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The Gathering Place ( Modalities of Divination )

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#AspectingtheCosmos, Mon, Jul 08, 2024: Truly listening to understand requires focus and patience; however, expands relational trust that we're seen and heard.

Early/midmorning Venus in Cancer sextile Uranus in Taurus and Mercury in Leo sextile Jupiter in Gemini:  Unexpected surprise. Romance. Deep, expansive communication surrounding commitments and how to better utilize resources.

Early afternoon the Leo Moon inconjunct Saturn in Pisces square Pallas Rx in Scorpio: Potential disagreement over means and methods to obtain goals. Possible defensiveness. Try to listen to understand not just hear. Then pause and respond rather than react.

Late afternoon Mercury in Leo trine the North Node in Aries sextile the South Node in Libra and the Moon in Leo square Mars in Taurus: Compromise is the only way forward in this situation. Obstinance, anger, and impatience will not serve our purpose.

Tonight, the Leo Moon trine Chiron in Aries: Emotional healing and transformation are possible if we work toward that goal with resolve. The Universe meets us halfway when allow our defenses to drop and step beyond conflict.

Degrees, Houses, Aspects, Time ( EDT ): http://inspiritualservice.com

#art Marc Chagall

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Pallas Athena stations direct in Scorpio, 10th @ 10:46 PM Tuesday night.

Pallas is the third largest asteroid/dwarf planet in the asteroid belt discovered, by the German astronomer and physician Wilhelm Olbers on March 28, 1802, following the discovery of Ceres the year before. It is named after Pallas Athena, the Greek goddess of wisdom.

Pallas Athena Mythology & Spiritual Significance:

Pallas is revered as the goddess of wisdom and self-defense. Her symbol is the wise owl. She is responsible for defending herself and her loved ones, and she crafts objects of enduring beauty with her love for fabric and her proficiency with needle and thread.

According to some astrologers, Pallas is the fabric that weaves our decisions and choices on how to live our lives. Philosophical in nature, she bids us to open and expand our minds. Because Pallas is a defender and never the aggressor, she comes into play when we are forced to defend ourselves against attacks due to our system of beliefs in politics, religion, lifestyle choices and/or another's baseless attempts to

It comes into play when we must defend ourselves and devise strategies to navigate office politics, school, neighborhood, or community dynamics. Pallas also emerges when we face attacks due to our political or religious beliefs, lifestyle choices, or simply because of another's baseless desire to malign and intimidate us.

As a fixed Water sign, a Scorpio's recuperative powers are remarkable. They are a truth seeker and have keen judgment and penetrating insight. Willpower and persistence are their strong points, and although they are somewhat reticent, when prodded they can become outspoken and direct.

Pallas is at home in Scorpio and this transit suggests an intense probing and perception that reaches the core of any issue or person. The key is practicing our intuition. When it comes to healing ourselves or others, this honed intuition can guide is to the source of the affliction rather than the symptoms.

Between Pallas' wisdom and Scorpio's X-ray vision, our creative intelligence becomes an archaeologist unearthing the hidden and unknown that we or others attempt to hide. This involves occult ( Scorpio ) wisdom ( Pallas ) revolving around the great mysteries of life involving death and reincarnation.

My natal Pallas is in Scorpio, and she has been all over me from top to bottom and back to forth with a Pallas return, a reverse Pallas return, and yet another return the end of August before she re-enters Sagittarius in September. Of all the Roman-Grecco goddesses, Pallas is the one I most relate to energetically.

I am VERY intimate with this energy and have gleaned so MUCH about defensive strategies. More than that, I am so grateful for the awareness I have to take advantage of such opportunities at this time in my life.

Do you know where your Pallas is located? It would greatly benefit you to find out.

#art  Fountain of Pallas Athena (The Athenebrunnen) in Stuttgart, Germany

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#AspectingtheCosmos, Tue, Jul 09, 2024: Lady Fortuna is smiling upon us this evening. Honoring her with a ritual can increase our bounty.  

Moon enters Virgo: http://inspiritualservice.com

Early morning the Leo Moon inconjunct Neptune Rx in Pisces on the anaretic degree ( 29° ): Avoid dramatic situations that push you to make impulsive or irrational decisions. Maintain firm boundaries in a loving way. Eschew rose-colored glasses.

