
Celebrating Kwanzaa (2024-2025)

Tyrant of Words
Joined 5th Sep 2018
Forum Posts: 2089

Celebrating Kwanzaa (2023-2024)
Celebrating Kwanzaa (2024-2025)

Since this the first say I will be celebrating Kwanzaa, I thought I would give readers who are not familiar with the Africana American Tradition.

The first day of Kwanzaa is always celebrated beginning on December 26, 2024. In addition, please take note Kwanzaa is a seven-day holiday that was first created back in 1966 by a Dr. Maulana Karenga, who at the time, a professor of Africana Studies at California State University, Long Beach.

The holiday here today is thankfully celebrated by millions of people of African descent all across the United States and yes, as far as Canada.

Each day Kwanzaa is dedicated to one of the seven principles of our African culture, me being of French, Haitian, and Creole descent, I feel honored to celebrate this beautiful tradition, which contribute to either building or reinforcing communities of African Americans.

The seven principles are called the Nguzo Saba, they are considered the core values of African culture that include unity, self-determination, they ae collective work and responsibility, that responsibly primality uplifts the structure of economic cooperation, to give purpose, highlight creativity, and remind up to have faith.

During the week long celebration of Kwanza the tradition of the holiday is celebrated with songs, dances, and some African drums, storytelling, various genres poetry readings, and a large traditional meal.  

On each of the seven nights, each family gathers around and a child of the parent choice will light one of the candles on what is referred to as a kinara, or candleholder, then one of the seven principles is discussed in depth. Since I am single, I light a candle and give my poetic offering. My younger sister and her family who resides in Atlanta, Georgia also celebrates the tradition of Kwanzaa as well and she allowed her older and alternates each year to the youngest..

The Principals Of Kwanzaa

Each of the days of the celebration is dedicated to one of the seven principles of Kwanzaa:
There also are seven symbols of Kwanzaa holiday, there is fruits (organic) you have the vegetables (organic) and nuts, a a straw mat, I use Kente Cloth mat, the candleholder, an ear of corn (maize), homemade gifts, a communal cup, which signifies unity, and more importantly, the seven candles in the African traditional colors of red, green, and black, symbolizing the seven principles.

The Order of Lighting Kwanzaa Candles

Umoja (Unity) – The black candle located in the center of the kinara is lit first on December 26th. It represents the foundational principle of unity, emphasizing the importance of coming together as a community.
Kujichagulia (Self-Determination) – On December 27th, the first red candle to the left of the black candle is lit. This candle represents the principle of self-determination, encouraging individuals to strive for independence and define their own path.
Ujima (Collective Work and Responsibility) –On December 28th, the first green candle to the right of the black candle is lit. It symbolizes the principle of collective work and responsibility, highlighting the importance of collaboration and working together for the betterment of the community.
Ujamaa (Cooperative Economics) –On December 29th, the second red candle is lit. This candle represents the principle of cooperative economics, urging individuals to support and build prosperous businesses and institutions within their community.
Nia (Purpose) –On December 30th, the second green candle is lit. It symbolizes the principle of purpose, encouraging individuals to set and pursue meaningful goals for themselves and their community.
Kuumba (Creativity) –On December 31st, the third red candle is lit. This candle represents the principle of creativity, inspiring individuals to use their imagination and skills to create positive and impactful change.
Imani (Faith) –On January 1st, the third and final green candle is lit. It symbolizes the principle of faith, encouraging individuals to believe in themselves, their community, and the possibility of a better future.

Join me for this week in celebrating Kwanzaa through spoken words and in my poetic narratives.


Umoja (Unity) – The First Black Candle Is Lit

A Soulful Unity

Unto your eyes of mankind I see the reflection of this world
My soft wings may you take comfort as Heaven cradles as strife unfurl
Taste the reminisce of the sweeten fruit given upon a time in the Garden of Eden  
The unity of love, passion from His image, the offering unto mortals no malice breeding

Among the stars, his caresses felt beyond the moon
Humanity’s compassion, reigned as we embraced in the softest swoon
We danced in romance, body to body in a field of gold, tenderly we swayed in the midst of Heaven’s bassoon
In the rite of our divinity, we repelled the disasters of hellish monsoons
Look up unto the skies hear the thunder and its beautiful roar
Once the Sun shines, the warmth of the rainbow as love upon bowed heads shall pour

