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The Gathering Place ( Modalities of Divination )

Tyrant of Words
United States 122awards
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Mars in the final degrees of Cancer. . .

Tyrant of Words
United States 122awards
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#AspectingtheCosmos, Wed, October 16, 2024: Our intuition is the best compass for steering clear of exaggerated offers from those professing to take care of us.

Today might as well be called Asteroid Day, as all of our aspects involve them.

Late morning/early afternoon the Sun in Libra conjunct Juno and the Moon in Aries trine Pallas in Sagittarius: Lovely period of connection and increased confidence and wisdom to intuitively navigate a committed relationship ( business or personal ).

Mid/late afternoon the Moon in Aries square Ceres in Capricorn and Lilith Rx conjunct Astrea in Libra: Heed your intuition if someone seems to be offering the Moon and stars. We may find it quite difficult to break free after realizing it's no more than a pie-in-the-sky promise. Remain grounded and balanced between a need for retribution and/or a desire to succumb to emotion.

Degrees, Houses, Aspects, Time EDT:

Sun: 23LIB46, 11
Juno: 23LIB46, 11
Aspect: Conjunction
Time: 11:16 AM

Moon: 12ARI41, 5
Pallas: 12SAG41, 1
Aspect: Trine
Time: 12:40 PM

Moon: 14ARI18, 3
Ceres: 14CAP18, 12
Aspect: Square
Time: 3:13 PM

Lilith Rx: 18LIB13, 9
Astrea: 18LIB13, 9
Aspect: Conjunction
Time: 4:08 PM

#art: Anne Patay

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Tyrant of Words
United States 122awards
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Tomorrow morning ( Thu ) we will experience the Full Hunter's Moon in Aries @ 7:27 AM, 8th house, the natural home of Scorpio coruled by Mars and Pluto.

We're in the midst of the Orionid Meteor shower which runs through the first week in November, originating from the constellation Orion, known as the Hunter. Its peak is expected Oct 20-21 ( this Sun-Mon) early morning.

Native Americans dubbed it Hunter's Moon 🏹 to prepare to store food and feed their families. This was an opportune time as wild game would be fattening up for hibernation, and provide the substantial meat needed to see the tribe through winter.
This preparation for the cold darkness of winter symbolized the preparedness to face our own shadow throughout this season.

Spiritually, a Full Moon fully illuminates hidden shadows we may not have otherwise seen. This is a metaphor that applies to us as well. Turning inward while hunkering down ensures survival of the dark days ahead by reviewing the past and our ancestors to connect nature's cyclic pattern to that of our own.

An important question to ask ourselves is how we can use the Hunter’s Moon energetically to spiritually impact our own life. Chances are that we have experienced its affects, whether conscious of its impact or not.

Have we been procrastinating about something or attempting to avoid it altogether? Is there an issue with another person that needs to be addressed? Preparing to face our own darkness during this lunar event isn't a requirement; however, preparing for their inevitability will make the tasks seem much easier when circumstances present themselves and time is no longer an option.

Compare it to no preparation.

Remember the Ant and the Grasshopper story? The grasshopper wastes his time without considering how he would survive the winter. On the other hand, the ant works hard during summer to store enough food for the winter. The grasshopper faces the harsh reality and learns the lesson in a hard way.

This is where the connection to the ancient practice of hunting and collection becomes apparent; bravery and courage are tied to the Hunter’s Moon, which makes this lunation in Aries perfect, as they share the same traits. You'll feel it in the air!

What are we seeking for ourselves through the bare woods of darkness? Whatever it is, is also seeking us.

It's not all shadow work and preparation. This is also a perfect time to relish as well as express gratitude for our harvests and many blessings. It may be getting colder and darker; however, that doesn't mean there isn't reason to celebrate!

Make a list of everything we are grateful for in life and use it as a reminder if the shadows seem too dark. Remember Ceres, Persephone's mother, who laid waste the entire earth when her daughter was taken by Hades. If we don't let go of what we cannot control, we'll become bitter and biting as winter wind.

A wonderful practice is to use the Arian energy and initiative of this moon to let others know how much we appreciate them.  Since gratitude is contagious ( much like laughter ), appreciation infects others with joy! Especially if they have been doubting themselves.