Right after noon the Moon, now in Virgo, inconjunct Pluto Rx in Aquarius: Adjustments to our health regime will serve us in the future. Work requires attention and analytical focus.

Early evening Jupiter in Gemini sextile the North Node in Aries trine the South Node in Libra: LADY FORTUNA is smiling. This is the perfect time to manifest good fortune in regard to our destiny. Relationships, light-hearted fun, and friends, goals, wishes, and dreams are ALL featured here.

Degrees, Houses, Aspects, Time ( EDT ):  http://inspiritualservice.com

#art Goddess la Fortuna, pre-Raphaelite, artist unknown  

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Moon enters Virgo this morning @ 9:49 AM EDT • V/c time: 2:04 - 9:48 AM EDT

The last lunar cycle we discussed the archetypes of each zodiac sign as the Moon made her transit through their domain. This lunar cycle I'm highlighting the constellations and sub-ruling planets associated with each zodiac sign as the moon transits.

The Moon is known as "wobbly" by astronomers, and Virgo has a stabilizing effect on her. As the sign of intellect and practicality, Virgo provides a sharp analytical curve to this Lunar influence. This is considered stabilizing because of the fluctuating emotions and moods of the Moon.

Virgo' archetype is known as the Healer because they are dedicated to restoring balance or nurturing development within an individual, community, or organization. This role manifests in diverse ways. Its purpose includes elevating awareness, cultivating relationships, and enabling transformation.

Virgo favors accomplishment of details and commands from higher up. Focusing on health, hygiene, and daily schedules, Virgo uses its vast resources for the collective benefit.

Entering Virgo on a Tuesday, ruled by Mars, portends sex, courage, aggression, and protection. The Waxing Crescent Moon is the ideal time for manifesting magic!

The constellations and planetary sub-rulers associated with the decans of Virgo are:

Aug 23 - Sept 01: Crater, the Cup, Goblet of Apollo symbolizing emotional giving. Planetary ruler and sub-ruler is Mercury, which emphasizes the qualities of Virgo.

Sep 02 - 12: Hercules, the strong and virtuous hero who triumphs over evil. Planetary sub-ruler is Saturn.

Sep 13 - 22: Bootes, the Bear Driver, the ancient herdsman who every day chased the Great Bear around the North Pole. Bootes symbolizes the utilization of knowledge.

Do you know where Virgo resides in your birth chart? Even if you have no planets in Virgo, the house it resides in influences your conscientiousness.

For more information on a natal or lunar transit for the Moon in Virgo, visit: http://inspiritualservice.com/the-moons-promenade

#art: Tim Childers

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#AspectingtheCosmos, Wed, Jul 10, 2024: Guard against thoughts and personal habits that will impact us negatively.

Right after lunch The Moon in Virgo trine Ceres Rx in Capricorn: Work. Emotional Health and selfcare need our focus.  It's time to get serious and commit to a healthy lifestyle.

This evening OOB Mercury inconjunct Ceres Rx in Capricorn: An adjustment is required involving self-communication. What are we telling ourselves? Remember words are spells that we cast and we're likely to believe a false narrative. Envision dreams and goals instead!

Tonight, the Sun in Cancer trine Saturn Rx in Pisces: Commitment and hard work enable us to overcome challenges with lessons being fully illuminated.

Degrees, Houses, Aspects, Time ( EDT ): http://inspiritualservice.com

#art: Richard Dunkley

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Venus enters Leo tomorrow @ 12:19 PM EDT, 11th House, the natural home of Aquarius ruled by Uranus.

Venus represents love, relationships, beauty, harmony, and is very comfortable in Leo, who is associated with confidence, creativity, self-expression, and leadership. When Venus enters Leo, you can expect fiery, passionate energy, especially in matters of the heart ( Leo ) or aesthetics ( Venus ).

The 11this a house highlights the how we work with others and how we find our peer groups. It also shows which types of organizations we're drawn to, and those we consider likeminded. It's a house of social consciousness and working toward the greater good of others.

Leo's big-heartedness and Venus' desire to associate with her favorite people, places and things, make a great team when it comes to getting what they want, be it spiritual family or secured finances, these two work the cosmic sphere spreading magnetism and appreciation.

