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Tyrant of Words
Joined 3rd Mar 2013
Forum Posts: 3056

RyanBlackborough said:Yeah i know, every country is.
Fragmented parts of the plan roll out slowly as a means of socially engineering a population directly or indirectly in a "X country does/has (certain thing) and they're not complaining/dead" way.
You can't trust people seeking power, there's no altruistic motivation. If they do something you don't like, too bad you gave them the "authority" they can make sure it remains unchallenged.

I found this video interesting. The theory of stupidity Dietrich Bonhoeffer


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Thought Provoker
Australia 1awards
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I'll check it out and let you know, may not be straight away but i definitely will.

Tyrant of Words
United States 124awards
Joined 11th Apr 2015
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Australia 1awards
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That video was awesome, I've often thought or said very similar things.
Honestly there's far too much I could say on the subject.
Thank you for sharing that.

Tyrant of Words
Joined 3rd Mar 2013
Forum Posts: 3056

RyanBlackborough said:That video was awesome, I've often thought or said very similar things.
Honestly there's far too much I could say on the subject.
Thank you for sharing that.

Most welcome

Thought Provoker
United States 5awards
Joined 2nd Feb 2024
Forum Posts: 218

The video was right on point..and sadly the "critical thinkers" are attacked (from the brainwashed and herd of manipulated ppl) for expressing deep thought on whatever the talking point is..also more concerning to me is how long has this plan been in place..the plan to dumb down ppls ability to critically think..it didn't happen overnight..media, social media, and algorithms through technology have been targeting us to indoctrinate our belief systems for awhile..the simplest answer is to keep us divided so we stay blinded to truth while the elites gain more and more power and wealth..but when and why did this plan start again

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Australia 1awards
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First thing that came to mind was the industrial revolution (i looked it up to get a rough idea of time frame). From a very quick skim of articles I think it was after the second industrial revolution (the first industrial revolution (1750-1850) and the second industrial revolution (1850-1914)).
Factory owners realised they needed a lot of workers so I'm guessing just used their wealth to influence the education systems to change the curriculum. They wanted them hard-working and unquestioning. If you listen to the way people used to speak in the earlier 1900's to around the 50s or 60s you'll notice the decline of eloquence.

There a lot of things in society geared towards keeping people docile or distracted.
I've gone into it on here a bit already so I'll leave it at that.

John D. Rockefeller that said “I don’t want a nation of thinkers, I want a nation of workers.”
As you probably know they're still a very very influential family.

Tyrant of Words
Joined 3rd Mar 2013
Forum Posts: 3056

RyanBlackborough said:First thing that came to mind was the industrial revolution (i looked it up to get a rough idea of time frame). From a very quick skim of articles I think it was after the second industrial revolution (the first industrial revolution (1750-1850) and the second industrial revolution (1850-1914)).
Factory owners realised they needed a lot of workers so I'm guessing just used their wealth to influence the education systems to change the curriculum. They wanted them hard-working and unquestioning. If you listen to the way people used to speak in the earlier 1900's to around the 50s or 60s you'll notice the decline of eloquence.

There a lot of things in society geared towards keeping people docile or distracted.
I've gone into it on here a bit already so I'll leave it at that.

John D. Rockefeller that said “I don’t want a nation of thinkers, I want a nation of workers.”
As you probably know they're still a very very influential family.

Intellectual retardation is real.

I was listening to someone today that said anyone with a Ukraine flag in their bio or slava Ukraine should be the first ones drafted off to fight.

Be interesting how much virtue signalling would go on if that's the case

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Australia 1awards
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I know I was just mentioning when it, for the most part beacame a concerted effort.
Clearly a lot of damage had been done I would just like to know how much. I know IQ scores have dropped in recent years but thats not a entirely worthy metric.

Another proxy war, funny how the U.S. and U.N. have been happily supporting Ukraine (not so much the U.S now). They couldn't have cared less the lives thrown away on either side as long as we say ones bad and ones good then let the slaughter ensue.
Here Ukraine have billions of dollars fuck everyone in our own country that may have been through say, a natural disaster.

Thought Provoker
United States 5awards
Joined 2nd Feb 2024
Forum Posts: 218

1 more point to the video which I find ironic..ppl are in such a delusional state of consciousness that both sides (or most sides) believe the other side side is the side suffering from stupidity..and that theirs is the side with open eyes and critical thinking..thus the cycle continues

Tyrant of Words
United States 124awards
Joined 11th Apr 2015
Forum Posts: 17594

This is a comment I posted somewhere else to someone in England who was highly upset about the possibility of war.

I understand your point of view ( daughter of a veteran here who served two tours in Vietnam, Granddaughter to a veteran who served in WWII, sister of a Veteran who served in Desert Storm ), I also understood my families in regard to fascism. “We fight on another’s soil while we can, to keep it from spreading to our own.”

