Poetry competition CLOSED 21st September 2024 1:33pm
View Profile Poems by ThePalestRider


Story Poem

Daniel Long
Thought Provoker
United States 10awards
Joined 26th Nov 2018
Forum Posts: 183

Poetry Contest

Write a short story in poetic form. No limit on length - just not an epic poem. Any theme excepted including erotica. One submission only. The example non-entry submission of mine, "Frieda's Grave" is the prelude to my next poetry-prose: Gothic Forest.

Daniel Long
Thought Provoker
United States 10awards
Joined 26th Nov 2018
Forum Posts: 183

Frieda's Grave

Fog was in my mind and mist in my eyes. And voices!
Voices that whispered and screamed into the beating heart of my ears.
My earthly body and mortal spirit - now a living, breathing corpse.

Fog was in my mind and mist in my eyes as I peered down at the laceration scars
running lengthwise up my forearms, standing at the rusted, wrought iron gate of
the castle graveyard - the resting place of my friend, Frieda.

My mind for certain was in a fog - a thick, white veil that concealed reality
from what little normality I had at the time. The soulful voice of mine, muted
to the hallucinatory ones - the whispers that you, the reader, cannot hear!

For within this narrative, you are about to discover destruction
followed by creation. As the old, wilted Sheila now blossoms in rebirth -
from an end to a beginning.                              

These immortal eyes were once pale blue - now golden yellow
and bright beneath the moonlight. There was no respite in my past life,
madness tore me to pieces every day. And every day my soul bled out.  

As I wandered through the smoldering rubble of my life, I wanted to die -
and be reborn. And through this narrative, the reader's eyes
shall dance with my words across the many pages ahead.

And as you read further, you will sense the whirling of clouds overhead,
pulsating with flashes of lightning. What will follow, as you will taste
in the downpour, is a purge of your understandings of what is real.

What is real and true did not become known to me until after my imprisonment
in the looming tower of my family’s castle
and had entered the Gothic Forest.

When the sun had burned away the fog,
and boiled the mist from my eyes, I saw clearly.
I knelt before Frieda's grave, and I intended to join her.

I forgave her when she started whispering to me again.
Voices! Raspy voices of the dead pricking my ears,
driving me mad. The only thing I could do was listen!

And be content with my torturer!
"Self-mutilations are so beautiful in the graveyard,"
Frieda would whisper to me.

Frieda's headstone was draped in moss, and thick branching vines.
There was beauty, no depression there. However, her distant voice
from beneath the clay could tell me to commit suicide.

"Kill yourself! Join me here beneath the earth, Klara."
And there is no doubt that it was her breathy voice
drifting into my ears.

Frieda whispers in death and I would visit her grave
to bring respiting moments of purgatories within.
By that time in my life, I often thought of my own coming sunset.

The glint of the knife in the dusking light as I unsheathed it
was like a flash of lightning in the corner of my eye.
It was there, where I was happy to join my friend in the grave.

But at that moment before I cut, with a firm grip on the handle,
I sensed a heaviness in my heart. My breathing had slowed
and became shallow. Happiness was suddenly tainted by fear.

After wandering through the smoldering rubble of my life,
I wanted to die. And through this narrative, the reader
will widen their eyelids thus unsheathing their perceptive eyes.

As my hand tremored before the first cut, I gazed
at Frieda's headstone one last time as a mortal,
and even my voice tremored as I stuttered,

"the knife dances upon my skin with only I as its partner."
I stopped, for the was a sudden, violent shiver that tore through me
quicker than it had built up. Mortality clearly bled out.

"With only I as its partner..." I continued with a tremoring voice,
"and of course, with a firm grip – I lead on...
with crimson footprints following us."

As I felt the cold, metallic tip of the knife puncturing my flesh,
I squealed and whined as I carried the tip down my forearm.
The first sight of running blood gave me hope, I remember.

So, to ease my thudding heart and go quietly into the night,
I again cut down my forearm. White-hot pain
that I had never felt before, brought me to the realization

that this is what death feels like. So, I continued to recite
my suicide poem, "now our dance has ended -
down the forearm and to the wrist, tears of joy run thick and red!"

Before I died, my eyes came to rest on my friend's headstone
till they glazed over. I leaned back against the trunk of a yew tree
and my eyelids snipped out the orange evening light.

I felt the warmth of the descending sun fade from my face.
I could imagine the illumination of my eyes dimmed
in my long-awaited sunset, as it bled into the blue twilight of my life.

