Save me..
Joined 5th Oct 2011
Forum Posts: 206
Thought Provoker

Forum Posts: 206
can we do it to where we r the ones saved?
Joined 24th Apr 2011
Forum Posts: 195
Thought Provoker

Forum Posts: 195
I don't know if this counts...I mean of you think about it it does...but oh well
The Z Word
Its prom oh what a lovely day
The sun is out in the beautiful month of May
In our dresses we will surely hide
But either way we've got our converse laced and tied
Its amazing most would say
But we stick to the back far away
The "beautiful" people won't see our gaze
They're to caught up in their "perfect" haze
We'll stick to this wall
Hardly seen at all
We'll talk a little
Maybe secretly sing a little..
Either way
No one will see us in this decently lit hide away
Everything's fine...
All the lights die...
I reach for your hand
Frozen there you stand
My hand almost makes it
Then something else takes it...
You whisper still shocked
For you have a fear of the dark (everyone used to mock)
"Yo-ou th-he-ere?
Ca-an't you-you se-ee I-I-'m scared?"
The lights slowly begin to dim up to bright..
Still our little spot has little light
You see I'm no longer at your side
Then you look down to your right side
You question, "oh no she's dead!?!"
You decide to follow the trail of blood
You hope so badly your tears won't flood
You hope I'm okay
Call it a joke if you may
Then you find me...
Sprawled out on the floor
You swing open the blood covered door
"She's still alive...thank god"
You say kind of odd
You pull me into you arms
You see my flips your alarms
You grip me oh so tight
You hope I will live at least one more night
When my grasp gives out
And my eyes roll back
The room goes once again black
Clutching my corpse wishing to live
Maybe hoping you have some life left to give
I make a huge gasp
And pull away from your grasp
I no longer bleed
But its your flesh I seem to need
You wrap your blood covered arms around me
I try so hard not to devour you
I must tell you its all I can do
I push you off and slide into the dark
"I'm sorry dear I just don't want to leave my mark"
"What mark?
Why must you hide in the dark"
You panic to say
"Its simple my dear
I've become infected I fear"
"With what
I don't mind but-"
I interrupt your words
"No...its the Z
The Z Word you see"
"Its okay...I'm not afraid.."
You hug me anyway
I can't bite you but I can't pull away
Your flesh...
It smells so delicious
Then you beg me
To give you the Z
I scream "NEVER!!"
"But I want to live with you forever.."
You give the eyes
The ones that make me blurt out my deepest cries
"Fine" I mumble fearful
Suddenly your not so careful
You close your eyes "Make it quick"
"Honey you do know its not like a little pin prick?"
You slightly nod..putting your head in my hands..
I don't think I can fulfil your demands
I close my eyes anyway
I take a wiff of your flesh straight away
Your only one bite away
One tear drops as I try not to run the other way
I open a wide
I take a little bite...
I can't stand the feeling
I spit your flesh out..
You heave yourself into my arms
You give me that smile that always charms
Then suddenly you die
Even infected me..well I cry..
You pull away from my arms
"I feel better then ever
What do you say we destroy this prom together?"
With our dresses torn and tattered
And our laced converse blood splattered
We cock our heads
And hope to tare this stupid prom to shreds
Next thing we know we're full as can be
The she sets the school into flames (not me)
We sneak away thinking happily
Prom really hadn't ended so badly...
The Z Word
Its prom oh what a lovely day
The sun is out in the beautiful month of May
In our dresses we will surely hide
But either way we've got our converse laced and tied
Its amazing most would say
But we stick to the back far away
The "beautiful" people won't see our gaze
They're to caught up in their "perfect" haze
We'll stick to this wall
Hardly seen at all
We'll talk a little
Maybe secretly sing a little..
Either way
No one will see us in this decently lit hide away
Everything's fine...
All the lights die...
I reach for your hand
Frozen there you stand
My hand almost makes it
Then something else takes it...
You whisper still shocked
For you have a fear of the dark (everyone used to mock)
"Yo-ou th-he-ere?
Ca-an't you-you se-ee I-I-'m scared?"
The lights slowly begin to dim up to bright..
Still our little spot has little light
You see I'm no longer at your side
Then you look down to your right side
You question, "oh no she's dead!?!"
You decide to follow the trail of blood
You hope so badly your tears won't flood
You hope I'm okay
Call it a joke if you may
Then you find me...
Sprawled out on the floor
You swing open the blood covered door
"She's still alive...thank god"
You say kind of odd
You pull me into you arms
You see my flips your alarms
You grip me oh so tight
You hope I will live at least one more night
When my grasp gives out
And my eyes roll back
The room goes once again black
Clutching my corpse wishing to live
Maybe hoping you have some life left to give
I make a huge gasp
And pull away from your grasp
I no longer bleed
But its your flesh I seem to need
You wrap your blood covered arms around me
I try so hard not to devour you
I must tell you its all I can do
I push you off and slide into the dark
"I'm sorry dear I just don't want to leave my mark"
"What mark?
Why must you hide in the dark"
You panic to say
"Its simple my dear
I've become infected I fear"
"With what
I don't mind but-"
I interrupt your words
"No...its the Z
The Z Word you see"
"Its okay...I'm not afraid.."
You hug me anyway
I can't bite you but I can't pull away
Your flesh...
It smells so delicious
Then you beg me
To give you the Z
I scream "NEVER!!"
"But I want to live with you forever.."
You give the eyes
The ones that make me blurt out my deepest cries
"Fine" I mumble fearful
Suddenly your not so careful
You close your eyes "Make it quick"
"Honey you do know its not like a little pin prick?"
You slightly nod..putting your head in my hands..
I don't think I can fulfil your demands
I close my eyes anyway
I take a wiff of your flesh straight away
Your only one bite away
One tear drops as I try not to run the other way
I open a wide
I take a little bite...
I can't stand the feeling
I spit your flesh out..
You heave yourself into my arms
You give me that smile that always charms
Then suddenly you die
Even infected me..well I cry..
You pull away from my arms
"I feel better then ever
What do you say we destroy this prom together?"
With our dresses torn and tattered
And our laced converse blood splattered
We cock our heads
And hope to tare this stupid prom to shreds
Next thing we know we're full as can be
The she sets the school into flames (not me)
We sneak away thinking happily
Prom really hadn't ended so badly...
Joined 24th Apr 2011
Forum Posts: 195
Thought Provoker