Take off your shoes, my love for in the presence of fate you stand upon my Holy ground
Shh... close your eyes and listen to the soft lullabies of Mother Nature’s soothing sounds
The bird's tweet as they soar
A wealthy man is never satisfied, his greed leads him to take and take, but never will he be fulfilled with more
The human spirit must learn to find refugee among the company it keeps
To take comfort in intellects who can uplift, inspire, advocate, teach, or may the great deeds, from its generation seeds seep
Never to leave the less fortunate begging with tears to weep

When we sit at our tables where bread and thirst of our mouth shall be fed upon its greet
Cut half and offer the other half to the starving who pray with the meek
For the man with no shoes, no coat, trash hunting, shivering in the winter’s cold
Give him your last dollar, socks from off your feet, karma shall one day come back unto you to console
Angels of the earth we see the goodness in you, we know what you know not
This world shall be here, but your soul must find the unity of your spirit, it is all you have it is all you got
It travels, it ascends, in its evolution rebirth… unto the Savoir, your earthly works have surpassed, if found of a good servant, you shall never feel the ill will of this 3-D dominion begot

Unity of self is to share with others
May the receptiveness of your pulsations take you higher, to allow your purpose to spiritually hover

Tyrant of Words
Joined 5th Sep 2018
Forum Posts: 2089

Kujichagulia (Self-Determination)

The first red candle to the left of the black candle is lit.

The Calling

It takes a strong King to keep you along for the ride, my Queen
Yes, the beautiful illusion of intermingled spirits to foresee is not always found in dreams
The depth of the streams, the oceans, or the ravines

But what meets the eyes from the Heavens to gallop into the wind
The ancestral calling unto the melanin prisms as its beautiful hues transcendent when it blends
To live with a heart encased with sincerity is to never die in vain
To find peace, by any means necessary is to protect the loins of the King against any disdain
And the womb of a Queen for the foresight of the crown for which it shall always reign

There is power behind the presence for which our dialect speaks truth to the masses
The deaf may they always hear or eyes who see behind life’s concealed obscured glasses
May the multitude uphold the regality in the passage of grandeur footsteps within one’s own path
Life is about wise choices, to ensure positive outcomes encased in numbers, given by the skies, and once there, it is not found of earth’s wicked wraith

The reminisce of time is caressed by Orion’s Belt, kissed by Venus’ lips, pleasured by the intellect of Mars
The Moon’s freedom guided by the North Star
The soft whispers of those forevermore spiritual Yoruba Gods and the presence of divine Goddesses
Into the night upon the Grand Rising, our monarch bestows love, and compassion until sunset

So, shall it be written by our creed, so shall it be done

Tyrant of Words
Joined 5th Sep 2018
Forum Posts: 2089

Ujima (Collective Work and Responsibility)

The first green candle to the right of the black candle is lit.

Together We Stand Divided We Fall

“I suppose I will write my 2024 agenda when focusing on my priorities relating to what I expect a community should be in helping and that consists of neighboring churches assisting with social services.”

I do like a thriving community when we raise our voices for the greater good
To stomp out racism, homelessness, bigotry, and hunger, as any neighbored should
What have you done today to give back to Mother Nature’s fertile soil, or to the citizens of mankind?
Did you offer compassionate words, when spoken too, no matter the hue, may your soul in the journey of life always be kind

What eyes cannot comprehend, allow the heart to speak for its dreams
Fill it with inspiration, whereas your speech completes the task as it would seem
It makes life so serene
In the enunciation of a bitter tongue, rests a mind that is undeveloped, which has not found a spark
Blind eyes to disklike and an intellect spewing discontent from a spirit lost in the dark

The soul must allocate and promote the self to take a chance
The past, present, and your future is about embracing your arrival with the key to hear your own music when you dance
Me, myself, and I, shall take care and take charge, it’s your center stage, your only romance
I do not understand how child, woman, or man
Who has the world in the palm of their hand
To allow any setbacks to detour them, yet refuses to wobble to uprise and take a firm stand

We have to learn to utilize the time effectively, and not find moments to hate or berate,
Then we feel disenchanted when Karma bust down our door, raised sword, ready to balance our fate
Celebrate your life it does not matter the age
This is your presence upon earth, each day, write your beautiful mantras of love, compassion, faith, inscribe it down your lifecycle’s page

