Poetry competition CLOSED 26th August 2024 10:32am
View Profile Poems by neves
RUNNER-UP: Dreamer4ever1979

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Dear, 20 yr old me

Lost Thinker
Joined 1st Aug 2024
Forum Posts: 17

Poetry Contest

Upeat inspirational poem to your 20 yr old self

I feel like age 20 is a very critical year.
I don't know of any folks that had it all figured out by then, nor am I...

I guess you could say this is also me asking for advice, on how you guys pushed through hard times (or currently is)  Something that might've / is inspired/ing you, or would've/has been nice for you as support.

I'm so excited to read your poems if you choose to participate, and add to my RL.

-will put it up for votes
-no limit for entries
-can be old, or new (as long as it clearly connects to topic)

Thank you anyone in advance for your interest and entries!

Lost Thinker
Joined 1st Aug 2024
Forum Posts: 17

Hey girl,

Focus on your success
And early habit

That long distance is toxic
Keep up those applications
Take advantage of the opportunities given!
Suck it up, buttercup, you are strong!
And keep that one job in art museum!
It became a permanent attraction...

Future you.

Fire of Insight
Portugal 19awards
Joined 26th May 2022
Forum Posts: 282


poet Anonymous

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Lost Thinker
United States 2awards
Joined 6th Aug 2024
Forum Posts: 7

This Song is For You

Life doesn't come easy....
every day can bring joy, but when sadness rains upon the day things get hard.
Finding tears are flowing free...no answers to be found.

Let me tell you........this song is for you... an anthem for your soul.... something for your wounded heart to hold.
A melody from above. Filled with God's love and peace to know!
Healing for the taking. Open arms are waiting.... love is here...this song is for you.

Take hold and take this hand.
Fall into his arms when life gets you down...feeling broken hearted.
All is not lost...I'm here...open and ready to love you.
I want to tell you!

Let me tell you........this song is for you... an anthem for your soul.... something for your wounded heart to hold.
A melody from above. Filled with God's love and peace to know!
Healing for the taking. Open arms are waiting.... love is here...this song is for you!
This song is for you.
Written by Dreamer4ever1979
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Twisted Dreamer
Joined 13th Mar 2023
Forum Posts: 34

I pass streetlights on the way home

remembering how I asked

what was it like being in a ring
with people screaming at you?

he explained you cannot see
anybody past two rows as
lights shine down on you,

once you understand this
nothing else really matters.
Written by neves
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Fire of Insight
Canada 4awards
Joined 19th Dec 2022
Forum Posts: 80


Sufficient inhibitions
can tease  
I ponder my existence  
hardened core
Consider me acceptable
I’m broken
Written by Everavalon
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Joseph Woodward
Lost Thinker
United States
Joined 26th July 2024
Forum Posts: 2


Persistence will get you
whatever you desire
Persistence is your best friend
never underestimate the  
power of Soul within
The desire has to come from
whatever you decide you want
or wanna do
just remember these lyrics
as you pursue
All you want out of life
you can get it
just make sure to yourself
you wont regret it
Lyrics from BT Express
Song  Once You Get It
Written by mrmelodyseven (Joseph Woodward)
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Dangerous Mind
India 6awards
Joined 9th Mar 2023
Forum Posts: 137

in immature stage

i had sex at
the age of 17,
was emotionally attached  
to someone,  
when i found so called love  
I lost my friend,  
when  I wanted to  
make  career I lost my love,  
when I wanted to see  
colorful dreams in a new sky,  
drugs took hold of me,
when I wanted to leave 17
nd regret the past  
depression gripped me
N by the age of 20,  
life had taken many turns...
Written by dimpy (dimpsmoon)
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Fire of Insight
Canada 4awards
Joined 19th Dec 2022
Forum Posts: 80


This will pass
Like glass, this mood can be broken
And as a token
The past will be left unspoken

