Poetry competition CLOSED 22nd April 2020 2:22pm
View Profile Poems by monkeyman
RUNNER-UP: nomoth

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Fire of Insight
Joined 3rd May 2018
Forum Posts: 1216

Poetry Contest

Nominate an Amazing Poem to Represent DU across social media!

It's time for our "Poem of the Month" to be featured in the DUP 'Poem of the Month Hall of Fame' and on the official Facebook page.
You have THREE weeks to nominate no more than THREE of your favorite poems from another DUP poet!

Please note the following when making nominations:

NOTE: The Spoken Word of the Month comp is here:
Because the vote for this com is anonymous, and spoken word pieces cannot be anonymous due to avatars and voices, we would prefer you nominate those pieces in the appropriate comp above so that voting remains fair.

NOTE: New Member ( six ( 6 ) months of less ) of the Month comp is here: https://deepundergroundpoetry.com/forum/competitions/read/11284/

1. Self nominations are not accepted. The great majority of the competitions here are about spotlighting one's own work on a particular topic or theme.  This is a chance to nominate that poem that you wish you had written but some other great talent here beat you to it.

2. You may nominate only THREE poems from THREE different DU members.

3. No DUPLICATES. If someone nominates the same poem the entry will be deleted. If you like it that much wait and vote for it!

4. Any genre except erotica or pornography. This is a Facebook feature and we must adhere to their guidelines.  

5. Any member who is banned or disables their account PRIOR to the win will be automatically disqualified.

6. One win per member within a Calendar Year.

7. You must personally notify the member that they have been nominated.

Nomination Duration is three weeks followed by a week of site voting!

Current Poem of the Month Hall of Famers:


January 2020-  NEW BEGINNINGS
February 2020 - EDIBLE WORDS


February, 2019 - SOPHIE_ERICSON
March, 2019 - AUDIOHARLEEA
April, 2019 - FROM THE ASH
May, 2019 - MISS_SUB
June, 2019 - NAAJIR
July, 2019 - LAYLA
August, 2019 - AHAVATI
September, 2019 - MISS_SUB
October, 2019 - HOWLING_WHELMS
November, 2019 - JOHNNY BLAZE
December 2019- RACHEL_LAUREN


January, 2018 - LADY_OF_THE_QUILL
February, 2018  - LEPPEROCHAN Craic in a Box
March, 2018 - TINABUBUYA (Tee Mali)
April, 2018 - CROWFLY
May, 2018  - ATOMIKBOMB
June, 2018  - MISS_SUB (Missy)
July, 2018  - MEADOWSWEET
August, 2018  - LAYLA
September, 2018 - COLD FUSION
October, 2018  - TODSKI28
November, 2018 - TheMUSE22
December, 2018  - BENDER


January, 2017 - VEE
February, 2017 - CRIMSIN
March, 2017 - ONEFIFTYSIX
June, 2017 - AEMelia564
July, 2017 - THE_SILLY_SIBYL (Jack Thomas Heslop)
August, 2017 - QUIETUSQUILL
September, 2017 - _SHADOE_
October, 2017 - POETSREVENGE
November, 2017 - NAAJIR
December, 2017 - POETSPEAK


November, 2016 - JOHN FEDDELER
December, 2016 - AHAVATI

Tyrant of Words
United States 121awards
Joined 11th Apr 2015
Forum Posts: 16224

From each heart

As we stumbled wounded
confusion rained and all were hounded
saw not tomorow, left confounded
Some gave all in their last breath
had no chance, conserved the waste
saved a life with a bequest
Saw a younster lying next
heard Gods voice in lifes context
so slim the chance were his prospects
The treasure of each life  
some will waste and some will strive
a baton handed on, and self denied
See the angels hear the chiors
facets of unselfishness, a soul so tired  
 for each that saw, a heroic act insipre
Take my ventilator, I'm so tired
your life is pure and mine is mired
for I am called by raptue higher
For some there is more take and give
no money buy when heartstrings ripped
ultruisum  is the ultimate gift
A summit for us all to reach
for jewels hide when life's carefree
to self delete, a halo warn unseen
Some have a fire never doused
for they give all and take nowt
in troubled times they had redoubt
Written by slipalong
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Tyrant of Words
United States 121awards
Joined 11th Apr 2015
Forum Posts: 16224

Related submission no longer exists.

poet Anonymous

melongene, me

(two of 30 - Official DUP NaPo/GloPoWrimo 2020)

it was the year 2012 or near there
i carefully planted a white oval
in Gaia’s bosom. . .& forgot all about
that seeded future.

It’s been a black and blues Tao
for me and current events
that tug(ged)-o-war me
found me searching for
the plant of a dirt burial decade
or 2 or 3 …more?

@ present, i am feeling
more purple’d than blue
or green or pink.
(eggplant, me)

Some plants
don’t seed
produce fruit
as we’d hoped
for. . .

i just effin wish(ed)
my example
could fertilize
new growth  
weed out
the antonyms
of civility. . .

. . .how I long for the strong
to yield and become
fragibly kinder. . .

