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Is the World Safe for Conversation Anymore?

Dangerous Mind
New Zealand 13awards
Joined 1st Nov 2010
Forum Posts: 1749

“Money is backed by assets”

There is nothing behind the US dollar, and there hasn’t been since august 15 1971, when it was removed from the gold standard and became a fiat currency.

All money is a social construct.

Did you think someone is stacking up gold to guarantee all the trillions the Fed is printing right now? Hell no they ain’t. They issue bonds....which are themselves just bits of paper (not even that these days). Bonds are an interest-bearing IOU, so every dollar printed (written in to a bank ledger really) is a debt.

So, it’s even worse than you thought. Not only are dollars not backed by anything, each one actually represents a debt burden on the economy, and devalues every dollar printed previously.

That’s why the US dollar exchange rate is in the toilet....money machine go brrrr, and it works only as long as everyone agrees that the paper still has value.

The us needs to print low value money to stimulate their economy, but because their politics is corrupt the money has gone in to holding up asset prices instead of stimulating production (which they could have done by giving it to actual people instead of investment banks). This also causes the dollar to devalue relative to other currencies, but usually the money you are printing stimulates the economy as fast or faster than inflation. What the US has done has brought inflation, but no increase in production. This means the us soon can’t service its debt...and the whole thing falls down like a house of cards.

The next step for the us is to interfere directly in bond yields and currency value.

That is a very bad thing, and will lead (or has a very high chance of leading) to the end of the US dollar as a global currency, which will drive up interest rates even further, crippling the us economy under the weight of its own debt repayments on all those bonds they issued. Get ready for at least 10 very hard years in the US.....there is no free ride in modern economic theory.

(Very good primer on how the US debt cycle works here. Hint; you’re fucked.


See also the pound sterling and Dutch gilder collapses. This is nothing new.

Rist Jizzmann
Tyrant of Words
United Kingdom 38awards
Joined 14th Apr 2018
Forum Posts: 252

Well said, Hemi.

Dangerous Mind
Joined 24th Mar 2013
Forum Posts: 3367

thanks hemi you’re a smart one. regardless of which she didn’t just say that race doesn’t have objective value by comparing it to this imaginary gold standard.

oh wait that’s exactly what you said isn’t it ed

don’t take away the power of someone’s race by pretending it doesn’t matter.

don’t try and say that all non black minorities are now just classed as white as if that’s something that has actually been said or that i subscribe to.

don’t speak on shit you have no evidence for.

how about just don’t

Tyrant of Words
Joined 7th Jan 2018
Forum Posts: 3004

anna_grin said:you're just telling on your own self at this point.

Your telling on yourself at this point. You expect me to do your work. I don’t have to.

It’s pretty racist to say if they were taken advantage of it’s their racial shame.

i've been kind enough to explain why you're being racist.

You are clowning around now. 🤡

you cant bring yourself to prove that i'm wrong about one single thing. who stole the black vote? and how? it should be a simple answer if there is one.

You are being really small-minded.

and your nitpicking between race and whiteness as social constructs doesn't change your despicable behaviour.

You are living in a world of changing fundamentals. Clown around all you want.


Tyrant of Words
Joined 7th Jan 2018
Forum Posts: 3004

From the Power of Your Hand, Printing Slavery

A slave to your virtue
...prey to your vices

Your hand is a press
pen in your hand

signing your bonds
backed by fear

...and the promise
of all your love

while blindfolded
to your printing press

your commitment
mocked as though
thin air made it

and yet even
our own nation
holds in declaration

Only the people
shall make our money

for only we hold this power
with our pen in our hands
Written by EdibleWords
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hemihead said:“Money is backed by assets”

There is nothing behind the US dollar, and there hasn’t been since august 15 1971, when it was removed from the gold standard and became a fiat currency.

Fiat doesn’t mean fake. It means “by decree” gold is fixed, too.

The dollar is backed by US bonds in America.

That means it’s backed by all our taxable assets.

All money is a social construct.

Your hand is a printing press. You are the source of money. Clown around and call yourself thin air, why don’tcha?

Did you think someone is stacking up gold to guarantee all the trillions the Fed is printing right now? Hell no they ain’t.

Well, you got 1 thing right.

They issue bonds....which are themselves just bits of paper (not even that these days). Bonds are an interest-bearing IOU, so every dollar printed (written in to a bank ledger really) is a debt.

Bonds are valuable. Their value is fixed by the real assets backing them. Taxes, property, etc.

So, it’s even worse than you thought. Not only are dollars not backed by anything, each one actually represents a debt burden on the economy, and devalues every dollar printed previously.

No, every dollar is backed by the bond. You can’t have it both ways. Either bonds are valuable or they are not. You can hold them and buy stuff with them.

That’s why the US dollar exchange rate is in the toilet....money machine go brrrr, and it works only as long as everyone agrees that the paper still has value.

Oh, God. You listen to Max Keizer, don’t you!?

(Ok, so do I ...)

But hbar is better than Bitcoin. Just you wait and see! It’s transaction fuel at light speed.

Not gonna use my time to respond to the rest. You need time to rethink.

Dangerous Mind
Joined 24th Mar 2013
Forum Posts: 3367

have you no fucking concept of nuance? white is a race. black is a race. within each there are different ethnicities. there are also races neither black nor white like Asian which also have within them distinct ethnicities.

to deny whiteness is to deny blackness and all other races.

you are the one who claims the black vote was stolen. that carries with it the subtext that black voters were somehow fooled and therefore it is you being racist. i am simply calling it out.

someone told me that would fucking help. is it helping lep?

yes, i expect you to do the fucking work. you are the one making the claim. that’s how shit works.

