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Why do the trump haters get to have all the say??

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Thought Provoker
Joined 11th June 2024
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All I'm trying to do is to understand why this swing to the hard-right is taking place, so I can effectively argue against it on the streets and elsewhere. It will get me precisely nowhere if I simply insult people and call them a fascist/Nazi or whatever if they voice concerns about immigration, unemployment, the so-called cost of living crisis and so on. Many of the people becoming involved with the far-right are just ordinary people, with legitimate grievances, not the usual suspects at all. They are becoming involved in this way because it is the far-right which appears to be addressing their concerns, not the so-called left parties. That's my only point in this post. The question of solutions is for a different post.

Haven't quoted anyone yet so it probably won't work properly, anyway.

This is all on purpose.
It's a ploy to divide everyone down as many lines as possible, divisonary tactics will generally always work because everyone has different values. The swing to hard right is likely due to the absurdism that has beguiled many over the last few years. "Conservatives" generally have stronger family values and those drawn to it now are probably observing the deliberate breaking down of the family unit. (I've got a few writings on this in one capacity or another.)
Fanaticism is the gateway to absurdism, no matter which end of the spectrum you stand.
Those pushing this on the masses use what's called the hegailen dialect, nefariously.
They'll create a problem, stir up the desired reaction and offer their preplanned solution.
It's not the government, they're basically toys.
It's those that whisper in their ear, the old money families and the like. Those that own the "crucial" (in this way of life) infrastructure and services. World banks, oil/mining, etc. Any one person or family in the billions to trillions of dollars range (they're never in that Forbes(?) list of rich people, for good reason).
Not all of them though, other rich folk will play a part but will likely never get a seat at the table.
This is a push for ultimate control, unfortunately people are far to easily distracted by nonsense.
Order out of chaos, if they can own your "soul"
They'll try to.
The agenda for the 21st century (AKA, agenda 21) signed by a significant number of countries in 1992.
Most will scream conspiracy theory when hearing that. Which is a baffling response, essentially outright dismissing something they know nothing about.
It's a set of guidelines/achievements any given country should be striving for by a set date (It seems there's leeway). The climate stuff and carbon stuff and whatever other scarebait they can throw at you, yes some things have a semblance of validity but they have and will continue to spew whatever gets a response trusting them is highly dubious.
Covid was part of it, it was used as a compliance test. Disappointingly most people fell in line without a second thought.
The common cold or rhinovirus another in the coronavirus family was deadlier than covid.
They would go on about transmissibility which did scare people but that doesn't equate to lethality. Any good virus attenuates as it evolves in order to spread before (potentially) killing the host.
The only people really dying from it had comorbidities or a compromised immune system and would have died from anything.
The vaccines were also garbage there's evidence/proof to suggest it could reverse transcribe. I'm not a geneticist but the spike protein could be read by an enzyme I believe, that would start copying it.
Essentially, there is a massive argument in favour of civil disobedience.
Things are only getting worse and will continue to, unless people realise playing along with the chicanery is hugely detrimental to everyone. Considering if you take the time to observe where things are and what they propose for the future. It's pretty clear your best interest is meaningless to them.
And at this point it should just be obvious the system is compromised anyone truly trying to quell disharmony wouldn't be exacerbating trivialities nor introducing further disruptions. That's all they do though basically blasting, "you better hate someone for our greater good."
Stop listening to these people, they're trying to divide everyone.
They want you taking sides, why? That's a little irresponsible of those entrusted with representing the people, I'd say. Any effective system would foster harmony not sow disharmony. That leads resentment and animosity not cohesion and growth/understanding.
I understand being distracted by how the world is geared and the expectations like work. I get people are probably too tired to go out of their way to verify or look into things but they're still wasting energy arguing over these things. Your mind is the most powerful and precious tool you'll ever wield, use it.

Tyrant of Words
Joined 3rd Mar 2013
Forum Posts: 2996

ajay said:

Hi, Carpe. Thanks for all of that. Very interesting. You didn't answer my question, though, so I'll ask it again:
What form(s) does your 'non-compliance', as you put it, actually take?