And I am certain, just as many were during WWII, that if Russia prevails in Ukraine, it’s only a matter of time before they desire to expand their empire and could very well be on your soil. Especially without the support of the Divided States of America led by a trifecta of fascists whose only objective is “more”: more money, more possessions, more power.

I feel for you, I honestly do - because you’re right in the middle of this shitstorm. May it not come to War.

I will always advocate for what I feel is right. I have never called MAGA "stupid". But, in regard to education, it is ironic that the states who voted red are the lowest on the totem pole of the educated. Many of those are beginning to realize just how hoodwinked they were.

Or perhaps it's that they are learning a very valuable lesson, that the promise of white supremacy and "Christian" nationalism isn't worth the cost. Or that promises of lower egg and gas prices was no more than a pie-in-the-sky.

There are definitely two sides here: Firstly, there are those of US who BELIEVE in LGBTQ+ to be able to love who they love and live their lives in peace. There are those of US who believe that a nationally enforced religion will be the downfall of a free society. There are those of US who believe that women should have autonomy over their own medical choices and equal rights/pay. There are those of US who believe that the current mass deportation and "camps" goes against the very ethos of why this country was founded.

Then, there are those of us who are opposite: Who DON'T believe in LGBTQ+ rights. Who BELIEVE that "Christian" nationalism should be enforced in government and schools despite the constitution prohibiting it. There are those who BELIEVE women should NOT have autonomy over their health choices AND who shouldn't vote. There is currently legislation that will NOT allow women to vote if they've changed their last name to their husband's because it won't match their birth certificate. There are those who BELIEVE in mass deportation and the way it's being carried out, even though U.S. veterans are being detained, and much more.

UNFORTUNATELY, there are SIDES to all things. That is why we have choice. Without sides, there would be NO freedom of choice. Freedom of CHOICE is what some of us are fighting to maintain in this country.

This is a solidly researched article in regard to red state/blue state:

Why are Red State Citizens Poorer, Less Educated, & Sicker than Blue State Citizens?

The problem for Red states is that Republicans worship cheap labor, because it drives up profits for the fat-cats who own American businesses — and having a steady and reliable supply of cheap labor to maintain high profits requires widespread poverty, ignorance, death, and disease.


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Australia 1awards
Joined 11th June 2024
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Considering citizens aren't privvy to why things happen 99% of the time and don't get a straight answer when they ask isn't by accident.
Russia isn't going to start war with america mutually assured destruction isn't a viable option for the puppeteers.

I don't know enough about the religion thing i heard they want to put have prayer in schools but how actively are they trying too.

As far as white supremacy every country has groups that hate people I've seen the news there and most of the things they say about white supremacy is absolute bullshit you don't have roving gangs of them wandering the streets all the time everywhere for one any perceived white supremacy is being actively blown out of proportion by the media and government idiots.

Lgbtq have rights, they have same rights as everyone else. If you're talking overseas then its out of your hands. I don't like some countries laws around certain things. Unfortunately i doubt much can be done to change them.

Obviously women should have bodily autonomy (so should anyone that might not want to take a vaccine that has been legitimately killing people because of a completely bogus virus).
I'm gathering you mean on the abortion front. I don't get why that such an issue especially with regious sects the amount of blood in any religions hands is astronomical.
Not wanting women to vote is weird, assholes are assholes though its extremely unlikely people would agree with that idea.

Youre not fighting to maintain freedom of choice you're fighting to remain constantly fighting thats how it works as long as you're not actually paying attention to what is actually going on on a grand scale you'll keep believing all the crap they say to keep you arguing amongst yourselves.
Stop believing they have authority over you the people legitimise the government technically.

Have you ever noticed that anyone or any movement that isn't "approved" or "flavour of the month" gets torn to shreds with riot police and criminal punishment, etc. Like anyone disagreeing with the vaccines (as an example or lockdowns) were treated like the worst people on earth, why? Because they'd been looking into what nurses had seen administering them or what actual world renowned Drs (virologists, immunologists, biologists) one of the worlds best in one of those fields said dont touch it it will kill you eventually (he was murdered and he was very right). But no you're a bad person for not taking the bait.
Then on the flip side you can have streets full of protesters for any narrative approved movement and nothing happens to them people die in ambulances because of them but thats cool someone was offended so that takes precedents sorry, not sorry.

You have to understand the world is a lie a massive fucking lie if they're telling you something its bullshit or a half truth and its not them with any actual power anyway its the old money from in some cases centuries ago, old bloodlines. Governments are full of lacky idiots.
Its a complete shitshow because thats how it wanted its not organic all the dumb agendas and movements are there to get everyone pissed off with each other and its working its been working all our lives. Then someone like that see through it comes along and says hey btw this is all bullshit if you really looked you'd see it too, but most never do.
Btw just so y'all know "woke" is a pejorative its not a badge of honour saying you're woke it literally means not awake.

