Competition Ends 14th October 2024 2:44pm

Make it Real & Surreal

Twisted Dreamer
Joined 24th Aug 2020
Forum Posts: 5

Poetry Contest

Write a poem that reflects on real relatable events in a surreal manor

Twisted Dreamer
Joined 24th Aug 2020
Forum Posts: 5

The reflections of A lost Goodbye (white lines on the bitumen)

I have driven this road so many times before in the past
I will drive this road so many more times in the future
The rout that I drive never held any further significance for me until .... well
Until I met you.
I remember driving this road for our first encounter
A full tank of anxiety fueld excitment as ,
I drove with you by my side , loving memories of our banter, driving late at night finding comfort in one another's silent presence
I remember driving that road alone , empty in my heart as I manuvered into the worst crash I have ever experienced ...

I still have to drive that road , and to me it will always be a constant reminder of you , to you it's just white lines on the bitumen .


Written by u53l355 (The_Real_Grifta)
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Fire of Insight
Portugal 18awards
Joined 26th May 2022
Forum Posts: 270

Empire of Senses

My love aches for purple abandonment
In the twilight of forgotten crops.
Where shadows dance with silent lament
and the moon spews forth black dew drops.

Oh, how the ocean gets addicted
to the rapture of poodles in flight!
The stars whisper secrets
in the madness of velvet delight.

Eternity fiddles with time’s strings
a symphony of chaos and grace.
Heaven shines like jelly, voluptuous,
in the embrace of a Dodo’s face.

The sun throbs with fermented oysters.
Its rays a tapestry of decay
as a red rose erupts with donkey spit
in a garden where reality frays.

Mountains weep with laughter’s echo.
Rivers flow with liquid gold.
Trees hum tunes of ancient sorrow
in a forest where stories unfold.

Clouds paint the sky with whimsy.
Rainbows drip with honeyed blues,
birds sing songs of forgotten lore.
In a world where logic skews.

Time melts like butter on a stove,
moments blend in na unreal stew.
Dreams and nightmares interlace
in a dance both old and new.

Stars blink with mischievous glee.
Planets spin in drunken waltz.
Galaxies swirl in cosmic spree
inside an universe without faults.

Love aches for purple abandonment
in the heart of a cosmic jest
where reality and fantasy blend
in an almost real etereal quest.
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Thought Provoker
Palestine 1awards
Joined 24th Feb 2021
Forum Posts: 91

Daily Black and White

The man opened the newspaper  
To see how the world had changed  
Since yesterday's newspaper  
The paper wrapped round his face
Filled his ears
Covered his eyes  
Silenced his mouth  
Read his mind  
Suffocated him until
He forgot his name  
He turned black and white  
Written by James_A_Knight
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Thought Provoker
United States 3awards
Joined 14th Sep 2018
Forum Posts: 25


I woke this morning to a sky of glass
The sun was cracked, leaking golden spills
I thought of how last night, time seemed to pass  
So slowly, like the turning of rusted mills

The coffee tasted like forgotten dreams
Each sip a memory that slipped away
And the kitchen clock whispered its schemes
While the fridge hummed a song from yesterday

The sidewalks were soft beneath my feet
Like walking on words that were never said
The trees leaned in, murmuring bittersweet
Branches tangled with the thoughts in my head

I passed a man with a face like rain
His eyes were puddles reflecting the street
He smiled at me, but it felt like pain
As if he knew the end we all would meet

At work, the papers flew like birds
Filing cabinets opened with a sigh
Phones rang not with voices, but with words  
That folded into paper planes to fly

By evening, the city had turned to smoke
Buildings drifted off into the sky
I watched as each conversation broke
Scattered like dust when the wind passed by

I got home, but the door was gone
Just an empty frame where it used to stand
So I walked right through and carried on
Fingers tracing invisible strands

The moon hung low, close enough to touch
But I knew that if I reached, it’d fall apart
And as I lay down, it all felt too much
The world, my mind, the weight of my own heart

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