Poetry competition CLOSED 6th April 2012 11:54am
View Profile Poems by PierreTheMad
RUNNERS-UP: bastardofbodom666 and JAITO

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no holding back

Thought Provoker
United Kingdom 1awards
Joined 9th Mar 2012
Forum Posts: 53

Poetry Contest

write something so disturbing about a female or male
He masturbated over pictures of his aunt shinelle
he knew it was wrong
but he saw those pictures of her at the reunion
and it's safe to say his cock did swell.
He was no catholic(though them bitches are hot)
but it's safe to say he was damned to hell.


Helvete Blod
Fire of Insight
United States 5awards
Joined 6th Apr 2011
Forum Posts: 804

About someone or doing something to someone?

Guardian of Shadows
Yemen 67awards
Joined 1st Apr 2011
Forum Posts: 14613

About Martin doing Jaito Frisco style.

Fire of Insight
United States 8awards
Joined 30th Oct 2011
Forum Posts: 187

You look pretty digging your grave

Her dress so beautiful; make up on her face
A necklace of pearls; everything in place
Her hair as perfect as a snowflake
As she digs beside the lake
You look so pretty digging your grave
Working for hours as you slave
What had pushed her this far?
What kind of punishment has left this scar?
Not crying not even a care
Hands not gloved; bleeding as bare
Laughing at her task she goes
What made her this way... She only knows
You look so pretty digging your grave
I guess a broken heart; all the love she gave
She still continues; scoop after scoop
For she is not right; her head thrown into a loop
Now she stairs gazing at the moon
Looking down at this hole: is their enough room?
She places the shovel to see how deep
This her resting place; her finale sleep
You look so pretty digging your grave
To end all this pain; you only crave
To finally be free; no pain at last
It's coming closer, it arrives so fast
You get word of what she's doing
Not time to spare; gotta get going
You drive like a mad man there
For her life; you somewhat care
You look so pretty digging your grave
Now it's only him; her life to save
He arrives; his brakes a screech
Only a few steps; she will be in reach
He yells as he runs to her
He will stop her; he's for sure
She hits him with the shovel: pushing him in
Now is her new life; her freedom can begin
You look so pretty filling his grave
For all of his abuse in which he gave
No more crying, no more fear
Only from hear heart a warming cheer

Fire of Insight
United States 8awards
Joined 30th Oct 2011
Forum Posts: 187

ScottSF21 said:He masturbated over pictures of his aunt shinelle
he knew it was wrong
but he saw those pictures of her at the reunion
and it's safe to say his cock did swell.
He was no catholic(though them bitches are hot)
but it's safe to say he was damned to hell.


That's just wrong. Lol.

StephenPaul Summerscales
Dangerous Mind
United Kingdom 42awards
Joined 18th Dec 2009
Forum Posts: 1704

A Tazer Won't Phase Her    (SP Summerscales)

I sit in the tunnel
alone and listen
no one is coming
my thoughts are wishful


there's only you .

I don't know why
I come here sometimes
echoeing , falling
I keep on calling


there's only you .

Wandering I'm lost
in the frost you frozen
I'm folding
in the cold


where are you .

A lazer she sent down
broke my emotions
a tazer won't phase her
no commotion or frown
at all

she'll never crawl

Was it nice
did it feel good
my insides you diced
then you boiled my blood ,
how does it feel
to taste my spleen ,
was I clean enough
for your taste buds ,
subtraction love ,
a fraction
or fracture
is all I ever

that's all I was  .

StephenPaul Summerscales
Dangerous Mind
United Kingdom 42awards
Joined 18th Dec 2009
Forum Posts: 1704

In Zone     (SP Summerscales)

I miss you ,
I love you
never diss or
cover up to you
I need you
I breathe for you
I get up for you
I cuddle up to you
I'll to you
die for you
forever ensue
forever me and you

Don't want to share
your all mine
your so rare
than any fine wine
so called friends
they sit and dissect
as long as time unends
they'll share their
because you enjoy
what they will never get
you gambled
they ployed
and you got a safe bet

to be pleased for you
and stapled
with an attitude
pretending to be
shifting their
shadow shapes
it blows
that sour grapes
are there
in the sliced
up toxic  
botched- up  air
friends are
as I think I tend
to want to show my ass bare ,
avoid broken glass
of a toasted phoney
I just want to only
with you , my life share
come on then homies
try me on yeah

They wont extol me
into only jealousy
shooting in a high up tree
full of hypocrisey
hiding behind the leaves
blinding but still I see
slowly unwinding
becoming I'm finding
summing up
clear to me
your f**king up
whats dear to me
I chuck you luck
for it you need
when I f**k you up
I'll make you bleed

I won't
I can't let you go
my boat
won't float
on it's own
your clothes
are here in our home
dont fear
I wait in- zone
always here
for you
alone .