The caveat in this placement is becoming egotistical, competitive, or indolent. That stems from the opposition between Venus and Pluto until July 17. Remain humble in interchanges with others. This placement adds warmth and affection to those you deem worthy, but can also produce jealousy, snobbishness, indiscretion, or sexual addiction. Especially if we have challenging aspects in our natal chart.

The good news is that the trine between Venus and Neptune in the 2nd and 7th houses is effective until the 15th, boosting self-esteem, financial savvy, social activities and cooperation with others. The only caveat is that the 7th is also a house of open enemies.

With vigilant awareness guarding against negative expressions, we can expect socializing and the spotlight of Leo's warmth illuminating all that is beautiful and harmonic in our relationships.

Romance is the keyword during this transit.

Individuals with Venus in Leo are often attracted to vibrant and confident partners who can match their enthusiasm and energy. They enjoy the excitement of romance and appreciate grand gestures of affection. They may also have a strong sense of personal style and a love for luxury and beautiful things.

In relationships, Venus in Leo individuals are generous, warm, and loyal. They value loyalty and commitment and expect their partners to be just as devoted. They are natural leaders and enjoy taking charge in their relationships, but they also need to be recognized and appreciated for their efforts. They thrive in relationships where they feel admired, respected, and adored.

In terms of creative expression, they are often drawn to the arts, entertainment, and fashion. They have a flair for drama and enjoy expressing themselves through their unique style and creativity. They may have a strong sense of aesthetics and a desire to be noticed for their artistic talents.

Overall, Venus in Leo adds passionate and expressive energy to a person's love life and creative endeavors. It emphasizes the importance of being seen, appreciated, and admired for one's unique qualities and talents.

If you sense yourself gravitating toward the dark side of egotistical arrogance, acknowledge it as something that needs to be treated. That way, we aren't denying the existence of something letting us know we have an unhealed wound. The tiniest of wounds can become infected if untreated.  

art Vladimir Muhin

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#AspectingtheCosmos, Thu, Jul 11, 2024: The quickest way to neutralize self-doubt and a lack of confidence is to realize how worthy of good things we truly are. Selfcare reminds us of the sacredness of the temple we occupy.

Midmorning Venus in Cancer trine Neptune Rx in Pisces and the Sun in Cancer trine Pallas Rx in Scorpio: we may experience an increase of appreciation for the beauty that surrounds us coupled with an inner wisdom that directs our innate compass true north. This gratitude expands to hopes, dreams, goals, and friend/partnerships; however, we have to make the effort.

Midafternoon the Virgo Moon trine Uranus in Taurus: There's a freedom pull here against stringent schedules and analytics that we can take advantage of. Flexibility would emotionally serve better than rigid adherence.

Tonight, Pluto Rx squares Hygeia in Taurus and the Moon in Virgo oppose Neptune Rx in Pisces. Take this evening for selfcare whenever you can. We can reconcile emotional uncertainty and doubt by delving into a caring routine such as a ritual bath or shower. Take extra time for luxurious lotions, oils, candles, music, flowers, whatever relaxes the mind.

Degrees, Houses, Aspects, Time ( EDT ):  http://inspiritualservice.com

#art Ophelia Bathing by Philip Braham

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Moon enters Libra tonight @ 10:07 PM EDT • V/c time: 9:55 - 10:06 PM EDT.

The previous lunar cycle I discussed the archetypes of each zodiac sign as the Moon made her transit through their domain. This lunar cycle I'm highlighting the constellations and sub-ruling planets associated with each zodiac sign's decan as the moon transits.  

When the Moon transits Libra, glamour and romanticism are accentuated, as Libra is the sign of esthetic perceptions. Librans are known as the Diplomats of the zodiac, striving for harmony and balance in all aspects of life.

Diplomat archetypes are about self-awareness and understanding others. They're pretty insightful when it comes to human nature and often use this knowledge to positively impact those around them.

The constellations and planetary sub-rulers are:

Sep 23 - Oct 02: Corvus, the Crow, symbolizing idealism and a sense of duty. Planetary ruler and sub-ruler is Venus.