Forum Posts: 195
Weather it fits or not I made it for you Kristany^.^
I'd count it as saving you from the stupid prom then you lighting it on fire....hmm that sounds like us right?
I'd count it as saving you from the stupid prom then you lighting it on fire....hmm that sounds like us right?

<< post removed >>
Joined 14th Feb 2012
Forum Posts: 808
Fire of Insight

Forum Posts: 808
Excellent XD I loved that!
Joined 5th May 2012
Forum Posts: 29
Twisted Dreamer

Forum Posts: 29
"Cemetery Cats"
The wolves were out that night—
and all of the hook laden quips
that we concocted
fell upon lips
like a hummingbird's whisper.
Then, they ignited into flames
like burning stars.
That should have been us:
beautiful ash, supernova romance
with tongue and fingers soaked in ink.
We always did find the taste of Heaven
stale, like coffee three days old.
And with that taste still lingering,
you were a walking oxymoron.
A sinner come to save
these easily swayed, glass bones
from smashing into oblivion.
I longed to taste that wild,
untamed energy beneath your skin.
Devour that dragons heart,
and tattoo love along the bruises
I begged you to leave on my arms.
[ The 7 deadly sins wrapped up
into one nasty little Pisces. ]
You made me violent.
Names come and go,
but the race of these
rose petal hearts
wont easily be forgotten.--
As we spent our nights in graveyards,
with ghosts, in the company of
stone angels and cemetery cats-
Whispering our secrets to the dead.
The wolves were out that night—
and all of the hook laden quips
that we concocted
fell upon lips
like a hummingbird's whisper.
Then, they ignited into flames
like burning stars.
That should have been us:
beautiful ash, supernova romance
with tongue and fingers soaked in ink.
We always did find the taste of Heaven
stale, like coffee three days old.
And with that taste still lingering,
you were a walking oxymoron.
A sinner come to save
these easily swayed, glass bones
from smashing into oblivion.
I longed to taste that wild,
untamed energy beneath your skin.
Devour that dragons heart,
and tattoo love along the bruises
I begged you to leave on my arms.
[ The 7 deadly sins wrapped up
into one nasty little Pisces. ]
You made me violent.
Names come and go,
but the race of these
rose petal hearts
wont easily be forgotten.--
As we spent our nights in graveyards,
with ghosts, in the company of
stone angels and cemetery cats-
Whispering our secrets to the dead.
Joined 14th May 2012
Forum Posts: 4
Strange Creature