Best wishes.


Do you want a communist / authoritarian style country?
If not, I suggest you find your spine regarding noncompliance.
Noncompliance comes in many shapes, sizes and forms.
If the individual practices noncompliance methods in their own way. They become more and more ungovernable.
Do you see and understand how this works?

Fire of Insight
England 2awards
Joined 21st Mar 2023
Forum Posts: 1754

Carpe_Noctem said:
If the individual practices noncompliance methods in their own way.

Hi, Carpe.

I'm not being snarky here. I'm genuinely curious about your own way of practising 'non-compliance methods'. Could I ask you to give me a few examples? You can tell me to f*ck off, if you like.

Best wishes

Tyrant of Words
Joined 3rd Mar 2013
Forum Posts: 2996

ajay said:

Hi, Carpe.

I'm not being snarky here. I'm genuinely curious about your own way of practising 'non-compliance methods'. Could I ask you to give me a few examples? You can tell me to f*ck off, if you like.

Best wishes

I'm not being sneaky either.  I can see you are here for discourse .

Well during covid it was obvious the government mandates was about compliance and control nothingremotelyrelating to health and well-being.
I went on about my life as normal.
I had a discussion with my parents,  before this nonsense during say flu season, if i wasn't feeling well I wouldn't go out, give my apologies if i was supposed to vist family,  rest and drink bone broth.
Now the government dictates when , where and how we behave.  All the while throwing parties because they KNEW fully well it was bullshit.

For many seeing that blatant outright corruption was a wake up call.

Tyrant of Words
United States 15awards
Joined 11th Aug 2012
Forum Posts: 2598

wow have I been gone a few, and now that I have read the rest of whats been going in n this tread....

All I can say Is thanks to the mods for putting up with these types of threads......no matter  what way the thread sways....It cant be easy.

Carry on kids.

I still stand by my views....Im sorry but coconut trees and funking yellow busses arent going to help our country. ...neither is the significance of the passage of time and all the laughing....so tell me, what has she done for the USA?

FYI: Glock's a great company. So is Kimber, so is Ruger, so is Smith and Wesson, Sigs, Beretta,etc. I know my firearms and personal protection. Lets just leave all that out of this thread, shall we.....

Make a different thread if you want to talk firearms....

Dangerous Mind
United States 8awards
Joined 30th July 2017
Forum Posts: 834

MadameLavender said:

Just because I'm a mod, doesn't mean I'm not allowed to have my own opinions and beliefs. Difference is, is I don't think that everyone who believes differently than me, is a useless moron.

The point here, is that you are the one who hit the report button and called someone's comment abusive then turned around and hurled the same abuse at them, yet they chose not to report yours.  

Then you have the balls to call me a butthurt sore loser in a pm, a few weeks ago.  Frankly, you're lucky your account here is still active.  

So there's your warning: interact civilly on this website because the clock is ticking on your ability to still be able to post in the forums.

The Marxist gets called out for their school yard name calling and cries when the moderator, who they abused and name called, defends herself against abuse from the one trying to silence opinions with a fraudulent complaint.  

Hey commie camel toe Harris supporter...Don't attack the controllers that ALLOW you to spit your propaganda under the philosophy of diversity of thought. The whole political world knows lies and deception have been the hallmarks of Marxist double talk for a century now, So dare not act like it is poetic..

I have yet to see any right leaning poets attacking moderators for not silencing speech. Leftist, who admire Marx, always show their true colors in the end.

As far a political violence, four Trump supporters were shot at a recent rally, one on J6th, and hundreds killed in leftist riots in the past 8 years.

Zero deaths of leftists from any MAGA. If there were violence from Trump supporters, it would be on every news and social media outlet, including controlled opposition FOX ....Where are the videos??

Again where is the evidence for this bitter democrat's claims?

Hollow accusations and ad hominem attacks compromise the core of Mao's little red book tactics.

