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The Gathering Place ( Modalities of Divination )

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#CollectiveCasting Card of the Week, Sun, Jun 23 - 29, 2024: THE ENTRANCE STONE

We've heeded the call of the Mountain, Become the Mountain, Discovered our Center, and now we're ready to step forth.

New beginnings. Step forward. Expansion.

The Entrance Stone card invites you to step forward into your future, to expand into the possibility of things working out better than you've ever imagined. It may be different to the way you thought it would be, but this card always appears when a positive outcome is likely for you. It urges you to open your mind to positive outcomes and to find a way to move forward toward the realization of all your dreams.

However, to welcome the new, we must release the past and loosen our grip on things happening in a certain way. To welcome the new, we must be in the moment and cross the threshold from the past to the present. When we find a way to be in the present, we can truly welcome the new.

Featured on this card is one of the best-known entrance stones in the world at Newgrange, a 5200-year-old passage tomb in Ireland. This beautiful ancient stone is adorned with carvings of the triple spiral or triskele, a mystical symbol sought to represent the Trinity, the past, the present, the future, and the earth, sea, and sky.

It invites you to step forward into the future, to open your arms and heart wide and say yes, to trust that something positive will come of this. Maybe there's something you want deep down and have been wishing and praying for. This card is a good indication that your hopes and dreams will come true, but first you need to trust the step forth.

Ancient stones activation.

New and positive experiences are waiting for me. I'm ready to welcome them with open arms. On this brand-new day, I'm ready to step forth.

#Oracledeck: The Ancient Stones by Rebecca Campbell

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Moon enters Aquarius @ 11:15 PM EDT, 1st House, the natural home of Aries ruled by Mars. Void of Course time: 11:05 - 11:14 Pm EDT.

This lunation brings out the rebel and warrior within us. Now is the perfect time to step out of our comfort zones, explore new avenues, and ensure that we are recognized for the unique individuals that we are.

Our future objectives take center stage and it's the perfect time to attend to family affairs, behave responsibly, organize aspects of our lives that are disordered or unsettled, establish boundaries, and listen and learn with patience. Guard against becoming so business like that we forgo other's feelings who may want to contribute to our goal.

Ruled by Uranus, Aquarius is all about individuality and the freedom urge. There's an air of urgency to everything from causes to schedules ( though expect some disruptions in those due to Uranus' influence ).

Did you know that each Zodiac Sign is associated with an Archetype? As the innovator and humanitarian, Aquarius is known as "The Maverick", and the "future maker".

Mavericks are innate influencers with a passion for artistic expression. They rely on their intuition to forge new concepts and possess a competitive spirit. Unafraid of taking risks, they thrive in settings free from limitations.

Mavericks wield the power of persuasion through confidence and charm. They view themselves as innovators and enjoy artistic pursuits such as writing, art, and performing. The spotlight only enhances their unique expressions - and they don't mind being in it. They excel in leadership positions that allow them to steer the creative helm, make strategic choices, and guide a team towards realizing their unique vision.

The caveat of this archetype are feelings of insignificance if they can't influence the outcome of a project. Also, working by themselves can be quite a challenge because they draw inspiration through directive leadership.
My only link to Aquarius is Chiron, which holds our deepest spiritual injury. It illuminates where we feel innately challenged, spiritually injured, and hopeless. In other words, it's our Achilles' Heel. When that is triggered, we are apt to go into fight or flight mode. Chiron is also our greatest teacher.

I can review my past and see where this placement applied itself to my humanitarian efforts. There were times I had to fight, and other times I felt like running. But I didn't. I've learned that my own healing is generated by helping others and being of spiritual service to the greater good.

Do you know how you are linked to Aquarius? It would benefit you to discover that information!

#art Tammy Cantrell

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The night before Midsummer Day is called Midsummer Eve (June 23), on or near the shortest night of the year!

Although the Summer Solstice occurs on varying dates each year, usually between the 20 and 22 June, the official date of Midsummer is designated as 24 June in the United Kingdom.

As with many days of cultural significance such as Christmas, tradition held that celebrations began at sunset of the night before, making Midsummer Eve the beginning of the Midsummer festivities in ancient and medieval Britain.

It was a night of superstition where it was believed the boundaries between life and death with thin, and souls would wander from their bodies and those who were due to die that year would knock upon the church door.