Forum Posts: 4
As we walked, I talked and talked.
You seemed to care, but were you there?
Our friendship tied with weak string,
Always bending, twisting me.
As we walked, I talked and talked,
The day was bright, a stary sight.
I loved to hear your voice so clear,
But lately you were not quite here.
As we walked, I talked and talked,
We walked so far you couldn't see,
Semi moving right past me.
You took a step towards your fate.
As we walked, I talked and talked,
I saved your life that stary night,
I love you still with all my heart.
But as we walked, I dream it still.
As we walked, you talked and talked,
Cause in my dream we were reversed.
You spoke of words I fought to hear,
I was caught in your atmosphere.
As we walked, you talked and talked,
I heard your voice, but the truck.
I was smashed in just one thought.
You seemed to care, but were you there?
Our friendship tied with weak string,
Always bending, twisting me.
As we walked, I talked and talked,
The day was bright, a stary sight.
I loved to hear your voice so clear,
But lately you were not quite here.
As we walked, I talked and talked,
We walked so far you couldn't see,
Semi moving right past me.
You took a step towards your fate.
As we walked, I talked and talked,
I saved your life that stary night,
I love you still with all my heart.
But as we walked, I dream it still.
As we walked, you talked and talked,
Cause in my dream we were reversed.
You spoke of words I fought to hear,
I was caught in your atmosphere.
As we walked, you talked and talked,
I heard your voice, but the truck.
I was smashed in just one thought.
D. Jordan
Joined 4th Nov 2011
Forum Posts: 703
D. Jordan
Fire of Insight

Forum Posts: 703
He burst through the doors, guns in the air.
A shot or two just to scare
The defensless children in the room.
A sense of foreboding in the air doth loom.
He puts a gun to her pretty head,
Threatens to make her as good as dead.
Infuriated, I arise. I'm done listening to his lies.
"Be calm, all will live."
"We just want your money, to pay our bills."
He will not hurt my friend.
He will die by avenging hand.
The weapon is trained on me.
He yells, "Sit down you little freak."
I stand taller, black flames licking my feet.
I feel power swirling on the inside.
Dark clouds swirling on the outside of my body
As it turns black
In the mist that has covered me front to back.
I've scared Him.
He fires a bullet.
I deflect it easily with the slightest movement.
When the smoke clears, my eyes are red.
My body is cloaked in a cape.
I'm sheathed in a hood as black as the dead.
I feel a knife on my nape.
Looks like my boy didn't come alone.
I can feel it deep in my bone.
This is the end, but not for me.
It's over for these detestable creeps.
In an instant I've whirled around.
Planted my feet firmly in the ground.
Driven my hand into the asshole's chest
And ripped his heart from where it rests.
Needless to say, Sub One know's he's screwed.
So he unloads a clip or two
At my body in a blind haste.
The bullets smash into my face.
I'm not hurt, it kinda tickles.
I'm given to fits of giggles
At his futile attempt to save his life.
But he shouldn't have threatened my one friend, right?
His mask is gone, along with all the flesh and bone.
He's a smoldering pile of human debris.
All the helpless children are free.
My work is done, my eyes turn brown.
My cape, disappears. As does the hood on my crown.
I look around- What have I done?
Well, at least I had fun.
He burst through the doors, guns in the air.
A shot or two just to scare
The defensless children in the room.
A sense of foreboding in the air doth loom.
He puts a gun to her pretty head,
Threatens to make her as good as dead.
Infuriated, I arise. I'm done listening to his lies.
"Be calm, all will live."
"We just want your money, to pay our bills."
He will not hurt my friend.
He will die by avenging hand.
The weapon is trained on me.
He yells, "Sit down you little freak."
I stand taller, black flames licking my feet.
I feel power swirling on the inside.
Dark clouds swirling on the outside of my body
As it turns black
In the mist that has covered me front to back.
I've scared Him.
He fires a bullet.
I deflect it easily with the slightest movement.
When the smoke clears, my eyes are red.
My body is cloaked in a cape.
I'm sheathed in a hood as black as the dead.
I feel a knife on my nape.
Looks like my boy didn't come alone.
I can feel it deep in my bone.
This is the end, but not for me.
It's over for these detestable creeps.
In an instant I've whirled around.
Planted my feet firmly in the ground.
Driven my hand into the asshole's chest
And ripped his heart from where it rests.
Needless to say, Sub One know's he's screwed.
So he unloads a clip or two
At my body in a blind haste.
The bullets smash into my face.
I'm not hurt, it kinda tickles.
I'm given to fits of giggles
At his futile attempt to save his life.
But he shouldn't have threatened my one friend, right?
His mask is gone, along with all the flesh and bone.
He's a smoldering pile of human debris.
All the helpless children are free.
My work is done, my eyes turn brown.
My cape, disappears. As does the hood on my crown.
I look around- What have I done?
Well, at least I had fun.
Joined 24th Mar 2012
Forum Posts: 51
Twisted Dreamer