I awoke in rebirth at the witching hour. I lifted an eyelid and noticed
the earth washed in the milky hues of the full moon,
which itself shined white-hot. And there was mist, a vagueness.

"One hug," I muttered, "I just wish I could've given' ya one last hug."
Without parting my teary eyelids, I crawled over Frieda=s grave,
wrapped my bloody arms around her headstone and pressed my lips into the moss.

"Come back." Tears trickled into the moss. "Come back."
Then a breathy voice crept into my ear, "Klara." I hoisted a damp eyelid
and the chilly night gave a fresh chill to my bare, teary eye.

"Klara?" I heard again as both my eyelids unlocked from death.
I remember imagining that I would see an imposing gate to Hell,
in the backdrop of a blood-red sky while my guide would, at some point,

motion me to gaze at the heavens behind me -
and I would lay earthly eyes on that distant Paradiso.
One last look at what was the heaven of my life.

Written by gothicsurrealism (Daniel Long)
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Fire of Insight
England 15awards
Joined 30th Sep 2022
Forum Posts: 547

Penned too.

Once upon a long time ago  
in a country cottage there lived  
a grandma and her surprise gift  
from her dead daughter's unknown beau  
an unruly and awkward child  
coltish, doltish, a dreamer yet,
wouldn't learn her letters, made granny fret  
with troubling traits, like, running wild...
Now, granny had a little job  
working from home, with pen in fist,
writing children's rhymes with her nimble wrist  
five hundred words earned, just ten bob.
She started work on the stroke of five  
unaware of that silly kid  
tearing pages from her books, she did!  
and granny wondered, what the, strife?  
Well, the walloping of that silly lass  
took quite a while but changed her tune  
and after a day and night 'lone in her room  
came down contrite and cried, " alack alas."  
Granny took it on to teach her her letters  
and the magic of the written word  
and by force of words taught that flighty bird  
to fly and not be rude to her betters.
Granny kept on writing all the way through  
she reached the age of one hundred and one  
and that lass produced a fine grand son  
and granny lived, watched, till he grew...
" See, Gran, your pen, long since found  
your books, bound, repaired, from your files  
your pen writes now for older juveniles,  
and to be published soon by, Shuster & Brown..."
Written by Rew
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Daniel Long
Thought Provoker
United States 10awards
Joined 26th Nov 2018
Forum Posts: 183

Thanks Rew for kicking us off! Great write!

Thought Provoker
United States 5awards
Joined 14th Sep 2018
Forum Posts: 31


In halls where daylight dares not linger long
There lurketh shadows, twisted, cold, and strong
They slither 'cross the walls in shapes malign
Unholy wraiths that dance beyond design

They stretch and bend where no light source fall
A creeping dread upon each ancient wall
Their forms unbidden, moving on their own
A madness cast in darkness, dimly shown

And in the corners, where no man should hear
Erupts a laughter, piercing, sharp, and queer
It echoes forth from cracks in cobbled stone
A sound so cruel, it chills the very bone

The giggling rise from rooms long left to rot
From empty chairs where living souls are not
A cackle high, a chuckle low and deep
Weaves through night and haunts the halls of sleep

The walls do shiver, floors begin to creak
As shadows mock with voices sly and sleek
They speak in tones that twist the heart to fear
Of secrets kept and things that linger near

No mortal eye can trace their wicked game
No sunlight’s touch can put them back to shame
They whisper sins in tongues unknown to man
And laugh at all the horrors they have planned

For in the dark, where reason finds no rest
They revel in the fears they know best
Unnatural shades that writhe and jeer and claw
And laughter from the void that breaks all law

So shut thy doors and seal the windows tight
For shadows come to feast upon the night
And shouldst thou hear a laugh that chills thy core
Pray ‘tis but wind, and nothing more