Midsummer Eve was also known as Saint John’s Eve, and in the Middle Ages it was a night of revelry. The local parishioners would attend church in the evening and pray, then would begin drinking and feasting, after which there would be singing and music.

The church felt this was inappropriate and so from the 14th Century it was common practice for fasting to begin on Midsummer Eve, thereby preventing any boisterous celebrating. Young women would collect coal or blackened roots and place them beneath their pillows for the night, hoping to dream of their lovers.

On the day of Midsummer Eve great pyres would be built, and then lit as the sun set. These fires would be seen for miles, and so across the horizon it was common to see fires all around.

The fires were tended and kept burning until sunrise to light the way home for the souls of the living which were wandering that night, and also ward off evil spirits and appease the fairy folk and other supernatural entities.

In some areas, three fires were lit together: the bonnefyre which was made of bones, the wakefyre which was wood, and Saint John’s Fire which was a pyre of both wood and bones.

It was believed that eating untouched fern could make a man invisible, so young men would go out at midnight with a plate and try to harvest fern leaves without touching them.

Various other herbs and plants such as Saint John’s wort, rose, and vervain were collected, as they supposedly held magical properties.

These would be used on the morning of Midsummer Day to create a small effigy to bring fortune and love, called the Midsummer Man.

Midsummer Eve is noted with bonfires in parts of the country still, with localized celebrations such as Golowan in Cornwall and the fires in Peebles, though it is less notable in the contemporary calendar than Midsummer Day.  

#art Edward Robert Hughs

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Source:  Midsummer Eve | Folklore | Seb Reilly

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#AspectingtheCosmos, Mon, June 24, 2024: When torn between commitment and temptation, the honorable choice will never fail our future.  

Good news: The prodigal Moon returns to her father Sun's kingdom! Let there be a collective sign of emotional relief!

Mercury & Venus OOB: http://inspiritualservice.com/astrology-articles

Midsummer Day: http://inspiritualservice.com/beliefs-1

Late morning the Aquarian Moon trine newly minted Jupiter in Gemini: Our organization and dedication to commitment and hard work can pay off if we don't forgo the path. Pay particular attention to our health, as it's closely related to work in this realm.

Midafternoon the Aquarian Moon inconjunct OOB Mercury in Cancer: An adjustment to our attitude or perception is required to complete or meet a deadline. Our emotional state desires freedom and fun but our commitments require us complete the task at hand.

Early evening the Aquarian Moon square Mars in Taurus sextile the North Node in Aries trine the South Node in Libra: Control issues. Rebelliousness. Is there a way we can compromise to ease obstinance born of ego so we can transform this stumbling block into a steppingstone? The door is wide open; however, we're going to have to put forth the effort to step through it.

Late tonight OOB Mercury sextile Juno in Virgo: Unpredictable communication in a committed relationship ( personal or business ). Check your natal Mercury placement and house for more insight and read the above posted article on OOB Mercury to navigate this energy.

Degrees, Houses, Aspects, Time ( EDT ): http://inspiritualservice.com

#art Kamelia Shojaei

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Blessed #Midsummer!

Many northern peoples celebrate a solstice holiday known as Midsummer Day. It’s an ancient day that many people still enjoy because summer calls for celebration! In mid-June, school is out, and nature has burst into life. Historically, this day marks the midpoint of the growing season, halfway between planting and harvest. It is traditionally known as one of four “Quarter Days” in some cultures.


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We're firmly rooted in Cancer Season now and have discussed the cusps associated with this watery sign. But did you know that each zodiac sign is divided into three houses called Decans? These houses, like the cusps, are divided by date.

First Decan of Cancer: June 21 - 30
Keyword: Receptiveness

Being ruled by the moon, you possess a heightened sensitivity and receptiveness towards others. Your profound understanding of human nature makes your insights and guidance highly valued. These qualities would serve you well in a role as a teacher or instructor.

Rationality holds significant value for you. Despite being an emotional individual, you possess the ability to filter through facts and reach equitable conclusions. You have an exceptional memory for emotions and impressions, whether they're your own or someone else's. However, the mundane details of daily life tend to elude you.

In relationships, harmony and security are key. Disagreements and conflicts are a turn-off, and emotional turmoil can be really downing. Sometimes, there's a tendency to be moody and pessimistic.