Using the energy of the Hunter's Moon to our advantage now will pay off on the darkest of nights, or the coldest of days.

Namaste for a beautiful ritual if that's the direction you choose. Or perhaps you just want to admire the beauty of light in the night sky. However you choose to celebrate, let your heart be filled with gratitude and courage.

Image: Stanisław Masłowski

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Tyrant of Words
United States 122awards
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Tyrant of Words
United States 122awards
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In addition to a Full Aries Moon tomorrow ( Thu ) afternoon, Venus will enter Sagittarius @ 3:29 PM EDT, 11th House, the natural home of Aquarius ruled by Uranus.


The Romans adapted the myths and iconography of Venus' Greek counterpart, Aphrodite, for Roman art and Latin literature. In the later classical tradition of the West, Venus became one of the most widely referenced deities of Greco-Roman mythology as the embodiment of love, affection, and beauty.

Venus is considered the planet of love; in early times it was called the lesser benefic. It rules are, culture aesthetics possessions, partners, beauty, charm, good taste, sentimentality, sweets and sugar, color, harmony, poetry, paintings, jewelry, singing, drama, and music. Venus' action is gentle and harmonious. Governs emotional contacts, tenderness, moral character, marriage and unions of all kinds. Also, sociability, disposition, luxuries, pleasure and appreciation. Venus is the planet of love and sensuality, not sex.

Where you find Venus in your chart reveals what you really enjoy.


As a mutable fire sign, Sagittarius is forthright. Typically, gregarious and enthusiastic, Archers espouse high principles such as universal love and world peace. Happy-go-lucky, honest, cheerful, and optimistic, at times they can be restless, careless, and extravagant.

Their tolerance allows them to work well with all people, and they accept most people for what they are. Their extroverted nature can unintentionally hurt others who are more sensitive by being blunt and/or impatient.

Sagittarius strengths are Freedom-loving, broad mindedness, generous, optimistic, scholarly, and enthusiastic! But don't attempt to fence them in!

Venus in Sagittarius in the 11th House

The 11th House reveals our capacity for friendship as well as our attitude toward those friends and non-emotional relationships, such as acquaintances. This house indicates what we most desire in life, our goals, the love we receive as well as professional earnings.

It highlights stepchildren, foster children, and adopted children. It encompasses circumstances that we possess little control over. Humanitarian interests are highlighted here, as well as how we see others. Large and small organization, clubs we belong to which relate to our career are also within this realm.

When you combine the goddess of love and affection with the Archer's ability to visualize and understand, you have a potent cocktail for fun. Socially adept, this transit features cultural outings as well as social gatherings. Venus enhances the Archer's optimism and generous spirit while the Archer expands Venus' aesthetic taste and broadmindedness.

The 11th house provides the perfect environment for freedom and fun.

Venus in Sagittarius Natal: inspiritualservice.com/planetary-transits-2024

#art Dmitry Marin

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Tyrant of Words
United States 122awards
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#AspectingtheCosmos, Thu, Oct 17, 2024: Compromise rather than power-struggles is what maintains the equilibrium in relationships.

Full Moon in Aries: http://inspiritualservice.com/celestial-events-2024

Hygieia re-enters Aries & Venus enters Sagittarius: http://inspiritualservice.com/planetary-transits-2024

Moon enters Taurus @ 4:01 PM EDT • Void-of-Course time: 3:26 - 4:00 PM EDT
Lunar Void-of-Course: http://inspiritualservice.com/astrology-articles

Following the Full Aries Moon this morning Venus in Scorpio will sextile Pluto in Capricorn, which is all about softening our propensity for deep conversation, including that with ourselves, and discovering the authoritative power we permit ourselves.

Mid/late afternoon the Moon in Aries square Pluto in Capricorn followed by the Moon in Taurus inconjunct Venus in Sagittarius: Guard against compulsive and destructive behavior due to intensity of rising emotions. Releasing rather than acting on the intensity of those emotions facilitates healing. Find a balance between the need for stability ( Taurian Moon ) and a partner's desire for social adventure ( Sagittarian Venus ). Compromise rather than power-struggles is the glue that keeps you together.

