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how are my poems

poet Anonymous

I’m just messing with ya lol.
Have a good day/evening :)

poet Anonymous

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poet Anonymous

Actually, if I’m to be right, we’re both doing it wrong.

Should have left a space before the comma.
Blackwolf teachings of it being the proper way to write English.

Dangerous Mind
Joined 3rd May 2020
Forum Posts: 2668

Ricky-sJournals said:I don’t know I could be seeing something that isn’t there.

People who have something decent to say, would stick to one account. You said you didn’t have anything decent to say, which is what I meant about people having several accounts. Get it?

I have two accounts Ricky
Soara, and this one
Soara has a different style she likes vampires, erotica and pornography

poet Anonymous

You’re cool, honestly.
In my quest to get at some, the wrong people will take offence.

Dangerous Mind
Joined 3rd May 2020
Forum Posts: 2668

Ricky-sJournals said:Too much porn turns your brain to mush. Very uncreative people.

Too much for some is not enough for others
A writer who  writes porn as their only genre does not a pervert make .
To write erotica that is considered by most to be so-so writing to get all the likes reveals something about the writers state of mind
Insecurity or a grandiose vision of themselves

A writer who excels at the art of erotica and writes within that genre only shows that they may have a sense of what they are doing and are able to profit off their talent

People are people they will always love, hate,, smoke, drink, eat and screw, thats how to feed the people if thats what you're into

Dangerous Mind
Joined 3rd May 2020
Forum Posts: 2668

Ricky-sJournals said:You’re cool, honestly.
In my quest to get at some, the wrong people will take offence.

Thank you Ricky
I am fond of you also
I enjoy your work

poet Anonymous

Thank you.
I’ve messed stuff up again, though lol.
I was supposed to have stayed away from politics and only post when I had something real decent, but have gone on a weird one again and is chasing around and arguing with people who aren’t writing anything.

Gonna leave this thread alone now anyways.

Dangerous Mind
Joined 3rd May 2020
Forum Posts: 2668

My apologies to the host of this thread
I am on my way to read your work be back soon
Much Love V

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