Poetry competition CLOSED 11th April 2012 7:32am
BleedingInferno219 (Kristyn Ashley.)
View Profile Poems by BleedingInferno219
RUNNERS-UP: diddi and Cinny

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Dangerous Mind
India 34awards
Joined 3rd Feb 2012
Forum Posts: 1388

Poetry Contest

What does crisis mean to you? Does it make you a fighter, a survivor, a winner  or feel like a loser ..anything it may be..VENT OUT!
CRISIS- either it can be what is it for you, or a situation you have been or now in or would be ..
Format can be anything..Short formats preferable.
Any Avantgarde style would be welcomed..
Try different styles like Modern Haiku, Couplet verses, or whatever..
Make it not very elaborate, try to be within 200 words maximum.
Three entries max per poet.No collabs.
Hurry Up Curious Minds, Only Two weeks Left!

Dangerous Mind
India 34awards
Joined 3rd Feb 2012
Forum Posts: 1388

:) well, the still BIG ZERO entry  makes it obvious nobody of us ever wanna get into any crisis!
are we stigmatized by crisis...or any repelling theme?!
Lemme post wats a crisis as per me, not a good piece thou, but wanna make a no-zero here..
this is juz to kickstart crisis, lol

*All it Takes*

Land-locked nation suffering fateful blows of all-round suffocation,
Offerings in disguise- closing in are plundering power-pact nations;

Tiny mass floating at a high altitude, like an unheard trivial Tibetan terrain,
Still gathers peaceful momentum, seats  atop monasteries of hearty asylum;

In storms of violence surrounding, is Gautama Buddha born out of a Prince ,
Minds of time-proof toughness in steady blooms, tearing severities at once;

Withstands the worst ever onslaught wearing  a tsunami-consuming smile,
Planned or unplanned may you come, all this takes with a discernible rationale

Fire of Insight
United Kingdom 7awards
Joined 6th Feb 2012
Forum Posts: 193

Once upon a time it was all I ever knew,
The arguments within the family, the judgement from the rest.
I lost myself in faking, I found myself believing,
But it continues, the crisis I will have always possessed.

Thought Provoker
New Zealand 6awards
Joined 23rd May 2010
Forum Posts: 311

Tenser, demented,
young one; I've lived through it
No triumph to still be here
It wasn't my decision.
Of everything I've seen
And everyone I've been
Lifes my saviour
And I am a being

That is all there is to winning.

Dangerous Mind
United States 15awards
Joined 7th Dec 2009
Forum Posts: 2808

Full Metal Jacket

He came home loaded    
Waving himself in the air, threatening to go off    
Barreling down upon his targets    
Barely contained inside a chamber    
It was nothing new    
He always went off half-cocked and came back fully loaded    
Waving himself in the air, threatening to go off    
He liked the way we'd cower when his attention was turned our way    
Barreling down upon us    
Barely contained inside his dizzily spinning chambers    
It was nothing new    
But tonight, the safety was off and his hands were shaking    
He was aiming to spit fire    
To leave powder burns and bleeding wounds    
Tonight the safety was off and his hands were shaking    
And he waved himself around so we could cower    
I was nothing new    
But his attention turned toward me    
Fully loaded, the spinning chamber locked itself in place    
And he raised himself in the air, aiming to spit fire    
To leave powder burns and bleeding wounds    
He didn't like the way I cowered    
And that's all the trigger needed    
He set his sights on the hammer's mark and applied pressure    
It was nothing new    
But this time, when the hammer struck the casing,    
A spark ignited inside the tightly packed powder      
And the explosion became expression    
A snap released a weapon lying dormant in a holster    
(In the proper place to put it)    
and it was something new    
With no intent to cower    
Fire spat and powder burned    
Spent rounds ejected    
While the carriage went for more    
Sights set and shaking hands    
Leaving empty spinning chambers    
Powder burns and bleeding wounds    
And hammers striking hollow casings    
I barreled down upon him    
Sights set and waving, threatening to go off    
But there was something new    
I liked the way he cowered    
And I was aiming to spit fire  

Dangerous Mind
India 34awards
Joined 3rd Feb 2012
Forum Posts: 1388

WoW! You make it sound easy,LeesAngel..
Crisis made u a believer of self for lifetime..
A very good note to start the comp.
Keep flowing such intense entries..Am all eyes n ears to ur wordzz here

Dangerous Mind
India 34awards
Joined 3rd Feb 2012
Forum Posts: 1388

Skinnyjean, juz loved de way u wrapped up how it feels to be in crisis!
Pierre, a gripping crisis indeed! beautifully put.

poet Anonymous


My life is one crisis leading to another

Once one crisis is over.....surprise

The next crisis was hiding

Ready to pounce on my uncertain shore

Objectively with 20/20 hindsight

They were really not such a threat

But anything that comes along

Is a threat to my safety net

I am in the midst of my midlife crisis

Caused by the North American focus on the ideal

The culture of youth

Makes me do things unreal

Dreams never did come true

Goals forgotten or not accomplished

Youth behind me, aging before me

I numb my mind so as not to feel like a failure

The doctor gives me medicine

I spend a fortune on herbs

I dress like a young chick

Exercise for hours

Food has become my enemy

Sex is proof of my attractiveness

In my cougar stage

My pre-menopausal hormones rage

For the young (meaning 30 +) men

Some are gracious, some are not

I heard it called a "pity-fuck"

My husband has a mistress

He does not want a divorce

He knows how crazy we both are

Our children look at us and roll their eyes

Kristyn Ashley.
Fire of Insight
United States 12awards
Joined 3rd Apr 2011
Forum Posts: 717

I Just Can't Quit.

