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Freedom of Speech and Censorship

poet Anonymous

Ahavati said:

There are certainly some helicockters around here! I can't believe I finally got to use that new word I learned this week!

I certainly hope you're wrong about it being an un-winnable war, Ricky.

Knew all about the helicockter thing. It’s been acted out a few times lol.

I hope I’m wrong too.
But I highly doubt it. Don’t think it’d happen in my life-time.

Dangerous Mind
Joined 3rd May 2020
Forum Posts: 2668

I thought bragging about your junk meant you had less than normal size I could be wrong but I've never heard Trump say a word
Sorry for the shock

poet Anonymous

Valeriyabeyond said:I thought bragging about your junk meant you had less than normal size I could be wrong but I've never heard Trump say a word
Sorry for the shock

lol. In many cases however, I don’t think it’s true. There are some that do pack some meat and my response about bigger balls and them not overthrowing anything at all, probably doesn’t help matters, but if people wanna come at me like Jackie Chan, they’re gonna get Bruce Lee.

Tyrant of Words
Joined 7th Jan 2018
Forum Posts: 3004

Valeriyabeyond said:I thought bragging about your junk meant you had less than normal size I could be wrong but I've never heard Trump say a word
Sorry for the shock

It’s not the size that matters, it’s the speed of rotation!

poet Anonymous

I’m comfortable in my skin anyways.
It’s either I’m small, or the female is huge. Don’t care what people really look like, but if people got jokes, I’m coming with them too lol.

Dangerous Mind
Joined 3rd May 2020
Forum Posts: 2668

Sorry about the image Johnny my sick thinking got the best of me, image removed

Tyrant of Words
United States 124awards
Joined 11th Apr 2015
Forum Posts: 17530

Valeriyabeyond said:Sorry about the image Johnny my sick thinking got the best of me, image removed

lol! I don't think he cared!

poet Anonymous

Ahavati said:

lol! I don't think he cared!

If the painting of Trump didn't cause me to lose my cookies, nothing will.

poet Anonymous

Edward need not write a piss takers part 3
I’m on it with more than 2 genders.

poet Anonymous

LGBT is backed by white supremacy.

Sorry. Bloody iPhone changing words again.
Was supposed to put

KFCR shit and my life to them a freak

Guardian of Shadows
Yemen 67awards
Joined 1st Apr 2011
Forum Posts: 14608

if we take a look at what we agree on for a sec. I think we all agree there's stone cold killers in the police force. for the most part they've acted with impunity. murdered people in cold blood. the justice system, and society in  general, even after four hundred years of servitude and citizenship still don't treat the people as equal. any interaction with the police could be fatal. its not right,  the time might be right to put an end to it once and for all

{ watched an interview with a woman, i think her name was Alice. she was one of the original Panthers. when asked about the upcoming election she said something which i thought was very profound. I'll have to paraphrase it. "its really about which one we can pressure the most make changes"}

I think where we  come into disagreement isn't really of much significance. not so much that if we were there and able wouldn't march down the street together.

The core foundation::

I think everybody agrees black lives matter. i don't think i've read anything to the contrary. so we're still together in a manner of speak. nobody thinks black lives don't matter. happy days. so one of us declares she identifies as an African american, on the face of it, at first anyway it appears to be a bit laughable

so now we're looking at her and some of us are saying you can't do that, lady. you're the wrong colour. it's crazy. you're crazy.

( I got something of what she  was saying.  a lot of people went to a lot of time and trouble for people to identify as whatever they like.  question arises: will the people (us) recognise the woman's identity ? )

we're still marching together.

one of us declares all lives matter. its not received well. the common perception of someone who utters those words is that he or she is an enemy.

{i think we're making a mistake here. let's listen to what he or she is saying. if the fundamentals are more or less the same ie: treat everyone as equal. stop the police slaughter happy days. stand by me}

where I'm sceptical  is the notion the enemy is identified as a middle aged white man. while it might be true in some cases my logic tells me those people don't stop their shit because they've passed middle age or haven't reached it  yet. the enemy is defined ambiguously, it could be any middle aged white man in america. in my opinion that's a terrific human shield for whoever the people are who are in control.

I think at the very least a list should be drawn up. the people should know who they are fighting. otherwise it'll be like the war on terror or the war on drugs.  

another thing the lady said was if everyone identified as black there'd be no  racism. again, i think while it's a bit out there it does have an element of sense to it. that said, I think we could all  be any colour and we'd still find ourselves at odds with people, some of us anyway because of other identities or beliefs etc  obviously speculation though

so, question arises:   are we at a place where we can march on together ?  

one of us declares a race war is bogus, we should be fighting the unnamed enemy, find out who exactly  they are, name them. put an end to the slaughter, give the people equality through law and throughout society.

so now we have a different set of thoughts. the core foundation is the same though. stop the slaughter, give the people equality in law and throughout society.  

so, the question arises. can we still march together. I don't see why not. I don't feel i'm taking away from the core foundation. we all still want the same thing. I think we're in a position where we don't know who the enemy is but i recognise there are people in the foreground who are the enemy, some governors, senators, congress people and of course police and civil servants

the numbers posted a couple of pages back say the continent has about 72% white americans. this chart by Pew research centre says 58 is the most common age for whites in america.


