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Freedom of Speech and Censorship Part 2

Tyrant of Words
United States 124awards
Joined 11th Apr 2015
Forum Posts: 17490

runaway-mindtrain said:At least he is not a supporter of the Jim Crow slave party democrats... That has accomplished only terror and lies every since we took away their slaves. Now currently murdering, looting and assaulting people and property all over this country like the nazi/commies they are. Shootings of 6 children this weekend in the democrat chaos known as regressive cities...AND what compassion for peace? what calls for the end of violence? what announcement of a plan to do a fucking thing? Nothing...I mean Nothing but silence except to blame everyone else for their crime-ridden liberal soon to be wastelands and whine ad nauseam of how everything is Trump's fault. I hate to relate facts but despite Marxist lies and de-platforming of information, people of all colors are seeing through the liberal propaganda...Especially the black community. The DNC is in its death throes and like all dying systems, the grand 'ol slave master party is grasping at air.

Firstly, Trump and big oil were responsible for the Dakota pipeline gaining access to the tribe's land. Thusly, the court sided with the tribe over Trump. These are facts whether you like them or not. Thus, 'Take that Trump' was totally appropriate ensuing the court's ruling.

Secondly, what a small individual who feels he must continually debase, in grand sweeping generalizations, a party of individuals in order to elevate himself and his beliefs.  

Tyrant of Words
Joined 7th Jan 2018
Forum Posts: 3004

Ahavati said:
Thus, 'Take that Trump' was totally appropriate ensuing the court's ruling.

Just like with the proles of life, Donny makes mistakes. I’m glad he lost if it was for a good cause.

Up until I read about the plight of the Freedmen I would have assumed the Tribes would side with the great Spirit.

Clearly, they should lose in court on a few things.

Secondly, what a small individual who feels he must continually debase, in grand sweeping generalizations, a party of individuals in order to elevate himself and his beliefs.  

That’s such a great point! Some liberal/left people are really legit awesome.
I’m sure I can think of a few... yup. More than a few... not gonna count out loud...

poet Anonymous

Ahavati said:

Firstly, Trump and big oil were responsible for the Dakota pipeline gaining access to the tribe's land. Thusly, the court sided with the tribe over Trump. These are facts whether you like them or not. Thus, 'Take that Trump' was totally appropriate ensuing the court's ruling.

Secondly, what a small individual who feels he must continually debase, in grand sweeping generalizations, a party of individuals in order to elevate himself and his beliefs.  

Highlighted and underscored for added emphasis in a thread concerned with among other things, racism.

Tyrant of Words
United States 124awards
Joined 11th Apr 2015
Forum Posts: 17490

Either this is the largest publicity stunt ever ( which I don't believe but must concede its possibility ); or, this book is so damning team Trump will not stop attempting to block it until it's actually published and available to the general public.

While Mary Trump is indeed Trump's niece, she also holds a graduate degree in writing from Columbia University and a doctorate in psychology from Adelphi University.

Trump Family Lawyer Charles Harder Asks Judge to Keep Mary Trump Gagged

Harder argues that the situation resembles copyright infringement cases in which courts have held the First Amendment does not apply.

Just hours after startling revelations were made public about Mary Trump’s highly anticipated Trump family tell-all Too Much And Never Enough: How My Family Created The World’s Most Dangerous Man, the president’s brother made a fervent plea to a judge to continue a gag order against his niece.

At the heart of Robert Trump’s legal arguments is the claim that if not stopped, the book could undermine and destabilize all private confidentiality agreements like the one Mary Trump signed in the disposition of family patriarch Fred Trump’s estate. Both Mary Trump and publisher Simon & Schuster have asserted that they have a First Amendment right to disseminate the information despite the non-disclosure deal.

Celebrity attorney Charles Harder, representing the elder generation of Trumps, insisted that Mary Trump’s depiction of her family in the memoir—which The Daily Beast first reported was “harrowing and salacious” last month—is not protected political speech. Instead, he said, the situation resembles copyright infringement cases in which courts have held the First Amendment does not apply.

“Her descriptions and accounts of her ‘relationship’ with Donald Trump are personal observations, not political commentary,” Harder argued. “Like the rules permitting the enforcement of copyrights and trademarks, the rule that private contracts are enforceable is not a content-based restriction on speech.”

Further, Harder maintained that book publishers such as Simon & Schuster do not enjoy the same protections the Supreme Court has afforded to news organizations. This reasoning seems to rest on what he claimed is a fundamental difference in how the two different kinds of media function as a business and obtain information.