Lost Thinker
Joined 30th Sep 2019
Forum Posts: 3

The memoirs of jack the reaper 1

It's the year 1305,late nights at work keep me company. As a vet i have found a new hobby of dissecting animals trying to understand their anatomy, this i do as the hours pass by and thoughts of my dead wife hinder me from going home. In all my life times this one seems hardest, loneliness creeps at my door steps and only my knife under these animals can keep it away. You can only keep an animal at bay too long, monotony in these animals anatomy has created boredom and curiosity of other things apart from animals. One night as I am going home i find one a burger dying in the streets of a stab wound, i lean over to assist but I'm fascinated by this being i start cutting it open tearing it apart limb for limb organ for organ. What have i discovered why is this more fun. Aware of the atrocity i have committed i quickly dragged the body to the river, tonight i sleep better the troubles and sorrows disappear for a while. The fact that i feel no guilt makes me question my humanity did it die with that which i loved. A week goes by i try to go on dates so as to find healthier habits, but im an addict, in a dark ally i reach out to kiss my date, we get phunky i push her against a wall, i can see her vein on her neck pulsating triggering an urge i cant answer to at this moment. We get rough i lift her up against the wall as i turn her i accidentally twist her joint i say sorry she laughs a bit, but the urge grows i twist her arm again this time on purpose, she screams tells me to stop i press her pull out my knife and like the animals at the vet hospital i start dissecting a human alive. This time i don't dispose of the body, it's found in the morning neighbors claim they heard the lady scream jack no from an erotic tone to one a cry for help to disspair. I embark on a series of these activities as i gain notoriety as Jack the reaper.
Written by Nodrax_tepes (nodrax)
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Tyrant of Words
United States 15awards
Joined 12th June 2013
Forum Posts: 156

Blue-The Blood of Papa (Cauldron Kill Series)

      “Love for his unique race died long ago
But blood through pain and suffering is flavor for the flow,
      “Every skull surgical implanted in Papa Blood skin is that of a smurf
Uniquely tortured to death, but not before he heard their song of hurt,

      “Without the Smurfs knowledge he used evil magic for their protection
But with each use the evil was infecting his soul in nightmarish sections,
      “Sinister visions and sick laughter became a cancer within his mind
Some episodes became so intense he would wake up shitty and crying,

      “But the final trigger was the apocalyptic battle between Gargamel and Azrael
When Papa Smurf sacrificed the last of his goodness to the depths of hell,
      “His body expanded as his veins painfully tunneled within his flesh like worms
As his blood transformed into living hate and begin to burn,

      “Instantly on Azrael he executed a forbidden form of cannibalism
Then drugged a defeated Gargamel into the swamp to live the final days of scaphism,
      “Now Papa Blood, he returned weeks later to perform the ultimate crime
Genocide through torture of his own blue kind,

      “Through dead smurf bones he dripped hot blood into Brainy’s eyes
Keeping Brainy smurf fully awake while he was being lobotomized,
      “Smurfette was introduced to the pear of Anguish in the most extreme
With an evil smile every morning Papa Blood wakes up to her screams,

      “Clumsy smurf Papa Blood magically manipulated into an abused pet
Having Clumsy to commit suicide by hanging himself by the neck,
      “Papa Blood showed Jokey smurf the ultimate killing joke
When he castrated Jokey and forced his dick down his throat,

      “Handy smurf creation was magically warped that broke his smurfy heart  
In front of Handy’s own eyes Clockwork smurf tore Grandpa and Baby smurf apart,
      “With Grouchy smurf he amplified his black love for hate
Turning him into a mindless savage who murders smurfs followed by sick rape,

       “Papa Blood’s torture tactics within evil circles have become renowned
Even Ungol the Leprechaun gives him sinister respect, but with a twisted frown,
      “Those smurfs that ran Papa Blood can find them any place
Because embedded within their soul is Papa Bloods evil face”.  
Written by CasketSharpe
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Oliver Cocks
Lost Thinker
Joined 15th Oct 2023
Forum Posts: 6


in tobacco tar night, and
we’re singing the usual:

“ I  C A N ’ T  G E T  N O ! ”

But your voice
shakes, buckles,

your eyes blaze
with disintegration.

What’s going on?
What’s up?

Why so hasty
to put away the phone?

I try to probe (gentle, now!):
“Is anything…. Ah…”

Tears seep like oil
from a shoddy car.

“It’s just…”
you begin,

“Are we doomed, not blessed,
to be free?

And Ian’s breaking up with me.”