Degrees, Houses, Aspects, Time EDT:

Venus: 29SCO38, 1
Pluto: 29CAP38, 3
Aspect: Sextile
Time: 8:30 AM

Moon: 29ARI38, 3
Pluto: 29CAP38, 12
Aspect: Square
Time: 3:26 PM

Moon: 00TAU01, 1
Venus: 00SAG01, 11
Aspect: Inconjunct
Time: 4:02 PM

#art: Thomas Dodd

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Tyrant of Words
United States 122awards
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Moon enters Taurus this afternoon @ 4:00 PM EDT, 4th House, the Moon's natural home in Cancer • V/c time: 3:26 PM - 3:59 PM EDT.

V/c Moon: inspiritualservice.com/astrology-articles

The Moon enters Taurus on a Thursday, ruled by Jupiter, heralding expansion, financial increase, prosperity, and generosity. Beginnings made now are likely to endure, grow in worth, and resist change. This lunar phase highlights the enjoyment of beauty and the richness of sensory experiences.

The Full Moon indicates the greatest power for ritual manifestation.

To elevate the lunar experience throughout this transit, consider burning Sandalwood Incense to calm, ground and help balance out Taurus' strong and stubborn nature. Lavender is also favored at this time.

To learn more about the Moon in Taurus Transit or Natal, visit: inspiritualservice.com/the-moons-promenade

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Tyrant of Words
United States 122awards
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Tyrant of Words
United States 122awards
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Hygeia retrograde re-enters Aries tonight @ 8:54 PM, EDT, 11th House, the natural home of Aquarius ruled by Uranus, the awakener and freedom urge.

Recap: Hygieia is a goddess of health, cleanliness and hygiene. Her name is the source for the word "hygiene". She is a Greek goddess associated with medicine and healing and the daughter of Asclepius, the god of medicine and a son of Apollo, the Olympian god of light and music.

Hygieia has four sisters who also represent aspects of Apollo's art of healing: Panacea (the universal cure), Laso (the recovery from illness), Aceso (the healing process), and Aegle (the glowing health).

A reference to Hygieia as a goddess of health appears in the Hippocratic oath. This oath requires physicians to swear by different healing gods, including Hygieia, that they will adhere to a set of ethical principles of practice.

A human-sized statue of Hygieia, the goddess of health, was unearthed by archaeologists from Dumlupınar University in August 2021. The statue, which depicts Hygieia holding a snake in her arms, was found in the columned gallery along the south wing of the agora in the ancient Greek city of Aizanoi.

Hygeia Rx in Aries

Hygeia in Aries is a potent astrological combination that can inspire positive health and healing transformations, as Aries is a sign of action and initiative. People are more likely to take control of their health and wellbeing when Hygeia is in Aries. This can be an opportunity to adopt healthier habits, such as exercising regularly or eating better.

As she is now retrograde, it's an excellent time for reviewing our previous choices through her initial transit in Aries. What were the choices we made in regard to our health and hygiene? Have they benefitted us? Do they need modification? What else can we do to ensure our future health?

Hygeia Rx motivates us to revamp an exercise regimen, adjust our diets, or modify a new skill we may have previously acquired. Aries provides the dynamic energy; however, with Hygeia currently retrograde, she is more interested in reviews than initiations at this time.

Pay particular attention to whether or not we've become impulsive or aggressive regarding our regimes. Good health is important and vital for a quality lifestyle; however, obsessive/compulsive disorders negate positive aspects.

Individuals and organizations should plan and consider carefully reviewing their health initiatives to gauge how it's benefitting employees, especially as Aries is often impatient for results. Some positive reinforcements to instill patience may be warranted so that employees don't become discourages and forgo their efforts.

We can use this time to make beneficial changes in our lifestyles and support a healthier society through our own example.

Hygeia natal in Aries: http://inspiritualservice.com/planetary-transits

#art Hygeia by Henry Howard

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Tyrant of Words
United States 122awards
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#AspectingtheCosmos, Fri, Oct 18, 2024: A wonderful day to focus on domestic duties and attend to anything we may have procrastinated on.

The only aspect today is the Moon in Taurus sextile Saturn Rx in Pisces early afternoon: We may find ourselves emotionally reserved ( Moon in Taurus ); however, contently wrapped in feelings of stability and security ( Saturn/Pisces ). It's a good day to get organized and view emotional situations from a practical and mature perspective. A heightened intuition allows us to rise above over-emotional circumstances.

