Poetry competition CLOSED 18th May 2020 11:45pm
summultima (uma)
View Profile Poems by summultima
RUNNERS-UP: slipalong and Ely

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Murder Hornet Haiku

poet Anonymous

buzz buzz because ... what ?
censoring Murder Hornets ?!
speci'ous at best

poet Anonymous

Haikus On Murder Hornets


stripey jumpers on
they forgot their gloves and mask
what rubbish killers


bees look at experts
they’d like to brandish a sword
their dagger fails them


pain is the new God
tell that to America
they need a hug most


sting me you asshole
ruin a perfect Tuesday
corona problems


The apocalypse
not a zombie killing zone
bit disappointed

poet Anonymous

hai-ku, hi-ho[rn], it's
off to murder Yu-Gi-Oh
manga'nificent !

poet Anonymous

deliberate swarm
humanicide, the new norm
Wuhan'geneered plot !

poet Anonymous

murder hornet phile
whoop whoop whoop whoop whoop whoop whoop
killing gangland style

poet Anonymous

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poet Anonymous

Anonymous said:<< post removed >>

my beehived bonnet's
never mastered sonnets
need syllabacus !

poet Anonymous

ornery hornet
born of Asian persuasian
descends on its prey

poet Anonymous

Orient expressed
death by lethal injection
murderous ! she wrote

poet Anonymous

killing Yu, killing
Mei - murderously thuggish
them versus me ! SQUISH !

poet Anonymous

horrid fifty-foot tall
bitchqueen arrives on the scene
B[ee] movie horror !

poet Anonymous

Billy the Bedbug
saves China's vaginas with
cans of panty RAID

Sorry, I could not think of anything involving hornets.

poet Anonymous

fissile isotope
tests on nests created these
missile proof trope pests !

poet Anonymous

f'ugly bugly Truth :
it is not journalism
if you don't fact check

poet Anonymous

Horny Hornet Male
seeks Wasp Waisted Females for
sucking plump bee hinds

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