Journalists enjoy the right to publish material obtained through unlawful means because, Harder wrote, they “passively receive, from sources, information independently obtained.” But Harder asserted book publishers are inherently complicit in the offending act—and profit in conjunction with the writer—and thus are subject to legal restrictions reporters do not face.

“Book publishers pay their authors to create books under lucrative publishing contracts; the manuscripts are then edited by employees of the publisher, as well as the author, in a collaborative process before publication,” he continued. “No case has ever extended the special privileges of newsgathering to book publishers.”

Harder further accused Simon & Schuster of several “bad faith actions,” including shipping copies of the book to distributors despite knowing of Mary Trump’s confidentiality agreement, and then attempting to argue that “the horse was out of the barn.” Were Judge Greenwald to decide the case in the author or publisher’s favor, it would establish a dangerous new loophole in confidentiality agreements, Harder argues.

“Any author, under any legal restriction, even one that included an agreement to submit to injunctive relief, would simply need to find a publisher willing to quickly get the book into distribution,” he wrote. “This would become the go-to approach for anyone subject to a legitimate confidentiality agreement they wished to breach. Simply find a publisher and put it in a book.”

A rep for Simon & Schuster did not respond to a request for comment.

Earlier Tuesday, The Daily Beast, after obtaining a copy of the book, published many of its damning revelations, including that Trump is said to have paid a friend to take the SAT for him when he was applying to college, his sister and former federal court judge Maryanne called him a “clown” after he announced his run for the White House, and as his brother Fred Jr. died in a hospital from complications with alcoholism he went to the movies.

The Daily Beast first reported that the book would see Mary “outing” herself as the primary source of The New York Times’ Pulitzer Prize-winning investigation of the president’s taxes, helping to reveal how he received more than $400 million from his father’s real estate empire and was involved in “fraudulent” tax schemes. As she reveals in the book, Mary supplied the paper with Fred Trump Sr.’s tax returns and other highly confidential financial information.

[ . . . ]


Tyrant of Words
United States 124awards
Joined 11th Apr 2015
Forum Posts: 17490

^ Or, option No. 3 and the most probable - team Trump is attempting to drain the publisher financially via legal actions until solvent and unable to defend its right to publish the book.

Tyrant of Words
Joined 7th Jan 2018
Forum Posts: 3004

JohnnyBlaze said:

Highlighted and underscored for added emphasis in a thread concerned with among other things, racism.


Taylor Swift would say folks need to calm down...


Tyrant of Words
United States 124awards
Joined 11th Apr 2015
Forum Posts: 17490

Dangerous Mind
Joined 3rd May 2020
Forum Posts: 2668

Ahavati said:How to Mask 😂


Very funny
She was very entertaining

Tyrant of Words
United States 124awards
Joined 11th Apr 2015
Forum Posts: 17490

She's a great comedian.

How to second term. . .😂


Guardian of Shadows
Yemen 67awards
Joined 1st Apr 2011
Forum Posts: 14608

Anonymous said:<< post removed >>

same on this thread. if it continues on any thread you will lose access to threads. simple

your move

Guardian of Shadows
Yemen 67awards
Joined 1st Apr 2011
Forum Posts: 14608

Anonymous said:<< post removed >>

I'm not arguing with you. don't be a dick you'll be fine. simple

Dangerous Mind
Joined 3rd May 2020
Forum Posts: 2668

Ahavati said:She's a great comedian.

How to second term. . .😂


Love her she's really good

poet Anonymous

Free Speech at its finest.

New York City paints Black Lives Matter mural outside Trump Tower in Manhattan


City employees began painting a stretch of Fifth Avenue, just in front of the Trump Organization's headquarters, on Thursday morning. Mayor Bill de Blasio authorized the stark yellow mural earlier this month.

The New York mayor rolled up his sleeves and painted a bit of the mural, too, clad in a mask and flanked by civil rights leader, the Rev. Al Sharpton.

Ansolutely LOVE these two men.

poet Anonymous

Trump exercises his Freedom of Speech by having Twitter meltdown


A peaceful July 9th was interrupted with at least 11 rants and CAPITALIZED accusations on Twitter by President Trump. Americans were hardly surprised. This really was not "breaking news" worthy of a bulletin.

poet Anonymous

JohnnyBlaze said:Trump exercises his Freedom of Speech by having Twitter meltdown


Uhh ... make that at least 13 tweets ......

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