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Is the World Safe for Conversation Anymore?

Dangerous Mind
United States 25awards
Joined 31st Dec 2015
Forum Posts: 941

EdibleWords said:

Just stating it is just opinion. Why would I believe it without evidence? I’ve seen Biden sniffing kids and women. I’ve never seen what you described.

As to your claims about other presidents, do you feel safe detailing their transgressions, or are you just up for opining?

He admitted on tape that he grabs women "by the pussy." Y'all seem to like forgetting that. That was literally an admission of sexual assault by Donald J Trump.

Slowed-down video of Joe Biden edited to make it seem like he was "sniffing" people's hair is not remotely the same thing, and frankly, you are smart enough to know that.

Tyrant of Words
Joined 7th Jan 2018
Forum Posts: 3004

SatInUGal said:

He admitted on tape that he grabs women "by the pussy." Y'all seem to like forgetting that. That was literally an admission of sexual assault by Donald J Trump.

Slowed-down video of Joe Biden edited to make it seem like he was "sniffing" people's hair is not remotely the same thing, and frankly, you are smart enough to know that.

Are you kidding? There’s multiple instances of actual hair sniffing, etc.

And you are telling me Trump’s words are not being taken out of context? There’s a line there,and it’s not a fine one. I’m 100% against assault, period.

Dangerous Mind
United States 25awards
Joined 31st Dec 2015
Forum Posts: 941

Full context of Trump quote here:


You're telling me this was taken out of context:

Trump: "Yeah that's her with the gold. I better use some Tic Tacs just in case I start kissing her. You know I'm automatically attracted to beautiful... I just start kissing them. It's like a magnet. Just kiss. I don't even wait. And when you're a star they let you do it. You can do anything."

Bush: "Whatever you want."

Trump: "Grab them by the pussy. You can do anything."

And you are telling me that the above is less of a big deal in a leader than allegations of hair-sniffing based on doctored video.

If you are "100% against assault, period," then there are so many reasons Trump should be your least favorite president ever.

This is why I feel that your words are not edible at all.

Tyrant of Words
United States 124awards
Joined 11th Apr 2015
Forum Posts: 17504

EdibleWords said:

Oh, hi.

You seem pretty comfortable talking. Most liberals are.

You are seeking nothing but a stepping stone to elevate yourself above the crowd, Jess. Let me remind you that you have 13 active political forum threads to my two. Well, actually, one, as the other is a historical account.

The moment one of your threads is ignored or de-prioritized, you create another for supply. This doesn't even include your invasions and deliberate guideline violations of other member's threads. . . under the guise of ignorance while feigning motherhood duties when backed into a corner.

Who likes to talk?

However, the claims you depict seem spurious to me. For one, I saw Trump win the popular vote and more counties than Biden, before the tampering kicked in.

And when I say tampering, I mean ballots unlawfully counted and recounted in buildings without poll watchers - that supposedly were closed. Among other things.

For the last and final time, over 60 court cases, many presided over by Trump appointed judges, dismissed case after case after case of voting fraud due to lack of evidence. So what you're actually claiming is that all the republican judges who dismissed the cases are corrupt. And if they are, then that leads us back to who appointed them, doesn't it?

Hey! You should feel like a very proud Trumpette that your man gets to check off all three things that no other president has ever done!

Impeached ( x's 2 ) ✔
Failed to win the popular vote ✔
Failed to get re-elected ✔

You should be partying! Celebration time! Whoo hoo!

Tyrant of Words
Joined 7th Jan 2018
Forum Posts: 3004

Ahavati said: You are seeking nothing but a stepping stone to elevate yourself above the crowd, Jess.

Actually, you are ignoring the OP context. Is this a witch-hunt to you?

Many liberals seem very comfortable discussing politics without fear. It’s an obvious privilege. One that’s swinging like a club, these days. Not the cool liberal activist style of previous decades.

Let me remind you that you have 13 active political forum threads to my two. Well, actually, one, as the other is a historical account.

I’m a poetic activist. I say so in my “about me” info.

The moment one of your threads is ignored or de-prioritized, you create another for supply.

