Poetry competition CLOSED 30th August 2022 7:28am
View Profile Poems by Strangeways_Rob
RUNNERS-UP: Zazzles and Jordan



Fire of Insight
United States 5awards
Joined 9th Jan 2020
Forum Posts: 181

Poetry Contest

I'll start a story and you continue it. I'll have two types stories pick one or both. The one with most creative imagination wins. Just write till you feel the ending is good. Good luck to all....
I went around trying not to get caught by the creatures. One of them came out and looked so huge and didnt see me i guess. It was huge thick wide and black like a whale i guess it was but there was a huge croc when i went otherside and saw the deep and saw it huge and immasivily long. When I saw that , that really scared me. I tried being careful as i passed it. Then as i passed that and trying get away wanting cross the water back to the bigger land, i saw this walking creature that i guess resembled a dinosuar but looking like a chicken or duck.

It was dark and went to another place and something else was going on at another facility and I go there and people there too. once I go there there were like bad people and it seemed some had guns and I got like mixed into it somehow. then people looked at me like im bad person.  I didn't kill anyone but I felt I did something bad and felt like an accomplice. I then see them run out and I do too. I was trying to stick with a guy named Leo. he wasn't paying attention to me as I tried running after him and trying catch up to him and all scattered.  I was panicking. I see them and him and I felt trying to escape and saw long type fences and behind that was dead end cause it was all OCEAN!!!!.

Fire of Insight
Wales 11awards
Joined 31st Mar 2020
Forum Posts: 454

Leo waded into the water, until it slapped against his stomach. He suddenly turned, as if his shoulders had been tugged by a puppeteer. He pointed, pulling trigger fingers to invisible guns, and gestured me to look behind. There were banks of people waving like demented windmills in a storm.

“Don’t worry dear,” Leo shouted. “You’ve wandered onto a film set.”

He ushered me through the crowds and chatter. Leo smelt of cheap aftershave and too many affairs. The Director’s beard showed remnants of his lunch. He remonstrated with a girl in a vivid yellow dress and threw me accusing glances. Leo gave me a reassuring stroke of my head.

“Someone get this lady home,” Leo said.

The familiarity of my Apartment was a relief. I ran my hands over the tables, chairs, curtains and carpets. Felt the air conditioner gushing over my body.

I had been drowsy for weeks from the medication. The Doctor had warned me to be careful not to wander too far from home. “The outside world may feel strange,” he had muttered, whilst clandestinely smiling at his receptionist.

It took me nearly thirty minutes to reach the required temperature of the bath water. It had to be just right. A couple of shots of hot and I pulled my limbs into the tub. I lowered my head under water, welcoming the thumping sound of heartbeat in my ears. As kids, we used to pretend to be submarines, wriggling across the squeaky bottom of the bath.

It would soon be twilight. I tried to gulp streams of steam from the kettle. My coffee preference is strong. I stirred the brown mud, slowly at first, then more rapid, as if my hand was spinning out of control. It took me several attempts to swallow my pills in the mud. I slid into bed fully clothed.

I awoke to the rhythm of rain on my window and the gentle meow of next door’s cat. I struggled to reach the lamp. It seemed to leap out of my grasp. I could hear the distant growl of midnight traffic. My eyes adjust to the dark. A wavering shadow looms in the corner. It begins to fill the room with an arched blackness. A door rattles, then another and windows soon join the cacophony.

I press a pillow deep into my face. The lamp crashes to the floor. I desperately reach for Leo, but his side of the bed is empty. I realise now, he will never be coming home again. It’s too late. The doors rattle fatally and then silence.

Tyrant of Words
United States 24awards
Joined 23rd Nov 2013
Forum Posts: 1794

Strangeways_Rob said:Leo waded into the water, until it slapped against his stomach. He suddenly turned, as if his shoulders had been tugged by a puppeteer. He pointed, pulling trigger fingers to invisible guns, and gestured me to look behind. There were banks of people waving like demented windmills in a storm.

“Don’t worry dear,” Leo shouted. “You’ve wandered onto a film set.”

He ushered me through the crowds and chatter. Leo smelt of cheap aftershave and too many affairs. The Director’s beard showed remnants of his lunch. He remonstrated with a girl in a vivid yellow dress and threw me accusing glances. Leo gave me a reassuring stroke of my head.

“Someone get this lady home,” Leo said.

The familiarity of my Apartment was a relief. I ran my hands over the tables, chairs, curtains and carpets. Felt the air conditioner gushing over my body.

I had been drowsy for weeks from the medication. The Doctor had warned me to be careful not to wander too far from home. “The outside world may feel strange,” he had muttered, whilst clandestinely smiling at his receptionist.

It took me nearly thirty minutes to reach the required temperature of the bath water. It had to be just right. A couple of shots of hot and I pulled my limbs into the tub. I lowered my head under water, welcoming the thumping sound of heartbeat in my ears. As kids, we used to pretend to be submarines, wriggling across the squeaky bottom of the bath.

It would soon be twilight. I tried to gulp streams of steam from the kettle. My coffee preference is strong. I stirred the brown mud, slowly at first, then more rapid, as if my hand was spinning out of control. It took me several attempts to swallow my pills in the mud. I slid into bed fully clothed.

