Poetry competition CLOSED 4th February 2024 5:11pm
View Profile Poems by slipalong
RUNNERS-UP: Sappho and Anne-Ri999

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Imbolc - Brigid the Goddess of Poetry

Thought Provoker
Norway 5awards
Joined 16th Aug 2023
Forum Posts: 199

Tyrant of Words
United States 121awards
Joined 11th Apr 2015
Forum Posts: 16187

Beautiful offering, Anne-Ri999. Thank you for entering. xo

Tyrant of Words
United States 121awards
Joined 11th Apr 2015
Forum Posts: 16187

Blessed Imbolc Eve!

Four more days to enter!

Twisted Dreamer
Germany 2awards
Joined 8th Aug 2018
Forum Posts: 14

Imbolc Cleansing

O Brigid, your season has arrived
Bowing to you, Jack Frost retreats
Nature speaks spring language
The first leaves unfurl, seeds sprout
Animals give birth to their offspring
Blessed by your light, o Goddess of
Fertility, the eternal circle  of
Birth death and rebirth starts anew

I call upon your guidance, o Brigid
All rooms are prepared and cleaned
The incense sticks are kindled
Now the time has come to
Smudge the house of my soul
I am afraid to face the darker side
Encouraged by your divine light
I open the door to my core

The unexpected sight makes me gosp
Splendid by your brightness, Brigid,
Pale, pitiable creatures squint at me
Where are the terrifying monsters?
Suppressing my unliked attitudes
I missed to learn their lessons
Embracing each and every demon
I let them go in peace

The awareness makes me weep
My self perception cries for
Healing and transformation
Amidst the turmoil of my feelings
I hear your calling, o Brigid,
Patroness of the poets
Mingling with the ink, tears become
Words of gratitude and veneration
Written by Sappho
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Tyrant of Words
United States 121awards
Joined 11th Apr 2015
Forum Posts: 16187

Thank you for such a heartfelt entry, Sappho.

Roughly 24 hours to enter, Poets.

Tyrant of Words
United States 121awards
Joined 11th Apr 2015
Forum Posts: 16187

Thank you for your entries! I'll be announcing the winners soon. xo

Tyrant of Words
United States 121awards
Joined 11th Apr 2015
Forum Posts: 16187

Thank you for your patience. This was a toughie in many ways. In my opinion you're all winners, but unfortunately the site only allows me to select one.

Brenda, Brigid: I loved the imagery of this entry and how you addressed the poets as Brigid herself, assuming the role and thus carrying out the ritual. The blessing of each blossom and seed was particularly moving. I believe this to be due to your deep connection with nature.

Thank you for entering.

Grace, Old Gods Laugh: I absolutely loved the title of this poem. The imagery and observational piece painted pictures in my mind as an observer, and what it must've been like for us back then. You possess a depth and connection to ancient ways that is reflected in your poetry and deeply appreciated.

Thank you for entering.

PAR, Imbolc: I really enjoyed your take on Imbolc. I particularly liked how you included the senses of sight, touch, and emotion ( joining the energy ). The inclusion provided a personal touch that extended beyond imagery. It's a lovely piece honoring the Patron of Poetry herself.

Thank you for entering.

Jordan ( Jordan Jordan! ), File Risqué ( or The Imbolc for Dim Folk )

I am constantly amazed at your ability to humorize a thing while maintaining the sacredness of energy. You touched base on real life issues I am certain existed in those days contrasted with the modern use of weaponry. It was a very clever entry and I really enjoyed reading your offering.

Thank you for entering.

Slip, Spring Celtic Rights

This was an abstolutely stunning entry with original magery and delicious metaphors such as

"We see her now in silvered crowd
Sun baked surf, crashing loud."

I have never been much for rhyming unless it can read unforced, and this one did, beautifully, I might add. Furthermore, the use of old Irish dialect was clever and appreciated. I could read the time and research you put into this between the lines, and it was appreciated.

Thank you for your entry and congratulations on winning First Place.

Midnight Sonneteer, Syncretize!

The honesty of your first line was as surprising as it was shocking! You definitely know how to grab attention and you know I love honesty. The irony of comparison to MLK stopped me in my tracks, and your appreciation of Brigid as patroness of our craft was palpable.

Thank you for your entry.

Anne-Ri, sentient spindleweel speaks:

This offering was as ethereal as it was enjoyable to read, which was akin to the interpretation of an ancient dialect. The imagery of rebirth was particularly stark and reminds us that while the end result of spring or any birth is a beautiful life, the process itself is thick with fluid and blood bursting forth from the pod. The energy of this entry encapsulated the old ways and the true nature of birth.

Thank you for entering and congratulations on winning Second Place.

Sappho, Imbolc Cleansing

I really enjoyed this invocation of blessing. The depiction of light diminishing darkness of fear or the unknown reminded me of that MLK quote that only love can drive out darkness, not hate. Your gratitude at the ending was palpable.

Thank you for entering and congratulations on winning Third Place.

Thought Provoker
Norway 5awards
Joined 16th Aug 2023
Forum Posts: 199

CONGATS Slip! A very fine poem, you always show your multi facetted pen gift! A well deserved win
THANK YOU Ahavati for the competition and runner up choice!!!

Tyrant of Words
United States 121awards
Joined 11th Apr 2015
Forum Posts: 16187

You're very welcome! It was well-deserved. xo

Dangerous Mind
United Kingdom 41awards
Joined 1st Jan 2018
Forum Posts: 842

Thanks Ahavati for a testing challenge and your coments and critique on all the entries, such etiquette a rarety, First in a prestige comp and company

Tyrant of Words
United States 121awards
Joined 11th Apr 2015
Forum Posts: 16187

You're very welcome, Slip. Your research and hard work showed.

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