Degrees, Houses, Aspects, Time EDT:

Moon: 13TAU32, 5
Saturn Rx: 13PIS32, 3
Aspect: Sextile
Time: 1:13 PM

#art: Cathy Hegman

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Tyrant of Words
United States 122awards
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Election prediction.

I've had a LOT of people, not just from this country but others, who have asked me who I think will win the U.S. election based on the astrology. There have been rumors that Trump's real birthdate is unknown; therefore, impossible to calculate on a chart, and previous predictions have been wrong, i.e. - his 2016 election win.

The original birth certificate from the hospital where he was born has emerged, so I feel more confident in recent predictions.

But more important is the alignment of the planets. And that's what I want to focus on for now.

Pluto's station on the anaretic degree ( 29° ) of Capricorn for the final time in this lifetime feels like the structures that bound us are collapsing. Maybe it's because Pluto is one of my planetary rulers, but I am hearing that from many others, so I don't think this energy is contained.

There are several additional factors to this atmosphere, and one of them is OOB Ceres in Capricorn conjunct Centaur Pholus, the Key to Neptune, known as 'taking the lid off'.  ( Centaurs are not unusual in the use of astrology, i.e. - Chiron. )

I began studying OOB Ceres because my natal Ceres is OOB. Ceres is a dwarf planet, and the largest asteroid located in the asteroid belt. She has an orbit of roughly four years and travels OOB about 30% of the time. Ceres is the Roman counterpart of Demeter in Greek mythology, the mother of Persephone, who was abducted by the Greek god of the underworld, Hades - also known as his Roman counterpart, Pluto.

Recap: Many planets go OOB in Cancer and Capricorn due to the tropics ( highest and lowest points in astrology ), but there are exceptions. A planet is considered OOB they dip beyond 23°26' above or below the ecliptic. OOB planets are trend-setters, pattern-breakers, mavericks, and rogue vigilantes beyond the boundaries of what's considered norm, which is the domain of the Sun.

OOB planets are beyond the Sun's reach, therefore, aren't under his thumb of typically associated traits.

Ceres reached an extreme 30°55' S of the ecliptic, a cycle that places her further OOB than my research could detect, but I am fairly new to asteroids ( less than two years ), so she may have traveled deeper. She is currently at 29 S 53'54", and since stationing direct, is beginning to speed up and move back toward the ecliptic, and Pluto.

Ceres represents nurturing, how we nurture, how we feel nurtured, as well as our needs and how they're met—or unmet. She also speaks to grief and loss ( Demeter and Persephone ). Her legend centers on the story of her daughter Persephone's abduction by Hades and her ensuing distress at her daughter's disappearance. This caused a famine across the Earth until her daughter was returned unto her.

An agreement was reached that Hades would return Persephone for 6 months out of the year; thus, the seasons of spring and summer, when mother and daughter are reunited, and fall and winter, when Persephone must return underground to Hades.  Therefore, Ceres is also a lesson about letting go and compromise.

The Moon and Ceres both embody nurturing, maternal qualities, often associated with divine femininity. When they are simultaneously out of bounds (OOB), it signifies a period of heightened unpredictability and intuition regarding our emotional state and the characteristics associated with these celestial bodies.

Ceres is currently in the sign of Capricorn ( as is Pluto ), which represents wisdom, old age, structure, discipline and responsibility. This is all reflective of the patriarchal structures we are currently influenced by.

Accompanying her through Capricorn is Pholus, the Centaur who, as previously mentioned, takes the lid off - and just as Pandora's Box, once the lid is off there's no going back. The conjunction between the two is has reached its widest degree, but it's there, nonetheless.

With Pluto currently on the anaretic degree in Capricorn preparing to enter Aquarius for the FINAL time, all of this indicates a period of radical change, especially for the United States, as it's currently experiencing its Pluto return. As Pholus and Ceres separate, it indicates that, okay, the lid is off, the cat's out of the bag, we see, we know, and now it's time to initiate healing.

On election day, November 05 ( my birthday ), Venus, the Moon, and Ceres will all be traveling OOB South, along with Medea, the Wise One and alchemist symbolizing healing. Remember, OOB planets are beyond the Sun's reach and thus the traditional rules regarding their traits.  