The sun still shines
Even through the darkest sadness
It’s like madness there
Where you care too deeply
But just know though
That while the depression feels as if it is forever
It rarely ever imprisons you completely
Even if your heart skips a beat there
And your mind and body compete there
The haze will lift
And you’ll drift into glee
Where your spirit feels free
Written by Everavalon
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Fire of Insight
England 15awards
Joined 30th Sep 2022
Forum Posts: 547

Life hurts

It's no use me saying " don't age " cos you do  
and you'll never know how vast is this gap,  
between me and well,' this me, who, once was you,  
I'm sorry hon age is just a freaking trap!  
Just ditch the fun cos there's no wisdom gained  
it's just regrets piled on top of regrets,  
how can I help you, when that me aimlessly aimed  
us, ourselves, down life and just gained life's debts.  
And now those debts, with interest, are due  
and I'd be lying if I said, they don't hurt,  
but it's a mental hurt so, nothing new,  
perhaps they are our, mine, yours, just deserts?  
If you could hear me you wouldn't even fear  
But, sorry hon, you'd be instantly here.
Written by Rew
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Thought Provoker
Joined 21st Sep 2020
Forum Posts: 23

Old to Young

Dear Young Tim,

    You're worrying for nothing. There are so many things you can't control, so worrying about them won't change a thing.
    Whether you are happy or not is a choice. When you wake up, wake up happy. Make the world convince you that it's a bad day.
    Be bolder. If you want to sing, then sing. You get better by practicing. Take lessons when you are young. Learn to play a guitar. Learn to play the piano. Learn to handle money. No matter what you do, money will be important.
    Life is short. Do things. Try things. See things.
    People come and go in your life. Don't be sad when they leave. Enjoy them while they are there.
    Don't be blinded by pretty people. Looks fade. Long term beauty is in the soul.

Good luck always,
Old Tim
Written by TimWombles
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Dangerous Mind
United States 17awards
Joined 4th Apr 2019
Forum Posts: 214


your shadow will be a glimpse,  
fleet behind an old man's beard,  
but he'll see you there  
and want for the very things  
that shackle you  
that he might  
shake them loose  
while there's still time  
to live a little
Written by javalini
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Thought Provoker
New Zealand
Joined 11th Sep 2012
Forum Posts: 102

kiss the cliches

Life is like that proverb  
about two wolves  
one full of light  
one full of darkness  
Stop feeding your fucking demons
like they're not capable of  
eating you alive  
because you know they will  
while you pretend you like it  
because dancing with the devil you know  
is easier than reaching out  
to the angel you don't  
There's a reason sayings like  
"take the road less travelled"  
no adventure is going to begin  
in your comfort zone  
Nothing good comes easy  
and you can hate me for my cliches  
but I love a good cliche  
especially when it comes with a story  
What will yours be?
One full of light and adventure?
Or one full of fighting demons in the dark?
Written by EveAteRedApples
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Guardian of Shadows
United States 90awards
Joined 17th Feb 2013
Forum Posts: 5698

Dear Me

So in 37 years
you're gonna look back at this moment
with your morbid sense of humor
and wonder....

if you made the right choice
by pulling the hose
out of the tailpipe, today
because you forgot to fill the gas tank.

You're going to supervise
three chemistry laboratories
and have to get seven new analyzers
up and running
in a year's time
(while keeping all the old ones going, of course
and not to mention
all the "what the f--k" stuff that comes with management)

And that thought will creep in
and the sarcastic smile will cross your lips.
But you really won't go there again.
(though a tiny whiff of carbon monoxide
might be nice
just to be able to catch a quick catnap
between dumpster fires at work)

You will have survived in the workplace, the following:
The Great White Harpy
(who gets pissed that she can't rattle you
because of the enigma, you are)

The Jealous Queen Bee Bitch
(who will always be the fat girl
in her own mind, no matter
how much weight she loses)

The Drunk, Groping Pig
(who corners you with his bloodshot eyes
before he corners you, for real in the supply closet)

and all The Others
who couldn't cut it
and hated you for their own shortcomings.

It's all good.
You'll survive many other things too.
It all shall pass.
And you'll give a set of balls
to all who will follow after you're gone.

Written by MadameLavender
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