Tyrant of Words
Joined 3rd Mar 2013
Forum Posts: 2996

runaway-mindtrain said:

The Marxist gets called out for their school yard name calling and cries when the moderator, who they abused and name called, defends herself against abuse from the one trying to silence opinions with a fraudulent complaint.  

Hey commie camel toe Harris supporter...Don't attack the controllers that ALLOW you to spit your propaganda under the philosophy of diversity of thought. The whole political world knows lies and deception have been the hallmarks of Marxist double talk for a century now, So dare not act like it is poetic..

I have yet to see any right leaning poets attacking moderators for not silencing speech. Leftist, who admire Marx, always show their true colors in the end.

As far a political violence, four Trump supporters were shot at a recent rally, one on J6th, and hundreds killed in leftist riots in the past 8 years.

Zero deaths of leftists from any MAGA. If there were violence from Trump supporters, it would be on every news and social media outlet, including controlled opposition FOX ....Where are the videos??

Again where is the evidence for this bitter democrat's claims?

Hollow accusations and ad hominem attacks compromise the core of Mao's little red book tactics.

Well said mate.

These leftist psychopaths live for the constant conflict. If you ain't with them, then you are ( insert mindless automaton talking point) and deserve to die.

Every one with 2 brain cells to rub together can see what's going on here.

If midnightsoneter saw you or I in 5he streets, he would run for the hills. Due to the fact collectively.  These lunatics have no substance. They just repeat media talking points.

I find what Charlie Kirk is doing fascinating.  The kids are so indoctrinated they can't hardly hold a conversation.  It's rare to see someone that, again isn't just parroting leftist talking points.

Discourse is whats needed more than ever. However I fear many are too far gone.

Dangerous Mind
United States 6awards
Joined 13th May 2022
Forum Posts: 328

Carpe_Noctem said:

Well said mate.

These leftist psychopaths live for the constant conflict. If you ain't with them, then you are ( insert mindless automaton talking point) and deserve to die.

Every one with 2 brain cells to rub together can see what's going on here.

If midnightsoneter saw you or I in 5he streets, he would run for the hills. Due to the fact collectively.  These lunatics have no substance. They just repeat media talking points.

I find what Charlie Kirk is doing fascinating.  The kids are so indoctrinated they can't hardly hold a conversation.  It's rare to see someone that, again isn't just parroting leftist talking points.

Discourse is whats needed more than ever. However I fear many are too far gone.

I got your discourse right here...


Dangerous Mind
United States 6awards
Joined 13th May 2022
Forum Posts: 328

Carpe_Noctem said:

These leftist psychopaths live for the constant conflict. If you ain't with them, then you are ( insert mindless automaton talking point) and deserve to die.

Every one with 2 brain cells to rub together can see what's going on here.

If midnightsoneter saw you or I in 5he streets, he would run for the hills. Due to the fact collectively.  These lunatics have no substance. They just repeat media talking points.

Gotta love the blatant threat here..."If midnightsoneter saw you or I in 5he streets, he would run for the hills."

But somehow I'm the violent one.

Guardian of Shadows
Palestine 67awards
Joined 1st Apr 2011
Forum Posts: 14554

"Well during covid it was obvious the government mandates was about compliance and control"

not gonna lie, got caught up in a bit of fear for a couple of weeks. soon saw through it, had encounters with the police. tracked down the scientist who was pushing the fear and compliance on TV and radio, and allegedly held the camera while a guy allegedly confronted him.

I found the "phrases being thrown about "stay inside to save lives" and others which I don't have to mind to be of a psychological nature

It is now proven there are many negatives to the vaccines  many lives lost, many lives ruined.

there was a guy once, smart fellow, said something g about people who fed into a lie would find it extremely hard to admit they were taken for fools. even in the face of the evidence

I thought the part where UK had a crisis of 'truck drivers-  who could deliver petrol and had to release some criminals in a dirty-dozen-esque move to save the day.

and the clapping on the streets.

dangerous times. People are at odds with each other. countries are at odds with each other. there is literally a genocide happening in front of the world

