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Freedom of Speech and Censorship

Tyrant of Words
Joined 7th Jan 2018
Forum Posts: 3004

DEMAND for #blacklivesmatter

Since you demand things of me
I exercise my authority to demand of you

Make every member raise their fist and say



I am David Dorn
I am from Africa

poet Anonymous

From 2 days ago, but worth repeating.

Ahavati said:Look, we are all ONE species: homo sapiens, the last surviving known human. Before there were at least 15 ( to date ) that are now extinct. That we can agree on.  However, within that species are various cultural distinctions from Black, Native American, White, Asian, Latino, at al who all have a right to their prideful heritage and customs.

No one has a right to strip anyone of their rightful birth. I am not Black; I am White. Neither am I Asian; I am White.  Nor am I Latina; I am white. Despite my education and knowledge of facts, I am STILL also CLUELESS about what it's like to be anything but White in America ( or anywhere else ) because I am White. But, I have an idea of their deep suffering because I have witnessed it and I have educated myself. Despite it all, I will still never know what it FEELS like to receive a look from a racist for being Black, because I am not Black.

And until White people get off their high #Alllives/Bluelivesmatter horse, they will never be able to begin the needed dialogue for equality because they want to counter the real issue and control the narrative by diverting #Blacklivesmatter with anything else but BLACK, i.e. - All, Blue, Love, and so on and so on.

STOP. SHUTUP. LISTEN. AND FEEL. This is not about YOU. It's about THEM. The first step to unity is a humble acceptance and willingness to listen to another's pain without changing the narrative. Just listen.


Tyrant of Words
Joined 7th Jan 2018
Forum Posts: 3004

EdibleWords said:DEMAND for #blacklivesmatter

Since you demand things of me
I exercise my authority to demand of you

Make every member raise their fist and say



I am David Dorn
I am from Africa

Tyrant of Words
United States 124awards
Joined 11th Apr 2015
Forum Posts: 17572

Black Lives Matter protest disrupted by racist abuse

Police say they are investigating racist abuse at a Black Lives Matter protest meeting in Hertfordshire.

People in Hoddesdon were marking the death of George Floyd in the US.

The protest on Monday night was cut short after hecklers shouted racist comments and made reference to the murder of soldier Lee Rigby,

Hertfordshire Chief Constable Bill Jephson said: "We will always challenge discrimination and racism wherever we find it."

He said: "We understand that people of all ethnicities, throughout Hertfordshire and beyond rightly feel horrified about the death of George Floyd in America.

"We as a constabulary stand shoulder to shoulder with those across the country, and indeed the world, who are both saddened and angered by the way Mr Floyd lost his life on 25 May.

[ . . . ]


Tyrant of Words
United States 124awards
Joined 11th Apr 2015
Forum Posts: 17572

JohnnyBlaze said:From 2 days ago, but worth repeating.

It's amazing what could happen if some would stop making it all about themselves, and listen instead.

Tyrant of Words
Joined 7th Jan 2018
Forum Posts: 3004

Ahavati said:

Hertfordshire Chief Constable Bill Jephson said: "We will always challenge discrimination and racism wherever we find it."

[ . . . ]


Then make them respect their origins

Say I AM black
I am from Africa

Tyrant of Words
United States 124awards
Joined 11th Apr 2015
Forum Posts: 17572

Black Lives Matter protests extend into America's suburbs and towns

Last Thursday Coatesville, Pennsylvania, was home to what's become a familiar sight: a protest of more than a thousand people chanting "Black Lives Matter" and "I can't breathe."

But Coatesville is no ordinary place for a protest. About an hour drive west of Philadelphia, the old steel town of about 13,000 is a far cry from the liberal metropolises that typically host protests and demonstrations, underscoring the vast breadth of the reignited Black Lives Matter movement and the growing political importance of the suburbs.

"I think people are tired," said James Logan, Coatesville's assistant city manager, in a telephone interview Monday. "It's just been boiling for so long and now it's just running over."


poet Anonymous

Ahavati said:

It's amazing what could happen if some would stop making it all about themselves, and listen instead.

I sure am and appreciate all the articles you have aggregated.

Tyrant of Words
United States 124awards
Joined 11th Apr 2015
Forum Posts: 17572

JohnnyBlaze said:

I sure am and appreciate all the articles you have aggregated.

Positive energy begets positive energy begets change!