Tyrant of Words
United States 124awards
Joined 11th Apr 2015
Forum Posts: 17594

There's just so much I could say, but I will be brief.

RyanBlackborough said:Considering citizens aren't privvy to why things happen 99% of the time and don't get a straight answer when they ask isn't by accident.
Russia isn't going to start war with america mutually assured destruction isn't a viable option for the puppeteers.

Trump has a history of violating contracts and agreements, beginning with the one between the U.S. and Ukraine. In 1994, Ukraine agreed to transfer these weapons to Russia for dismantlement and became a party to the Treaty on the Non-Proliferation of Nuclear Weapons, in exchange for economic compensation and assurances from Russia, the United States and United Kingdom to respect the Ukrainian independence and sovereignty.

We see how that's gone.  There's more but I'll stop here.

I don't know enough about the religion thing i heard they want to put have prayer in schools but how actively are they trying too.

You don't know enough about religion from personal experience? Because history is filled with the slaughter of men, women, and children in the name of God. History is important.

As far as white supremacy every country has groups that hate people I've seen the news there and most of the things they say about white supremacy is absolute bullshit you don't have roving gangs of them wandering the streets all the time everywhere for one any perceived white supremacy is being actively blown out of proportion by the media and government idiots.

Oh! Well, in that case, by all means believe what you see, not what someone who lives here knows.

Lgbtq have rights, they have same rights as everyone else. If you're talking overseas then its out of your hands. I don't like some countries laws around certain things. Unfortunately i doubt much can be done to change them.

Again, being brief here, Ohio’s same-sex marriage ban of 2004 was passed by 61.7% of voters. A 2012 poll by the Washington Post showed 52% of Ohio residents saying that same-sex marriage should be legal. A 2016 Public Religion Research Institute poll showed a 56% majority in favor of same-sex marriage in Ohio. A 2022 survey by the same institute showed 70% of Ohio respondents supported same-sex marriage.

And yet, still, Ohio Revised Code Section 3101.01 states “Any marriage between persons of the same sex is against the strong public policy of this state. Any marriage between persons of the same sex shall have no legal force or effect in this state.”


But, yeah, they have rights just like everyone else.

Obviously women should have bodily autonomy (so should anyone that might not want to take a vaccine that has been legitimately killing people because of a completely bogus virus).
I'm gathering you mean on the abortion front. I don't get why that such an issue especially with regious sects the amount of blood in any religions hands is astronomical.
Not wanting women to vote is weird, assholes are assholes though its extremely unlikely people would agree with that idea.

Still trying to be brief, South Carolina just passed the "SOUTH CAROLINA PRENATAL EQUAL PROTECTION ACT" - which states if a woman miscarries due to proscribed behavior UNLESS she was compelled to do so by the threat of imminent death or great bodily injury, she would be subject to the same presumptions, defenses, justifications, laws of parties, immunities, and clemencies as would apply to the homicide of a person who had been born alive.

In other words, if she was doing things pregnant women do all the time, such as riding a horse, jogging, hiking, etc. and she loses the baby, she would be held liable UNLESS, as it states above, she was coerced and feared bodily harm.

Texas has a strict abortion ban and some cities and counties have passed laws that could allow private citizens to sue people who help others travel to get an abortion. These laws are controversial and have faced legal challenges.

Again, being brief.

Youre not fighting to maintain freedom of choice you're fighting to remain constantly fighting thats how it works as long as you're not actually paying attention to what is actually going on on a grand scale you'll keep believing all the crap they say to keep you arguing amongst yourselves.
Stop believing they have authority over you the people legitimise the government technically.

Thanks for letting me know that, as arrogant an assumption as it is. Tell me, were blacks fighting to remain constantly fighting for their rights? Were women for the right to vote? Were they not paying attention to what was going on? I know more of what's going on than you think I do.

Have you ever noticed that anyone or any movement that isn't "approved" or "flavour of the month" gets torn to shreds with riot police and criminal punishment, etc. Like anyone disagreeing with the vaccines (as an example or lockdowns) were treated like the worst people on earth, why? Because they'd been looking into what nurses had seen administering them or what actual world renowned Drs (virologists, immunologists, biologists) one of the worlds best in one of those fields said dont touch it it will kill you eventually (he was murdered and he was very right). But no you're a bad person for not taking the bait.

It wasn't just the anti-vaxxers that were getting treated like shit. It was the vaccinated too. It was those who chose to wear masks being harassed and attacked too.