Dangerous Mind
Joined 24th Mar 2013
Forum Posts: 3367

you cannot make me watch Tom Mac Donald as if that proves a fucking point

Dangerous Mind
Joined 24th Mar 2013
Forum Posts: 3367

anna_grin said:let’s remind ourselves that this argument started with you defending the derogatory usage of the phrase “jive talk” and claiming that racism and rape are comparable. now, racism and sexual harassment sure. hate crimes, police killings and rape sure. comparisons could be made. but racism as a whole and rape are two vastly different things and it’s disgusting to try and excuse your behaviour by implying that because it’s not equivalent to rape, it can’t be racist

once again for emphasis. this is not an isolated incident, it’s a pattern of behaviour.

your character doesn’t need to be assassinated. it can barely fucking stand up

Tyrant of Words
Joined 7th Jan 2018
Forum Posts: 3004

anna_grin said:have you no fucking concept of nuance? white is a race.

No, Homosapien-Saipan is a race.

White is albino, bleached skin, or not enough sun. Or temporary epigenetic sensitivity.

black is a race.

Just one drop makes you black, but spoiler! We are all descended from the same parents.

Honor thy black ancestors, which gave you first life. For your children’s children will be exactly as they are. In body and Spirit.

within each there are different ethnicities. there are also races neither black nor white like Asian which also have within them distinct ethnicities.

Get updated! They changed the rules over in AmerWoka.

to deny whiteness is to deny blackness and all other races.

Nope. Whiteness is culture-erasure. It’s unpersoning. It’s stripping you of your birthright and your family. Your Tribe.

It’s an ugly verbal weapon.

I’d rather be called the “N” word.

you are the one who claims the black vote was stolen. that carries with it the subtext that black voters were somehow fooled and therefore it is you being racist. i am simply calling it out.

Obviously it’s not just them that were fooled, as you are a perfect example of what I mean.

someone told me that would fucking help. is it helping lep?

yes, i expect you to do the fucking work. you are the one making the claim. that’s how shit works.

No, you are the one denying the direct eye-witnesses.

Tyrant of Words
Joined 7th Jan 2018
Forum Posts: 3004

anna_grin said:

once again for emphasis. this is not an isolated incident, it’s a pattern of behaviour.

your character doesn’t need to be assassinated. it can barely fucking stand up

And here I thought you were mad I when asked if I understood you and Ricky were both single.


Dangerous Mind
Joined 24th Mar 2013
Forum Posts: 3367

it is not honouring your ancestors to lay claim to a struggle you had no experience of, which is what you do when you insist you are black.

it is not cultural erasure to identify as white. you have white heritage. it could be Scottish, irish, Norwegian- do one of those dna kits if you want to connect more with your culture outside of being American. or look up your family tree. that’s something a lot of black people in America can’t do

and that is actual cultural erasure.

you are truly pathetic.

should we all call ourselves amoebas? how far back do you want to go with this bullshit?

as to the voting malarkey provide me some fucking proof to deny and then we can talk. or do you already know your sources won’t stand up to scrutiny? yes, you do. which is why you are less delusional than you are deliberately disingenuous.

Dangerous Mind
Joined 24th Mar 2013
Forum Posts: 3367

you will never be called the n word no matter how hard you try. by the way

Dangerous Mind
Joined 24th Mar 2013
Forum Posts: 3367

anna_grin said:let’s remind ourselves that this argument started with you defending the derogatory usage of the phrase “jive talk” and claiming that racism and rape are comparable. now, racism and sexual harassment sure. hate crimes, police killings and rape sure. comparisons could be made. but racism as a whole and rape are two vastly different things and it’s disgusting to try and excuse your behaviour by implying that because it’s not equivalent to rape, it can’t be racist

just to honour the origins of this spat. do you want to apologise yet for any of this? not to me. to the black community

Tyrant of Words
Joined 7th Jan 2018
Forum Posts: 3004

anna_grin said:it is not honouring your ancestors to lay claim to a struggle you had no experience of, which is what you do when you insist you are black.

Most black people are as far removed from what you describe as I. Many of them were born of slave owners, or intermarried with “white” people as well.

it is not cultural erasure to identify as white. you have white heritage. it could be Scottish, irish, Norwegian- do one of those dna kits if you want to connect more with your culture outside of being American.

Debating genealogy is vain. Genealogy is not culture.

But beyond that, all those you describe originally came from Saipan.

or look up your family tree. that’s something a lot of black people in America can’t do

A lot of black people in America came from other countries in the past 100 years. So they skipped the whole emancipation thing, as well as many “white” people from Europe who never had ancestry that owned slaves.

European peasant classes have existed in the many millions. Their oppression was real, severe, and now nearly erased.

and that is actual cultural erasure.

They would use the same genetic test I could.

you are truly pathetic.

That’s not even classy enough to call trolling. It’s just pathetic how you try to tear me down.

should we all call ourselves amoebas? how far back do you want to go with this bullshit?

OMG. Read that back to yourself! 🥴

You just insulted an entire amazing HUMAN culture while divorcing yourself from them as more advanced. They were no “amoebas.”

as to the voting malarkey provide me some fucking proof to deny and then we can talk. or do you already know your sources won’t stand up to scrutiny? yes, you do. which is why you are less delusional than you are deliberately disingenuous.

Do you believe all victims or only the radicals in your fruity little club?

Tyrant of Words
Joined 7th Jan 2018
Forum Posts: 3004

anna_grin said:

just to honour the origins of this spat. do you want to apologise yet for any of this? not to me. to the black community

Is rape a crime of hate? Do you think a black woman today feels more shattered by rape (legal definition) or the broader weak association of racism as you give it, with ignorance, wrong understanding, or what other acts of blind non-malice?

How do you think a black slave from back-when who worked to emancipate her peers would react to your definition? Insulted, maybe?

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