Competition Ends 4th October 2024 7:11am

The Witches Road Halloween freestyle

Tyrant of Words
United States 24awards
Joined 23rd Nov 2013
Forum Posts: 1788

Poetry Contest

Write a witches chant

The Calling

The Witches Road             
Plz listen while reading.             
Take what’s mine then give it back              
with everything that’s yours,              
the world is ever changing              
it’s knocking at your door              
the witches they are coming,              
you cannot run or hide,              
beware the wicked witches              
are seeing through your eyes              
the sky is turning dark now              
the wind is harsh and fierce,              
beware the witches calling              
that’s singing in your ears   
Written by Zazzles (Broomie)
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Listen to this song and write a witchy chant.

Any style go nuts!
2 poems/ prose maximum

Song link:

poet Anonymous

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poet Anonymous

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Astral Gift
Thought Provoker
Greece 5awards
Joined 8th June 2015
Forum Posts: 276

moon walk

I beg the Moon  
Transform me  
Spread all my blood  
upon thy  
Reveal to me  
my secret  
I now reclaim  
I seek it  

I beg you, Zeus  
Transform me  
Let the Full moon  
dance for me  
Make me one  
for all my selves  
and places  
I'm moving in  
and out of  
my darkness' nest  
my life's mold  
where all the stars  
are married  
and stoned  
no debit  
Written by personanongrata (Astral Gift)
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Fire of Insight
Portugal 18awards
Joined 26th May 2022
Forum Posts: 264

Off all bonfires the fire

After the celebration around the bonfires
the witches usually disperse
taking with them the energy and magic
they have gathered during the ritual.

The flames begin to die down
and the heat from the fire fades into a soft glow.
The witches, still shrouded in a cloak
of mystery and power, begin to bid each other farewell.

Some may exchange words of wisdom
or small incantations for protection and good fortune.

As the night progresses
each witch makes her way
perhaps to a nearby grove or to her hidden home.
The air still carries the scent of burning herbs
and the echo of chanting.

The energy of the ritual lingers in the body
as a silent reminder of the power that has been invoked.

Some witches may spend time in meditation,
reflecting on the intentions they have cast
into the fire and the answers they hope to receive.
Others may gather in small groups to share stories,
and experiences, strengthening the bonds of sisterhood.

And so, night turns into dawn
and the magic of the witches blends with the silence
of nature until a new day begins to dawn.
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Tyrant of Words
United States 24awards
Joined 23rd Nov 2013
Forum Posts: 1788

Hi there Joly, Welcome to my Halloween competition and thank you for starting it off.
Good luck 👍🏻
Zazzles ☺️

Tyrant of Words
United States 24awards
Joined 23rd Nov 2013
Forum Posts: 1788

Hello Par, thank you for joining my Halloween competition good luck👍🏻☺️

Zazzles ☺️

Tyrant of Words
United States 24awards
Joined 23rd Nov 2013
Forum Posts: 1788

Hello personanongrata,
Thank you for joining my Halloween competition. Good luck.👍🏻☺️
Zazzles ☺️

Thought Provoker
Canada 4awards
Joined 19th Dec 2022
Forum Posts: 62


The coven wade through depths of ruin
To reach the clearest cove
over blackened vines
the moon still shines
Amidst the bleakest grove

Earth and water, fire and air
From east unto the south
The witches convey
A ritual soirée
Of chortle from thy mouth

Hail to the watcher of the noblest divine
And the power of exquisite volition

Invoking the page
Of the fairest of sage
An element of the commission

We call upon the devils quill
That writ this salutation

The runes are cast
The chalice passed
Seven chakra’s to awaken

The cauldron sips on coercive quips
To secure a divination
The eye of newt
And ghoulish root
The tang of incantation

The bubbling oils and mixing of spoils
To enrich the poisoned wine
A dash of bat leather
And a wren tail feather
To hobble the souls that dine

Sticks and stones and the sheerest of moans
tether the souls of this earth
The ravens still swoon
in the dimmest of moon
They hear us! They fear our rebirth

A curse to taint the spectre’s hymn
A rhyme enchants their sigil
The hex ensnares
as the tempest flares
the passion at the vigil

The witches flash their fertile vim
To flay inherent tones
Ascent to damn
While the pentagram
Invigorates their bones

Written by Everavalon
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Tyrant of Words
United States 24awards
Joined 23rd Nov 2013
Forum Posts: 1788

Everavalon, I must tell you, this entry raised the bar! This is exactly what I’m looking for!
Well done and good luck 👍🏻
Zazzles ☺️

Thought Provoker
Canada 4awards
Joined 19th Dec 2022
Forum Posts: 62

Thank you :)

Fire of Insight
England 15awards
Joined 30th Sep 2022
Forum Posts: 537

Be Witching my Crones.