Is that how you see it? I see it that they are separate topics of interest. I’ve seen nothing to say that this forum culture has a problem with what is common practice elsewhere.

This doesn't even include your invasions and deliberate guideline violations of other member's threads. . .

Attacking me isn’t a good look or needful. Seriously, take your own advice and contribute to the topic (the great conversation and the safety or lack of it) or just move on.

under the guise of ignorance while feigning motherhood duties when backed into a corner.

Your eager assumptions notwithstanding reality is a different truth. I don’t want to get tangled is no admission. I can bow out without satisfying your schadenfreude.

Who likes to talk?

That’s the topic of this thread, so good job being on topic. I do, even outside my comfort zone. Keeps my brain active.

For the last and final time, over 60 court cases, many presided over by Trump appointed judges, dismissed case after case after case of voting fraud due to lack of evidence.

No, that’s not why they were dismissed (procedure based) and there are still active cases moving along.

So what you're actually claiming is that all the republican judges who dismissed the cases are corrupt.

No, I’m not. Trump had bad lawyers. Giuliani is a lemon - I don’t know why. Senility/drinking bad assistants, it was all there.

Hey! You should feel like a very proud Trumpette

I’m for honest elections. Period. I don’t support Trump like you think I do. I have had reservations and disagreed with numerous issues. Never even gave him my vote.

that your man gets to check off all three things that no other president has ever done!

Biden won with the least number of counties.

Impeached ( x's 2 ) ✔
Failed to win the popular vote ✔
Faile to get re-elected ✔

You should be partying!

There were millions more votes than registered voters. Where’d the extra votes come from? Do the math.

Wouldn’t you rather black counties not have their county votes stolen by corrupt election officials like Ruby Freeman?

Dangerous Mind
Joined 24th Mar 2013
Forum Posts: 3367

ahhh she got u a she got u!! lmao im tired of being serious and i just can't take this read: you, edible seriously any more or i'll fuckin top meself

Tyrant of Words
United States 124awards
Joined 11th Apr 2015
Forum Posts: 17504

anna_grin said:ahhh she got u a she got u!! lmao im tired of being serious and i just can't take this seriously any more or i'll fuckin top meself


Dangerous Mind
Joined 24th Mar 2013
Forum Posts: 3367

that made me laugh a lot and i needed that :D

Dangerous Mind
United States 8awards
Joined 30th July 2017
Forum Posts: 909

Biden this ...Trump that..... whine, bitch, complain. ...he said this....the other said that...

Honestly, people...are you telling me you actually listen to what politicians SAY????

Holy f**kin shit balls. It ONLY matters what they DO!!!

Thank God almighty, I am not a Neo Con or a bitch on the Democratic plantation.

I think for myself and look at the big picture. The entire WORLD knows what happened for the last 4 years. We had respect again, peace treaties, no new wars, troop removals, lowest unemployment ever, highest employment ever, over 400% increase in minority small business, pedophile rings reduced, deportation reduced.....

Now....Coward neo-con Republicans and Jim Crow Democrats are back in control.

The world now sees us as weak, squabbling, politically fraud laden, tech oligarch controlled, soon to once again be warmongering, spoiled, shit talking, free speech censoring, jive turkeys.

What a waste of supply and potential. History will note the decline of the American experiment from this point on. Why immigrate here now? The dream is dead. The dollar will be destroyed by leftist and sucker ass republicans in power will sit and just let it happen.

Nothing but a blues song now,...

Tyrant of Words
Joined 7th Jan 2018
Forum Posts: 3004

runaway-mindtrain said:Biden this ...Trump that..... whine, bitch, complain. ...he said this....the other said that...

Honestly, people...are you telling me you actually listen to what politicians SAY????

Holy f**kin shit balls. It ONLY matters what they DO!!!

Thank God almighty, I am not a Neo Con or a bitch on the Democratic plantation.

I think for myself and look at the big picture. The entire WORLD knows what happened for the last 4 years. We had respect again, peace treaties, no new wars, troop removals, lowest unemployment ever, highest employment ever, over 400% increase in minority small business, pedophile rings reduced, deportation reduced.....

Now....Coward neo-con Republicans and Jim Crow Democrats are back in control.