StephenPaul Summerscales
Dangerous Mind
United Kingdom 42awards
Joined 18th Dec 2009
Forum Posts: 1704

Outside The Light    (SP Summerscales)

You tore out the air
which supplied my heart
then you left me there
to slowly fall apart ,
saturday lies
even week nights
you'd look in my eyes
outside the light

Remembering , wandering
the back streets of our years
my everything , squandering
a reduction to tears .

You turned to cast
like a hollow thing
I burned to ash
in a molten ring
the kids did ask
for you to bring
yourself back home
to hope we'd cling .

Off the wall
so desperately
I did so fall ,
descent , gravity
down I went painfully
to cracked cement , a cavity
you walked , hell bent  
away from me
how could you dent
our family
these babies were sent  
from the heavens to me
how could you have spent
what comes for free .

Dangerous Mind
United States 15awards
Joined 24th July 2011
Forum Posts: 1744

I would love too but i would get banned... =)

Thought Provoker
United Kingdom 1awards
Joined 9th Mar 2012
Forum Posts: 53

Lol! Well he did say fucked up *Shrugs*

The Gardener
Tyrant of Words
United Kingdom 28awards
Joined 10th Oct 2010
Forum Posts: 1347

The welts round her eyes
make her look even better.
Worth a straight-jacket waist line
and a killer pair of little feet.
Her skin is pale,
fresh and new.
Unmarked, uncompromised
by anyone
but me.
Who decided the age restriction?
Who bound me to this fleeting trend?
It's been a long time since I was thirteen
but she quivers as if she saw it coming
and it was written in the stars
between her,
and I.
My breath quickens,
my heart stops in my chest.
I power through.

Helvete Blod
Fire of Insight
United States 5awards
Joined 6th Apr 2011
Forum Posts: 804

Mutilating the Wicked:

You're pumped full of adrenaline and your eyelids are cut off
So you can't shield your eyes or pass out from anything
As I tighten the restraints on your wrists and ankles and head
Forcing you down so only your body is mobile and your face upwards

You lay upon a dissection table scared after the horrors you've witnessed
And you wonder to yourself if you shall meet the same fate as they did
You stare upwards at the mirror that's suspended from the ceiling
You see yourself tied down with this man grabbing a set of knives
And you know that the torture is about to begin, but nothing can prepare you
For the suffering that you are about to endure by my sadistic, vengeful hands

I begin to cut into your skin through your chest and abdomen watching your blood
As it flows out of your more superficial veins within your skin but not your muscles
The pain that you feel now is nothing compared to what you will very soon
Even though you scream in pure agony now as I skin your frontal torso
And your blood flows from your naked torso onto the floor below

So I hook up the IV with blood into your veins in your wrist to keep you alive
And make sure that you don't die too soon from bleeding out on me
I begin to skin parts of your arms and legs as well as your neck exposing the muscle
And I cover each and every fiber of your exposed muscle in a fine layer of powdered glass

I attach a car battery to the steel table that you lay on and electricity runs through you
Your body convulses from the shock and as your muscles move the glass cuts into you
Slicing their way deeper and deeper until they grind against bone as you seizure uncontrollably
Until I finally show you some mercy and detach one side of the clip attached to the battery
Thereby releasing you from the electric shock that had caused you so much agony

You think it may be all over with your muscles ripped and torn, your body almost useless
But you have yet to realize that I am nowhere near done with you yet
I reproduce the same dull scalpel that had skinned you earlier now sharpened with a new blade
That I had placed on it while you were convulsing from your little shock therapy
And I begin to slice through your already torn muscles in your chest and abdomen towards
Your internal organs and thoracic cavity in your chest to torment you with as well

I take my time removing each of your muscles one by one and I inject you with more adrenaline
To make sure you don't pass out before I'm through with you and your punishment
When I finally finish removing your muscles I lap up the excess blood that's still dripping
And eat a piece of your flesh raw tasting it's rawness and bloody saltiness to it
You see up in that mirror that is above you all of this and now are staring at your internal body

