Poetry competition CLOSED 18th May 2020 11:45pm
summultima (uma)
View Profile Poems by summultima
RUNNERS-UP: slipalong and Ely

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Murder Hornet Haiku

poet Anonymous

the Truth of it stings :
not all he's cracked up to be
and wasn't your hype

poet Anonymous

credit Mosquito
Banditos for racking up
highest body count

poet Anonymous

It's family night -
Asian giant hornets LOVE
Pictionary, drinks, . . .

poet Anonymous

Mafia hit jobs
on their competitors are
none of your bee's wacks

poet Anonymous

offing their neighbors
is easier than keeping
up with the Droneses

Dangerous Mind
United Kingdom 43awards
Joined 1st Jan 2018
Forum Posts: 855

Hornet (haiku)

the drone of life, quiet hive
the honey pot now dry

Armageddon comes
 murder each from foriegn climes
KIm Jong Un that flies

Voracious hunger
thousands die, swarm so scotched
hornet that despot
Written by slipalong
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poet Anonymous

^yellow garbed ninja
slipped along winning stinger
silent but deadly^

poet Anonymous

mud puddled huddled
yellow jacketed muggle
plans their bombing run

poet Anonymous

colossal hornet
queen divastates New England
attacks from the east

poet Anonymous

having the cool name
Vespa Mandarinia -
could be from Star Wars !

poet Anonymous

cursed to pen haikus
by the heathen hornet gods
his blistered hand stings

poet Anonymous

'lil super villian
mean armored killin' machine
hardly comical

poet Anonymous

imposter in orange face
masks bumbling beefoon

poet Anonymous

redrum ! REDRUM ! RED---
hornet hotel haiku hell
Kephen Sting noveled

poet Anonymous

Madame Lavender
doomed to read wretched haikus
for bee'ternity

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