The turn, it is now considered your memories, a part of your history
Therefore, when you look back, the testimony of self and to others will not be a hidden mystery
The guardians of the communities, be unto others a mental philosopher, a care giver to the younger generation they never had
Yes, I know they are tough, reckless in thought, but all are not bad

Commemorate your oath to be
Celebrate your cause within your own community
Congratulate self in the need that you have strived to reach

Tyrant of Words
Joined 5th Sep 2018
Forum Posts: 2089

Ujamaa (Cooperative Economics)

The Second Red Candle Is Lit.

Loving The Reflection Of Self

I believed every female should have a purpose in life, to want to see herself reach the potential of her glory, wear her crown proudly in the adversaries of all related worldly issues, taking the steps to build her own empire, filled with the wisdom of her momentous, the legacy of her memory, and the forwarding steps leading to the path each generation must take, every mile of progress leads to a lifetime of much rewarded success.

If you believe in that ideology to prosper in life, then I will tell you, your presence is halfway there. You can learn to invest in many things of your choice, my Goddaughter has Cash App on her phone, and she stated to me she buys her stocks on this App, I advised her mother of this, but her mother is well aware, I kidd you not, and she told me you can decide the amount to invest.

I can assume you may not get rich overnight, she stated to me she invested in Nika stocks with a dollar and her shares return was thus far, $1.90 cents thus far, I was pride of her learning at her age how to intellectuality and methodically make money, to increase its monetary values as it matures in utilizing or having a stock portfolio.

The point I am trying to make is invest in your future and for the future of your kids, time is moving so fast, by the world of New World Order, and technology infused with Artificial Intelligence.

I remember back in college when I was obtaining then at the time, my Bachelor Degree in Nursing, I had to take some classes, referred to as electives, credits to assist you in getting your college degree, I took, Economics, Sociology, and Political Science, classes, I thought I would never utilize the physicality within my existence, You have only one goal, to survive college and finding ways to graduate on time with full credits.

Fast forward years later, yes, and that is because I now instill the passions into the accountability of my intellect when writing blogs and reviews, those class by memory, have helped financially, where I can say for those classes I have reaped off the success of my college tuition paid in full by my grann.

I  was not political, the stock market to make money, are you serious,  I was already in college to get out to make money, not gather any companies’ data on their sales, their shareholders’ ego, only to see the harvest of someone’s money and market values continue to increase, some CEO and his CFO, is going home at the end of the year with some fat pockets from all those bonuses well received.

You must practice caution what you invest your money in, if you do not need it, do not buy it, it will only collect dust idly  the best affluent residence I have dwelled over the threshold, international and national and entered the space they make use with, no clutter, every piece of decorative artifacts, or piece of furniture is positioned in the right place, perfect, allowing their mental space to be infused with positiveness,  within the walls of a humble abode, but my Goddaughter only invested a dollar, and I asked her why she did not invest more, at least five dollars.

Her reply, she just wanted to say she owned something, now that is an honest confession from out the mouth of a teenager, if some of you, Hebrew Nubian Queens, and Hebrew Kings learn how to invest your money wisely, something of worth that would appreciate in value; undeveloped commercial land, expressive canvas and oil based art, rare coins, historical memorabilia, vintage vehicles sold at a private auction, then you have your paper tender; CD, stocks, bonds, the paper. You may ask why I contributed that information, if we can harness the nest of how to keep that monetary flow within the circle of the Hebrew melinated spirits to thrive off that success, then I would say we will be as powerful in our own right, it will be like having our own barter systems to give credence to success where failure is no longer an option.

Rebuild the temple of our own glory here on earth.

As a Nubian Queen, of Hebrew descent, I will stress the importance of supporting each other, in following greater footsteps who have walked the path I have taken, or with much respect tell your cause, how you ended up on your own.

I have learned, allow the mind to be at peace, it’s like an illuminated rainbow inside you, beaming all those beautiful colors straight to the pulsate of your heart, meaning, seeing everyone as the same, and treating society individually and accordingly, find way to sponsor a group, for me, always a cause.