You can see all of your internal organs minus your brain inside of you and venerable to destruction
I then cut out your kidneys, bladder, and intestines and begin to empty them out into a bowl
That I put off to the side for the moment filled with your excrement: shit and urine
I then begin to carve into your face towards the muscles surrounding your lower mandible
Making sure that you can't move your jaw at all when I begin to torment your sense of taste

I then take a large pair of pliers and begin to pull out your teeth one by one with no mercy
Pulling each one out through the side instead of straight out ripping your gums out by the teeth
I then grab the bowl that I had filled earlier and emptied some of it's contents into your mouth
You immediately begin to vomit so I loosen the restraint on your head on one side so you can turn it
And vomit out shit, piss, blood, and your last meal without it choking you in your throat and finally
When you are all vomited out I force some of your vomit back into your mouth and make you swallow it

What's left of your functioning muscles begin to quiver with disgust and agony over the painful mouth
As well as the sheer thought that you have just consumed your excrement and puke after vomiting
I then reattach the restraints to full purpose back on your skull and grab a diamond-tipped circular saw
And begin to saw off one of the top vertebrae on your spine and another one near your pelvis
I add even more powdered glass to your existing exposed muscles throughout your entire body

I attach the same clips from the table that had fried you before onto your exposed spinal cord
Your muscles that still have the ability to contract all suddenly contract ripping all of your muscles again
Each little movement you make causes more and more devastation in your body the blood toll immense
So much blood you've shed and at this point you very well may run out of blood, so I attach more IVs
Filled with blood directly to your vital organs so you will live even longer as well as even more adrenaline

With that failing due to your sheer lack of blood and will to survive any longer I know you're close
To dying right there on that table so I begin to get a grip upon your still beating heart in your chest
And I pull it right out of your body holding it over me and catching the dripping blood with my mouth
When it stops dripping I bite into it savoring it's metallic flavor and I gaze upon your now dead corpse
And I grab a sledgehammer knowing there's one last thing I want done to you before I leave

I raise it up over my head and I bring it down hard upon your skull making it shrapnel for a moment
Turning your brain, eyes, and tongue into a mesh of blood and gore that I savor the sight of
To think all you did to deserve all of this is rape a woman whose already in love with another
Already devoted herself to another in engagement and in her anguish and sorrow of trauma she takes
Her own life leaving her lover alone as he once was for so many years before he found her
You had taken her from me so I made you watch me take your very mother and little sister from you

You watched me mutilate them though not as badly as you but raped them in their final moments as well
Your little sister was a virgin as well it seemed but in her final moments I took that from her
All you had to do was keep your dick to yourself but it seems you can't control your own hormones
So now, I've taken every single part of you that's breakable and crushed it beyond repair
Your mental and emotional state before your death was one no psychiatrist or psychologist could repair
And now your physical body is in so many pieces a master puzzle maker couldn't put you back together

Perhaps Lucifer himself will show you pity in Hell while you're there in sorrow of what you've endured
But don't count on a reprieve for very long, for when I myself die and sent to the darkest pits of Hell
I will slice Lucifer to bits if I must to get to you and when I do with all of the worldly limits out of my way
You will know true suffering far beyond what you have endured tonight by a long shot and you'll wish
That Lucifer himself was bringing his full rage upon your very soul with his torment forced onto you
And I will punish you like this in Hell... Forever

Helvete Blod
Fire of Insight
United States 5awards
Joined 6th Apr 2011
Forum Posts: 804

Rotting Within Remains:

