Another DUP troll aka insecure cunt
Forum Posts: 202
Dangerous Mind
Joined 21st Oct 2014
Forum Posts: 202

Wow. Another obsessive insecure psycho bitch that obviously feels threatened by my energy !
Gosh. One really has to wonder what kind of person makes up this brand of BS as if it’s truth.
Noting, the author knows nothing about me to make up such lies but she references a he, having a child, so it’s apparent that some stupid immature little girl feels threatened by my presence, once again. LOL
What a fucking joke ! Another stupid hoe obsessed with a man on a poetry website, who feels threatened by another woman, on a poetry website.
Clearly, there are a number of psycho insecure sluts who feel threatened by other women on this site.
A green view is definitely an insecure little hoe who’s entertaining herself with the green eyed monster !
Honestly, jealousy is such an ugly trait.
What kind of man would want a dumb bitch who authors this kind of BS ?!
It’s all sunshine & flowers until some bitch shows her true colours and that’s what separates the women from the little insecure girls.
Hmm. Keep watering that garden of yours with your pissy childish tantrums, you insecure little hoe !
You’re far from classy, more like a trashy insecure little girl that feels threatened by a woman that makes you feel a smidgen jealous over a man that you feel you own, like some kind of toy ! LOL
It astounds me how DUP admin think that this kind of behaviour is acceptable !
Joined 1st Apr 2011
Forum Posts: 14621
Guardian of Shadows

Forum Posts: 14621
Lady, that was posted 24 days ago, and hidden as soon as we came across it. the member was banned for 7 days because of it. if it happens again it'll be more harsh
this has been dealt with. don't be using the forums in this way
this has been dealt with. don't be using the forums in this way