Breaking down those old stigmatism barriers manifesting in thought, your skin hue is less disserving and you to retreat in what would have been your propelling steps in your life to get you to the next phase, you cannot run away for a good conscious, yet must sit and entertain a bad conscious.

Always move in the right direction, you will arrive at your destination and can root yourself in serene pastures.

If you are thinking of opening a business, research to see if there will be potential buyers or investors to assist you in bringing your dreams into fruition, just make sure whatever you are selling, give the perception wings to soar into productively.

Ujamaa, a world to unite the citizens who want to see their dreams manifested and a blessing to the people who were brought within their path to help or assist as best he or she could.

Picture compliment of Pinterest, it just looks so feminine in taste and is gives credence to empowering femininity of uplifting us, as women to motivate, a poetic sacred musing to the eyes, may the annotation be taken in regality to take it higher within yourself, I am just the narrator. on a higher sphere in this realm, referred to as life, to me, it's just a passing domain in the evolution of spiritual rebirth, where you feel your purpose in the afterthought.

Look it up your average citizens are adopting that conception, there is a higher conscious of cosmic spiritual awareness, but few do not have that intellect grasp to softly decider the metaphoric latitude and longitude of fate and destiny, that goes on to say, stay your course is life if fate, once again say hello , that is destiny, embrace the moments, then move ahead, life has too many open portals to ever get siphoned, positive energy always flows or moves in the right direction, that was spoken to raise your psyche level of existence.

I would explain that in lament terms, I was just trying to sound poetically. However, as I was saying, protect the merit of your dreams. always thrive to see them through, so you can look back and help who is behind you.

Assalam Alaikum

Tyrant of Words
Joined 5th Sep 2018
Forum Posts: 2089

Nia (Purpose)

The second green candle is lit.

Balancing The Purpose Of Both

My purpose in life has been a rewarding journey because it has given me time to fall in love with myself, and I say that as the energy I release by my words behind my affirmation, may it be my testimonial to always share it with humanity, no matter the cause, or the day, is will always be pleasurable in its contest.

What is the concept of giving purpose, is that just simply waking up and not giving thanks to the universal, I ask personally, because for the sole reason, I have to chant a thank you mantra and allow that beautiful energy will give credence to spiritually, therefore, the next time you are waling to you vehicle give a silent prayer, as I to bless over the Heavens, the skies, the planets, the moon, the Grand Rising of the sun, Clouds, and the water, your elements, and also where you lay your head within te dwelling that you reside.

The purpose of humankind it to love self, first, to me, I would give my words a stamp of approval to say, eating correctly according to your weight/height, morbid obesity is on the uprise, keep the mind free of negative free radical thoughts; jealousy, envy, bitterness, then, you must take excellent care of your temple as a whole; heart, mind, body, and soul.

Elevating the mind to find the greater good of your existence, I can tell you in not found on social site, porn sites, the media, or any means that blocks the pathway of dopamine, serotonin, oxytocin, and Endorphins. The body needs to release them to keep the uplifting of being happy and not straying from its straightforward zone.

I will advise anyone to find the purpose to plan ahead such as if an uncertain, or unfortunate natural disaster would have occurred, as you have been witnessing Moter Nature, is chagrined for the treatment of her natural elements that are being destroyed, or demolished by man, in that regard, some government mandate to kill over an extension.

Make a stockpile, bravely to say, just fill it with items you will need if the world, came to a sudden stop; no gas, electric off in some communities, no cell phone availability, and found to have no weapons for protection, and if so, in your household, hopefully someone is licensed to be politically correct, to engage.

Always try to be prepared for things unseen, and if they present unto your presence handle them with grace. It will give you purpose to know you can empower yourself to handle your affairs and continue moving forward, that’s what I also refer to as successful progress.

A new year is emerging from the miles by the rotation of the Sun, may it find all the positive ways to grant your purpose, and may it manifest to become the realistic of your vision for what you seek, not later, but may it be your, “now.”

Find the purpose in your spiritual path and allow the divine secrets of the universe to whisper them to you, in faith and may your intellect in its purest state of existence comprehend, the purpose behind the sway of my words is to uplift so when we get there, we have the mental capability to uprise.

What is the purpose from you to the world should or ought to be, there is a choice

According to online dictionary (cited 12-30-23)

The word “ought” is an auxiliary verb, verb, or noun that can mean to express obligation, advisability, natural expectation, or logical consequence. It comes from the Old English word for “to possess, own, owe.

