dark liar
all you zombies gone astray
You can't come back to the world
You are no longer allowed to stay
You no longer have a say
The light bids you away

Listen, hear the sough of winds
hear the calls of the birds
From all over the world
The peace they sing
You sing too and think of life
Ignore the Shaman,the Houngan

The mortal devious mind
holds you on strings
O you-once-man gone astray
who allowed your soul to be swayed
By incantations of evil
learnt from the ancients

Listen zombies who crave life
you who live in extreme twilight
look up to the twinkly stars
At the peacefulness of the midnight sky
Fight the shackles
Be not slaves

Freedom o once-man
Return to the netherworld
In peace, march in,
Towards the other realm
Go and never return
For other life awaits you there...

Go now, once-man
The portal opens

Fire of Insight
Joined 29th June 2012
Forum Posts: 325

The happy things

Im walking down
The street
Counting how many steps
I take and playing
Hopscotch across
The sidewalk.
When suddenly,
The clouds pull away
And sun is streaming qiute brightly
Birds are chirping madly.
Cheerleaders with red cherry lipstick
Painted smiles creep toward me
With their optimistic attitude.
RUN!!! i scream to myself,
The light burns my eyes,
Their smiles are overwhelming
What is this?
I hear giggling,
And bells ringing
And someone whistling
A cheery tune.
Oh, the pain it rips my ears to shreds.
Where is the darkness? This is much to happy.
The scent of freshly baked brownies,
Cinnamon rolls and candy
Infiltrate my nose.
Butterfly's flutter their wings,
Rainbows are popping up
In a magnificent blue sky
For no apparent reason.
Little girls with lollipop swirls,
Skip down the sidewalk
Oozing joy.
I gasp and stagger back,
To the shade of an alley.
The horror!!
No!! What have they done!
They've captured my brother
Too infect his darkened
Mind with their twinkling lights
And flowers.
Fight it buddy, fight it!
Fight these brightly clothed
Don't let them get to you!
A picnic basket,
Laid in emerald grasses.
Two lovers
With each other.
I know what this is!
Its an outbreak
Of the happy

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