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The Gathering Place ( Modalities of Divination )

Tyrant of Words
United States 124awards
Joined 11th Apr 2015
Forum Posts: 17503

Venus stations retrograde Saturday @ 10°Aries @ 7:36 PM, EST: Repetitious Patterns

Venus traditionally retrograded through five of the twelve astrology signs; Aries, Gemini, Leo, late Libra/Scorpio, and Capricorn; however, the second half of the 20th century marked a retrograde entry into Pisces; therefore, the above can be amended to reflect Aries/Pisces, which adds another feminine element of water to the masculine presence of fire, air, and earth. I believe an Evolutionary balance is occurring.

This retrograde in Aries will take Venus back into Pisces where it will eventually station direct April 12th @ 24°Pisces. Therefore, the energies of this retrograde are going to be twofold through the signs and houses.

One way to understand a Venus retrograde, outside of understanding Venus herself, is to compare it to Mercury stationing ( which will happen in less than two weeks @ 10°Aries ), except the energetic disruption will be on an emotional level ( heart ) rather than a mental level ( mind ). Just as a Mercurial retrograde, a Venusian retrograde presents an opportunity for spiritual growth through experience—if we choose to learn.

It's no secret that planets affect aspects of our personality and energy, but Venus in particular portends an intense evolution of the heart when she transits the various signs of the zodiac. Stationing retrograde will impact our individual patterns of how we give love, how we receive love, and how we perceive love from the filter of our heart.

To reiterate the above and to preface the below, for most of the 20th century, Retrograde Venus was entirely in the sign of Aries ( Cardinal masculine ); however, in 2009, particularly the second half of the 20th century, a shift occurred, taking Venus retrograde back into Pisces ( Mutable feminine ). This is a notable shift in dynamics in light of the rising political climate explained more in the following paragraphs.

The last time that Venus went retrograde in Aries was March 4th, 2017, and it retrograded back into Pisces on April 15th of 2017. Venus' initial ingress into Pisces was on January 3rd, then it departed from Aries for the final time on June 6th, 2017.

Interesting events that occurred during Venus' last retrograde was the mass protest and march by women during Trump's first 100 days. It was the largest single day protest in US history at that time with an estimated three to four million participants nationwide. The "Me Too" movement also began in 2017.

With the current political climate, it appears these patterns may begin repeating themselves, especially when Venus passes through the same degrees on the same days with relationship to the Sun as it did in 2017. Ironically, The Handmaid’s Tale premiered April 26th, 2017. Based on the book by Margaret Atwood, depicting a dystopian future in America controlled by Christian Nationalism, which suppressed women's rights, making slave ownership and rape a legal facet in the name of "God".

Reviewing the last time Venus retrograded in Aries/Pisces year 2009, we witnessed the first black president, Barack Obama, elected. This was a huge moment in terms of the civil rights movement, and, in my opinion, fueled deep-seated racism producing a visible rise of white supremacy. Obama also signed the Lilly Ledbetter Fair Pay Act of 2009 to close the income gender gap and further announced U.S. support for the UN declaration on sexual orientation and gender identity, to end discrimination and human rights violations based on sexual orientation and gender identity.

The 2009 Venus retrograde involving the women's and transgender movement was an echo of the 1961 Venus retrograde in Aries involving the Civil Rights Movement. The Freedom Riders, the burning of "Black Wall Street" in Tulsa, the March on Washington for jobs and freedom, and the murder of Emmett Till, so name just a few. We also had the Vietnam war protests and the "Make Love not War" liberation movement which lasted through the 60's.

So, when I say, "Repetitious Patterns" of, this is what I am referring to. There's a lot more I could go into here, but for the sake of time and length, I'll focus solely on this retrograde.

Read full ( this is a longer one ). Pretty certain this is the most personal I've gotten in one of these posts: http://inspiritualservice.com/celestial-events-2025

#Art: Agnieszka Lorek

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Tyrant of Words
United States 124awards
Joined 11th Apr 2015
Forum Posts: 17503


Ahavati said:☄ Skywatcher Note! Great Planetary Alignment: Friday, February 28, 5:41 PM - 6:37 AM

A RARE, seven-planets in the Solar System will appear in the night sky at the same time, with Saturn, Mercury, Neptune, Venus, Uranus, Jupiter, and Mars all lining up in a neat row – a magnificent sky feast for the eyes known as a great planetary alignment.

The next similar alignment is not expected until September 2040, making this a rare and noteworthy event for astronomers and enthusiasts alike.

Some people think the Solar System planets can form a straight line as viewed from the Sun. However, the planets cannot achieve full alignment in three dimensions. Even a looser grouping in one quadrant (a 90-degree sector) is extremely rare: all planets gather in one quadrant only 7 times in the current millennium.

Spiritual Meaning:

The great alignment, or Planetary Parade as some call it, represents a time of celestial synchronization. The energies from each planet unite to emit a stronger vibration. The universe appears to be in synchronization to create a strong energetic setting where personal intentions achieve manifestation with ease.

The cosmic alignment provides an opportunity for individuals to synchronize their energies with universal rhythms which unlocks potential opportunities previously perceived as remote or unattainable.

Planetary alignments produce significant energy through the collective interaction of multiple planets rather than just their linear positioning. The combination and interaction of planetary energies during an alignment lead to a stronger cosmic power flow. The cosmic power generated by planetary alignments becomes more intense and unified which affects every aspect of life from small choices to major life transformations.