The word "should is "defined the condition of, an obligation, propriety, or expediency, futurity, or a simple polite request.

Peace is the first coating the soil needs to survive daily and that means having clarity to the gateway of your mind, that organic energy you manifest to assist you to maintaining that higher self at all costs.

Having the time to concentrate on balancing your life though those storms that seem to descend without provocation or fair warning.

If you are, or will be facing those times of unsee faith, just hang in there, enlist the assistance of any community center social service department, or speak with your physician, pertaining to medical related advice who can advise you with the next course of action to seek, or take, then you have your pastor, a priest, or a rabbi for spiritual guidance if needed as well.

Whatever you are claiming in this realm we call a 3-D domain of actuality, do it with stability, may your good deeds show the proud progress of your labor whatever it may be, and laugh, love, and always through the grace of your storms, continue to smile.

Enjoy the day continue going forward with purpose to make your life better, each second of the time. And if so, share knowledge it’s only thoughts of wisdom, somebody else maybe could use after you’ve figured it all out.

Tyrant of Words
Joined 5th Sep 2018
Forum Posts: 2089

Kuumba (Creativity)

The third red candle is lit

The Gateway To The Heart Is Found In The Creativity Of The Mind

To have creativity is a state of mind you must bring into the light of its glory. This goes to say, there are various way to make money in the boardroom, as well as on the internet, you just have to find your niche and find what works for you in generating money,
You can blog for a second income, write for commercial. And some of the company portfolios, their underwriting of their company’s policies, if you are a serious writer and have not tasted that limelight of the New York Best Seller List, then you have Kindle, you set your own price when selling you book, male sure you always read before, entering your name or electronic signature when is has any bearing on publishing/self-publishing, make sure you know the service they publishing company is offering; marketing, advertising, editing, promoting, and assisting you with a website where you can sell your works of art online.

You can make Tee-shirts, and sell them on line, all it take is perseverance, and some adverting products are always great to enhance your business and uphold it principles thought advertising.

Whatever your passion is rather you paint, draw, sing, dance, if you are affiliated with the much obscured religion; tarot reader, psyche reader, palmistry, make sure you channel it to draw upon your positive energy when you are manifesting the dreams in reality, and I bless you in virtual.

The creativity I long for is designing clothes on a sewing machine, if anyone has such a passion, you are blessed beyond compare, it’s h as the feeling of being able to make your own creation out of fabric, priceless in admiration.

Therefore, if you have been sitting on a idea and in the back of your mind, you know it would work, by all means, see it through, what do you have to lose, and time waits for no more, utilize to your advantage, that is why it is here for you.

I challenge you to make something for yourself, when was the last time you colored in a coloring book with some Crayola crayons, I asked that to see you enjoy the stage of your mentally, it is a development of the mind, that has allowed us to feel beautiful within, Ty it, and see what colors inspire your thought process to bring that picture together, and stay within the lines, just a way to keep that connection to yourself to know we all progress through life going forward, we all age one day at a time, in the mercy of that given, we our concepts only becomes wiser when utilizing them or learning from them.

I love the creativity of graffiti, whoever hands can make a mural, I bow to you in visual gratitude for allowing me to share your vision through your eyes,

A new year is approaching, find a project if it is really good, patient it, registered, or trademark, and not to forge copyright.
You must rally for your own creativity when you think about taking it even higher, publishing or self-publishing, know your genre and research your audience your fan base, and put your creativity out there, clear the path to your own success when it comes to writing, or any paid assignment you may solicit, and yes, those assignment pays, well.

I know several writers/published authors become voice over, narrating audio book.

I hope on this day, of celebrating creativity, you will give your earthly lifetime to evolve into something the world my need, and mankind may want, much success to go fot neglected works of art... no go and win that Pulitzer Price.
A great ideal, you can buy cheap wholesale on sites like Temu, Amazon, rent you some space at a Flea Market to sell your merchandise, becoming your own creative entrepreneur.
Have fun with yourself and adopt those insights, and may it keep you healthy in thought and forever young..