“Oh! There, there,” I say
(a little feebly)

“It’s okay,”
you say,

“even if freedom’s a shackle,
nothing’s to say

we can’t do our best,

and anyway,
he was kind of a ****.”
Written by olliec (Oliver Cocks)
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Tyrant of Words
United States 20awards
Joined 1st Sep 2021
Forum Posts: 88

Don’t Bring Her Flowers

Their love was new and brighter than the stars
They waited five years after loving from afar
Bigotry’s nasty head stood in the way
No closeness allowed until that fateful day
The world spun on a new axis tipped in their favor
They were always together, their time they savored
Dancing in the clubs to the heat of their hearts
It was a fairytale romance from the start
He sent her flowers the first day at the law firm
When she read the card aloud she watched her colleges squirm
“Baby I love you, can’t wait to caress your vanilla skin
All this chocolate lovin’s gonna get you to commit a thousand sins”
Excitedly she told her colleagues she would be moving in with Him
She couldn’t wait for their new life to begin
She had no care for society’s scowl
All she wanted to do was set up house
That night when she arrived home
Her parents screamed and threatened to disown
They had no idea of her secret love
She defiantly told them he was The One
On the weekend when she was supposed to move
She wasn’t worried about what her parents would do
Then suddenly he said it wouldn’t work out
He solemnly said he had to put her out
Her world cracked, she went back home
No longer living in love’s zone
Her flame was extinguished, she gave up hope
Then flowers arrived, what a cruel joke
“Congratulations on your new job and your success
We always knew your talent would impress”
Her shocked heart immediately shut down
From that day forward, no more flowers, they made her tears drown
Over the years she told all her men
No more flowers, never again
They all asked the same thing, “what shall we buy for you then?”
Her only reply, “all I want is for you to be Him”
Thirty years passed and a pandemic hit
She had no idea how long the world would exist
She reached out to Him with one phone call
Hello it’s me, do you recall
Who I am from your past
I don’t know how long this virus will last
But I need you to know I still think of you
I hope you’re well and think of me too
Within the night he was at her side
Nothing in the way, no pride to hide
He called her his sweetheart and told her to love herself
He told her he still all her old letters on his shelf
When she couldn’t respond, so overwhelmed with joy
Not giving one thought to her parent’s devious ploy
To tear them apart all those years ago
And stifle the love society couldn’t watch grow
He slowly reached behind his back
His large, strong hands seeking out a paper bag
Tentatively he brought out a single rose
Then leaned in and lightly kissed her nose
He caught each tear as it slid down her cheek
He wiped away her heartache, the world no longer looked so bleak
He held her in his large, warm embrace
Then lightly held her face
I’ve never forgotten you, I never will
For a very long time my hearts been filled
With longing for one glimpse of your beautiful face
And the warmth of your elegant embrace
The love you always so freely gave
With no thought or care for other’s hate
You always gave me the very best of you
For the rest of my life I’ll live to prove
That I’ll never again leave your side
I’ll do my best to always abide
By my everlasting love for you
If it’s the very last thing I do
Written by Her
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Fire of Insight
United States 4awards
Joined 11th Nov 2021
Forum Posts: 15

Among Ancestors

In the quiet of rooms of ancestors, she lay naked face down,  
a conduit between generations, breathing in the air  
captured by walls her grandfather built  
before her own mother's birth. Her legs dangled  
silky smooth. They gleamed with a doll-like grace.  
The boy standing next to the bed remembers the  
knitting needles his grandmother once held.  
Her body is an hourglass made of porcelain,  
a figurine still in silent dance. Her back curves  
gracefully, like a sand dune shaped by the wind,  
tapering from her broad shoulders made strong from  
childhood chores to a slender waist made graceful  
by her mother’s inheritance.
At the dark joining of her legs the boy saw  
a thin sheen of desire shining in the light of a  
single bulb on an unbalanced ceiling fan.  
Its rhythmic whipping of air was the only sound in the room.
Cradled in the mystery of her family's heritage  
and the wood framed home her grandfather built,  
she was poetry and spirit filled with gentleness.  
The boy’s gaze traveled up the length of her  
and wondered what memories she held of her past.  
There on an acre of land at the edge of a galaxy,  
a porcelain-skinned girl opened her virgin shining place  
and welcomed a boy into her home where the  
cycle of life would continue.
Written by Nizana (Lauryn)
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DU Webmistress
Mistress of the Underground

The winner of this competition and any runners up were decided by public vote.

Thank you to the following members for voting:

Billy_Snagg, lepperochan, Grace, Shilohverse, PAR, Tallen, Everavalon, mel44, Marks, WillowsWhimsies, Anne-Ri999, ReggiePoet, Her, dimpy, olliec, Phantom2426, LostViking, fianaturie8, Styxian, MadameLavender

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