Oct 03 - 13: Centaurus the Centaur, the magical half man, half horse that symbolizes duality in human beings. Planetary sub-ruler is Uranus.

Oct 14 - 22: Corona Borealis, the Northern Crown, the Bridal Crown of Ariadne. Christian astronomers called it the Crown of Thorns and it symbolizes achievement. The planetary sub-ruler is Mercury.

Do you know where Libra resides in your birth chart? Even if you have no planets in Libra, the house it is located in reveals how the traits of Libra are emphasized.

For more information on the Moon in Libra transit or Natal, please visit inspiritualservice.com/the-moons-promenade

#art Centaurus Constellation by Star registry

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#AspectingtheCosmos, Fri, Jul 12, 2024: Achievement comes from doing the work on ourselves to overcome obstacles with grace.

Midmorning Venus in Leo oppose Pluto Rx in Aquarius: To reconcile a polarity one must typically compromise or alter our perspective. Compromise is accepting things as they are and working toward positive change. Expressions of gratitude shift perception to blessings from dissatisfaction quicker than anything else.

By early afternoon, if we haven't resolved the morning, we're going to feel frustration and sense of disappointment. Perhaps over an injustice or lack of appreciation for our efforts. Take that block and transform it into a step toward emotional selfcare in whatever way is available to us.  Count. Our. Blessings. Rewards come tonight.

Early this evening the Libran Moon conjunct the South Node in Libra oppose the North Node in Aries sextile Vesta in Leo: There's a beautiful opportunity to further our dreams and goals through friend/partnerships by refueling our energetic coffer with family or romantic amusements to remind us of what's important. Relaxing into fun washes away the stress of decisions and makes room for a new view.

Tonight, the Libran Moon trine Jupiter in Gemini: Our dedication and commitment to hard work and overcoming obstacles is rewarded with an expansive satisfaction coupled with more opportunities to follow.

Degrees, Houses, Aspects, Time ( EDT ): http://inspiritualservice.com

#art endmion1

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First Quarter Square Moon in Libra happens tomorrow evening @ 6:49 PM EDT, 11th house, the natural home of Aquarius ruled by Uranus.

The First Quarter Moon in Libra takes place when the Sun is in Cancer and the Moon is in Libra. It knows that someone giving in can sometimes make everything better.

The best way to work with any lunation personally is to find out the house it's taking place in your natal chart. This requires a biwheel to determine which house you personally work with.

We just discussed the 11th with Venus' transit into this week. The 11th is a house highlighting how we work with others and how we find our peer groups. It also shows which types of organizations we're drawn to, and those we consider likeminded. It's a house of social consciousness and working toward the greater good of others.

The first quarter phase of the Moon is referred to as a "square" because it always squares the Sun, currently in Cancer. Because the Sun represents our main expression of self, health, and our vital principles, and the Moon represents our emotions and nurturing urge, and domestic capacity, a square between these two can create a crisis of consciousness that needs to be reconciled.

Additionally, the Moon is also opposing Chiron and Eris, signaling polarity in regarding the healing of old wounds and emotional discord. Regardless of this knowledge, an avenue of healing may not yield itself tonight, as the above aspects and energies will remain present into tomorrow.

FORTUNATELY, the Moon traverses the cosmos quickly, so with awareness of these aspects, we'll be able to shelter in place until these storms pass. Be certain to check my 'Aspecting the Cosmos' report tonight, as the forecast extends to squares with Venus, Pluto, and Saturn.  

Remembering that squares bring the greatest opportunity for growth. Friction, after all, creates the fire of evolution if we're willing to submit ourselves to the potter's kiln.

#art Tammy Cantrell

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We're in the final stages of Cancer Season before moving into Leo next week.  We've been discussing the decans associated with this sign. Each zodiac sign is divided into three houses called Decans, and these houses, like the cusps, are divided by date.

Keyword: Empathy

The spiritual planet Neptune is your sub ruler which joins forces with the Cancerian Moon to accentuate and impressionable and romantic nature.

You may be very artistic, and you try to create beauty and harmony around you. Your adaptability to different kinds of people is one of your secrets of success. Many of you are destined for some kind of public life. You have an ability to touch people's feelings and to form close ties.