Tyrant of Words
Joined 5th Sep 2018
Forum Posts: 2089

Imani (Faith)

On January 1st, the third and final green candle is lit

The Faith Of Self Is To Believe Unseen And In Others

A trip beyond the stars to elsewhere  
No frivolous cares
Everyone is treated fair
Emotions given, emotions received
Hearts do not have to bleed to feel complete of its need
No words, the eyes tell it all
The window to glimpse the soul rather we stand, sit, or fall

An embedded arrow from handsome Cupid’s bow
It’s now up to me to sow the seeds of love and reap the benefits of its growth
Whomever the receiver, hushed ecstasy, rapture, make me a believer
Those piercing arrows makes the heart feels beautifully adorned
Warm, all fuzzy inside, after time, then spiritually conformed
Not to worry, everyone has had its company, for sure
Trying to keep the spark of emotions one must endure

My intentions to self-love have never been detoured, or evaporated into thin air
No tears, no fears, yet it’s time to rise from this musical rooted chair
East Coast Three Card Monte Queen
Your money in my pocket… just like that…. so, it seemed
No more partaking in truth or dare
As living life on a wing and a prayer
Stand tall as I should, would, or ever could

I’m young and a sexy Nurse
Witnessed life taken, as the miraculous gift of birth
Shadows in the winds I have chased for what’s its worth
In Heaven and on Earth
Stooping, or bending, have never been my priority, my creed
Or verbs that define me
Running against the wind, God, what a beautiful sight to see
My heart, mind, body, and soul blending as I flee
Whistling echoes as I pass the towering tress

Breaths of life rendered as one with infinity
The embracing sky, the gentle breeze kissing my soft skin
The aura of me, no beginning or end
Therefore, no more chains to hinder the intellect of my mind
I do as I say under God’s Heavenly chimes
So, unto this beautiful day in time
Jump, run, hop, or skip, I’m free, as I enjoy a rainbow slide

I shall grant myself the knowledge I could now understand
Wisdom as I take an unwavering stance
Serenity of my psyche to enjoy my own lyrical dance
Love thyself, God what a constellational romance

Tyrant of Words
Joined 5th Sep 2018
Forum Posts: 2089

I wanted to say thank you all who have taken time to read my Kwanzaa incantations, they were a joy to have brough them to you.

Make sure practice the principles for you to thrive and prosper in life.


Tyrant of Words
Joined 5th Sep 2018
Forum Posts: 2089

The Seven Principles Of Kwanzaa (12-26-24-01-01-25)

Each of the days of the celebration is dedicated to one of the seven principles of Kwanzaa

There also are seven symbols of Kwanzaa holiday, there is fruits (organic) you have the vegetables (organic) and nuts, a straw mat, I use Kente Cloth mat, the candleholder, an ear of corn (maize), homemade gifts, a communal cup, which signifies unity, and more importantly, the seven candles in the African traditional colors of red, green, and black, symbolizing the seven principles.

I will be posting my daily mantra or incantation throughout the duration.

The Order of Lighting Kwanzaa Candles (2024-2025)

Umoja (Unity) – The black candle located in the center of the kinara is lit first on December 26th. It represents the foundational principle of unity, emphasizing the importance of coming together as a community.
Kujichagulia (Self-Determination) – On December 27th, the first red candle to the left of the black candle is lit. This candle represents the principle of self-determination, encouraging individuals to strive for independence and define their own path.
Ujima (Collective Work and Responsibility) –On December 28th, the first green candle to the right of the black candle is lit. It symbolizes the principle of collective work and responsibility, highlighting the importance of collaboration and working together for the betterment of the community.
Ujamaa (Cooperative Economics) –On December 29th, the second red candle is lit. This candle represents the principle of cooperative economics, urging individuals to support and build prosperous businesses and institutions within their community.
Nia (Purpose) –On December 30th, the second green candle is lit. It symbolizes the principle of purpose, encouraging individuals to set and pursue meaningful goals for themselves and their community.
Kuumba (Creativity) –On December 31st, the third red candle is lit. This candle represents the principle of creativity, inspiring individuals to use their imagination and skills to create positive and impactful change.
Imani (Faith) –On January 1st, the third and final green candle is lit. It symbolizes the principle of faith, encouraging individuals to believe in themselves, their community, and the possibility of a better future.
cited 12-24-24

Join me for this week in celebrating Kwanzaa through spoken words and in my poetic narratives.

Love and Universal Hugs,

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