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Joined 11th Apr 2015
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Tyrant of Words

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Joined 11th Apr 2015
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Tyrant of Words

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Infusing with the late, great, Alan Watts this morning.
The Real You
On the Secret
Joined 11th Apr 2015
Forum Posts: 17539
Tyrant of Words

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Let's see what Keepers of the Light by Kyle Gray has to say today: pick a card ( publicly or privately ) and I'll post the messages here later.

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Joined 11th Apr 2015
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Tyrant of Words

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I feel your pain! Whenever I can't pick a card it typically means that two or more have a message for me in combination with each other. We'll read both and get a general message, see if there is a pattern between 1 & 2.
No 1: MERCURY Open Communication
Get a weight off your chest. Speak up with love, and be heard.
Mercury is the Roman God of messages and communication. In Greek mythology he is known as Hermes. He has often been depicted with wings on his feet, representing his capacity to be swift, and carrying a caduceus, the same healing wand that Archangel Raphael is known to carry. As well as overseeing communication, he oversees the planet Mercury. When it appears to be in retrograde, communication can be delayed or appear difficult. This is the time to call on Mercury for help with loving, honest, and open conversations, divination and any form of expressive art such as writing, poetry and journalism. He can also help us heal miscommunications that have caused distress.
A Universal and extended message would be to open all levels of communication now, important messages, information and insights are being shared. You may hear from an old friend or family member, or have an opportunity to finally understand a loved one you've not had an easy time with. You may be able to clarify situations where you feel you weren't heard properly or were misunderstood. Get things off your chest in a loving way, so that you can clear all the roads to love in your life. Listen too - communication is a two-way street. Mercury is here now to allow you to hear clearly and be heard.
Crystal: Moss Agate Star
Throughout history and all cultures, Moss Agate has been known as the crystal of gardeners and agriculture. It was considered a miraculous healing stone for tribal priests of the past, giving them power to interact with our human organic system, and was used as a talisman to make warriors strong and victorious.
Metaphysically, Agate has a lower intensity and vibrates to a slower frequency than other stones, but is highly regarded as a stabilizing and strengthening influence. Agate is excellent for balancing emotional, physical and intellectual energy, and in harmonizing Yin and Yang, the positive and negative forces of the universe.

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Joined 11th Apr 2015
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Tyrant of Words

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No 2. MOTHER MARY, Love and Peace
Let go of the need to be right. Choose peace. Mother healing is possible at this time.
Mary, the mother of Jesus, is one of the best-loved saints, masters and guides of the world. Although she has had a huge part to play in the Catholic faith, she can bring faith, peace, and love to anyone who calls on her. She is the Saint of the people. She works directly with the angels of peace to bring healing to the world, particularly where there is conflict, and is dedicated to supporting children and mothers. She is the spiritual embodiment of unconditional love and acceptance.
An extended message could mean it's time to let go of conflict or the need to be right. The more you fight for the point you want to prove, the unhappier you will be. Pointing out the mistakes or mishaps of others just blocks the road to love in your own life. Mary, the divine mother of acceptance, is with you now, encouraging you to forgive. Forgiveness is not about letting anyone get away with their bad choices, but about choosing to create your own happiness. Mother Mary also brings healing to you and your mother. If you miss her, are out of contact with her or have an old trauma that needs healing, know that Mary's miraculous light is here now to wash away the darkness.
I am also strongly picking up that something which has hurt you in the past will soon be alleviated due to your faith and belief in love.
Crystal: Citrine Druzy Tower
Citrine is known as the Light Maker & Vitamin C for the soul, as they emanate positivity and joy. By connecting with Citrine, you can harness the energy of light and the energy of the sun embodied within this stone, which acts as a source of positive energy in all aspects of your life. From your attitude and outlook to your projects and pursuits, the Citrine crystal healing properties are perfectly suited to raise your vibration and help you embrace positivity and optimism as you move through life.
Druzy crystals are excellent crystals for spiritual workshops, group meditations, and any other form of joint spiritual work. Druzy Crystal will boost your imagination and creativity and induce relaxation while helping reduce emotional issues.
They're especially helpful in awakening positive self-love because love is the most effective and best universal healer! It will purify and amplify your body’s natural healing properties. It will also strengthen your spirit.

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Joined 11th Apr 2015
Forum Posts: 17539
Tyrant of Words

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Anonymous said:<< post removed >>
Well there you go!
I picked up something from the past from Mother Mary as well. Not sure what it was conclusively, but appeared to be something hurtful inflicted.
There's something very powerful coming down the pipes of the Universe; I've been getting high frequency downloads as of late, particularly the last week or so.
Well there you go!
I picked up something from the past from Mother Mary as well. Not sure what it was conclusively, but appeared to be something hurtful inflicted.
There's something very powerful coming down the pipes of the Universe; I've been getting high frequency downloads as of late, particularly the last week or so.

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