When you love, you have deep emotions. You are loyal and protective toward your family and mate. And you believe only the best about them. Cautious and conservative are the words that best describe your approach to problems. Even in the midst of crisis, you look for balance. Often you are prone toward discontent and dissatisfaction.

#art: Tammy Cantrell

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#AspectingtheCosmos, Sat, Jul 13, 2024: Sometimes we just need to rise above all the voices in our head.

Early afternoon the Libran Moon inconjunct Saturn Rx in Pisces: We may find ourselves in need of adjusting our methods surrounding partnerships. Analyzing what is working for us and what may be holding us back can rebalance the emotional scales.

Tonight, the Sun in Cancer square the Moon in Libra followed by the Libran Moon opposing Chiron in Aries: Emotional triggers surrounding confidence and personal identity and/or a perceived impossibility of our goals or dreams. Healing comes from rising above and realizing that perhaps we're looking at this all wrong, and/or there's something better in store if we trust enough to let go.

Degrees, Houses, Aspects, Time ( EDT ): http://inspiritualservice.com

#art Kate Morgan

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Monday/Tuesday Mars is conjunct Uranus and the fixed star Algol. The last time this happened was March 1st, 1942, coinciding with intense Japanese aggression in WWII, think testing of the atomic bomb.

Before that May 6th, 1857, it coincided with the first mass Indian uprising against British rule which took two years to finally crush. After tomorrow/Tuesday, the next one is May 15th, 2109.

The Mars/Uranus conjunction indicates violence, lightning strikes, explosions ( natural or otherwise ), weapons, accidents, scientific discoveries.  With Uranus enhanced by Mars, there is massive unpredictability here couple with unknown reactions.

Algol is known as the "Demon Star" because it is also associated with Horus the Elder & the Eye of Ra in Ancient Egypt, the Gorgon Medusa in Greek and the Ghoul in Pre-Islam Arabia.  Arab astronomers took note of its eccentric variations, hence the name Al-Ghoul, the demon. Ras means head in Arabic so Ras AlGhoul = head of demon. Its symbol is Medusa represented by her severed head, carried by Perseus.

It is an eclipsing binary; every 68 hours and 49 minutes this Demon Star ‘blinks’ for roughly 8 hours.  Fortunately – if that’s the right word for this aspect – it is a quick transit, while the outcome of what happens may reverberate for years, if not longer.

The story of Medusa is a tragic and sad one. Cursed by Athena for being raped by Poseiden, Medusa was banished to a lonely island and cursed that no man would look upon her. With cracked skin, madness, snake hair, and eyes that turned men to stone, she became known as a monster.

Afterall, the world we live in is notorious for patriarchal values awarding hero status to men, while demeaning women. The world is full of examples – the media, the halls of government, our next-door neighbor. Greek mythology is no different, and thus portrays Athena as cruel and heartless, having no compassion for Medusa's plight.

With Mars symbolizing aggression and Uranus symbolizing rebellion, take care against sudden outbursts of tempers and guard against negative reactions, ours or those of others. Uranus is filled with surprises, so intense and shocking events may be birthed from this alignment. If there are any malefic intentions in the works, they will most likely be revealed at this time.

With the Moon also in the Heart of the Scorpion during this conjunction, we are apt to feel everything to the nth degree. What is hidden deep in the shadows may be brought to light. This is not necessarily a negative circumstance, but a positive one regardless of what it outwardly appears. It's virtually impossible to resist or engage with the unseen, but the seen gives us presence to combat any darkness.

According to Peter Stokinger, the Latin Picatrix, as well as Agrippa von Nettesheim in his Three Books on Occult Philosophy, inform us that during the Moon's transit through Scorpio's mansion, it is a good time to create a talisman "...to make serpents and all venomous creatures flee from the place where it is buried"...

To construct the talisman, "... make a bronze image of an adder holding its tail above its head and suffumigate with the horn of a stag. Maybe this will help to repel the negative effects of this conjunction, or at least soften its impact...

If you have planets or angles close to 26 degrees in fixed signs (Taurus, Leo, Scorpio, Aquarius), you're going to feel the effects of this conjunction more intensely in the form of mood swings, restlessness, and disrupted sleep.