119 words  
91 unique
Written by Tallen (earth_empath)
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Tyrant of Words
Joined 15th Oct 2018
Forum Posts: 2326

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Tyrant of Words
Palestine 20awards
Joined 14th June 2017
Forum Posts: 5404

War On The Truth

It’s been shackled
and chained
and blamed
Put to the knife
with a lie
or removed
falsely disproved
left in the corner
to die

So righteous
they stand
in hand
in a land
where profit
holds firmer
than proof
and spy’s
as lies
build more lies
continue their war
on the truth

It’s been spat at
pissed on
and used
accused of being ugly
cold and uncouth
The facts
on display
now the facades
the horrors of war
on the truth

Blown up
bombed or slain
brought down
by a plane
simply shot
in the head
By murder
and mayhem
they strive
to silence
to hide
to bury alive
But alas
The truth is not dead
Written by monkeyman
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poet Anonymous

Pen Negotiations

Here I go again, hands clenched
Around my lucky writing utensil
The one that’s left ink stains on hands
And smeared itself on narrow lines
I believe no drop has gone to waste.

This pen has told stories
Of my childhood, bringing light to the things hidden and unseen
You might even say, this pen
Rescued me, from it repeating

Today, however, my pen speaks differently
Like a language newly learned
I must find some paper
A journal.. anything
What is the cause of this awakening?

An uprising of fear surrounds me
The people are hurting, what more can I do?
I must start writing.

This pen has seen the corruption of a fallen world
And the tears of those who inhabit it
I shielded myself from those things
Diligent self isolating
But my pen remains completely free
My mind and pen negotiating
Whether or not to free myself
As well

This pen has written
Heartbreak, and tragedy
Beautiful stanzas, and ugly poetry
But today, for a change
I’m proud to say

This pen is rewriting history.
Written by Thetravelingfairy
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Jennifer Michael McCurry
Tyrant of Words
United States 28awards
Joined 22nd June 2015
Forum Posts: 2047

the kites fly but I don't

the kites fly but I don't
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Tyrant of Words
Joined 15th Oct 2018
Forum Posts: 2326

Basking in the Sunshine of New Truth

in the era of new truth  
it matters not who cheats  
on whom  
or why  
or how deep the water  
or where the wind blows  
or how many fill the  
or who helped who  
and who didn't
or why  
for facts are facts  
but truth is something else again  
so one might gather truth  
from hither  
or thither  
but a smart smart man knows  
which streams to fish  
and which fruit best fills his basket  
and thus can speak his truth  
adamant as any preacher  
and tap his toes to it's good and righteous tune  
knowing his truth is valid  
as anybody's
Written by javalini
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Fire of Insight
Joined 3rd May 2018
Forum Posts: 1216

Awesome choices, keep'em coming.
Remember you can nominate 3 different poems, so the field is wide open for everyone as long as they have not won the previous year to date.

Fire of Insight
Joined 3rd May 2018
Forum Posts: 1216

Without My Light

Blue was the morning
my grey mist among trees  
rituals wrap tightly to arm and heart
as everyday dies without
There's a candle for You
burning in the empty  
whimpering with plea  
that will never give back
diamonds fall form to stream
such precious memories  
my breath never again the same
Our heads held together saw sunlight
nightime yarns spun side by side  
as conversation sparred equally  
Your focused eyes locked in contact, full with loves attention
Home is so cold without Your warmth  
the sound of nothing leaves me raw  
shadows move in corners of my eyes
and now its only memory when we touch
Every drop of energy given to me  
helped heal  
a fish in newspaper flopping without breath
Your cpr and koala care held me tight
I am in pain my dearest friend
my chest ever heavy, gut wrenched
and everything I do now...
is without You
Written by souladareatease
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Fire of Insight
Joined 3rd May 2018
Forum Posts: 1216

The Gardener
Tyrant of Words
United Kingdom 28awards
Joined 10th Oct 2010
Forum Posts: 1347

Related submission no longer exists.

Have at thee, The Talk and Aunt Eliza are particular favourites of mine .

The Gardener
Tyrant of Words
United Kingdom 28awards
Joined 10th Oct 2010
Forum Posts: 1347

May One Shine

night withers to her pull
pink panther upon the prowl
alone the wolf
transversed in a hearse drawn howl

a wilderness of one
relegated and isolated
a biting bohemoth
born to run

in the distance,
war torn eyes witness

shimmers seducing from her grace
across an open gate
swung out
she glowing as he awaits

ne'r to bend
her very graze,
an empty haze
stare not stolen from her face

and taken aback
a second
and a third,

to rewind

if only I was a bird
and could peck out those eyes
flapping my golden wings
nesting near your threaded roost
touching cheek to cheek

but be forewarned
of that and this
the wild wild wind
and the hail
leading the call of the lord
where lovers
and keep
quarters close

sink not into the valley of the night
nor play within the thorns
bleeding out in the thickets

rise up when he rises
shine down when he shines
release now
all the flowers from their bed
Written by JusTim_
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Twisted Dreamer
Joined 25th Mar 2020
Forum Posts: 19

Related submission no longer exists.

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