Poetry competition CLOSED 17th July 2023 5:02pm
View Profile Poems by javalini
RUNNER-UP: dejure

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Pick n’ Mix poetry

poet Anonymous

Blue Devil

in divine garden
exquisite prey wandering
unaware of risk

stalking observing
legless but ready to pounce
entwined in branches

accountable to no one
radical self reliance
perfect camouflage

charismatic charm
appealing to innocence
seemingly harmless

pointing out the forbidden
sweet succulent fruit

like the snake that he is
his turquoise ego slithers
hissing temptation
Written by Kinkpoet
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Kinkpoet said:

Hi KinkPoet. Entries over 50 words I’m afraid. If you’d like to amend, you are welcome.

Tyrant of Words
United States 11awards
Joined 9th May 2019
Forum Posts: 1064


Fire of Insight
United States 17awards
Joined 4th Apr 2019
Forum Posts: 213

A nice surprise.
Thank you.

Tyrant of Words
Palestine 20awards
Joined 14th June 2017
Forum Posts: 5404

javalini said:A nice surprise.
Thank you.

Congratulations dear Poet.

A well deserved credit Sir. :-)

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