Then on the flip side you can have streets full of protesters for any narrative approved movement and nothing happens to them people die in ambulances because of them but thats cool someone was offended so that takes precedents sorry, not sorry.

What planet do you live on? Seriously? Whatever channel you watch, please change it.

You have to understand the world is a lie a massive fucking lie if they're telling you something its bullshit or a half truth and its not them with any actual power anyway its the old money from in some cases centuries ago, old bloodlines. Governments are full of lacky idiots.

Its a complete shitshow because thats how it wanted its not organic all the dumb agendas and movements are there to get everyone pissed off with each other and its working its been working all our lives. Then someone like that see through it comes along and says hey btw this is all bullshit if you really looked you'd see it too, but most never do.

Btw just so y'all know "woke" is a pejorative its not a badge of honour saying you're woke it literally means not awake.

You obviously lack beauty and love in your life. All you seem to see is the "shitshow" and the "lies" and "agendas". It's one of the saddest stories I've ever read. What's even sadder, is that I just read your energy and know who you are.

Thanks for that.

Have a nice evening.

Thought Provoker
United States 5awards
Joined 2nd Feb 2024
Forum Posts: 218

I would like to make a statement about being harassed..I was working retail during covid..our company policy was for masks to be worn by our employees as well as our customers..company decision..I was threatened and as well had some of my part timers(some of whom were minors) that were also aggressively verbally attacked/abused etc because of the mask policy..I also had someone threaten they were gonna personally kill me after my shift because of a "political" decision our company made on product..I of course politely responded and said when my shift was over and when I would be in the parking lot..they never showed..but it shows hate and rage some ppl have..I could go on and on..I usually told ppl if they don't like the policy write the company or go to the local representatives office vs harassing ppl that are just trying to work and help ppl..but the insanity on 1 side has far surpassed The insanity on the other side in my personal experiences

Tyrant of Words
Joined 3rd Mar 2013
Forum Posts: 3056

RyanBlackborough said:Considering citizens aren't privvy to why things happen 99% of the time and don't get a straight answer when they ask isn't by accident.
Russia isn't going to start war with america mutually assured destruction isn't a viable option for the puppeteers.

I don't know enough about the religion thing i heard they want to put have prayer in schools but how actively are they trying too.

As far as white supremacy every country has groups that hate people I've seen the news there and most of the things they say about white supremacy is absolute bullshit you don't have roving gangs of them wandering the streets all the time everywhere for one any perceived white supremacy is being actively blown out of proportion by the media and government idiots.

Lgbtq have rights, they have same rights as everyone else. If you're talking overseas then its out of your hands. I don't like some countries laws around certain things. Unfortunately i doubt much can be done to change them.

Obviously women should have bodily autonomy (so should anyone that might not want to take a vaccine that has been legitimately killing people because of a completely bogus virus).
I'm gathering you mean on the abortion front. I don't get why that such an issue especially with regious sects the amount of blood in any religions hands is astronomical.
Not wanting women to vote is weird, assholes are assholes though its extremely unlikely people would agree with that idea.

Youre not fighting to maintain freedom of choice you're fighting to remain constantly fighting thats how it works as long as you're not actually paying attention to what is actually going on on a grand scale you'll keep believing all the crap they say to keep you arguing amongst yourselves.
Stop believing they have authority over you the people legitimise the government technically.

Have you ever noticed that anyone or any movement that isn't "approved" or "flavour of the month" gets torn to shreds with riot police and criminal punishment, etc. Like anyone disagreeing with the vaccines (as an example or lockdowns) were treated like the worst people on earth, why? Because they'd been looking into what nurses had seen administering them or what actual world renowned Drs (virologists, immunologists, biologists) one of the worlds best in one of those fields said dont touch it it will kill you eventually (he was murdered and he was very right). But no you're a bad person for not taking the bait.
Then on the flip side you can have streets full of protesters for any narrative approved movement and nothing happens to them people die in ambulances because of them but thats cool someone was offended so that takes precedents sorry, not sorry.

You have to understand the world is a lie a massive fucking lie if they're telling you something its bullshit or a half truth and its not them with any actual power anyway its the old money from in some cases centuries ago, old bloodlines. Governments are full of lacky idiots.
Its a complete shitshow because thats how it wanted its not organic all the dumb agendas and movements are there to get everyone pissed off with each other and its working its been working all our lives. Then someone like that see through it comes along and says hey btw this is all bullshit if you really looked you'd see it too, but most never do.
Btw just so y'all know "woke" is a pejorative its not a badge of honour saying you're woke it literally means not awake.

You are talking to someone who is the epitome of the subject matter of the video I posted.
Ask her about the minor attracted  persons of the + part of the community she advocates for. Love is love after all.
The woke leftist as you said ever caught in the constant cycle of needing a conflict

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