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Poem of 2024

Dangerous Mind
England 2awards
Joined 21st Mar 2023
Forum Posts: 1805

Life's A Bitch, Darling

Life's always pleased, it seems, to ambush us
upon our road at times we least expect
it, coming crashing in with all its fuss
to leave our dreams, so precious, smashed and wrecked.
At any opportunity, with games
and painful tricks, it loves to see us hurt,
it loves to see our hopes go up in flames,
it loves to leave us lying in the dirt.
But up we battered get, we have no choice,
we have to walk along our fated track,
obeying cruel Life's commanding Voice
which calls us on, and there's no turning back.
We only know – on this we can depend –
that living Life will kill us in the end.



I ♥️ Cilla


Dangerous Mind
England 2awards
Joined 21st Mar 2023
Forum Posts: 1805

Achtung! Minenfeld!

He gently probes the road before he dares
to place his foot upon the ground, then slow,
so slow, he inches forward, full of cares
for unexploded words he doesn't know
are there, for metaphors misunderstood,
for similes which may perhaps go Boom!
for images which may do him no good,
which may explode and cover him with gloom.
Sometimes alas! he fails and all goes wrong,
and when he hears that Bang! it makes him sad.
Exploding mines with him do not belong,
and when they do, it makes our boy feel bad.
The shrapnel from a mine can cause offence.
A misplaced foot, unmeaning, his defence.




Tyrant of Words
Joined 25th Aug 2011
Forum Posts: 16907


The elusive Zs
just out of reach
silly sheep's prance
not jumping the fence

small bubbles of thoughts
one word in each
refusing to melt together
lullabied with incessant screeching

, 😢☕

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