my personal opinion about the hashtag dispute is that it only serves to help the enemy. I think people need to listen to each other and understand, or at least try to understand their position. figure out how to reach some kind of happy medium and unite

i think the sight of crowds of people representing all the hashtags and such would surly be a sight for those who weren't wanting to see it

so the question arise, can we all march together

[I'm very open to a conversion about racism. its one of the questions i ask guests on Legends. I think a conversation is better than a debate because no one has to win a conversation]

Tyrant of Words
United States 124awards
Joined 11th Apr 2015
Forum Posts: 17530

lepperochan said:
[ . . . ]
so one of us declares she identifies as an African american, on the face of it, at first anyway it appears to be a bit laughable

so now we're looking at her and some of us are saying you can't do that, lady. you're the wrong colour. it's crazy. you're crazy.

( I got something of what she  was saying.  a lot of people went to a lot of time and trouble for people to identify as whatever they like.  question arises: will the people (us) recognise the woman's identity ? )

[. . . ]

Firstly, that is not accurate. No one cares if she identifies as a "Black American Woman".  I certainly have not said nor implied she was crazy for believing such. For me, it's the badgering, the shadowing, the snide, personal remarks akin to 'you'll agree with me or I won't leave you alone'.  Which, now has been settled ( hopefully, but we'll see ).

Secondly, please tell me in the history of this country when there wasn't middle-aged white men in control? Who signed the Declaration of Independence? Who lead the wars? Who were the generals? Who were/are the presidents? How old were the majority of congress and what gender? And so forth. I think the majority ( except for you, of course ), gets exactly what I'm saying when I say " middle-aged white men "; it's those who run this country for whomever is behind them.

Lastly, let's not forget to include your lovely remarks to me:

with respect, lady. you're fighting nothing. by your own accounts you barely leave the comfort of your home. it would appear the sum of your protest is to get in front of your computer, start a discussion thread then use it to post news articles which support your narrative. the establishment must be shaking like a leaf.

go protest with the people then preach to others.

six weeks ago you felt the American flag encompassed ALL the american people. that Amerca had "changed dramatically" and that black men EVEN had a vote..

that was before all this went viral. strikes me your thoughts change when things become popular. theres a name for people like that, and it's not nice :

blah blah blah

Conversation? I tell you what, demonstrate you can actually have one without judging how I live my life, calling me and idiot and/or hypocrite ( repeatedly ), and we might just be able to have one.

Regardless, I'm marching.

P.S. - I will probably edit this at least five times.

P.P.S. - Ages of current members of Congress
While these age requirements are generally low, most members of Congress are nearly senior citizens. As of October 2018, the average age of the 115 th Congress (the current Congress) is 57.8 years for the House of Representatives and 61.8 years for the Senate.

What is the ratio of men to women in Congress? Getting to the Answer: Each of the 50 states gets 2 voting members in the Senate, so there are 50 × 2 = 100 senators. The ratio of males to females in the 113th Congress was 4:1, so 4 parts male plus 1 part female equals a total of 100 senators.

Women in the U.S. House of Representatives 2019
101 women hold seats in the House of Representatives, comprising 23.2% of the 435 members in 2019. The women represent 34 states; 88 are Democrats and 13 are Republicans.

Is THAT clear enough definition for middle-aged white men?  Or should I list the number of Black, Hispanic or Latino, or Asian representatives and senators?

Here you go:

More than one-in-five voting members (22%) of the U.S. House of Representatives and Senate are racial or ethnic minorities, making the 116th Congress the most racially and ethnically diverse in history. There has been a long-running trend toward more racial and ethnic diversity on Capitol Hill: Each of the previous four Congresses broke the record set by the Congress before it.

See? Like I said, we're getting there.

I think that's probably five edits.

poet Anonymous

I’d just like to point out, I’m not gay.
Just imagine how funny it’d be though, if I actually had a friend in the street yelling he’s a q-wuh-ear and straight people getting offended.

Tyrant of Words
Joined 31st Mar 2018
Forum Posts: 3572

"I think at the very least a list should be drawn up"

Not saying at all someone should draw up a list...

But do you have *any* idea of how long that list would be , taking
into account everyone in influential positions , *against* unity on
this topic , in not only the United ( supposedly ) States , but every
other country the protests are going on ?


Guardian of Shadows
Yemen 67awards
Joined 1st Apr 2011
Forum Posts: 14608

"Firstly, that is not accurate. No one cares if she identifies as a "Black American Woman".  I certainly have not said nor implied she was crazy for believing such. "

certainly never implied you said anything of the sort. "no one cares" isn't really accurate either. there were some posts which were at odds with the idea. but it's not really important  

"Secondly, please tell me in the history of this country when there wasn't middle-aged white men in control? Who signed the Declaration of Independence? Who lead the wars? Who were the generals? Who were/are the presidents? How old were the majority of congress and what gender? And so forth. "

I checked it out.  have a look for yourself


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