Forum Posts: 51
I was saved today...
I was almost gone.
There would have been no "me" to say hi to,
To "me" to hug or hold...
I was saved today,
Not from a speeding truck,
Not from drowning,
Not from choking
Not from an injury...
I was saved today...
From myself...
My Cousin...
She saved me...
She called...
The next day,
She made a special trip
Just for me...
Just to see me...
To love me
To hold me
To watch me as I cry
To join in the sobbing
To wipe away my tears
To wrap up my wounds,
To heal me...
To save me...
I was saved yesterday...
By my cousin...
From myself.
She gave me something to remember
That her love is always there
Always with me
Forever and Always
She gave me a button.
No, its not much...
But that little orange button
On that chain...
That she had put around my neck...
That button...
That said
"Forever and Always
I love you"
With a heart in the middle.
In the very middle of that little orange button...
One little thing
One little kiss on the cheek
One little hug
One little cry
My cousin...
Saved me...
I was saved today...
I was almost gone.
There would have been no "me" to say hi to,
To "me" to hug or hold...
I was saved today,
Not from a speeding truck,
Not from drowning,
Not from choking
Not from an injury...
I was saved today...
From myself...
My Cousin...
She saved me...
She called...
The next day,
She made a special trip
Just for me...
Just to see me...
To love me
To hold me
To watch me as I cry
To join in the sobbing
To wipe away my tears
To wrap up my wounds,
To heal me...
To save me...
I was saved yesterday...
By my cousin...
From myself.
She gave me something to remember
That her love is always there
Always with me
Forever and Always
She gave me a button.
No, its not much...
But that little orange button
On that chain...
That she had put around my neck...
That button...
That said
"Forever and Always
I love you"
With a heart in the middle.
In the very middle of that little orange button...
One little thing
One little kiss on the cheek
One little hug
One little cry
My cousin...
Saved me...
Joined 11th May 2012
Forum Posts: 2
Strange Creature
Forum Posts: 2
i knew all the hard times in ur life
i just wish i could have been there with u
i cant still forget the things you spoke about
just wish i could have been there to save you
sometimes i wish i could save you
A step later and you could have been here
i wish i travel in time and save you
want you to know i miss you a lot noooow
all the time we spent together
its not gonna come back forever
dont want this to happen to anyone else
cause its like livin within the barbed fence
sometimes i wish i could save you
A step later and you could have been here
i wish i travel in time and save you
want you to know i miss you a lot now
i thought what i heard was a canard
now i wish it could have been a canard
its all my fault
i should'nt have left you all alone
i didnt mean to take it all away from you
i just wanted to help you
hope i can find the answers to your questions
now i'm not able to do anything for you
sometimes i wish i could save you
want you to know i miss you a lot now
sometimes i wish i could saaaavvveee yoooooouuu..............
i knew all the hard times in ur life
i just wish i could have been there with u
i cant still forget the things you spoke about
just wish i could have been there to save you
sometimes i wish i could save you
A step later and you could have been here
i wish i travel in time and save you
want you to know i miss you a lot noooow
all the time we spent together
its not gonna come back forever
dont want this to happen to anyone else
cause its like livin within the barbed fence
sometimes i wish i could save you
A step later and you could have been here
i wish i travel in time and save you
want you to know i miss you a lot now
i thought what i heard was a canard
now i wish it could have been a canard
its all my fault
i should'nt have left you all alone
i didnt mean to take it all away from you
i just wanted to help you
hope i can find the answers to your questions
now i'm not able to do anything for you
sometimes i wish i could save you
want you to know i miss you a lot now
sometimes i wish i could saaaavvveee yoooooouuu..............
Joined 24th Nov 2011
Forum Posts: 241
Fire of Insight