The world now sees us as weak, squabbling, politically fraud laden, tech oligarch controlled, soon to once again be warmongering, spoiled, shit talking, free speech censoring, jive turkeys.

What a waste of supply and potential. History will note the decline of the American experiment from this point on. Why immigrate here now? The dream is dead. The dollar will be destroyed by leftist and sucker ass republicans in power will sit and just let it happen.

Nothing but a blues song now,...

I hope you are wrong. When we are weak, then we are strong. So says the Holy Bible.


You have to read this, friend. It’s not going to be for everyone, but it’s the former CEO of Overstock. A book with the backstage pass to this disaster we know as the Trump Administration.

No matter how badly it went it - was far better than what Hillary’s team had planned for those same 4 years.

Dangerous Mind
United States 8awards
Joined 30th July 2017
Forum Posts: 909

You shall know them by their fruits as the Christ said. Hillary was supposed to win. We were supposed to continue down the UN controlled, sovereignty suppressing, individual denying, globalist US constitutional trumping road of tyranny. We are back on track for internationalist domination. 42 executive orders and counting..... Read "The day the dollar dies"- by Willard Cantelon

Tyrant of Words
Palestine 20awards
Joined 14th June 2017
Forum Posts: 5405

what's the point of debate when at least one  of the two parties/groups of adults come to the occasion with not an inch space to accept what's being presented beyond doubt.

Do not pretend you're debating when in reality you are fully committed to not accept anything that the other side is bringing to the 'discussion'.

Debating I say automatically stops when one party  attacks the person and not their views. Ego feeding and keyboard warring is all what it achieves. The so called silent majority may be silent but certainly ain't blind.
Those who are open to what's fair and true are seen by all. Those that are never going to accept whatever, however undeniable the truth, the other party is presenting are seen for what they're doing.
Emotional responses do not help when it comes to fairness. Yes it is safe to converse. Safe if you're  dealing with it in the spirit of fairness towards ALL.

Thought Provoker
Australia 3awards
Joined 28th Jan 2016
Forum Posts: 256

runaway-mindtrain said:

Thank God almighty, I am not a Neo Con or a bitch on the Democratic plantation.

I think for myself and look at the big picture. The entire WORLD knows what happened for the last 4 years. We had respect again, peace treaties, no new wars, troop removals, lowest unemployment ever, highest employment ever, over 400% increase in minority small business, pedophile rings reduced, deportation reduced.....

Now....Coward neo-con Republicans and Jim Crow Democrats are back in control.

The world now sees us as weak, squabbling, politically fraud laden, tech oligarch controlled, soon to once again be warmongering, spoiled, shit talking, free speech censoring, jive turkeys.

What a waste of supply and potential. History will note the decline of the American experiment from this point on. Why immigrate here now? The dream is dead. The dollar will be destroyed by leftist and sucker ass republicans in power will sit and just let it happen.

Nothing but a blues song now,...

Are you speaking on behalf of the world now? What countries are you including?

Just curious: are you including where I live? (Australia). Have you ever visited us to know what we think?

Or perhaps this was just dramatic hyperbole and what you really meant was just your own opinion. I’m really curious too know, which is it?

Thought Provoker
Australia 3awards
Joined 28th Jan 2016
Forum Posts: 256

EdibleWords said:

No, I’m not. Trump had bad lawyers. Giuliani is a lemon - I don’t know why. Senility/drinking bad assistants, it was all there.

Why are you lying?

Trump only picks the BEST people, he said so himself.

I did not expect that you of all people would secretly be a Trump hater.

Dangerous Mind
United States 8awards
Joined 30th July 2017
Forum Posts: 909

Noble_Incubus said:

Are you speaking on behalf of the world now? What countries are you including?

Just curious: are you including where I live? (Australia). Have you ever visited us to know what we think?

Or perhaps this was just dramatic hyperbole and what you really meant was just your own opinion. I’m really curious too know, which is it?

I speak my opinions only for my homeland the U.S. I have no authority to speak for any other country. I am well versed in American history and current goodness and fuckery that happens in the U S. But it would be very arrogant to think I know about anywhere else. I have traveled to many countries but I have only lived here. I wish only the best for Australia.

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