#art Tammy Cantrell

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#AspectingtheCosmos, Tue Jun 25, 2024:  We are not an island meant to solve everything alone. We are here for one another.

Midafternoon the Aquarian Moon sextile Chiron in Aries: The liberation of an emotional wound is possible through the help of others. Confide or seek council from someone trusted to gain insight from a different perspective.

Early evening the Aquarian Moon sextile Eris in Aries square Uranus in Taurus: Just when we think everything is going smoothly the unexpected pops up. Roadblocks provide an opportunity to develop patience, think differently, and extend gratitude for the unknown reason behind the delay.

Hasn't the reason always revealed itself in time, and we are grateful? This is no different.

Degrees, Houses, Aspects, Time ( EDT ): http://inspiritualservice.com

#art Lisa Aisado

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When I wrote this, I kept hearing Morrison's "Into the Mystic" playing in the background!

Moon enters Pisces overnight @ 2:09 AM, EDT, 12th House, her natural home ruled by Neptune. Void of course Moon: tonight @ 6:30 PM - tomorrow, 2:08 PM EDT.

This is a frustrating and limiting yet opportune realm in which we can discover our hidden strength to overcome circumstances and spiritually evolve. We just need to avoid the escapist urge

Pisces sign is symbolized by two fish swimming in opposite directions, which describes their inner conflict. While they are drawn to the spiritual realm, yearning to connect with the universal energy through meditation or artistic creation, they encounter resistance against such a lifestyle, or find themselves constrained by practical necessities.

They are known as the dreamers of the Zodiac and are easily influenced by others because they don't want to hurt anyone. It can be difficult for them to make decisions and they need to overcome their desire to escape from anything that is difficult.

At times they can be indolent and impractical, and struggle with self-confidence, but in their own quite way, they accomplish a great deal.

Pisces Archetype: The Mystic

The true Mystic dedicates themselves to spiritual practices within their stable yet expanding inner sanctuary. This is accomplished by integrating their practices and rituals into their daily life by giving audience to their inner compass. This becomes their superpower when mastered.

Their challenge is distinguishing between an authentic nudge and a fear-driven cycle, which can be easily discerned through their outward behavior. This requires them to understand how the patterns of past limitations can fuel disillusion and/or escapism.

Non-attachment to the outcome of their dreams or goals is a vital cornerstone to building their inward sanctuary. Through focus and dedication to self-evaluation, an intense field of consciousness and higher frequency rises, prompting them to act from the highest version of themselves. This authentic energy encourages others to be wholly themselves.

This requires awareness that lives in the magic of the present moment and releasing those past experiences that affected them adversely and will affect them presently by holding onto the emotions associated with their energetic signature.

#art Tammy Cantrell

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#AspectingtheCosmos, Wed, Jun 26, 2024: Sometimes choices don't necessarily have to be either/or but can involve more.

OOB Mercury & Venus: inspiritualservice.com/astrology-articles

Late morning/early afternoon the Sun in Cancer trine the Moon in Pisces and OOB Venus squares the Nodes in Aries and Libra: A flash of insight can be a rudder navigating a challenging square between OOB Venus and the Nodes. Have courage to be who we truly are and follow the call of the unknown to the other side of fear.

Midafternoon OOB Mercury in Cancer trine Saturn in Pisces and the Pisces Moon square Jupiter in Gemini: Astute awareness through actions that affect the collective. The lunar square presents a challenge between emotions and intellect. We can be spontaneous and cautious at the same time. It doesn't have to be either/or.

Tonight, the Moon in Pisces trine OOB Mercury: An imaginative Love affair with words and ability to convey our feelings in an unexpected and spiritual way through communication, especially writing.

Degrees, Houses, Aspects, Time ( EDT ): http://inspiritualservice.com

#art Kate Morgan

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Greetings friends and followers! I will be taking some time off beginning later this morning. My website has been updated to include the entire week thru Tue, July 02: http://inspiritualservice.com

We have some major astrological events coming up that you should be aware of, particularly two planetary giants, Saturn & Neptune, stationing retrograde, plus a last quarter Moon. For more detailed information on these celestial events:

Planetary Transits: http://inspiritualservice.com/planetary-transtis-2024
Retrogrades & Last Quarter Moon: http://inspiritualservice.com/celestial-events-2024