Forum Posts: 241
There's a voice in you
Crying out in distress
Yet you go through the stress alone
Keeping it subdued
Its begging for expression
Its begging for its freedom
This is not the woman you should be
Miss,where's your wisdom?
I hate to pry
But I'm weary of seeing you cry
Acting shy in your black shades
Cos once again he's given you a black eye
Covetousness is not a sin
When done for the right reason
How can I sit and fold my arms
While an angel fades away in prison
You deserve nothing short of love
Happiness and companionship
But here you are in this dark world
In an en slaving relationship
Time to come out open
Time to confront the devil
I must lend my helping hand
Even if it means going through him
Crying out in distress
Yet you go through the stress alone
Keeping it subdued
Its begging for expression
Its begging for its freedom
This is not the woman you should be
Miss,where's your wisdom?
I hate to pry
But I'm weary of seeing you cry
Acting shy in your black shades
Cos once again he's given you a black eye
Covetousness is not a sin
When done for the right reason
How can I sit and fold my arms
While an angel fades away in prison
You deserve nothing short of love
Happiness and companionship
But here you are in this dark world
In an en slaving relationship
Time to come out open
Time to confront the devil
I must lend my helping hand
Even if it means going through him
Joined 18th May 2012
Forum Posts: 8
Strange Creature

