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Poem of 2024

Dangerous Mind
England 2awards
Joined 21st Mar 2023
Forum Posts: 1836

Life's A Bitch, Darling

Life's always pleased, it seems, to ambush us
upon our road at times we least expect
it, coming crashing in with all its fuss
to leave our dreams, so precious, smashed and wrecked.
At any opportunity, with games
and painful tricks, it loves to see us hurt,
it loves to see our hopes go up in flames,
it loves to leave us lying in the dirt.
But up we battered get, we have no choice,
we have to walk along our fated track,
obeying cruel Life's commanding Voice
which calls us on, and there's no turning back.
We only know – on this we can depend –
that living Life will kill us in the end.



I ♥️ Cilla


Dangerous Mind
England 2awards
Joined 21st Mar 2023
Forum Posts: 1836

Achtung! Minenfeld!

He gently probes the road before he dares
to place his foot upon the ground, then slow,
so slow, he inches forward, full of cares
for unexploded words he doesn't know
are there, for metaphors misunderstood,
for similes which may perhaps go Boom!
for images which may do him no good,
which may explode and cover him with gloom.
Sometimes alas! he fails and all goes wrong,
and when he hears that Bang! it makes him sad.
Exploding mines with him do not belong,
and when they do, it makes our boy feel bad.
The shrapnel from a mine can cause offence.
A misplaced foot, unmeaning, his defence.




Tyrant of Words
Joined 25th Aug 2011
Forum Posts: 16911


The elusive Zs
just out of reach
silly sheep's prance
not jumping the fence

small bubbles of thoughts
one word in each
refusing to melt together
lullabied with incessant screeching

, 😢☕

Dangerous Mind
England 2awards
Joined 21st Mar 2023
Forum Posts: 1836

(Read this poem if ever you can't sleep, 🙃)

The Sleep Police

The Sleep Police are on their way
and they'll be there without delay
to chase those silly sheep away
and then her dreams will come to stay.
They'll make each bubble's wakeful thought
become a soft and soothing charm,
cicada chatter they'll disarm,
dispersing all their noisy harm,
to bring the peace which long she's sought.

And now they're on her Blue-Sand Beach,
they rid her head of every screech
and every noise they soon impeach,
to bring the sleep that's out of reach,
then on they go, to make things right,
and round up all those silly sheep,
the ones that pranced, but would not leap,
allowing not the girl to sleep,
but kept her wakeful through the night.

And soon the noisy things have gone
and not remains a single one
to stop our girl from sleeping on
until should come the new day's dawn.
So now the girl should rest assured
that every night will be the same.
If noisy sheep should be to blame,
the Sleep Police will stop their game,
and so with luck her problem's cured.




Tyrant of Words
Joined 25th Aug 2011
Forum Posts: 16911


I wonder why
why is it so difficult
to find the way
to something different

like better sleep
deeper perhaps
think better and crystal clear
and not all out of sorts

have better straighter fatter legs
slimmer arms with ladylike wrists
with thick black hair to brag about
straighter nose and not a snout

...but will it make me sleep better
if I'm tall and curvaceous and prettier

Dangerous Mind
England 2awards
Joined 21st Mar 2023
Forum Posts: 1836



Well, our boy reads her latest verse 👆
and can't believe his eyes. 👀
It makes him want to swear and curse, 😠
which comes as no surprise.

So leaping up and setting out 👣
he heads for Blue-Sand Beach. ⛱️🐬
The Blue-Sand Girl should have no doubt
that she's a girlie peach; 👩‍🌾🍑

and also she should sleep at night, 🛏️,💤🌛
which after all is fair;
our boy will make her night times right, 🙃
and free her mind from care. 💤💤

So, soon he's on her Blue-Sand Shore, ⛱️🐬
and up her path he's runnin',
then banging on her Blue-Sand door,🚪
he hears her voice say, 'Come in.' 🚪

and so he does and finds her there,
as pretty as can be.👩‍🌾👒
Was ever any girl as fair
for loving eyes to see? 💙👀

'Hello,' she says, 'Please have a seat, 🛋️
you've come a long, long, way. 🌍🌏
I bet you have two weary feet 👣
is all that I can say.' 💬

Our boy replies, 'No time to sit. 🛋️
We have to leave right now.⚡⚡
I've come to make you sleep at night 🛏️💤🌛
and that I'll do, I vow.

'We have to go to Magic Land 🧙‍♂️
and find a Magic Spell, 🧙‍♂️
and when we do you'll understand
just how to sleep, and well. 🛏️💤🌛

'So grab your coat and grab your hat, 👒,
we leave without delay.⚡⚡
We have no time to sit and chat, 🗨️🗨️
we must be on our way.' 🛣️

'OK,' she says, 'I'll get dressed fast.
I'll wear my dress of blue,👗
then we can hit the road at last, 🛣️
the way we like to do.' 🙃

So off they set to Magic Land, 🧙‍♂️
beneath their shining Moon, 🌛
and side-by-side and hand-in-hand 👋👋
they sing their favourite tune. 🎶🎵🎶



[To be continued (if or whenever we feel like it🙃)]

Dangerous Mind
England 2awards
Joined 21st Mar 2023
Forum Posts: 1836

As a Cloud Covers the Sun 🌥️

The sweetly singing lark is unaware
the shadow of the hawk will swooping come
to chill the bright and happy summer air
and blot with death the yellow of the sun.
Each note it sings could be the last of all
that issues from its joyful silver throat,
then silence like a shroud would thickly fall
and end the echoes of that final note.
But while the lark's alive it sings its songs
and pays no heed to what's outside the now.
With melodies alone the lark belongs
and sing it will, till death does not allow.
As we should sing our song out loud and clear,
because perhaps today that hawk is near.