• Wed, Jun 26: OOB Moon enters Pisces

• Fri, Jun 28: OOB Moon enters Aries

• Fri, Jun 28: Last Quarter Moon in Aries

• Fri, Jun 29: Saturn Stations Retrograde

• Sun, Jun 30, OOB Moon enters Taurus

• Tue, Jul 02, Mercury enters Leo

• Tue, Jul 02, Moon enters Gemini

• Tue, July 02: Neptune Stations Retrograde

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#CollectiveCasting Card of the Week: June 30 - July 06, 2024: THE EDGE

This month's journey has been a blessing. It has provided, step-by-step, a stone path that leads us to what we want. We heeded the call of the Mountain before we became the Mountain, where we found our center and entrance stone into something new and exciting. Now all we have to do is be courageous and daring to step out in faith toward what it is we truly want.

Take a chance, do something different.

There are few places more exhilarating than where stones meet sea at the edge of a coastal cliff. Below you the water is lapping, before you the sun is rising or setting on the horizon, and around you a wild wind may be blowing. All the elements are there as you stand on the edge of something and at the beginning of something too, something new.

The vast horizon encourages us to see things from a different point of view. It whispers promises of new possibilities, of being and trying something new. Of leaping into the void of what might be. However, what 'might be' cannot be dreamed into without first releasing the certainty of what once was. Of gathering up our courage to try something new.

The edge card is a symbol of truly living, of finding the courage to be bold and leap. It beckons us to be brave. To have no regrets, to take a chance and do something unexpected. To try doing something different to step out into the unknown. Maybe you feel that a change is coming, or perhaps you're feeling restless, yearning for something new. Maybe you're frustrated or bored with the status quo and long to truly live.

This card encourages you to stretch out of your comfort zone, go beyond your normal, and do something you've never done before to dive into the unknown.


What exciting new experience would you like to have?

How can you do something differently today?

Deck: ANCIENT STONES ORACLE by Rebecca Campbell

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#AspectingtheCosmos, Mon, July 01, 2024: When it comes to intimate relationships, compromising rather than sacrificing burns no bridges and keeps us humbled.

Early afternoon the Moon conjunct Mars in Taurus: Revel in the burst of courage, enthusiasm, and initiative to act, increased sex appeal in relationships, and defending those you care about against injustice. Guard against impulsivity and realize that actions have consequences.

Midafternoon the Moon in Taurus sextile Venus in Cancer trine Juno in Virgo: Romanticism and appreciation of beauty are at their height. Committed relationships benefit from sharing honestly.

Late afternoon the Moon in Taurus sextile Saturn Rx in Pisces: A social urge permeates the atmosphere. Hosting close friends or family for an evening of fun and fellowship is the perfect ending to the day.

Early evening the Moon in Taurus oppose Pallas Rx in Scorpio and Venus in Cancer sextile Juno in Virgo: Potential clash between ego and truth can be resolved with awareness. Avoid being obstinate or nitpicky if someone disagrees with us. Instead, focus on the blessing of relationships and how we can compromise.

Degrees, Houses, Aspects, Time ( EDT ): http://inspiritualservice.com

#art Daniel Gerhartz

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Neptune joins Saturn and Pluto in the Retrograde Parade early tomorrow morning @ 6:40 AM, EDT, 6th House. This retrograde will backtrack through Dec 07 @ 6:43 PM EST, ending in the 12th House.

It's time to remove the rose-colored glasses and slow down to get in touch with the deeper aspects of truth.

A renewed spirit of generosity, compassion, and empathy is shared by all when Neptune inhabits Pisces. That's because it's in its dignity ( the astrology sign it rules ), and when a planet is dignified, this will strengthen our response to it. We are empowered to control our circumstances.

With Neptune direct, our creativity soars, or at least, we are more confident about applying our creativity in the real world. Stationing retrograde will prolong Neptune's ingress into Aries until March 30, 2025. However, Neptune is just flirting with Aries in 2024, as it will re-enter Pisces through a retrograde October 22, 2025. This cycle repeats again until Neptune permanently moves into Aries in January 2026.

Sounds a little like Pluto skipping back and forth between Capricorn and Aquarius, doesn't it?! The planets aren't afraid to go back and double-check or redo something that's not right—and they do it in front of the entire Universe.

Collectively, the sixth house is the natural home of Virgo and is ruled by the Mercury, representing work ethic, health, practical details, and daily life. Its goal is to establish a foundation through duty and service. So, these themes will be a signature throughout this retrograde.

