Poetry competition CLOSED 22nd January 2020 4:26am
View Profile Poems by russell_snow
RUNNER-UP: Jade-Pandora

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Palindrome Poetry

Guardian of Shadows
Jamaica 14awards
Joined 27th Feb 2014
Forum Posts: 784

Way to go, wallyroo!

Prismatic poise pops your palindrome poem.

Thanks for bringing up the rear so handsomely.


DU Webmistress
Mistress of the Underground

The winner of this competition and any runners up were decided by public vote.

Thank you to the following members for voting:

Miss_Sub, JusTim_, AspergerPoet56, _shadoe_, Lagertha, Tallen, Josh, Stoney223, Kinkpoet, Wh1skeySwagger, Layla, russell_snow, RexDurkin, snugglebuck, Unredeemed, Poetic_Strength, Heaven_sent_Kathy, eswaller, Vamps

jade tiger
Tyrant of Words
United States 154awards
Joined 9th Nov 2015
Forum Posts: 5134

An amazing poetic form that had been the theme of several previous DU competition, where my reading how others were doing it just wasn’t helping me with a way that would work for me. But this time around, I discovered a key to open a door that gave me an answer that this time worked after I quietly rethought what I had not figured out till then.  My two entries in host cabcool’s challenge are, to date, my first two successful attempts, and showed me that I might do even better with practice. The fact of my placing along with a very talented poet who earned the cup, gives one further motivation.

So I hereby thank Cabcool for the amazing oppprtunity with his guidance, encouragement and support.  I thank everyone who contributed their votes, and to the entrants with their renditions of mirrored poetry that helped make this event possible, and...

My enthusiastic congratulations to Russell Snow for his excellent interpretation - well done!


Twisted Dreamer
South Africa 1awards
Joined 5th Nov 2018
Forum Posts: 15

A big congrats to Russel for scooping the trophy. Congratulation to Jade too for being a runner up and to everyone else who took part. A big thank you to Cabcool for the challenge, this was one of the hardest things to attempt and pull through. Thank you all guys♥♥♥

Twisted Dreamer
United States 4awards
Joined 19th Mar 2019
Forum Posts: 25

Thanks Jade! I saw that a few of my top favorite entries ended up being yours, so you definitely put up excellent work. I remember this poem being really tough to write and I enjoyed the new form and process. I was initially inspired to write this as I was researching ideas for the Sprache competition, which I didn't enter. I've been to Florida a few times, which means full of flowers. I particularly enjoyed St Augustine on the eastern coast.

Guardian of Shadows
Jamaica 14awards
Joined 27th Feb 2014
Forum Posts: 784

Congratulations, russell_snow, for seizing the trophy; and to you, Jade-Pandora, for so worthily sharing the podium.  The field was lusciously thick with virtue, everyone warming well to the genre, planting inspiration with deftness and aplomb.  Thank you for helping to make this a successful venture.

Yours was the challenging yet technically plausible task, judges, in determining primacy and supremacy.  Hail up to you:
Miss_Sub, JusTim_, AspergerPoet56, _shadoe_, Lagertha, Tallen, Josh, Stoney223, Kinkpoet, Wh1skeySwagger, Layla, russell_snow, RexDurkin, snugglebuck, Unredeemed, Poetic_Strength, Heaven_sent_Kathy, eswaller, Vamps.

Super, super, Admin, for always being ready to take the little efforts of your members and clothe them palatably for public consumption.

You had some rather encouraging and beautiful things to say,  JP, which others, like myself, should find inspiring:

"...this time around, I discovered a key to open a door that gave me an answer that this time worked after I quietly rethought what I had not figured out till then."  This ought to be the modus opedrandus for everyone!


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