Thus, with this massive OOB buildup of strong feminine energy, there's going to be a radical pattern-breaking and an initiation of profound healing.  Venus is the flipside of the Moon's receptive, feminine coin, and Ceres, as previously discussed, also represents sage wisdom and old age.

With Pholus having lifted the lid, I tend to believe the democrats will win big, but we'll see.

THEN, On December 07 & 08, Venus, Pluto, and Ceres will be conjunct in Aquarius at the critical 0-degree mark, signifying a fresh start, the completion of a cycle of experiences ( Patriarchy? ), a new drive, a new lifeline, and essentially, a clean slate.

Also at this time, Mars will station retrograde right on the North Node of the U.S. This is around the date the election results will be certified. With Mars, the Roman God of War ( Ares in Greek mythology ), retrograde in Leo, this masculine planetary power may feel blocked or even reversed.

I feel the patriarchy will begin to topple at this point and the Age of Aquarius will begin to bloom into a new way forward for the people. Speaking of the Age of Aquarius and when it began. . .per the old song "Aqaurius ( Let the Sun Shine in ) by the Fifth Dimension.

"When the Moon in in the 7th House and Jupiter aligns with Mars, then peace will find our planet and love will steer the stars. . ."

I was just telling someone that the Moon entered Libra, ruler of the 7th House, in the 1st house, while Mars and Jupiter were aligned ( conjunct ) on Oct 02 of this year around 6:30 PM EDT. There is some debate among scholars and astrologers as to whether or not the Moon in Libra in the 1st house ( as described above ) is applicable here since the song does specifically say the 7th House.

I know it's just a song; however, some things are prophetic.

I would tend to believe that Libra, as ruler of the 7th House transiting the 1st house, which denotes a new cycle and new beginnings, would be an applicable interpretation. The dawning of the Age of Aquarius has begun, and this will take the people in a new direction.

And Harris has said her movement is "people-powered".

Will it be easy at first? No. We may have to fight our way through to the other side ( perhaps during the certification process ); however, the other side is there and reachable. Change is never easy, but Aquarius is people-powered, the visionary who opens the door for progressive movements, humanitarian concerns, and service to the collective.

Therefore, I predict Harris will take the election and lead the people in a new direction.

Let the Sunshine in:

"How many scenes, O sun,
Hast thou not shone upon!
How many tears, O light,
Have dropped before thy sight!
How many heart-felt sighs,
How many piercing cries,
How many deeds of woe,
Dost thy bright light not know!
Shine on, majestic one!
Shine on, O glorious sun!
And never fail to cheer
My life so dark and drear."
- Eloise Blibb, Ode To The Sun (excerpt)

#art: "I Am The Sun Redux I" by Greg Spalenka

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Tyrant of Words
United States 122awards
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I hope you were able to let go of something that no longer served you.

Tyrant of Words
United States 122awards
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#AspectingtheCosmos, Sat, Oct 19, 2024: Opportune day to take advantage of work or play - the choice is ours!

Moon enters Gemini: inspiritualservice.com/planetary-transits-2024

Midmorning the Sun in Libra inconjunct the Moon in Taurus right before the Moon in Taurus conjunct Uranus Rx in Taurus: Following the conjunction until the Moon enters Gemini this evening is an advantageous time for work or play. If ingenious and/or artistic endeavors are on the board, take the initiative to further them!

After the Moon enters Gemini, it will oppose Venus in Sagittarius: Take care of flippancy or untoward behavior, especially involving the opposite sex unless you want to set off a barrage of jealous explosions. It's a good time to focus on new beginnings and plan the next steps.

Degrees, Houses, Aspects, Time EDT:

Moon: 26TAU21, 7
Uranus Rx: 26TAU21, 7
Aspect: Conjunction
Time: 10:11 AM

Sun: 26LIB42, 11
Moon: 26TAU42, 6
Aspect: Inconjunct
Time: 10:44 AM

Moon: 27TAU48, 7
Neptune Rx: 27PIS48, 4
Aspect: Trine
Time: 12:28 PM

Moon: 29TAU39, 5
Pluto: 29CAP39, 12
Aspect: 3:33 PM
Time: 8:30 PM

#art: Meraylah

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