Poetry competition CLOSED 22nd December 2011 4:03am
diddi (StephenPaul Summerscales)
View Profile Poems by diddi

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Tower Of Babel

poet Anonymous

Poetry Contest

write a poem using the words i provide
Tower Of Babel
Write a poem using all the words listed below. Onlt one poem per person.
1.Tower of Babel
5. Unknown
6. Heaven

poet Anonymous

A new age has dawned,
in Babylon.
A ziggurat giant stepping stones,
ancient calls of temple and gods,
unknown and confusing of babble of tongues.
Bricks layed high going to desend to Heaven,
while moon-gods and angels,
cry out in the temple.
A construction of tragedy building,
shrouded in mystery,
now to lay ruin of a building that God did not allow,
to reach into the sky,
to bridge its way into Heaven.
A new age has dawned,
in Babylon...
The tower of Babel...

StephenPaul Summerscales
Dangerous Mind
United Kingdom 42awards
Joined 18th Dec 2009
Forum Posts: 1704

Biblical Babylon

Biblical , Babylon
with ziggurat
high temple stones
these pyramids
square based and bold  
unknown and in
gone days of old  .

The tower of babel
a building in the ancient world
when one tongue was available
a single language only heard .

This  constuction
was meant to reach
the heavens
to make them look good
or appear as angels
it never got done
a confusion
from an angry god
stopped their talking
to each other from being understood

Shrouded in mystery
these men a ruined
babbled , tragedy
went stepping  around the world
inventing new ways to speak .

poet Anonymous

paul summercale
i liked the way you used these words bibical babylon with ziggarant high stepping stones these prymid square based and bold
unkown in days of old. this is just a wonderful stanza and so are the rest

Twisted Dreamer
United States
Joined 14th Nov 2011
Forum Posts: 32

New Babylon

The gods have heard us,
and will send us what we crave.
Confusion, scrambling of the mind
like eggs in a bowl.
Too long we sat in communication
with each other, understanding the
pain, sharing the experience of
being human. Our tongues cried out
for peace, but peace is not
the lot of our hearts. The Ancient Ones
took pity on us, and looking down from heaven,
shrouded us in mystery for each other.
I cannot understand you.
You cannot understand me.
And now it is almost like peace
within ourselves, for with ease we can
treat our fellow men as stepping stones,
climb the ziggurats of Hard Work and
Self-Reliance, on the backs of them that
do not understand us. For their hearts are
unknown to us. Angels watch, and are
envious; what we are missing is the
whole of their existence. It must be
constant pain, to be so exalted, to
feel so much Love.
With our new-found isolation, we have begun
construction of a new and better world.
Coffee shops with free wi-fi and smartphone
stores; temples to the new god of Constant
Connection. (An ironic god who enjoys his
title.) And in this world, this New Babylon that
we are building so ferociously,
we are stronger. We are smarter.
There is no need for
fragility, for kindness. No need, even,
for the Ancient Ones.
That is in the ruin of our past,
the tragedy of what came before.
We are looking down, now, from our
Tower of Babel.
Let us give thanks for isolation, for
miscommunication, for numbness and
the strangeness of our fellow man to our
own eyes. Let us babble.

StephenPaul Summerscales
Dangerous Mind
United Kingdom 42awards
Joined 18th Dec 2009
Forum Posts: 1704

Thanks Starstruck , I'm glad it is ok :)

poet Anonymous

Tower of Babel

of Babylon
Tragedy strikes the
construction of the Ziggurats
the unknown tongues of angels speak
in ancient confusion and shrouded mystery –
they babble and gaggle messages brought from the gods
building stepping stones leading to humanity’s ruin and silent end.


Written by AliP

StephenPaul Summerscales
Dangerous Mind
United Kingdom 42awards
Joined 18th Dec 2009
Forum Posts: 1704

AliP said:Tower of Babel

of Babylon
Tragedy strikes the
construction of the Ziggurats
the unknown tongues of Angels speak
in ancient confusion and shrouded mystery –
they babble and gaggle messages brought from the gods
building stepping stones leading to humanity’s ruin and silent end.


Written by AliP

very clever indeed Alip , I'm most impressed

poet Anonymous

Thank you didi, Im glad you like it...
I have this mission of trying to make writing look cool, it hardly ever works, giggle.

poet Anonymous

such a cool desigh you made the unknow tongues which angels speak in ancient confusion and shrouded mystery i love this line

poet Anonymous

you took on a modern take of this challlenge kind of cool how you made it as if it were yesterday a good poem liked the part about confusing like scrambleing eggs in a bowl

Dangerous Mind
United States 14awards
Joined 6th Apr 2011
Forum Posts: 2026

I wish I could write for this Star but I can't right now...Idk if I will ever be able to

Twisted Dreamer
United States
Joined 14th Nov 2011
Forum Posts: 32

Thank you, glad you liked it.

poet Anonymous

starstruck13 said:alip
such a cool desigh you made the unknow tongues which angels speak in ancient confusion and shrouded mystery i love this line

Than you Starstru

gla you lik it.

Tyrant of Words
Joined 25th Aug 2011
Forum Posts: 17118


I stood with you at the Tower of Babel
Looking towards the sky
We stood, proud of the rubbles
that now stood symmetrical
towards heavens
The blasphemed God thundered
In Babylon, once more we stood together
Loving the decadence of living
Drinking waters of ether
Shrieking against the gods
Until they answered
By the Ziggurats, towards the sky
They seemed to claw
Holding your hands once more
No lesson learned from before
The gods destroyed some more
You spoke in Unknown Tongues
Voices of Heaven
Shrouded in dark Mystery
The Babble spelled dark incantations
But the Gods were not pleased
They laid your dreams in ruin
once more
Building pyramids with Stepping Stones
Ancient chants and wails
tried to stop you
Confusion reigned and Angels
visited the Earth again
The Construction of stairs
To the heavenly constellation
ends always in Tragedy
There are Temples dedicated to them.
As for you great builder
Challenger of the gods
I abide with you until
You stay still and abide
by nature's hierarchy

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