I've been labeled far-right. I don't really feel like I'm a nazi or anything. that said there was that time I worked in radio, had been editing a german guys show foe some time but had never met him. he came in one day and raised my hand and said Hi. apparently I raised my hand a bit high and the guy took offence.  I thought it was quite funny and enraged him.

in the whole exchange I never once thought about shooting him or gas chamber-ing / torturing etc

We are all getting fucked over. there is every reason to be angry. I think the art is in the aim

Tyrant of Words
Joined 3rd Mar 2013
Forum Posts: 2996

MidnightSonneteer said:

Gotta love the blatant threat here..."If midnightsoneter saw you or I in 5he streets, he would run for the hills."

But somehow I'm the violent one.

You just again highlighted for all readers how disingenuous you are.

Please highlight for the class where the actual threat was in my post.

That's right he can't find an actual threat in that post
Perhaps the idea of discourse is what he finds so threatening.  Since its obvious, just like most of those students Charlie kirk has been encountering in universities  guy can't think or have a logical discussion . Media buzz words and nothing more is the level of communication here.

So yes Midnight you are the violent one here. Should have screenshoted your post before ML deleted it. There certainly wasn't a call for calm from cooler heads in that post.

Dangerous Mind
United States 6awards
Joined 13th May 2022
Forum Posts: 328

Carpe_Noctem said:

You just again highlighted for all readers how disingenuous you are.

Please highlight for the class where the actual threat was in my post.

That's right he can't find an actual threat in that post
Perhaps the idea of discourse is what he finds so threatening.  Since its obvious, just like most of those students Charlie kirk has been encountering in universities  guy can't think or have a logical discussion . Media buzz words and nothing more is the level of communication here.

So yes Midnight you are the violent one here. Should have screenshoted your post before ML deleted it. There certainly wasn't a call for calm from cooler heads in that post.

Oh right, Charlie Kirk never recycles a media buzz word, but The New Left Review does.

You didn't even read that article, did you?

Tyrant of Words
Joined 3rd Mar 2013
Forum Posts: 2996

MidnightSonneteer said:

Oh right, Charlie Kirk never recycles a media buzz word, but The New Left Review does.

You didn't even read that article, did you?

He points out the lefts  hypocrisy.
He debates and refutes their points, even going so far as agreeing with some of the points the people he is practicing discourse with..

Again you prove that you have no substance,  no thoughts of your own.
You have no argument
You have nothing.

Why ? Seems you are incapable of formulating your own thoughts.  Heaven forbid you actually disagree with the current thing

Guardian of Shadows
United States 90awards
Joined 17th Feb 2013
Forum Posts: 5689

Carpe_Noctem said:

You just again highlighted for all readers how disingenuous you are.

Please highlight for the class where the actual threat was in my post.

That's right he can't find an actual threat in that post
Perhaps the idea of discourse is what he finds so threatening.  Since its obvious, just like most of those students Charlie kirk has been encountering in universities  guy can't think or have a logical discussion . Media buzz words and nothing more is the level of communication here.

So yes Midnight you are the violent one here. Should have screenshoted your post before ML deleted it. There certainly wasn't a call for calm from cooler heads in that post.

Not to worry --the post is there, but only visible to mods.  I still have the nasty pm messages too, which have been forwarded to the Webmiss.  

I won't be screenshotting any of it, because everyone already knows what was said, and why stoop to the main tactic of the "left" and cause more division.

Carry on, folks.

Tyrant of Words
United States 15awards
Joined 11th Aug 2012
Forum Posts: 2598

Av, midnight, you start so much shit in all these political threads its unreal. Maybe instead of quoting, copying and pasting, saying were all on drugs due to we dont agree with you both, and then running crying to mods when you become butthurt, just tell us your views due to what you believe? Or are you afraid to? Seriously. Im calling you out. Let it rip, But no copying and pasting, due to you are woman and hear me roar, and no saying those of us that dont agree are on meth and wasted....grow the fuck up and lets have a real chat...or gtfo....hows that?

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