Forum Posts: 8
One Hundred Lashes
Selfish am I, fighting for heavenly
Face that of stone, heart drains, for lovers nest
To fly over gates, barbed by enemy
Lays still, your head, on the soft of my chest
Destiny forbidden, will, any means
My dream is of screams, my screams are in dreams
Lost in love forgetting reality
Loving me once, whips one hundred lashes
Loving again, perhaps fatality
I have bred a lioness in my soul
Never surrender, bleed not, raw rashes
I hold now, this truth, deep in oceans bowl
I must destroy; beloved, feels no gashes
She will think, it is of fates decision
War, tyranny, piercings of precision
My love, is beyond, protecting her skin
It’s knowledge; today’s war, we can’t win
If ever storms passage, is safe to sail
I will be the first, removing her veil
Time will heal lover’s wounds, never in me
I, I will love her, from a distant sea
This is the reality, I’ve known long
Life is, my love; war one day, may be gone
……………………………………………………………..Deborah J.Gallese © 2012
Selfish am I, fighting for heavenly
Face that of stone, heart drains, for lovers nest
To fly over gates, barbed by enemy
Lays still, your head, on the soft of my chest
Destiny forbidden, will, any means
My dream is of screams, my screams are in dreams
Lost in love forgetting reality
Loving me once, whips one hundred lashes
Loving again, perhaps fatality
I have bred a lioness in my soul
Never surrender, bleed not, raw rashes
I hold now, this truth, deep in oceans bowl
I must destroy; beloved, feels no gashes
She will think, it is of fates decision
War, tyranny, piercings of precision
My love, is beyond, protecting her skin
It’s knowledge; today’s war, we can’t win
If ever storms passage, is safe to sail
I will be the first, removing her veil
Time will heal lover’s wounds, never in me
I, I will love her, from a distant sea
This is the reality, I’ve known long
Life is, my love; war one day, may be gone
……………………………………………………………..Deborah J.Gallese © 2012
Joined 11th May 2012
Forum Posts: 75
Lost Thinker
Forum Posts: 75
He was small, warm, and alert, this new baby boy
But his struggle was just beginning, because I felt no joy
What would it take to just let him live
Where would I get the strength that I needed to ask Him to give
Why does it have to be me I asked God above
I can barely take care of myself; I don’t know how to love
You’ll have to stop drinking, I remember thinking
This new baby boy is counting on you; I could feel my heart sinking
Bonding, hell no, I was incapable of doing so
Yet my heart was breaking in two, like an arrow through cupid’s bow
Up until now I’d not even cared about anyone, not even myself
Drinking and drugging was my bag; I’d never been able to put them on the shelf
Things changed now, he needs saving, I could clearly see
Please help me I’d pray, to stop and become the best mother I could be
Over and over I disappointed everyone, now I prepared to do it to him
It was then that his guardian angel took over while I continued to live in sin
How perfect you’d look in your crib hungry and wet
I’d resented getting up; just a moment honey, Mommy can’t get up yet
I’d take you to doctors, get you treated for your ills
Then go home, lay in bed, and drink and pop pills
Sometimes others offered to bathe you, change your diaper, and feed you
Looking into your eyes, I’d see longing, to do that which I was unable to do
What mother wouldn’t want to watch as her baby learns and coos
I chose instead to ignore your big baby blues
As you got older, you’d often be left on your own
Making your cereal, getting dressed, and answering the phone
I’d lay down beside you while you slept in your bed
Asking for help to lessen all the dread
Night after night, I’d wimper while laying next to you sleeping
Wondering if I’d screw up again the next day, tears kept on seeping
One day, the last day, I remember it well
You followed me around after a drunk night of hell
Did I feed you, were you wet, more beer I just had to get
So off we went down the street barefoot, when a savior was met
I forget where you’d gone but was sure you were safe somewhere
When I came to I tried to remember but blacked out unaware
I had to save you, my boy, I’d do anything because your life was what I wanted to give
So I sobered up right then and there, so my only child could live
But his struggle was just beginning, because I felt no joy
What would it take to just let him live
Where would I get the strength that I needed to ask Him to give
Why does it have to be me I asked God above
I can barely take care of myself; I don’t know how to love
You’ll have to stop drinking, I remember thinking
This new baby boy is counting on you; I could feel my heart sinking
Bonding, hell no, I was incapable of doing so
Yet my heart was breaking in two, like an arrow through cupid’s bow
Up until now I’d not even cared about anyone, not even myself
Drinking and drugging was my bag; I’d never been able to put them on the shelf
Things changed now, he needs saving, I could clearly see
Please help me I’d pray, to stop and become the best mother I could be
Over and over I disappointed everyone, now I prepared to do it to him
It was then that his guardian angel took over while I continued to live in sin
How perfect you’d look in your crib hungry and wet
I’d resented getting up; just a moment honey, Mommy can’t get up yet
I’d take you to doctors, get you treated for your ills
Then go home, lay in bed, and drink and pop pills
Sometimes others offered to bathe you, change your diaper, and feed you
Looking into your eyes, I’d see longing, to do that which I was unable to do
What mother wouldn’t want to watch as her baby learns and coos
I chose instead to ignore your big baby blues
As you got older, you’d often be left on your own
Making your cereal, getting dressed, and answering the phone
I’d lay down beside you while you slept in your bed
Asking for help to lessen all the dread
Night after night, I’d wimper while laying next to you sleeping
Wondering if I’d screw up again the next day, tears kept on seeping
One day, the last day, I remember it well
You followed me around after a drunk night of hell
Did I feed you, were you wet, more beer I just had to get
So off we went down the street barefoot, when a savior was met
I forget where you’d gone but was sure you were safe somewhere
When I came to I tried to remember but blacked out unaware
I had to save you, my boy, I’d do anything because your life was what I wanted to give
So I sobered up right then and there, so my only child could live
kitty kat
Joined 27th Apr 2012
Forum Posts: 196
kitty kat
Thought Provoker

Forum Posts: 196
Oh,lone angel wondering in the dark
Lurking through your endless memories
Feeling pain in your heart
Oh,lone angel looking back on your past
Crying and scared
Trying to break the spell darkness has cast
Oh,lone angel why are you so sad
Is it that you are broken in heart
Or is it that you feel like an outcast?
Oh,lone angel I will heal your scars
I will gladly walk beside you
I will help you escape from these steel bars.
...I promise
Lurking through your endless memories
Feeling pain in your heart
Oh,lone angel looking back on your past
Crying and scared
Trying to break the spell darkness has cast
Oh,lone angel why are you so sad
Is it that you are broken in heart
Or is it that you feel like an outcast?
Oh,lone angel I will heal your scars
I will gladly walk beside you
I will help you escape from these steel bars.
...I promise