Poetry competition CLOSED 19th June 2024 10:20pm
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Tell me about your morning

poet Anonymous

Not Quite Breakfast at Tiffany's

There’s a Tiger named Tony with his frosted corn flakes
who sits in my kitchen and yells that they’re GRRRREAT!
My ears are still ringing when a green leprechaun
jumps up on the table without a stitch on.
“I’m magically delicious!” He’s waving his arms.
“I want to get Lucky.  Have a taste of my Charms!”
Cap’N Crunch pulls his sword and gives it a swing.
The leprechaun panics. “He’s cut off my thing!”
There’s a bird by my window with a colorful beak
“That midget’s a Froot Loop and the captain’s a freak,”
he says as he craps in my cup by the sink.
Just because he shits rainbows doesn’t mean it don’t stink.
Three miniature guys who ‘Snap, Crackle, Pop’
fall into my blender and turn into slop.
Fred Flintstone and Barney show up about nine.
They play with their Pebbles until they go blind.
Some rabbit named Trix must be high on cocaine.
He jumps through the ceiling and smashes his brain.
Count Chocula pokes his sharp fangs in my neck.
He thought I was sweet but just wanted to check.
“I’ve had all the sugar this sweet tooth can stand.
Get out of my kitchen!  Yeah, that’s a demand!”
I chase them around till they run out the door,
then scrape up dead bunny and mop the whole floor.
I clean out the blender, my coffee cup too.
I’ll admit that I’m famished by the time that I’m through.
I’m flustered and desperate for something to eat.
To hell with cold carbs; give me spicy HOT MEAT!
Then, who should show up like a western surprise
in his boots and his hat and his thick cowboy thighs
but a dude with the prettiest sausage I’ve seen.  
“Howdy, ma’am.”  He smiles warmly.  “My name’s Jimmy Dean.”
poet Anonymous

Early Morning Memories

The sun is rising in the sky
A new day awakens my eyes

Nothing but optimism and hope
I rinse my mouth out with Scope

The birds all sing my tune
Watching Saturday morning cartoons
ET Cereal with my favorite spoon

It's going to be an awesome day

All my friends begin to arrive
Strangely some of them have died
Doesn't matter were all together
Faces I haven't seen in forever
We talk reminisce about life
Many of them had pain and strife
Didn't know this after we split apart
Didn't keep in touch, aches my heart

30 years later, their reaching out to me
I plead to them, one more summer please
Biking, swimming, sports, whatever you want
I woke up sweating, dreaming of this haunt

Make a move, unite with friends from the past
Life is short, create memories that will last
poet Anonymous

The Running Hour

I woke up from another heart pounding dream
I opened my eyes and the clock said four thirty seven
I had another three minutes before the alarm went off
I was psyched and stoked for this morning’s session
Out in the streets, it was dark and a little dangerous
The air was still warm from yesterday’s hot burning sun
It was already seventy-two degrees (or twenty-two Celsius)
So I went off to the gym for an early five mile run
There I was on the treadmill trying to breathe steadily
At an incline I was sweating like I’ve never sweated before
Blasting Clockwork Angels in my ears I still heard my breath
My fat cried, it screamed out loud out of every single pore
My eyes burned when the all that sweat ran down my face
I wasn't a pretty sight when beads flickered onto the machine
My dream was to get faster even though I’ve gotten older
But the pounds burning off tended to sound very mean
After I finished, I cleaned the machine and went back home
I made myself a quick breakfast and then took a shower
Reeling from that high I headed to work to go get that bread
Planning my incline and speed for tomorrow’s running hour
poet Anonymous

A Day

(from my Instagram thread)

The day has been nice so far. Everything is clean. Orderly, crisp, like a folded sheet. I've had my too-strong coffee, cinnamon and vanilla. I feel like myself. Waiting for my daughter to wake up to spend time with her. She's pregnant and sleepy. A hot, lazy Texas day, pregnant with soft promise. Aching to write a poem. To create something lovely out of the soft longing I feel. We'll see what happens.

The only thing wrong with today is I'm out of vape juice. I have a horrible oral fixation. Yes, a hundred bad innuendos can be made of this. When I was younger, I was always sucking my thumb in pictures. I think it helped with the anxiety... When my daughter wakes up I will tell her, "Hello, beautiful." Or, "Hello, gorgeous." I want to remind her she is lovely. Hopefully one day she'll believe it.
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