Each planet has specific energies that are associated with different aspects of life. By working with the correspondences of the planets involved in the alignment, it’s possible to focus the magic and manifestation practices on particular areas of life.

Planetary keywords to consider when deciding upon rituals during this rare celestial event!

Scientific Source & Image: Starwalk

#inspiritualservice #astrology2025 #astrology #astrologer #planetary #planetaryalignment #planetaryalignment2025 #rituals #celestialevents #cosmis #cosmicevents

Tyrant of Words
United States 124awards
Joined 11th Apr 2015
Forum Posts: 17503

📍Note: Mars ( OOB )
Understanding OOB Planets: http://inspiritualservice.com/astrology-articles

❤Venus stations Rx in Aries @ 7:36 PM, 8th House: http://inspiritualservice.com/celestial-events-2025

🌒Waxing Crescent, Pisces -> Aries: http://inspiritualservice.com/the-moons-promenade

💫 #ApectingtheCosmos: Sat, Mar 01, 2025: Struggling against an outdated past in order to create a better future relies on intuition regarding what to release.

The v/c Moon conjunct Neptune in Pisces overnight, so pay very close attention to your dreams. Friends across the pond can enjoy heightened intuition that facilitates understanding of others early morning. Visiting parents or grandparents is highly favored.

Midmorning the Moon in Aries sextile Pluto in Aquarius, providing a burst of boldness and new beginnings. You may struggle against an outdated past for a resonance that ultimately helps to create a better future. Intuition is a navigational compass that will always lead us in the right direction.

Tonight, the Moon conjunct Venus Rx in Aries, motivating us to embrace boldness and creativity in matters of love; however, with Venus Rx, caution is against impulsive decisions. Whether considering a separation, reunion, or established boundary, we are more apt to take our time. Overt flirtations could spark a fire of jealous possessiveness from a partner.

✨Degrees/Aspects/Time EST:

3:05 AM: v/c Moon conjunct Neptune in Pisces @ 28°54'
9:34 AM: Moon in Aries sextile Pluto in Aquarius @ 02°54'
10:26 PM: Moon conjunct Venus Rx in Aries @ 10°50'

#Art: Catherine McMillian

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Tyrant of Words
United States 124awards
Joined 11th Apr 2015
Forum Posts: 17503

Because the Moon is Void-of-Course all day tomorrow ( Sunday ), I felt this was apropos for planning:

Void-of-Course ( VC ) Moon
The importance of no rituals, decisions, or planning during the Void of Course ( v/c ) Moon.


The moon is a friend for the lonesome to talk to. —Carl Sandburg

All is not as it seems. This v/c Moon can be daunting; it may not be a good or appropriate time to answer your question. As it is now, the results may not be what you want.

What is a v/c Moon?

The moon travels through the entire Zodiac in twenty-seven and a half days. There is a moment when the moon makes its last major aspect before leaving one sign and entering the next. It’s as if the moon has gone to sleep. Her wisdom is being withheld until she moves into a new sign and the moon begins a new chapter or story.

The usual axiom for starting things on a v/c Moon is, “Nothing will come of the matter.”

Matters will not go as you planned; in fact, most of the time it will end up far worse than you planned. You have been caught blissfully unaware. You’ve missed something or you weren’t paying close enough attention. But you won’t be able to set the situation right at the current time.

Sit still and stay as you are. Take no action at the current time. Wait for the storm to pass over. It is time to be patient and allow matters to settle before beginning anew. Allow this matter to resolve on its own without your help, work, or interference.

Don’t bail anyone out or make loans currently because it is unlikely you will be repaid.

Medical results will probably not be accurate. If your question is about a job or career move, then it’s not the right one. If you apply for a job and get hired, it will not be long-lasting. It’s possible you will get hired and then a more suitable job will come along, and you will have to leave the first one.

After a long and costly effort, your matter in question may fail. People around you may start behaving like screwups. It could be that great passions are playing against you. Discipline is needed. It is not a time to act impulsively. Whatever you do as your routine will stay as it is. However, matters that are unplanned or spontaneous will tend to work out for you.

A v/c Moon can be used to your benefit, so keep this in mind. For instance, you can work on something you really don’t want. You can interact with persons you don’t really want to become a fixture in your life. Embarking on anything new or untried will tend to go wrong. In other words, if you agree to plans you don’t really want to come about during the v/c phase, then it will be very likely they will not come about.

However, meditation and any type of psychic or spiritual efforts will work out better during this v/c phase. It’s a good time to dream and even make plans; just do not act on them yet.

Also, do not plan a wedding! Keep in mind, the time is not yet ripe.

In Brief:

Weather cancellations; frustrations; delays; vagueness; hollow feelings; a sense of everything being “unreal”; emptiness; making mistakes and other bad decisions; promises not met; unfulfilled plans; the sleeping mind; not paying attention; false starts; matters remaining unresolved; a time to wait awhile and start over; a time to float or rest; serendipitous occurrences; a time to disconnect; things begun requiring adjustments later; inconclusive or wrong medical results; an unfavorable time to apply for a job, get married, or for nonroutine medical procedures.

Corresponding Tarot Card: Eight of Cups

Key Ideas: Silence; failed judgment; false readings; wasted effort; the wrong choice; missed opportunity; sleep; recovery.

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