On a global and atmospheric scale, Uranus has been associated with earthquakes and severe lightning storms, while Mars is associated with combat and uprisings. But on the positive note, Uranus also represents sudden realization and epiphanies without a process of reason, birthing futuristic ideas and innate understanding. Mars also heralds strength and courage which can prompt us into taking chances we wouldn't otherwise take.

The main thing to remember with this conjunction is that everything works for our good. With Uranus sparking sudden realizations, we're apt to change initial plans, or with its sudden surprises, we're forced to into an alternate direction. However, if we surrender to its lead, we'll soon learn that the reason was for the better.

Utilizing the strength and courage of Mars for patience and understanding will prevent us from reacting to unexpected circumstances in a negative manner or speaking words that cannot be revoked. Opportunity lies within the greatest challenges as a diamond hidden in coal.

#art Tammy Cantrell

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Moon enters Scorpio tomorrow ( Sunday ) @ 10:54 AM EDTBUT, V/c time is a LONG one, beginning this evening @ 6:49 PM - 10:53 PM EDT Sunday evening.

Because this is such a long v/c, it's highly suggested that you read the meaning of such a phase if you're unfamiliar with the effects: http://inspiritualservice.com/astrology-articles

The previous lunar cycle I discussed the archetypes of each zodiac sign as the Moon made her transit through their domain. This lunar cycle I'm highlighting the constellations and sub-ruling planets associated with each zodiac sign's decan as the moon transits.  

For additional information on a natal or lunar transit for the Moon in Scorpio, visit: http://inspiritualservice.com/the-moons-promenade

Scorpio is known throughout the zodiac as the astrological sign of death, regeneration, and intense emotion. With the Moon being in her fall in this dark and mysterious sign, we're apt to feel everything to the nth degree, whether it's passion, joy, jealousy, love, desire, they take center stage in our lives right now.

The purpose of this transit is to underline the Moon's sensuous power in conjunction with its forcefulness through a hypnotically intense personality.

This lunar position increases awareness of psychic power and precipitates psychic crisis and ends connections thoroughly. There's a potential here for obsession and a tendency to become suspicious and/or secretive. Instead, turning our focus to mysteries we'd like to investigate through research will serve us and the collective better.

Entering Scorpio on a Sunday, ruled by the Sun, portends healing, spirituality, success, strength, and protection. The Waxing First Quarter Moon is the ideal time to perform manifesting magic!

The constellations associated with Scorpio's decan's are:

Oct 23 - Nov 01: Serpens, the Serpent, symbolizing power and occult knowledge. Planetary ruler and sub-ruler is Pluto.

Nov 02 - 11: Lupus, the Wolf, held aloft by Centaurus, symbolizing offering ( shit, no wonder I love my altars and gratitude offerings! ). Planetary sub-ruler is Neptune.

Nov 12 - 21: Aquila the Eagle, whom the Greeks considered the only creature able to outstare the Sun, symbolizing rising above earthly limitations. Planetary sub-ruler is the Moon.

Do you know where Scorpio resides in your birth chart? Even if you have no planets in Scorpio, the house it resides in influences your intense emotions.

Image: Lupus the Wolf constellation by Alexander/Getty Images

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#AspectingtheCosmos, Sun, Jul 14, 2024: Nothing clears emotional confusion like space away from the situation and the freedom to exercise distance.

Early afternoon the fallen Moon in Scorpio square Pluto Rx in Aquarius oppose Hygeia in Taurus: Challenging energy prompting us to conduct physical and emotional excavations surrounding selfcare and awareness to make better choices.  Analytical sensitivity is required.

Early evening the fallen Moon square Venus in Leo: Fiery emotions coupled with doubt and insecurity could affect a relation/partnership. Sometimes the only way is up, as in rising above the situation to think clearly. We may need space to contemplate a circumstance. Are we willing to trust the distance?

Late tonight Venus in Leo square Saturn Rx in Pisces: A lesson taught by Saturn is lifelong and never to be forgotten. Though evaluation and awareness, there's an opportunity for a new beginning. Whether together or alone is wholly dependent upon whether we are willing to let go in order to alleviate the tension.

Degrees, Houses, Aspects, Time ( EDT ): http://inspiritualservice.com

#art Duy Huynh

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