How this retrograde affects us individually depends on our natal aspects; however, as a collective, we can expect to encounter a heightened sensitivity. If we have a challenging aspect, such as a square or opposition to Neptune in our natal chart, we can also expect challenges to the degree of that aspect/s.

For example, a square would indicate stumbling blocks along our path, while an opposition would require reconciling two opposing forces to attain balance. A conjunction emphasizes whatever energy it encounters so that too could become challenging.

This is why being intimate with your natal chart is so important. Knowing is half the battle.

This retrograde happens in my 7th House, the natural home of Libra ruled by Venus, which also happens to be my Ascendant and planetary chart ruler. I know that this house represents profound relationships, intimate partnerships, marriage and open opponents. Thus, I will be exploring myself through a mirror of another in regard to giving and receiving love.

Back to the rose-colored glasses—this retrograde can force us to face the reality of any illusion we may be under. While that may sound unpleasant, it's actually a blessing. If someone is jerking our chain, wouldn't we want to know? That's a great question because when it comes to Neptune, it's either the spiritual or the escapist urge; therefore, we are going to see things as they are, or choose to see what we want.

In other words, during this retrograde, we are only going to see and hear what we CHOOSE to see and hear? Remember, this planet is in its dignity whether direct or retrograde, which means we are empowered to control our circumstances—that includes what we choose to experience.

The planets aren't afraid to backtrack and finish something undone or correct a misnomer. They do it in front of the entire Universe. Maybe it's time to consider the source—if we are looking for a sign, I don't think Source could make it any more obvious. . .

Don't be afraid to admit a mistake and course-correct it. Pride cometh before a fall.

Image: Neptune by Tammy Cantrell

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We're deep in Cancer Season now and have been discussing the decans associated with this watery sign. Each zodiac sign is divided into three houses called Decans. These houses, like the cusps, are divided by date.

Second Decan of Cancer: July 01 - 11.
Keyword: Intensity

Pluto, with his suffering and counsel, is a rich addition to Cancer, giving a personality the power of reflection. These two sides combined create a charismatic and quietly intriguing individual. Of the Cancerian aspects, this decan is the least obvious and their interest in the dark realm is likely to be a secret pleasure.

They are sensitive, so people like sharing with them; however, they have strong intellectual talents and can be powerful. They enjoy being popular, so can be impulsive, following feelings over facts in decisions. They are curious and lead with intuition, skillfully gathering information from multiple sources to help their position.

At work, they are disciplined and pragmatic. Relationships make them sentimental, emotional, and sometimes possessive; once they make up your mind, their flexibility is practically nonexistent.

#art Tammy Cantrell

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#AspectingtheCosmos, Tue, Jul 02, 2024: Skipping from A to C will only backtrack through B when the past comes calling. There are no shortcuts in healing.  

Neptune retrograde: http://inspiritualservice.com/celestial-events-2024

Mercury enters Leo and the Moon enters Gemini: http://inspiritualservice.com/planetary-transits-2024

Late morning the Moon in Taurus sextile Neptune Rx in Pisces sextile Mercury in Leo: Increased intuition and nurturing instinct. Avoid the impulsive nature of the anaretic degree ( 29° ) between the Moon and Neptune and enjoy the dreamy social aspect of intellectual pursuits through dramatic and confident conversation.

Midafternoon, the Moon in Gemini trine Pluto Rx in Aquarius and the Sun in Cancer square the Nodes: Our soul memories and past securities become more versatile through higher vibration in search of karmic harmony. Progressive thinking and belief in our self leads to a joyous self-expression.  

The Sun square the Nodes is often viewed as a karmic juncture, highlighting a decision ( North Node ) or someone who triggers an unhealed wound within us that requires release ( South Node ). The way forward is to recognize patterns surrounding projection, co-dependency, or people pleasing.

Tonight, the Moon in Gemini trine Lilith in Libra and Venus in Cancer trine Saturn in Pisces: Emotional balance within our shadows, perhaps an acceptance or acknowledgement of what is and what needs to change through the help of a relationship. Appreciating and nurturing who we are is also a valuable lesson to learn. Any hope of change must first acknowledge the present truth.

Degrees, Houses, Aspects, Time ( EDT ): http://inspiritualservice.com

#art Agnieszka Lorek

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