Tyrant of Words
Joined 25th Aug 2011
Forum Posts: 16911

Windy Day

It was a windy day today
indeed, the sky just turned grey
I thought I'd venture out anyway
to enjoy the blustery day

to feel the wind against my face
to see the blue waves crests
wind engulfed me cold as ice
as enraged lovers spurnned

the wind blew my hat away
right off my head it did
I didn't have time to make it stay
by clamping it with my hands

so here I sit on my favourite chair
watching the Zs dancing on the shore
thinking of buying a hat or a pair
with ribbons neatly tied in a bow

glorious twilight
with sickle moon
twinkles of stars
on velvet curtain
a book opened
...ink and quill
poetry begins
the magical journey

Dangerous Mind
England 2awards
Joined 21st Mar 2023
Forum Posts: 1836

Pretty in Pink

Our girl is sitting on her Blue-Sand Shore –
and everywhere her hair is being blown! –
so our boy sneaks off on his secret own,
to pay a visit to a local store

and then returns to windy Blue-Sand Beach.
He finds our girl's still sitting dreaming there,
with pen in hand and messy windblown hair.
He says, 'I have some gifts. There's one of each.

'If we're to walk to far-off Magic Land,
to find the Magic Spell to make you sleep,
you can't go there with hair just like a sheep,
so here's a hat, which will the wind withstand.

'That dress you're wearing, too, is looking rough,
and so I've bought a pretty one for you,
to keep you cool – and you'll look lovely too
in summer sun – It's made of fairy stuff.

'So once you've put them on, again we'll go.
Our guide will be the shining midnight moon.
But do be quick! We really must leave soon.
You girls when getting ready are so slow!'

[Three hours later 🙃]

'At last! I must say you look lovely, though,
as pretty as the fairest Fairy Queen
that even Fairyland has ever seen!
But, come. Moon's out. It's time for us to go.

'Oh, one more thing I have to give to you:
two pretty ribbons, tied together, blue.'


The twinkle of the stars in velvet skies
reflected in the midnight of her eyes
as, softly stepping, in the moonlit night,
the two of them set off in silver light.




Dangerous Mind
England 2awards
Joined 21st Mar 2023
Forum Posts: 1836



Oh, no! His watch has stopped at ten-past-two!
The Planets cease to move around the Sun!
The Universe has lost its ticking glue,
and Space and Time themselves have come undone!
Tomorrow could now happen Yesterday,
he could return before he's out of bed,
the Wintertime in June could come to stay,
he could have died before in fact he's dead!
But then he's quickly running through the door
and speeding in a blur along the street
and heading for the watch-repairer's store,
who'll fix his Life, its ticking tock and beat.
Now all is well and Time is moving on,
as he can see, because his poem's done.




Tyrant of Words
Joined 25th Aug 2011
Forum Posts: 16911


music soothing the troubled mind
lullabies in wafting monotone
listening to the comfort whine
of being between sleep zones

warmth of the night, pyjama top
lavender blindfold close lids
windows of the soul
lashes down closing out the world

the world is moving on
incessant in its axis
so sleep now in blue oceans
let troubled dreams cease to exist

under the silvered glow of the moon's soft gaze
she walks gracefully the lighted path  
as shadows play on flowers along the way
hers is a journey made in silence
to land unknown
forged only by the will of her pen


Tyrant of Words
Joined 25th Aug 2011
Forum Posts: 16911

Twilight Dreams

her journey continues on each whispered breeze
guiding her steps on her ethereal path
exploring lands unknown yet familiar
having been there in other  dreams
stars scattered like distant gems
surrounds the moon as faithful friends
perplexity on his brows
he watches from afar


Dangerous Mind
England 2awards
Joined 21st Mar 2023
Forum Posts: 1836


Writing 🖋️

He takes his Parker pen, his 51,
to join this different play upon the page.
The scene has changed, the old one dead and gone,
the girl is acting on a different stage
and what she's saying now he can't quite hear,
the storyline is muddled in his mind.
He tries his best to make the plot come clear,
but sadly fails; that plot stays ill-defined.
But though he struggles now to understand
her character and what she has to say
he's sure that with his 51 in hand
eventually he'll join her dreamlike play.
He gazes into space and sees the Moon;
he knows that inspiration will come soon.


Night is still.
The trees don't make a sound.
Moon shines on;
her silver light is all around.

Girl is dancing now
in spaces far away.
He watches,
the chance to join her play.




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