A blade I sharpen as I loom over your restrained body
Whilst you weep in sorrow and fear that you call remorse
Like the last one that crossed me and took her you’re in for shit
And I begin to carve into the flesh that you so cannot control
Spilling the blood that you never deserved to contain within your veins
Your very existence is repugnant and I aim to take that existence
And destroy it beyond the point of it ever seeming it happened
All that will be left of you and your memory will be the remains of you
One slice after another I mutilate you whilst you scream in pain
I break your arms and legs and each one of your very ribs
And slice slits within the broken pieces of them six inches deep
Now I’m going to do to you what you did to deserve your torment
As I plunge my cock into the slits I created in your chest fucking you
Raping your body while you scream with pain and disgust
The pain in your lungs and the pain in your flesh soon silence you
And force you to just take it like the little whore you sought to be
No mercy I will show with every thrust I make into you
Switching holes often between the breaks in the ribs to puncture
Your lungs in different places and to force your blood from your veins
Whilst I sharpen the knife for some modifications to your genitals
I slice open your testicles and slowly remove them from your scrotum
And force them into two of the holes I afterwards carved into
Your stomach forcing them into the bodily cavity along with your organs
And I begin to remove the skin upon your penis leaving just the muscle
I cover each of the fibers within it with the finest powered glass
And force a flesh-light onto you forcing the glass to tear into your cock
All while I still remain raping your lungs that you struggle to breathe from
I pull out from you once I can see that you are about to take your last breath
And I flip you over onto your stomach and attach hooks into the foramen of your
Vertebrae in your back and begin to pull the steel they’re attached to
One by one removing your vertebrae from your back all the way up
To your neck where the last is pulled and your spinal cord severed from your heart
And death is instant the one thing you’ve been praying for since the start
Your torture is over and you couldn’t be happier than be rotting within remains

Dangerous Mind
United States 15awards
Joined 7th Dec 2009
Forum Posts: 2808

How I met your Grandmother, fucked her, and never called her again...

I met her on the bus today
She was carrying her groceries home from the corner store
Floral patterns, bottle-blue hair, thick glasses and melanoma

I imagined screwing her brains out but thought better of it  
Maybe her vagina had already dried up anyway
Low flow, weakened heart, thoughts lost in reminiscing

She pulled her skirt up to scratch a mosquito bite
Rather nice knees despite the spider-veins
Orthopedic shoes, knee-high stockings, sickeningly pale skin

She rang the bell to tell the driver to stop
Well before she should to give herself the time to gather her belongings
Denture cream, tomato soup, something rich in fiber

The bus hits a bump and she slips as she is standing  
I leap up quickly and catch her before she hits the floor
Sagging skin, soap and perfume, geriatric diaper

My grip is firm and I remind her of her youth
A chain of memories of being too demure to enjoy her human nature  
Lost chances, over the hill glances, failing flesh is all that's left

But in my mind I made her that youthful adventurous slut
With a voluptuous form atop slender legs and sparkling playful eyes
Moistened labia, pulling hair, screaming parted thighs

The seat was made for fucking her into its phony leather creases
A pillow top romp beneath her poodle skirt and bobby socks
Flaming skin, sucking, biting, teaching things beyond her generation

When we both finally give way to exhaustion
She lays intertwined with my hands and arms and legs
Smiling, panting, and whispering in disbelief, "Oh Gosh!"

I help her to her feet and see her as she was
Naive and somehow stopped in time like a toy still in the package  
Curvy, glistening, and glazed with my ejaculate  

We gather her groceries and replace them in her bag
She says "Thank You," and in my mind I know for what
Fonder thoughts, a lighter conscience, a set of stains in the backseat of her Daddy's '55 Chevrolet Belaire  

She hobbles on her way while the lives of all aboard this bus stop
As she slowly and carefully climbs down to the ground one step at a time
Doors close, we drive on, never to see or hear from each other again

Magic poemz
Fire of Insight
Kenya 8awards
Joined 24th Jan 2012
Forum Posts: 171

Beautiful   and   sexy   that’s  all  I  can   define
She   is   pretty   by   just  a  look   on  her  eye
She   talks   big   in   her   mind
Anyone   who  see   her   admits   she  is  a  queen in  life.

This   chic  likes   her  female  friends
I  swear   last   night  I  saw  her  kiss  her friend
Ohh    yes    everything   she  does  it   at   her   best
Plus   sex   with   anyone   who    loves  the   bed.

Women's    glory   is  her  song  and   damn!
She   believes  guys  are   below   her   no   blame
Her  sexy   clothes   seduce   men   brain
I  admit    she  is   a   force  to  reckon   with  this  babe.

Strong   or   weak  I  don’t   know  where  to  classify
She   got  money  and   power   its  amplified
High   is   the   only   level   she   has   ratified
Topmost   is  the   only   stage   where   she  is  classified.

I  hate  to  say   it   but  she  is   strong
Broken   all  the  rules  now   she  rocks
Everything   she  does  is   soft
But  that’s   how   she  takes  over  and   controls.

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