Be witching my crones  
for I've a mind to raise some dead,  
and see rattling old bones  
beneath lamp of long dead heads.  
Aji la Tara, Tarajji Shazam  
grind eye of newt with wart of toad  
Abracadabra AlakAzam!  
Leave off men, succubus hags,  
let us make the grave to yawn,  
and vomit up some tattered rag  
engraved before unholy dawns.  
Abracadabra AlakAzam  
grind eye of newt with wart of toad  
Aji la Tara, Tarajji Shazam!  
To undead from rotting corpse  
magicked by our witchery,  
staked where old crossroads fork  
damned for Felo-de-se.
Aji la Tara, Tarajji Shazam!  
grind eye of newt with wart of toad  
Abracadabra AlakAzam.  
Be witching my crones  
for I've a mind to raise some dead,  
and see rattling old bones  
beneath our lamps of long dead heads.  
Abracadabra AlakAzam,  
grind eye of newt with wart of toad  
Aji la Tara, Tarajji Shazam...  
Written by Rew
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Tyrant of Words
United States 24awards
Joined 23rd Nov 2013
Forum Posts: 1788

Hi there Rew, Thanks for joing my witchy Halloween competition. Good luck 👍🏻
Zazzles ☺️

Twisted Dreamer
United States 3awards
Joined 14th Sep 2018
Forum Posts: 19

"Esoterica Invoked"

By the void where stars do weep
I call the gods who never sleep
Through paths of Sitra Achra’s flame
I speak the hidden, formless Name

In Destra's chasm, dark and deep
Where eldritch horrors twist and creep
I walk the cracks of time’s old shell
To summon those from farthest hell

O nameless ones from timeless void
By Ain Soph’s light, now be employed
Through ten Sephiroth, broken wide
I tear the veil, no truth to hide

By Keter’s crown, I call thee near
By Chokmah’s wisdom, bring thy fear
Binah weeps, her silence torn
From the blackness, you are born

Yog-Sothoth, key of gates
Master of the endless fates
By the Aleph’s silent call
I open worlds where shadows fall

Azathoth, chaos at the core
Dreaming lord of cosmic war
By the Tree, inverted, cracked
Come forth, come forth, by pact unwrapped

In the depths of Ain’s pure void
Where mortal minds are soon destroyed
I chant the secret Tetragram
To call the ones who never damned

I reach through Netzach, shadowed deep
Through Hod, where twisted currents seep
Yesod breaks, its pillars gone
Now let the ancient ones be drawn

By Geburah’s bloodied might
I bind thee to eternal night
Through Chesed’s mercy, dark and cold
I call the gods that none behold

Nyarlathotep, crawling king
With endless faces, dark you sing
By the words of Sharhot's core
I call thee through the void’s own door

Tiphereth’s light, turned black with sin
Opens wide to let you in
I chant the Shem HaMephorash
To crack the veil, to bring the ash

Rise from R’lyeh’s deep
Awake from your eternal sleep
By Malkuth’s soil, thick with rot
I call thee through the endless knot

By Yesod’s gate and moon’s pale light
I summon thee, O lord of night
Ain Soph Aur, the light reversed
Bring forth the beings darkly cursed

In the spaces where none dare to tread
Where Kabbalah’s Tree is burned and dead
I summon forth the eldritch ones
Beyond the reach of moon and suns

Through Ein Sof’s void, where nothing reigns
I tear the veil, release the chains
Come forth, ye horrors, cold and blind
To twist the fate of humankind

By the Sephirot, shattered, torn
I call the gods beyond form
The ritual is now begun
The ancient powers come undone

By the spheres I rend
From Chokmah’s light to Da'at’s end
The Name unspoken calls thee near
Come forth, come forth, and bring thy fear

Tyrant of Words
United States 24awards
Joined 23rd Nov 2013
Forum Posts: 1788

Wow! Thanks for entering ThePalestRider
You raised the bar higher still!
Good luck

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