Dangerous Mind
Joined 3rd May 2020
Forum Posts: 2668

EdibleWords said:Why YOU Should Say “I AM Black”

Their is no
white silence

from such a mouth

Sweet Edible sister your persistant deliberate opposition is a bit juvenile
It feels much like a burr in the lining of my garment

If you want to identify with science ok,
if you want to claim the color of the pigment  from where you  descended ok

I AM NOT BLACK, . I would scientifically be African,   with a  Czechoslovakian fairness ,  highlighted with a touch of Aztec Olive that is where my group from Africa migrated to that's what color I am.
Although when identifying myself  that seems kind of difficult to describe Unless we could   develop a color chart whereby we can be classified by the color of our areolas

Tyrant of Words
Joined 7th Jan 2018
Forum Posts: 3004

Valeriyabeyond said:

Sweet Edible sister your persistant deliberate opposition is a bit juvenile
It feels much like a burr in the lining of my garment

If you want to identify with science ok,
if you want to claim the color of the pigment  from where you  descended ok

I AM NOT BLACK, . I would scientifically be African,   with a  Czechoslovakian fairness ,  highlighted with a touch of Aztec Olive that is where my group from Africa migrated to that's what color I am.
Although when identifying myself  that seems kind of difficult to describe Unless we could   develop a color chart whereby we can be classified by the color of our areolas

I’m being shadow-banned cause the Devil is pissed.

Vote Black this election!🖤

Tyrant of Words
United States 124awards
Joined 11th Apr 2015
Forum Posts: 17572

GOOD FOR HER!  The image is powerful.

He showed up angry at a Black Lives Matter protest. She showed how to stare him down.

A peaceful protest in a small Montana resort town turned ugly Wednesday night when a visibly angry man confronted demonstrators, yelling at them while standing only inches away from their faces.

In a video shared on social media, a man is seen yelling profanities at a group of demonstrators supporting Black Lives Matter in Whitefish, about 60 miles from the Canadian border.
The man, identified by police as Jay Snowden, 51, is clearly agitated and becomes increasingly so as the group starts chanting "peaceful!" to drown out his yelling.

In a powerful image shared by Samantha Francine, who is one of the protesters, Snowden, a tall white man, is seen looking down on a much smaller Francine while she looks up into his eyes, holding a poster that reads "Say Their Names."

In a powerful image shared by Samantha Francine, who is one of the protesters, Snowden, a tall white man, is seen looking down on a much smaller Francine while she looks up into his eyes, holding a poster that reads "Say Their Names."
Francine, who is biracial, told CNN that in that heated moment with Snowden standing inches away from her face, she felt no fear.


Dangerous Mind
Joined 3rd May 2020
Forum Posts: 2668

EdibleWords said:

I’m being shadow-banned cause the Devil is pissed.

Vote Black this election!🖤

Sure the devil's gets pissed if you hold his hand then run home to Jesus

Dangerous Mind
Joined 3rd May 2020
Forum Posts: 2668

JohnnyBlaze said:

I sure am and appreciate all the articles you have aggregated.

I also thank you for all the info,

Tyrant of Words
United States 124awards
Joined 11th Apr 2015
Forum Posts: 17572

Valeriyabeyond said:

I also thank you for all the info,

Thousands protest racism in Brussels as U.S. movement sweeps Europe

Thousands gathered in Brussels on Sunday for a Black Lives Matter protest that was largely peaceful but ended with some protesters looting and clashing with police, resulting in at least 150 arrests.

The protest was the latest in a string of demonstrations across Europe inspired by the U.S. movement against racism and police violence. According to the Brussels police, up to 10,000 people were present at Brussels' Place Poelaert, outside the city's Palace of Justice court. The demonstration was not officially permitted, but was "tolerated" by the city of Brussels, a spokesperson for the mayor said beforehand. Prime Minister Sophie Wilmès last week expressed concerns about the demonstration because of the coronavirus pandemic.

The vast majority of participants were wearing masks covering their mouths, but because of the massive turnout, social distancing was nearly impossible. Organizers had predicted beforehand that the turnout would be half as much as it was.

But protesters, most dressed in black, said the pandemic would not stop them from coming out in support of George Floyd, a black man, whose death under the knee of a white police officer in the U.S. state of Minnesota has sparked demonstrations worldwide.

"People are respecting the rules to stay safe, which is important," said Anne, 33, who declined to give her last name so as not to be identified by her employer.

"But we want our voices to be heard. I have been living in Brussels my whole life and experienced firsthand that discrimination and police violence for people of color is not just a problem in the United States. Whether it's discrimination to find a house or a job or a house, extra police searches or a different tone when lawmakers talk to you — this is a problem in Belgium as well."

"As a black person, the killing of Floyd touched me because it could have been someone of my family," said 22-year-old student Rachel Buyse. "We also face inequalities here in Belgium." Her friends, who all come from different backgrounds, said they were there to support her.

"For our generation, it makes sense that all people are equal," said 23-year-old Lisa Hitter.

The protest also comes in response to similar complaints about police violence in Belgium, such as the death of 19-year-old Adil of Moroccan descent, who was killed during a police chase in Brussels in April while allegedly fleeing from a police check.

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