Poetry competition CLOSED 7th February 2022 1:24pm
View Profile Poems by petitelolita
RUNNER-UP: wallyroo92


Creative Genius 2

Thought Provoker
United States 1awards
Joined 30th Sep 2014
Forum Posts: 72

Poetry Contest

I want to feel your passion in your words and I want to feel your pain the imagery of the vivid pictures you paint your masterpieces

Lost Thinker
Slovenia 1awards
Joined 2nd Sep 2019
Forum Posts: 2

Past Midnight Penance

If his lips were fire,
My dainty skin would get charred,
Delicious torture.
Written by petitelolita
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Lost Thinker
Joined 2nd July 2021
Forum Posts: 5

So pretty

My rose has thorns
But the pretty petals are worth the blood
Such beauty is worth a little pain
Pricking every time you touch
And after a while you don't feel it
All you see is gorgeous red
Numb but able to hold it
Holding it till it's dead
So forever I guess
It won't die in my hands
Why would you die
if you had the chance
to be held and to be seen?
Their own blood on your skin
You can't leave me now
No, not after everything
I have sacrificed
After all we've been through
Just think for a moment!
What would I do without you?
You left anyway
So I guess they were right
Roses never last
and mine used to be white
Written by Dragonnora (Nora)
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Tyrant of Words
Canada 43awards
Joined 30th July 2020
Forum Posts: 918

The Devil

The Devil was taking over.
So much pain
Due to my own stupidity.
I wanted to kill.
A gun? A knife?
I chose a pen
And drove the Devil
Written by robert43041 (Viking)
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Trent Sizemore
Lost Thinker
United States
Joined 2nd Feb 2022
Forum Posts: 3

"The Lab Experiment"

Both the lab rat and the scientist,
I'm an experiment of my own,
Trying to find a way, to traverse this maze,
Forever lost in the unknown,
Another mind-altering substance,
Yet another file placed in a drawer,
Fascinated by my own behavior,
And the intentions at its core,
What primal instinct will surface?
In what given situation?
Among a collective so chaotic,
I've found endless information,
They say I can't play games with my sanity...
And yet I feel I'm in control,
And if that should be, a fallacy,
I hope I'm lost before they know.
Written by Poetrys-Not-Dead (Trent Sizemore)
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Trent Sizemore
Lost Thinker
United States
Joined 2nd Feb 2022
Forum Posts: 3

"Around For Me"

To the one who plays a role,
Dearest to my imperfect soul,
Your mystical energy,
Will always make me feel at home,
And if you're there again,
When those darker times set in,
Know your company, will be comforting,
As it's always been.
For you have been a help to me,
So effortlessly,
When my thoughts felt so overwhelming,
That I couldn't even breathe,
But your smile will clear my hindered sight,
Much like midnight candlelight,
On one of those raw and cloudy nights,
Where every planet's held out of line,
Your words still hold security, tranquility, and alchemy,
And at the least, I feel at peace,
Seeing that you're still around for me.

Written by Poetrys-Not-Dead (Trent Sizemore)
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Lost Thinker
United States 2awards
Joined 25th May 2020
Forum Posts: 28

Tommy Cobain

It's hard to explain.
What's wrong with my brain?
Even my loved ones have called me insane.
I feel like I'm numb, I'm seeking some pain.
I just bought a gun, I'm Tommy Cobain.
I'm already dead, I'm dying again.
Admire the beauty — my lifeless remains.
I'm going to hell, but I cannot complain.
'Cause hell may be hot, but at least there's no rain.
I'm cutting my losses, I'm dying in vain.
Awaited some changes, but all was the same.
I'm broke in the heart, and it's looking for change.
I envy the joy that I cannot attain.
Written by tomgoonery (Tommy.)
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Astral Gift
Thought Provoker
Greece 5awards
Joined 8th June 2015
Forum Posts: 276

I gAve you mY sOul  !!

What is that that I'm feeling right now
Is it pain of my ego being hurt?
My mind wants you out of it but how
Which words did you fake and which were meant?
My inside is as blackish as my night
My motives were brutally disarmed
And I dwell in a violent lovebite
from my love and my hope for ever banned
How can I allow this in my life?
Being tortured from myself and call it fate
Where is my eternal spark of light
Is there anything in this plane that isn't fake?
I will die and my rebirth is this arrow
I will keep it on my skin like a souvenir  
it has poisoned my blood within a narrow
that goes straight from the heart to the atmosphere
While polluting the fucking air with nuclear waste
of emotions and charged feelings drained to death
All I see is a button saying 'erase'
as I struggle to restrain my fucking breathe
Written by personanongrata (Astral Gift)
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Tyrant of Words
United States 154awards
Joined 11th July 2012
Forum Posts: 1878

A Million Quills

When my heart broke I felt a deep seeded need to bleed
So my veins supplied the ink to write a verse
Through a million quills I dropped notions onto the page
With all the rage my soul could roar saying, this hurts

But it wasn’t enough, I wanted to dye and delve even further
Deeper into the colors of emotion and the far unknown
To paint the pain with texts and flames to somehow explain
Why I was torn at the core when I could feel it in my bones

So I travelled through what must’ve been a thousand years
Explored worlds and realms that would show me how to grow
I swam in rivers and streams of a new subconciousness
That eventually would teach me how to open up and flow

And my blood spilled a flood of words that broke me, damned
Poems poured and penned without the intention to send
Composed to a host of ghosts that haunted me in dreams
Revealing that my ache will become a memory like an old friend
Written by wallyroo92
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DU Webmistress
Mistress of the Underground

The winner of this competition and any runners up were decided by public vote.

Thank you to the following members for voting:

TIG, AspergerPoet56, ReggiePoet, lepperochan, rubyredheart, Honoria, Phantom2426, MadameLavender, PoetsRevenge, Marks, nutbuster, da_poetic-edifier, Northern_Soul, Tallen, Valeriyabeyond, LunaGreyhawk

Tyrant of Words
United States 154awards
Joined 11th July 2012
Forum Posts: 1878

Congrats to petitelolita on the win. Thank you for everyone who voted and giving me the runner up honors. Thanks also to our host.
Hope everyone is well.

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