I awoke to the rhythm of rain on my window and the gentle meow of next door’s cat. I struggled to reach the lamp. It seemed to leap out of my grasp. I could hear the distant growl of midnight traffic. My eyes adjust to the dark. A wavering shadow looms in the corner. It begins to fill the room with an arched blackness. A door rattles, then another and windows soon join the cacophony.

I press a pillow deep into my face. The lamp crashes to the floor. I desperately reach for Leo, but his side of the bed is empty. I realise now, he will never be coming home again. It’s too late. The doors rattle fatally and then silence.

It was cold i could see my own breath under the moonlight shining through a window in the basement that is now cracked. Sacred to death I ran down here to get away from the darkness!
It smells musty here, prolly from the last flood 2 years ago Halloween night.

Not sure what to do I panic and whip out my wand and wave it around my entire body and apparat outtah there, except,
the spell didn’t work. Sensing my fear it wasn’t long before darkness was pounding on the door to the basement. After a few attempts the door breaks wide open with the force of a cannon!

—Eeek! OMG! my wand falls to the floor rolling away from my reach and

Thought Provoker
United States 13awards
Joined 4th May 2022
Forum Posts: 245

The Real Monsters o' the Deep

All's a sudden I woke with a country twang and straight shot up a-hollerin' in horror, what with each o' my body parts a-drippin' in a perspiration right unpleasant and such.                
Till real slow-like I growed aware I won't actually in a world o' critters unnatural.                
And that I done but woke up from a turrible dream to discover myself safe in my very own rental trailer home.                
Like I was a Hollywood movie star but a-wakin' up from a turrible dream to discover hisself safe in a megahit thriller.                  
And on seein's how in reality I was back home in Pitt County, North Carolina, with nothin' but the other natural critters, I directly gone on back under the covers after checkin' the bed out fer stink bugs.                
Till on close to driftin' off to sleep agin, I right near fainted on a-bein' seized by the image o' Cousin Mary May Beanblossom, who won't but truly the most unnatural critter in the whole entire county itself.                    
And who jus' like every other little Southern miss 'round these here parts done been proudly presented with her very first Pattaburp doll in The Pitt County Labor Institute on the second o' her poppin' out into the world.                      
So's by the time Cousin Mary May near reached fourteen and gone and got herself hitched to Cousin Harry Ray Bloodgood--the freshly turned fifteen-year-old gas-pump attendant at The Pitt County Liquor Establishment--she done had more than plenty 'nough practice at a-pattin' and a-burpin' that there Pattaburp o' hers.                    
And accordinly done learnt everythin' there was to know 'bout rearin' babies.                    
But Cousin Mary May done been strangely foredoomed from the git-start when it came to baby makin', what with her first little one a-sufferin' from a fatal fetal complication, and her second little one a-passin' from a debilitatin' physiological defect.                    
And then her third--if I recalls straight--gone and drowned itself head first at a right tender age in The Pitt County Public Cesspit.                    
And them quintuplet childs o' hers was all o' four and three-quarters when they was each struck dead by leukemia.                    
And that poor baby that done dropped out Cousin Mary May brainless got its skull bashed in when the followin' spring after the floods subsided, every last trailer park from one end o' the county to the other was obliterated by them series o' hurricanes.                      
And none o' us folks cain't never forget the tiny, sweet pee-wee that along with Cousin Harry Ray's ol' run-down stole pickup truck jus' plumb disappeared one mornin' from The Pitt County Piggly Wiggly parkin' lot.                    
Later o' course there been that funny-like juvenile o' Cousin Mary May that straight gone to the electric chair over at The Pitt County Correctional Facility where he done been locked up for a-massacrin' that large mess o' campers from The Pitt County Christian Youngins Ministry.                    
And then that other funny-like juvenile o' hers straight hung hisself on a-tyin' his britches up all together over at The Pitt County Correctional Facility where he done been locked up for molestin' that right unfortunate deaf-blind-mute with the amputated limbs.                    
And then that other funny-like juvenile o' Cousin Harry Ray straight hemorrhaged to death after that there "Fruit of Adultery" got his sexual appendage clean sliced off over at The Pitt County Correctional Center where he done been locked up for a-violatin' all them troops o' brownies.                               
But on account o' Cousin Mary May all the time a-wishin' for a little Pattaburp to play with--why, that unearthly female jus' gone right on a-makin' more o' them ill-fated babies.                    
Till ultimately The Bloodgood Family Plot at The Pitt County Ripe Green Cemetery done spread clear on past the Mason-Dixon line and straight on in to Yankee territory.                    
And my intelligence!  Call me one lowdown dirty unreliable narrator if'n Cousin Mary May ain't but still sticked to fornicatin' even after she long gone menopausal insane and Cousin Harry Ray long died impotent in bed!                      
Written by Jordan (D.O.C.)
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Fire of Insight
United States 5awards
Joined 9th Jan 2020
Forum Posts: 181

Congrats to all it was hard to choose but decided and congrats to strangeways_bob. Thanks for participating good job on story.

Jordan congrats and thank you for participating. Great job as well.

Zazzles thanks for participating. Good job 🤗

Fire of Insight
Wales 11awards
Joined 31st Mar 2020
Forum Posts: 454

Thank you Nancy. Haven't written fiction, which was always my first love, for many years.

Fire of Insight
United States 5awards
Joined 9th Jan 2020
Forum Posts: 181

You welcome I really enjoyed reading it several times. That's great I really think you did creative job. Keep going at it. Now you know you can on fiction. Its fun to write stories when you have the figment in mind.

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