The clock screeches for morning,
But I believe I was faster.
Staring it down for 2 hours now,
Realizing I’m a disaster.

Shaking sequins out of my hair,
Coat on one more layer of eyeliner,
The bad taste in my mouth, chased by liquor,
As I stumble out of the recliner.

My dress is short, but so am I.
I peel it off again to shower.
The smells of last night swim down the drain,
And once again, I’m feeling sour.

Clambering over living corpses,
Through this house that isn’t mine.
Starting the engine, changing on the way
To the next party I have to find.

A bag in the seat,
I packed it full of party favors.
Razors, pills, and needles,
Items responsible for my behavior.

Call me addicted, Tell me I’m trash.
I like to hear the dirty truth.
Take me to bed, I don’t give a damn.
Do me a favor, rip me in 2.

Fire of Insight
United States 4awards
Joined 21st Feb 2012
Forum Posts: 983

I am bleached in black,
A life where love is lacked.

I'm losing myself again in the abyss,
Holding my razor, cutting myself with it.

I'm bleeding, red the only splash of color in the dark,
The world has gone monochrome, empty, and stark.

One hollow beat from within my chest,
As I close my eyes, and fall in eternal rest.

Something I've been trying to tell,
Before I became this empty shell.

But nobody listened, so I played on deception,
As I spiraled deeper into my depression.

A noose around my neck as I stand on the chair,
I'm ready to kick it out, let my eyes give an empty stare.

I can't wait for the chill and the snap of my neck,
Now that my emotions went crazy and I'm just a wreck.

Who would've thought I'd come to such a low?
Who would've thought I wouldn't die as my blood flows?

Toes curl against the edge of the seat,
The cold wood burns through my feet.

I lift one and then the other,
Mentally apologizing to my mother.

I've failed like many others at what people call life,
When I received no more comfort from my knife.

Kristyn Ashley.
Fire of Insight
United States 12awards
Joined 3rd Apr 2011
Forum Posts: 717

Another Morning Without You.

My eyes are raw,
rubbed from crying.
Because again last night,
I caught myself lying.

Lying again,
to my little head.
“No, it can’t be,
my daughter’s not dead.”

I dare not to look over,
or to roll in my slumber.
No bassinet will be there,
still, I hide under covers.

Some songs I may not hear,
a few untouchable possessions.
My head is swimming rather fast,
from my ready-made depression.

I’m standing over the sink,
knuckles white from gripping the sides.
Not one peek into the mirror,
gasping, down I slide.

Just one more morning,
made it through the night.
That leaves me counting down days
to the rest of my life.

StephenPaul Summerscales
Dangerous Mind
United Kingdom 42awards
Joined 18th Dec 2009
Forum Posts: 1704

Bring Her Home      

Bring her home
she's my baby girl
I plead  
she belongs with me
this is wrong
don't you see .

Her bike lies outside
my pain it hikes
to an all time high ,
I see her pink hair brush
low can't sink , as it's way to much
bring her home please
my worlds on hold
in the cold , of freeze .

The days , the nights
I strain my pain for life ,
memories swirl
my mind , my baby girl  ,
shadows of her face
I try so hard to trace ,
devastation seems
to me , to be so lame ,
I try to call her
I'm ignored
I go insane
I'm her mother , her father
in her life of everyday ,
if this goes much further
I'll die now anyday ,
does this mean nothing to you
as you , do turn away  .

Stab me to death
and tear my soul apart
crush my chest
run me over in your car ,
for that is best
than this hole
right through my heart  ,
I'm the walking dead
in this land of oh so far .

My energy drains away ,
like a ghost in long gone days
my eyes are now in flames
her voice , my mind does play ,
I stare at all her games
they glare like razor blades
bring my J.J home
to god I do so pray ,

Her brothers and I
are so now zombified ,
we cuddle and  cry
and they , just don't know why .

For christs sake
oh why , is it I you hate
for she's only nine
it's not her choice to make .

Dangerous Mind
India 34awards
Joined 3rd Feb 2012
Forum Posts: 1388

Paul, Cinni, KirstynAshley, Somelikeithot-Thanxx fr ur entriezzz :)
And, great going so far! 
Its a hard time sure to select the winner!!
Keep flowing as its three entries per poet.

Dangerous Mind
India 34awards
Joined 3rd Feb 2012
Forum Posts: 1388

Hey All,
I xpected more entriezz..bet , make me busy, appreciate more posts poets!
i remembered all of a sudden, crisis can be a happy crisis too...a sudden happy explosion so strange & unfelyt before..
any takers on this??
newayzz ..it can be anything as per your situationss..sad/bad/mad or judst the ecstatically happy crisis
only a day left more..be a winner here!

Tyrant of Words
Greece 10awards
Joined 3rd Sep 2011
Forum Posts: 2278

Looking though these bars
of my own design
wishful thinking
my only crime
with sadness
are these steps i take
through the ruins
of my past mistakes
a skeletal grasp
my only line
away from the chaos
of my paranoid mind

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